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Roll the dice and see what you get. Kyle loved the different games in tabletop role-playing. Getting to throw dice and live out a fantasy with friends always ended up being a blast. Today was a day when those fantasies would come alive once again. The game table was set, and graph paper, map items, and tokens were ready to go. Dice trays, screens, sheets. Kyle had everything ready and his friends were just about to arrive. He could only wonder what the dice would have in store for him today.

“Alright, we’re here!” Instead of knocking Kyle’s friend Jeff barges through the doorway like usual. He walks in and plops down in his seat by the window. The other two behind him also wander in but more politely. The girl of the group is Toni, and the glasses-wearing chubby fellow is Tom. Jeff on the other hand is rather muscular but ironically the nerdiest of the group. Even if he sounds a little rude at times, he always acts with a friendly energy. Jeff’s character, Gorerick, on the other hand, was more of a dopey bugbear. Acted nice, but had a drinking problem. Yet was skilled being a stealthy archer.

“So I got everything ready for Vicdril.” Tom takes his seat opposite Kyle and sets down his character sheet and notebook. “I made sure to write down the ritual spells I have too; after the level-up. Yup, actually remembered this time.” A usual calm and level-headed player. However, when getting into his character he tended to be more animated and sillier is the best way Kyle can say it. Vicdril was the horny bard of the group.

“I think I’m all set too.” Toni was a bit of a quiet girl. Sitting down at the edge of the table she sets down her sheet though she has no notebook. Being a bit newer to the game she usually played by ear, and had not gotten much into the role-play side of things yet. Though now and again she was starting to get into it. “I won’t use fireball near any oil barrels this time.” She also could be a bit absent-minded about what her skills do. It often happened with new players, luckily the party had no issues giving suggestions.

Taking a long breath Kyle makes sure to keep his nerves calm. He always got a bit jittery before a session started. “Alright then. If everyone’s ready we can start up.” The group nods eager to start up again. Opening his game master screen Kyle opens up his notebook browsing over his notes to look at the summary of the last session. “Alright. So. Last time the party found themselves in dire straits. The count they had been helping turned out to be a vampire lord, and the book the party had given him was just another step in his evil plan. The party was ejected from the city and found themselves in a swamp unsure what to do next and how to return. They wander trying to figure out where they are. It was then after accidentally blowing up a group of lizardfolk that were too close to their oil drums… that they found out the swamp had been infected with vampire spawn. The vampire lord simply wished to make the party food for its pets. However, the party got away from the largest group of vampire lizards. They now find themselves wounded and running out of resources with still no clear way of how they can get home. So.” Kyle looks between those around the table. “What do you do?”

Sighing Gorerick brushes back his fuzzy disheveled hair and crouches down sniffing at the air. The bugbear tries to get some sort of scent but only smells rot and decay. “Hmph.” Gorerick scoffs kicking at the mud under his foot. “This whole swamp smells of rot. I think that bastard really infected the whole place. It’s too hard to tell where we are from here.”

Vicdril rubs at his chin, the half-elf carefully stepping over a few roots. Clearing his throat his playful voice chimes in. “Well then.” The pale-skinned halfelf points up with a smirk. “How about you go up and have a look?”

“WAIT” Toni slams her hand on the table and shakes her head. “Um, um, what can Frixle do? I’m a wizard, right?”

Everyone in the group pauses for a moment but Kyle nods his head slowly. “Yes… you’re a wizard. But you haven’t long rested yet so you only have cantrips currently.”

Frixle frowns and lifts her quarterstaff whacking the side of one of the large trees nearby. “These things are huge.” The kobold Frixle dusts some mud off her red scales and sighs. With limited resources she could only ponder what to do, silently worrying that time may be an important factor. “We probably shouldn’t rest right now… we have to warn the city or… something.”

Vicdril pats Frixle’s shoulder and walks over to their bugbear friend. “Have no fear little one. I have just the thing!” Taking out a potion the half-elf uncorks it and passes it over to Gorerick. “There you are, my furry friend. I know you got hurt pretty bad last time… drink that, then climb on up. You’re better at that than both of us. If you think you’re going to fall from the top or something I’ll make sure you don’t die.”

Gorerick rolls his eyes and drinks down the potion watching as some of his fresh wounds vanish. “Fine, fine… I’ll climb up. It’s probably the only thing we can do right now anyway.” A die clacks against the table, and Gorerick climbs the large tree. It takes only about a minute for the bugbear to reach the top. He was an expert climber, sitting in trees waiting for prey was normal for him. Now however he had to figure out where he was. “Hah.” A smile creeps across his face and he can see it, the city right over the horizon. “Guys! I can see the city! We’re not even that far!” It would probably take them a day or maybe two at most walking to reach it. That is if they are not attacked by more creatures. Climbing back down Gorerick stretches out his back and stands tall with new confidence. “Well then, all we have to do is go… um.” Gorerick squints up at the sky. The tree line was hard to see through in the swamp, but his navigational skills still let him know the general direction. “Should be south east it looks like… We never came out this way… The city blocked the path a few months back. Hah, can we even survive more of those lizard things?”

Groaning with just one step Vicdril nods. “We gotta survive… but we need a tank don’t we?”

Gorerick raises an eyebrow. “What’s a tank?”


Toni gasps, and Jeff sighs as Tom glares. “Come on, you know I wasn’t in character. I’m just saying we need a tank.”

Jeff nods leaning forward as he eyes the empty seat. “Yeeeah… I mean not my fault Dan ditched out. Scheduling conflict three weeks in a row is a little much though.”

Rolling his eyes Tom looks at Kyle and his character's playful tone rolls off each of his words. “Okay… I don’t care if it’s a Player character for the game master… wanna give us like a hireling that will die for us?”

Kyle shakes his head. Nothing good ever came from such things so he speaks plainly. “Come on, come on, you shoulda hired one before you handed in your book if you wanted to do that.”

Toni rolls her dice in her hands and shrugs. “Not like we knew we were gonna get teleported miles away from the city.”

Kyle sighs at himself looking down to his notes and then back at his players. “Well, why don’t you all decide what you’re doing next, and see what happens? Would you like to keep moving back toward the city? Wanna rest?”


Kyle did not know what happened. Slowly but surely the party begins to talk, but Kyle could not hear them. Their voices sounded distant somehow as if speaking into a can. He tries to speak up but no words come to him. The gurgles of white noise then vanish. Nothing.

“Well lets fuckin go then!”

Kyle finally could hear Jeff’s voice. However he also felt pressure against his stomach. He was bouncing against something furry. Blinking a few times he looks at mud and grass zoom by his eyes. Though a furry torso is also in front of him. “H-huh?” Groggy Kyle rubs at his eyes. “No way…” Somehow, someway, he was not sure how but a bugbear man was currently carrying him over its shoulder. It had a few pieces of leather armor on, a bow on its back. It looked a lot like how Jeff always described Gorerick.

“You wakin' up guy?” There the voice was again. Gorerick sets Kyle down and the sound of wet mud echoes against his ear. Two others come up from behind them panting heavily their boots thick with mud. “Haha, Frixle, Vicdril, glad ya could make it. Don’t think those guys will chase us this far.”

It was the characters, a kobold with red scales, a half-elf with those pointy ears and pale skin, and a bugbear. Gorerick talks to the others casually, and listening to them each it sounds just like the real-life players speaking. “This can’t be real.” Kyle gently touches his head feeling a stinging bump on it. “Tsk… did, did I get hit or something? This can’t be real.”

“As asked you managed to save the defenseless victim. It seems like the lizardfolk wanted to make them food.”

Vertigo fills Kyle’s head; he wobbles in place hearing his own voice echo as if some godly voice from above. “Wh-what? Was that me? But deeper… this. I don’t get it. I’m. I’m I up there or down here?”

“The man appears confused but is relatively healthy. Though from your history check, you recall seeing the man's face within the city. A person thought dead for months now. A funeral was even held. By the government's eyes, the person is already dead, they had no friends, no family. What do you do?”

Kyle groans softly hearing all the words. “W-wait what?! Come on, I wouldn’t be that cheesy just to give them some hireling!”

Frixle walks up to Kyle now and circles around him. The red-scaled kobold brings a clawed finger to her chin lost in thought. “Hmmm. I think I have some kind of potion that can help. Remember that one we got from the alchemist a few months back? You both kept telling me I couldn’t drink it.”

Vicdril holds a hand up to Frixle and walks over to Kyle now. A lute draped over the bard's shoulder he pulls it frontward and strums at it soothingly. “Now, now, now. Come on everyone, we’re scaring our poor friend here. But it’s alright we’re friends. I’m not gonna do anything weird to you okay?”

Kyle sighs looking between his so-called friends, or at least his friends' personas. “Yeah… I don’t believe that at all. You guys just want a tank. Acutally.” Kyle stomps his foot down and stands firmly. “I don’t even know what the hells going on! Is this supposed to be like those comics about guys being thrown into fantasy worlds? I rather have some overpowered ability and a group of girls chasing after me. I don’t need this! Hello! God? Weird clone disembodied voice of myself? Can you get me out of here?! Can I wake up now?!” Kyle hears dice rattle off in the distance but sees no dice around himself.

“The man believes your words. As far as he knows you have no ill intentions. You’re just heroes who saved him.”

Rolling his eyes Kyle groans disgusted. “Is this how this feels? Do I do this to my NPC—” Trying to keep speaking Kyle suddenly feels a wave of relief wash over him just looking into Vicdril’s baby blue eyes. The calming half-elf really made him think everything was going to be okay. “O-okay…” A light blush crosses Kyle’s cheeks as he stutters on his words. “Maybe I was coming off a little—” Shaking his head Kyle runs over to the nearby tree and hits his head against it. “NO! What the hells am I saying? Why would I blush at something Vicdril said he’s such a dork!” Whining under his breath Kyle drags his fingers against his face. “I hate this… this doesn’t make sense… it’s a dream, right? Ugh… that hurt though. Did I actually come to a new world?” Closing his eyes he looks to the party and then back at himself. “Maybe I could learn magic? If I just avoid the main party… I should be able to live like this is a real fantasy world right? That wouldn’t be that bad… not having to work a shitty nine to five? Get magic powers?” Kyle talks the situation up hoping for something positive. Though from experience so far he knew he had to leave the party to get his fantasy. “I never get to be a player… so I can go be one myself. Somewhere far from here. It’s my world anyway! Yeah, I know everything, I know what’s gonna happen too!”

Despite Kyle’s words the rest of the party was still not listening like he was just some unimportant NPC (Non-playable Character). Normally that may not matter but Kyle was beginning to worry about such a fact since the party was currently talking about what to do with him. “I got it!” More concern fills Kyle hearing a cheerful Frixle. The kobold waddles herself over to Kyle and pulls out a glowing potion from her bag. “it’s the perfect time to use this! Here drink it, it’ll make sure you don’t die in the swamp!”

Kyle groans at the situation, what person would willingly take a potion from someone and drink it? More so if the person was talking about life and death.


“Of course, I’ll drink!” Kyle snatches up the potion and greedily chugs the contents till not even a drop is left. Feeling the last of it go down his throat a wave of worry washes over him. The dice, again, the dice made him act out again. “Oh come on!” Grabbing hold of Frixle’s shoulders Kyle gives the small kobold a few shakes. “What are you trying to do to me?!”

The voice from above speaks once again. Though this time Kyle could not hear it well. Was he just becoming part of the world? The rest of the party grins at each other with knowing smiles, they clearly knew what was going on.

“Roll the stat block.”

The words were fuzzy but he could hear a few at least, the rest were gargled. No one had died, why would the party need to roll stats? “U-urk!” A chest pain nags at Kyle making him reel back from Frixle. “D-damn it what is this?” Trying to catch his breath was hard, something was overcoming him. Then he hears it, the roll of dice from the clouds above. “Y-you gotta be kidding me the potion made me a player?!” Pausing a few moments still holding at his side Kyle shakes his head and sighs. “Wait… why would they all get to make a player character together? That doesn’t even make sense, they’ll make something dumb if they merge their ideas.” Complaining and whining aside Kyle hears from above more and more dice roll. If they were rolling out a character it would make sense to roll out several stats and reroll if possible. Point Buy was rather boring after all. “Well… maybe.” Kyle whispers, his eyes wincing as he looks at his arms gain a bit of bulk. “Maybe… maybe it won’t be bad, it’ll make me strong right? Even a level one is better than a normal person.”

“Oh, oh, I know, it has to be a girl.”

The muffled voice from the sky changes, it is that of a girl. It sounded like Toni from what Kyle could tell. The party was talking about how to change the random NPC, which just happened to be Kyle now. “A-ahah… What they say won’t actually happen though right?”

“Yeah, we gotta make a muscle babe to tank for us!”

Tom’s comment did not exactly reassure Kyle. Though looking over his body he could tell his arms were stronger than minutes before. Rolling his eyes he wearily replies to his enthusiastic friends. “Are you guys writing this stuff on the character sheet or something? Can I even do—” Wincing his eyes shut Kyle feels something new washing over his body. It was muscle tension, relaxing, and then tightening. It felt soothing yet had a pain to it. The feeling then converges to one spot, Kyle’s crotch.


Kyle falls to the ground feeling his body tighten. Drool runs off his lips as he grabs at his pants trying to stabilize himself. It was obvious to him what was happening. The tugging, the pulling the twisting in his gut. The parties’ words were changing him. “Hah,” Vicdril laughs at the scene. With an amused tone to his voice, his words come out as taunts. “Enjoying yourself there? If not, I can make ya enjoy things a little.”

A strummed song from a magical bard touches Kyle’s ears. Any pain he was feeling eases, however, his crotch still presses into itself. He thought it would be painful still but the song makes it pleasing. Kyle’s lips part and a moan rolls off them. “N-ngh!” His cheeks beat red as he hears a feminine tone replace his normal voice. Vicdril of course laughs and Frixle covers her mouth. Gorerick remains aloof but still watches the changes like it was a sideshow. Kyle however could still hear Jeff’s voice from above.

“So like how good should the abs be?”

Kyle’s eyes glow a faint red and he grits his teeth trying his best to yell out in protest. “D-dang it stop it!” Instead of a yell, a few moaning words of resistance are all Kyle can muster. His back arches and he grits his teeth. His balls he so tried to save twist from his hand. His cock he thought would not vanish does the same. Toni of course had to add in her two cents to the changes, her voice filled with glee.

“Abs, she should be built for sure… nice and smooth too!”

Kyle’s changes continue; a smooth surface is left while a new opening is created between her legs. Kyle was made a girl; just like that. She coughs up some spit and brushes her hand along her thigh feeling her body tingle at the touch. Did it have to feel so pleasing? Vicdril seemed too amused to stop playing his song, though he always had something to say. “Hey.” Vicdril speaks up loudly walking slowly to Kyle’s back side so she could not see his face. “I’m still thinking how big her chest should be. What’re we thinking guys? Personally. I think she should be stacked. But ya know I can appreciate the small sisters or the medium mothers.

Kyle grimaces at Vicdril’s words. He always had to say something weird. Rolling her eyes Kyle had other things to worry about. The new girl takes a deep breath and presses her fingers gently against her pants. It was just out of curiosity; if it was real or not. She could feel it; the sensitive puffy skin getting moist. It was as real as anything else had been so far. Gritting her teeth she can not help but let a few gasps leave her lips. “A-ah…” Whining within the pleasure Kyle reels her hand back trying to restrain herself. Her body of course was still changing. Her legs twitch and suddenly lengthen, her arms flex and grow bulkier becoming defined and chiseled like stone. Rolling over to her side Kyle watches as her thighs grow and show ever greater muscle. Forget watermelons she could crush a cinder block between her thighs. Within the pleasure, now there was power.

“Okay!” Frixle claps her hands like she is watching a circus act end. Her voice now filled with excitement she looks between her male companions eagerly. “I think that means we can change her up now… what are we thinking? Gorerick you wanna add anything?”

“She could have some more color. And with that muscle? She’d have to have a good chest, that ones pretty flat.”

Of course, Jeff’s words would be what added even more; he agreed with Tom. Kyle attempts to stand but her body still tingles in response. “C-come on stop adding things!” Her voice gets a tad higher with her whine yet still holds a deepness. She sounded like some cliché warrior woman with a heart of gold you would see in video games. Her voice was not all that changed though compared to her other assets.

Vicdril nods sagely cupping his ear to listen to the voice. “Beautiful.” A condescending smile, for a condescending voice, the half-elf taunts. “Still missing more though, tsk, tsk. Come on now.”

Kyle’s pale white skin begins to discolor and a shiny hazel skin greets Kyle in return. It crawls across her body erasing the pasty white in a matter of seconds. The burden of change had not been lifted yet though. Gorerick nudges at Vicdril pointing like an excited. “Oh boy, oh boy, here it comes buddy!”

Kyle’s body lurches forward her knees digging against the dirt as a pair of shapely breasts push from her chest and fall against her loose shirt almost ripping it. Kyle shouts in surprise. “Wh-what the hell?!” Falling forward from the sudden weight change her breasts squish against the muddy ground. The girl whines trying her best to pick herself up. Everything was different now. Sitting herself back up she feels her chest keep pulling forward.

“Dang.” Frixle motions a hand over her chest teasingly. “Hehe, I think my spine my break if I had to walk around like that. Though our girls strong!” Patting Kyle on the back confidently the weight feels even more apparent.

“No!” Kyle whines yet again and crosses her arms under her breasts. She knew she had to try and say something even if in vain. “Damn it, I can’t tell if you guys are doing this on purpose or what but this is too much, isn’t it?! I mean come on!” Pushing her arm against her new chest she begins to feel her cheeks grow hot. The breasts feel a tad sensitive to the touch at least the touch of a muddy shirt rubbing against her. Lifting her hand in disbelief she grips her left breast and mumbles out a few words. “A-ah… they’re real for sure… they feel so…” Kyle’s cheeks keep their red color as her hand begins to massage her breast. Pushing it up slowly she can feel the weight to it. Squeezing gently felt like a satisfying stress ball. She was not sure how else to explain it. She could also feel her back leaning forward, having to constantly be aware of her posture to make sure she does not slouch.

Scoffing Vicdril gives a thumbs up with a shit-eating grin on his face. “Nice.”

Rolling her eyes in response Kyle takes her hand away from her chest. She had no time to be messing around. What she had to do was stand up and get away from her horny friends. Confidently she presses her hands against her knees and mumbles words of encouragement to herself. “You can do thi—”


Kyle’s breasts squish into the mud once again her cheeks blushing more embarrassed than anything else. Her center of gravity had changed. Becoming a full girl was not as simple as the media made it out to be. “Damn it…” Muttering to herself shyly now she presses her palms back against the ground, her butt raised. “It’s like carrying two watermelons now… how do bras even help with these things?!”

“Oh!” Gorerick chuckles from behind Kyle and walks right up behind her. “Almost forgot.”


With a slap against the ass, Kyle feels another pull now at her backside. She teeters back watching her toned and lifted butt inflate with an extra helping of gluten. “N-ngh!” Kyle’s eyes wince and finally, she feels some sense of calm. A chance to catch her breath. Her clothes were being ripped from her muscle-toned body. She was too tall and too built to wear what she had. If she did stand up her clothes would just rip off her now. A nudge of her knee and she feels her pants starting to rip at her backside. “N-ngh… it was already big… Did you really need to make it bigger?! I’m never going to let you guys have a hireling ever again I swear!”

Pulling up a scroll from her bag Frixle giggles. “I got it! This was a druid scroll. It lets you make clothes… Do you want to go like, cliché fantasy girl? Haha, if she’s a tank she should attract the attention, right?”

The voices from above seemed to have switched back to the party once again. Kyle though was not going to take the embarrassment she already went through. Instead of letting them babble, she speaks up loudly. “No!” Standing herself up her shirt rips apart and the back of her pants as well. The rags of cloth hang over her but Kyle stands firm pretending it did not bother her. Her cheeks still blush deeply but she could not back down now. “Give me some normal armor! I don’t care if I gotta be a tank till I get out of this swamp… Give me some normal clothes at least!”

Vicdril shakes his head and points at Kyle’s head. “Wait, wait!” Vicdril looks concerned, something Kyle thought she would never see. “Something is horribly wrong here! We can’t move on to clothes without fixing it.”

Rolling his eyes Gorerick shrugs uninterested. “Oh, what? That’s not a big deal man. Let's just get to the next part. I swear you always get hung up on the dumbest stuff.”

Squinting a bit angrily Vicdril stands in front of Gorerick looking him in the eye. “As I man this is a matter of taste! Something refined, something important. Yes, you may think it a small matter. But a lady's hair is very important!” Kyle can feel her eye twitch from stupidity but chooses to stay silent till the bard stops ranting. “A girl's hair can be long, or short sure, but all of it gives off different feelings!” Making a frame with his index fingers and thumbs Vicdril eyes Kyle up and down. “Yes… yes, beautiful long silky hair. Fitting of the gentle giant with a temper! The simple-minded girl who doesn’t know better!”

Kyle and Gorerick both groan at the same time, Frixle however nods quickly excited still. “Oh yeah! I know just what to do. Hehe… we can do this, then use the other scroll for clothes.”

Kyle does not note any movements from Frixle but begins to feel her head get warm. In seconds her normal hair becomes thick and pitch black yet silky to the touch. Keeping her hand on her head Kyle feels as hairs push against it trying to grow. “It’s not this fast is i—” Trying to speak up, as usual, gets the girl silenced. Her head explodes in a plume of hair. Locks of thick dark black hair hit Kyle’s backside. It was a thick wavy mess yet clean and bouncy. Taking even a small step back Kyle feels the weight of the hair sway tickling at her now bare legs. “G-geez, haven’t you all done enough!” Frustrated Kyle’s eyes begin to glow a soft read and she stomps her foot down making the earth under her crack. “Give me some clothes already you jerks!”

Vicdril, Gorerick, and Frixle, huddle up together whispering amongst each other. With just a few seconds Frixle spins around on her heel and opens up the scroll. “Okay, we got the perfect thing!”

Kyle watches her clothes dissolve from her body, the thread then spins in the air and washes over her like walking into a spider web. Rolling her eyes Kyle mutters under her breath knowing full well his so-called friends would ignore him. “It isn’t gonna be normal is it…”

Gorerick raises an eyebrow at Kyle and then looks to Frixle in question. “So.” Speaking plainly like at any normal event the bugbear continues like nothing strange was happening. “What do we want her story to be? I was thinking like… not edgy ya know?”

The thread makes leather gauntlets on Kyle’s fists first. Fingerless ones, comfortable to move in. She did wonder how the thread created leather but it was magic. The next piece of clothing is leather boots on her feet. More or less the same style and fitting. A black leather that was comfortable enough to move around in. Frixle nods her head sagely at the changes like all was according to plan, she even giggles. “Hehe so cute.” The kobold girl then gets closer to Kyle and pokes at the new girl's boots a few times. Tilting her head one way and then the next she turns slowly back to Gorerick speaking in a similar way to the bugbear. “Vicdril’s usually better at this stuff… I suck at it. Just come up with whatever if you wanna make it. You usually make better characters anyway.”

Kyle grits at her teeth, were her companions going to casually chat? The magical thread cared not for Kyle’s plight. The next piece then covers her breasts. It looked almost like a corset but was too small to fit her body. It connects at the neck making a study collar to keep the corset in place, then dips around the breasts to cover the upper torso. At least it is supposed to, Kyle’s whole upper chest though lies exposed providing a rather large boob window. Sighing to herself Kyle places a hand on the new garment. “Ugh… it’s just keeping them lifted.” Nudging her shoulders Kyle watches her breasts squish and push into each other. They were like watermelons for sure. Though now in a bag that could barely contain them. At the very least they were not swaying everywhere so the weight was a bit more manageable.

Once again the Kobold Frixle claps happily. “Yes!” Happiness not contained she gives Kyle’s chest a poke to each breast watching them bounce and sway within the corset top. “A combat corset works perfectly. Now everyone will be sure to notice you!”

About to rebutle Kyle’s changes chime in instead. With nothing around her waist, the magical thread grants something new. The undergarments that are provided are a black thong covering her privates. Kyle had wanted to call them panties but she could feel the thin fabric between her butt cheeks was not providing enough cover to warrant such a name. “Yeah…” Kyle stares off with a deadpan face nodding slowly to herself. “Maybe I would have done the same thing… but I didn’t think it would happen to me!” No other thread comes, the spell was done, and Kyle’s protection was only the boots and gloves. Her tummy shows, her upper arms, and legs on full display, her butt cheeks clear as day begging to be smacked. “If I get out of here alive… going to a clothing shop first…”

Vicdril laughs and pulls out a large axe from his backpack that should not have been able to hold such a weapon. “Yeah, yeah, here you go. If you do well, I’ll lend you some gold. Get you a pretty dress huh?”

Kyle’s eye twitched at the comment, but her hand now was gripping the hilt of a large great-axe. Eyes glowing red once again the armed woman scoffs. “Hah… you really wanna say that to me now you piece of sh—” Pausing Kyle blinks realizing Vicdril spoke in response. “Wait.” She was not used to her new voice, her new everything. Her hearing however had not gotten worse. “You… you spoke to me like you heard what I said. You can understand me?”

The party shrugs and shifts around looking like the confused ones now. “Of course?” Frixle chimes in first nodding her head confidently. “You were just rambling before. If we didn’t use that potion on you, ya coulda died.”


The roll of more dice. Kyle had no idea what the roll meant though. A few things in her mind she was no longer sure about. It was like she could feel it on the tip of her tongue but not say it aloud. “Yeah… yeah you guys did save me. I remember that.”

Gorerick throws a scroll into the air and Kyle watches it burn up vanishing. “If you’re fuzzy it’s fine. You’re a barbarian. A strong one too! Look at the size of ya! You fight well!”

Rubbing at her cheek, that part sounded right at least. “Yeah, I mean… I know you guys needed help. Haha.” Laughing nervously, she looks at her muscles and then the party. “Yall pretty scrawny after all! Always glad to pick up the slack! Just make sure ya shoot over me!” Laughing with a boisterous voice a feeling of anxiety begins to creep over the girl. Something felt wrong like her thoughts were not able to do something. To define herself, who was she, she had a name did she not? “I know I’m not from around here… I was. I was trying to go back home.” Closing her eyes, the large woman gives her head a few shakes trying to muster up more brain power. “Ah! None of this makes sense! I was never good with this stuff… guys?” The party all looks to the worrying woman. “What’s my name again? I feel like it’s on the tip of my tongue… starts with a K…”

Vicdril snaps and smiles. “Hah. I know.” The woman looks with bated breath waiting to hear the words. “Kassandra, The Barbarian. Axe of the Great Marsh. You made a good name for yourself out here. But. Now we can get you to the city. I’m sure we can help figure out where you actually belong! Haha, I mean if it weren’t for you, these vampire lizards probably woulda invaded already.”

Gorerick and Frixle both nod in agreement like everything Vicdril had just said was not made on the spot with no amount of planning. “Of course!” Kassandra though had no reason to worry about that! These people were her friends, she knew that much, and they even felt familiar. If she stayed with them things would work out. “Kassandra. I knew it was something with a K!” Laughing loudly again she swings her great-axe onto her back clipping it to its holding strap. “Actually… since you guys brought it up. You lot were all trying to snuff out that Vampire Lord or what’ev right?”

The party begins to walk and talk through the swamp. “Yup.” Gorerick pats his chest confidently. “I got a good shot on the bastard, but he teleported us all the way out here. But… that dumbass probably doesn’t even realize he sealed his fate.”

Vicdril begins to strum at his loot giving a loud laugh of his own. “Ooooh Vampire Lord” Frixle’s ears sag down hearing Vicdril begin to sing. “We’re gonna sennnd you. Toooo the door. Annnd we think… you’re wife is a whooo—”

Frixle now glares at Vicdril and smashes his foot with her boot. “Stop it you! If you’re going to sing badly at least make it funnier!”

Beside himself, Vicdril sighs and starts to hang back. Gorerick then follows as they let Frixle and Kassandra lead the party. “Nice.”Both the males of the party say the words in unison. Their eyes clearly watching Kassandra’s backside. Frixle sighs right back at the foolishness but Kassandra happily stomps forward through the swamp.

“Well. You finally got a tank.”

The session ends, people head home, and the lights go out. The adventure would have to continue in the next session.


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