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A bloody sword, sweat dripping from a brow. What would it be called? A young woman pushes her knee tightly to the ground. Her hand grips the hilt of her sword just as tight. What would it be called? Another slash, another dodge, and strands of hair fluttering to the dirt. Just barely survived again. Another beast falls against the ground, its wiggling body slowly fading into a blue mist. The woman gets to live another day, yet her hand shakes. Slowly she reaches down, eyes glancing at the dirt under her fingernails. How long had it been since she rested in a proper bed? Picking up the carcass of a bloodied white rabbit, who cared about a bed? She had food, she would eat today. They would both eat today. Attaching the rabbit to her belt the woman cleans off her sword, wiping the blood with her sleeve. What would it be called? She turns and stares at the shaking dirty boy standing by the nearby tree. Her brother was much more fragile than she. Though she made a promise, she would survive, and they would survive. “Like Mom always said… you need to fight with tenacity.”

Riley the girl, Ryan the boy. The two were traveling with their parents along the highway trying to make it to the city. However, the world had other plans for them. A group of cultists came for the family. They came for the power that Riley and Ryan both had. A holy healing power that the cultists of Runara craved to have for themselves. The children’s parents put up a hardy resistance with what they could. Though they were no adventurers. The two were slain before the children’s eyes. Yet Riley was a girl of action. She clenched tightly to her brother’s hand and ran. Since that fateful day, the two had always been on the run. The cult of Runara; is always at their feet. For years they ran, and for years they survived. The trauma of the incident affected both the siblings in different ways. Ryan pulled inward sheltering himself from the world. He became cowardly and easy to scare. Even as he grows he still acts just like a child. One that is unconfident and unready to face the realities of the world. Riley on the other hand took her parent's last words to heart. “Protect your brother. Survive. Live.” Riley found herself acting like an adventurer her parents would read to her about. Though she was not trained. She did not know how to hunt, kill, or defend herself. She did not even know how to use the magic the Runara’s wanted. She had to teach herself, a little at a time. Defending her brother and herself from the cultists, and monsters. Defending them both from hunger and making sure they had shelter. She gave herself a reason to keep pushing forward, yet she has found it hard to do the “Live” part of those words she holds so dear.

Despite all the struggles the two had faced up to this point. They did keep surviving. It has been years since their parents were killed at the hands of the cult. Currently, the two live in the monster-infested forest of Elmor. For them, it acts as a haven. The monster's miasma does not harm them from their holy powers, so Riley took it upon herself to make a section of the forest constantly populated with it. It helps her hone her sword but also ensures they both have some semblance of peace. “Ryan!” Though even she still needs to venture out of the miasma to hunt food. When she can she even travels to the nearby town to get supplies for the monster parts she gained. “Ryan come on don’t be so slow! We gotta get this rabbit clean. We can have some stew tonight.” Riley’s voice comes out with some energy, the forced position of a tomboy she tries to make her voice deeper; to sound tough. Yet the girl still keeps her white hair long and flowing just like her mother's was. “Come on.” Beckoning her brother on she walks behind him and gives him a shove toward their base. Or at least Riley liked to call it a base. It was more a shabby wooden hut made with scrap wood people would give her from town. Then it also had wood from small trees Riley was able to cut down with her hatchet. It was not pretty but it gave them a roof. The base stands between three large trees, which luckily let them make a sturdy frame for their thrown-together home. Inside the base is the kitchen and eating area at the center. Then Riley has a sheet draped over one side to make a room of her own. A room for her brother on the opposite side. Then they have a dug-out bathroom a bit away from the base. Beyond that, they have random objects placed around them. Water barrels for drinking and washing. Tubs to try and wash themselves in. A clothes line hanging on a further tree to try and keep clothes not completely dirty. Then Riley has a small five-foot-tall training dummy up against a tree made of straw and twine. It was not the best, but it was a home. “Okay let's see…” Riley walks herself into the shack swinging open the roped-on door. Stepping inside she gets down to her hands and knees and crawls over to the table that is made from a large chopped piece of wood. Placing a cloth down on it first she grabs out what could only be called a shabby cutting board and places the rabbit carcass on top of it. “Okay, I just have to clean this… I guess I could try making a new hat with the skin for winter?” Mindlessly Riley begins to cut into the rabbit carefully peeling the fur back with a knife. Ryan on the other hand looked like he was about to barf watching his sister already digging into it.

“U-um…” A timid voice slowly rolls out of his mouth. The boy's voice is soft, his eyes looking with a curiosity as well as a fear behind them. “I’ll… I’ll get the water.” Despite all his short comings he tried his best to help out. Picking up the iron pot from their fire pit the smaller boy walks back out the door. “I gotta do something.” Talking like a child who just wanted to help, despite really being an adult. Dipping the pot into the water Ryan stares into it looking at his reflection. A boy with dirty cheeks, a boy with white hair like his sister. It was long too, not as long as hers but it goes over his shoulders. Though he looked a bit dirtier than his sister. Ironic considering he was not battling, but he always disliked bath time. “Mmmm… Have I been doing too little again?” Putting the lid back on the barrel Ryan slowly walks back over to the base. He always made sure to be careful carrying the water, his sister would tend to get upset if he spilled it. Luckily for him taking his time his sister was already done with the grossest part. She was now simply cutting meat into chunks ready to go in the pot. “H-here.” Stuttering over his words Ryan already felt embarrassed. Why did he do this, around his sister no less? It had been years, he wanted to be more useful. Useful like his sister. “I-I I can start the fir—”

Riley straightens her back up and grabs the pot from her brother setting it on the table. “Thanks, Ryan. Hah, I’ll start prepping dinner. We still have some potatoes.” Cocking her head back Riley grins softly and looks back toward Ryan. “We got carrots too.”

Groaning under his breath Ryan tugs at the sides of his tattered shirt. “R-really? Carrots? We don’t have to put them in the stew do we?”

With a sheepish grin, Riley stretches herself over to the sack of carrots on the ground and pulls one out biting into the raw vegetable. “Mmmm, yup, yup. I think we need this in the stew for sure. Wanna bite?” Covering his mouth with both hands Ryan shakes his head no. Just one of his many childish actions. Even if he wished to be more helpful, a lot of his reactions had become something of a reflex. “Ya, sure? Heh, I can see your cheeks turning red under the dirt.”

Ryan lets his hands drop and sighs putting his foot down in a childish stomp. He had to be more grown up. But eating vegetables did not have to be on that list. “O-okay! Okay um… Um.” Clearing his throat Ryan nods in quite confidence. “I’ll take a bath…” Nodding to himself his voice starts to get quitter right away. “Just… if I do don’t put carrots in. It’ll taste like carrots still even if I pick them out.”

Rolling her eyes Riley bites into the raw carrot again and rustles up her brother’s hair. “Yeah, yeah, I need to wash up anyway. So… think you can start the fire? For real? I don’t want you to burn yourself. But if we both need to wash and cook. We’ll need a good amount of hot water.”

Ryan frowns. Did he do what she wanted? No, it did not matter right now. “Yeah, I can light the fire! I’ve been practicing my magic—like you told me to!” Riley and Ryan both had holy power in them, they both were aware of that fact. Ryan seemed better at controlling this power as an outside force. Riley seemed better at using it as an internal force to strengthen herself. They thought in theory they could probably use it both ways, but for now, their talents were something they tried to focus on to make surviving easier. Walking over to the fire pit Ryan opens up the make shift chimney of the base and gets down on his knees over the pieces of wood nestled into the left-over ashes. “Okay… I just have to ask the flames for a little help again…”

Riley jolts up quickly and grabs a sack kneeling beside her brother. “Wait, wait, wait! I need some ash first. We’ll need new soap soon!” Scooping a few handfuls up Riley sighs in relief and gives her brother a pat on the back. “Okay… okay. All yours. I’ll start getting the pot ready. Make the tub for you. Hopefully, you don’t get it too dirty so I can use it… and remember to use soap. Then I’ll put the pot on and take my bath.”

It was usually like this. Riley had become every role in a way. She was acting like a big sister, but also like a dad and mom. Even though they were twins. “R-right.” Shaking his head Ryan had to focus, he had to make sure to do something useful. The least he could do was start a fire. Holding his hands close to the wood he lowers his head and blows softly between his hands. He could feel the faint power. A light white flame slowly appears in front of his hands. Ryan wondered sometimes if holy power was normally used like this. “Go little flame…” The white fire flows forward heating the wood with a single touch. Without even needing kindling the wood starts to burn. Ryan pulls his hands back feeling the heat grow in strength. “A-alright yes!” Proud of himself he looks back to his sister who gives a nod of acknowledgement. He could do it, he could find ways to be useful. “Okay! I’ll get the cauldron!”

Groaning now herself Riley stands back up. “No short stuff.” Patting her chest proudly she declares. “You got the fire. Leave the heavy stuff to me. Heh… just wish I could get a better control over the power…” Taking a slow breath Riley flexes her hand feeling a strength course through her arm. Walking over to the much larger metal cauldron she lifts it with ease and walks outside pouring water from their water barrel into it. Even with the increase of weight though she moves the pot as if the weight had not changed. Attaching it to the iron bar resting over the fire she then sits back down at the table. “Urgh… yeah.” A short pant leaves her but her body does not appear worse for wear. “I can still only use it in short bursts. Heh… my other moves are better.” Riley was strong for a girl her age, but being untrained and not having the proper food, without having a power like this she knows she would have died long ago. Still, with the small strength boost along with other abilities, she has gotten by. Though most of her abilities are defensive. She found ways to use them offensively. “Tell me when it boils. I’ll pour it in the tub, then pour a little cold water in and we can mix it up.”

The two go through the usual process. Living in the middle of nowhere was trying to say the least. Luckily they both kept learning more a little at a time. Riley more so, though her skills are mostly from random adventurers who were willing to give her some different tips. She had even gone on a few jobs with others. However, she usually avoids it, after it has gotten the cult's attention.

It all takes time, but Ryan takes his bath, and Riley starts the stew and cleans herself as well. With the left over bath water, the two wash their rag for clothes and hang them to dry. The clothes they got in town Riley usually waited for them to rip apart before getting new ones. “Heh…” Looking at the clothes now though she realized just how long it had been. “How old even are we now? Ah… at least adults now I think? Eighteen? No… maybe twenty-something?” It was hard to count dates without a calendar. “I haven’t been in town in a while… but I think both of us aren’t really going to grow anymore. We can probably buy clothes that fit us better.”

Ryan smiles a tad and nods at his sister. “That’d be nice, I won’t have to fall over my pants then.”

Riley shrugs and shakes her head. “I bought the men's pants but maybe I should have found you some ladies' trousers. The men’s gear would have fit me better little guy.”

Ryan pouts at the comment but he could not exactly refute it. “Okay… I’m small I admit that. But you don’t have to point it out.”

Rubbing at her chin Riley gives her brother another look over. “With how much milk you use to drink I’d think you’d be as tall as a tree by now. Maybe it’s because you never had your vegetables.”

Ryan stares shocked and awed as if a realization of horror had washed over him. “Y-you don’t actually think… did… did I end up making myself small?!” Holding his head, he shakes thinking of broccoli, spinach, and green beans. “N-no! No, I refuse to believe it! They’re just so gross!”

The day passes just like any other. It became something of a habit, though, for all the oddities the twins still had, they at least had something. Time moves, sleep is had, and the sun greets the twins once again.

Drip, drip, drip

Ryan sniffles into his hands. It had happened once again, of course. It happened to him plenty. Riley though was used to it for better or worse. “It’s fine, accidents happen, let's just get you changed. Then get that wet stuff in the wash tub.”

He wet the bed; it did not always happen but it happened to a point where he wears protection. Ryan had always been smaller than his sister, and developed slower, though he kept hoping he would get past this aspect of childishness. “S-sorry big sis…” Old habits die hard, never properly able to deal with his mental turmoil some development just stopped. Maybe part of him liked it? To be treated gently and kindly by his bigger sister. When he got like this, he even would call her big sis despite them both being young adults of the same age. Still, even if part of him got used to his short comings, or even enjoyed aspects of it. He still felt pangs of guilt. If he wished to indulge in this longer, he needed to be useful somehow. He could not just put all the pressure on his sister. Was he mature enough though, to be able to come up with an actual solution? “I’ll… I’ll just lay down then.” Outside, laying down on a sheet, his sister setting out the usual changing supplies. To think a young man his age would still be wearing diapers, that he would need his sister to change him. Though it was easier and she did it better than him.

A cool cloth to wipe him down, a finer cloth to wrap around his waist, and of course some extra padding within the cloth to prevent leaks. Riley handled it all and got her twin into some fresh clean protective padding. Instead of the armor she wore, it was to prevent him from leaking. Ryan then heads off to wash up the rest of his clothes and Riley goes back into the base gathering up her gear. A short sword at her side, a buckler on her arm, leather armor over her chest, and boots on her feet. She was ready for whatever monster may attack her. “Boy…” Sighing to herself Riley fastens her sword belt around her waist making sure it does not tug the side of her skirt down. “Heh, the girliest I look is with a skirt on at this point. Most of mine all keep getting holes in them.” Dusting off the side of her black skirt the young woman gives another long sigh. “It’s been years, will we ever be able to just live? I don’t wanna keep fighting forever. Heh… I wanted to be able to wear some pretty stuff like Mom. Even if I did like to get dirty back then.” Brushing her hand through her hair, even after washing it in the tub she could tell it was still dirty. “Just part of living in the middle of nowhere… I wonder how Ryan’s felt, he’s been acting a little differently. Should I try and do something for him?” Slowly walking out of the base Riley peers at Ryan watching the boy scrub away at his bedding that had been soiled. “Seems like he’s been trying to help out more than before. Maybe he’s finally moving forward.” Closing her eyes for a few moments Riley lets the light breeze brush past her face. “I should take him into town with me. I gotta get him some new clothes anyway… he’s finally growing a bit more. Heh, but still shorter than me.” Grabbing her bag of coins from her log desk Riley attaches it to her belt and walks over to her training dummy. “Okay buddy. Keep down the fort for me.” Patting it on the shoulder she clears her throat and tilts her head back toward Ryan. “Ryan! Get yourself ready! We’re both gonna head into town okay? Better make sure to hang up that bedding though!”

Ryan flinches at the sudden loud voice but nods his head in agreement. “A-Alright!” Like a good little soldier, he hangs up his bedding and darts back into the base. Rustling around different bags he manages to cloth himself properly rather quickly. Though he almost stumbles as he walks back outside. “I-I’m good!” Catching himself before an actual fall Riley can tell easily, that he is excited. “Do… Do I need to bring anything else sis?”

Riley had the weapons to defend herself. Ryan just had an old staff, one which he used for magic though he did not exactly help much in a fight due to getting too scared. “You’re fine, you got your clothes, you got your staff.” Riley gives her brother a pat on the shoulder and nudges him in front of her. “I’ll take up the rear. You remember the way, right? So, lead us on, I’ll make sure nothing gets the jump on us.”

Patting his chest confidently Ryan thrusts his staff forward. “Alright! Let’s move out!” He was excited if there was any doubt. Not dragging his feet he lifts his knees and marches forward through the forest. “We’ll get to Florentina in no time! I just know it! I remember the path exactly!” Ryan keeps a steady march his eyes darting over the area with each step he takes. He had walked the woods with his sister many times. Though almost always she was the one leading. He could feel his nerves flinching, waiting for him to make a mistake. Though he would not, he would not be a burden. “Okay now then…” A clearing in the forest shows several possible paths. Ryan though remembers the area. Looking at the trees he notes the one that has his sister's knife mark. It was a special thing his sister did to make sure she did not get lost. No one else would think it an arrow, but he knew what way it pointed, and the opposite way meant the way to the main road. “This way. Come on sis!” Like answering the correct question on a test Ryan smiles to himself with pride and keeps marching along.

“Heh…” Riley scoffs under her breath, she was a bit impressed. Ryan at least seemed to remember the path. “So far, no monsters seem to be in the area. It’ll probably be a few days before any new ones are born from the mists.” Saying the words, she notes her brother's tension ease in his shoulders. Happy or not anyone would be afraid of monsters attacking them. Though for right now Riley was just glad her brother seemed to be trying a bit harder, maybe he could finally start coming out of his shell. “Bringing him out more may be smart…”

Ryan turns his head back thrusting his foot against the dirt. “What was that sis?”

Coughing into her hand Riley shrugs. “What was what? Oh- oh- you mean what I said? I thought I may have seen a bird, I’m just mumbling.”

Ryan nods and keeps marching forward. “Birds are pretty that’s for sure. But we gotta be focused!” Riley was glad it was easy to convince her brother to ignore certain things. “Okay! Here!” After several hours of walking the two finally reach the main dirt road. The road closest to their little hobble in the forest. Going down further south leads to a city while going east for less than an hour leads to a town. The city was a problem, many cultists often traveled through, or from what Riley could guess they had a base there. “Okay, so we just go down… um this path right?” Ryan points to the east path and looks to his sister for confirmation.

“Yes. That one.” Riley says the words a tad sullen, he got it right but his confidence would not fix itself overnight. “Let’s keep going… but… well from here on follow me alright?” Riley takes the lead now and gives another small sigh looking over Ryan. They both looked like dirty young folk, even if they were seen as adults, people their age wearing rags did not make others treat them well. At least in Riley’s case, she got away with it by looking the part of an adventurer. Ryan on the other hand looked like the pathetic puppy-eyed beggar.

“Aw..” Pouting a little behind his sister Ryan kicks at the dirt but keeps walking. “At least I picked the right path I guess.” Pausing for a few moments Ryan’s eyes suddenly light up and he runs to his sister's side grabbing at her shoulder. “Oh, oh, oh yeah I almost forgot!”

Riley groans and rolls her eyes already knowing what would come. “No, Ryan. We cannot buy candy today. I know you like it, but you need some new clothes… hah we both do but not like we have a lot of money.” Shaking her head Riley focuses on that path. “Feel free to pout over it though. I know it sucks… but let's focus on the things we need first. The crystals I still have… maybe I can get us a full set of outfits.”

Pout he does, though Ryan did understand, at least to an extent. He was not exactly adding to their income. And the money they did have Riley got from slaying monsters, selling parts, and skin hides from animals. So far Ryan was not adding anything to the money bag. “Y-yeah…” Through his pouting lips, Ryan squeezes back a few tears. He was getting himself emotional just thinking about all the things Riley had to do. “Mmm… It’s fine I don’t need candy. Maybe though…”

Riley stops in her tracks, her eyes glancing over the town before her. They were just outside of the town center wandering past farmlands. Tilting her head back at her brother he stands there poking his fingers sheepishly together like he had something to say. “It’s okay Ryan. Just say it. I’m not gonna get mad at you.”

Twirling his thumbs now over each other Ryan carefully speaks. “Well sis… I mean. I wanna do a little more. Ya know? Cause like… You do a lot. And I wanna do a bit more. Well, I wanna do more cause you do a lot. And I don’t want you to do too much ya know? So I wanna do some also. Ya know? So I was thinking. In town, maybe. Well, ya know… Maybe I could find some people; I could do a little work for. Or something like that… do something else. Ya know. To make us a little more money… at least… or something.”

It was times like this when Riley found it hard to tell if Ryan was a child or not. Sighing slowly she takes a long moment to process the muttering of words she just heard. “Look. I know you want to help.” Closing her eyes, she turns back to face the road and begins to walk. “Come with me for now. We can talk about this more in town alright?”

Ryan almost tripping over himself again runs to his sister’s side grabbing at the side of her shirt. “Alright… later then.” He still speaks softly but he was at least not pouting now.

Finally, the two enter into Florentina properly. The town is modest, most of the buildings in the town center are clustered together. The center has four branching roads to give gaps to the clustered buildings. The roads each have buildings along them as well though after about ten minutes of walking the gaps become greater till one comes to more farm land again. The town Florentina was named after flowers, one can tell this right away by the large flower bed in the center of town. It holds a small fountain surrounded by a wide circled garden. A cobblestone path circles it and a variety of people currently walk along it. Carts drawn by horses inch along, some pulling small wagons walk by as well. Children playing wander by throwing balls at each other, and a few warriors with weapons of different varieties even pass by. The center's main buildings consist of a guild hall for adventurers willing to do odd jobs, as well as a governmental office for the town. There is also a general store for food and random tools, then a rather large clothing shop beside a perfume shop. The perfume shop is rather popular as even a few nobles from nearby cities come to the town for the rare flowery perfumes and soap the shop makes. Other shops do exist in the town such as a black smith but many of those shops require more space so are further along a different road. Even the large inn that doubles as a tavern is placed a bit outside of the town center. As the twins pass said Inn, they notice a good handful of people currently seem to be staying there.

“Okay.” Riley grabs her brother’s hand and guides him over to the guild hall first. The objective was to get clothes, though Riley already knew the money she had would not be able to clothe them and feed them. “Make sure to stay close to me inside.” Pushing the doors of the guild open Ryan stares amazed. It was the first time Riley took him so willingly into the guild hall. Usually, she made him stand in the alley beside it away from prying eyes. He never complained about that though, it was not out of bad intentions it was to avoid the cult, and to avoid Ryan causing trouble. “Let's see… is she here…” Riley’s mind was focused, unlike her brothers. Her eyes glare at a woman standing behind the long front desk of the guild hall. Other clerks were there but Riley was looking for just this woman. Pulling her brother past some of the different adventurers talking among themselves they reach the woman currently not tending to anyone. “Claire there you are! I’m glad I got here in time.”

The woman’s light-yellow eyes stare down at Riley. An unnatural color is the first thing that Ryan could think of. The woman’s hair is even pure white, though that part was less strange, Ryan and Riley both had white hair after all. Though he assumed that was something only people like them had. “Well hello to you too my dear. You just caught me as my shift is ending. Heh.” Her voice speaks with a softness, though Ryan thought it also sounded like she was plotting something through her words. Yet Riley stares at the woman with the utmost trust. The woman’s yellow eyes then fall on Ryan, and he feels his body shiver, but the woman smiles. “The man’s tending today. So don’t worry. I can spare some time for you dear. Go to the usual room, I’ll be right there.”

Riley sighs with relief and clenches her brother’s hand. “Okay come on.” Without another word, Riley once again drags Ryan to parts unknown. They walk by people drinking, and laughing. A few people with staffs, odd books, strange curved swords. Some of them however had different eye colors as well as different hair. Ryan even saw someone with purple hair, but it looked natural, not dyed. Finally, Riley guides him into a room with a large couch on both sides and a fancy table in the middle. Sitting herself and him down she sighs again with relief and relaxes into the soft cushion. “Okay… so. That’s Claire.” Riley nods sagely to herself, her eyes wandering over the room just as much as Ryan’s. “I’ve known her for a bit… and she helps me out sometimes. Usually, she saves some jobs for me too. Heh… maybe she took pity on me, but… she’s helped us both out a lot.”


The door opens and clicks shut, a lock clicking into place. Now Ryan could see Claire in full view. The woman looked around his age though a bit more mature. She probably had a few years over them since it sounded like she had a husband. Ryan’s eyes however focus on the girl’s clothes. She wears a long black dress form-fitted to her figure. She did not have a big bust though her waist had clearly defined curves. It reminded him of his mother in an odd way, or at least something made Ryan feel happy to stare. The woman’s heeled foot clicked against the ground as she walked, black heels with a strap that went around her ankle. She sits down on the opposite couch and brushes her long white hair over her shoulder her yellow eyes looking between Ryan first and then Riley. For someone that seemed rather fancy she was not wearing a lot Ryan thought, he figured the woman would have at least worn a jacket. “Heh.” The woman scoffs softly and tilts her head up. “So… this is Ryan huh? You both really do look alike, It’s humorous that he’s so much smaller though.”

Riley rolls her eyes and sets down a black bag on the table. “I know… but don’t worry about that. I just. I wanted him to see the guild hall today.” Clearing her throat Riley unties the bag and several purple crystals clack against the fancy table.

Raising an eyebrow Claire leans forward slowly her eyes staring at the crystals. “Oh… I didn’t think you’d find any like these. Heh, but I thought you just came for the usual, why did you bring these, to show off?”

Riley shakes her head and Ryan sighs not understanding anything that is happening. “No.” Riley’s face looks worried like the items she placed on the table were important. “I need clothes… for us both. Ones that aren’t just. Well, you know. I know the shops are gonna upcharge me if I go in. And they wouldn’t even let my brother go in.”

Nodding slowly Claire squeezes the bridge of her nose. “Well, you’re not wrong. I can smell you both from here.” Shaking her head Claire picks up one of the crystals and pushes the rest back.” But here. Keep those. You’ll need them.” Pausing her eyes slowly hover over Ryan, and she speaks not even looking back toward Riley. “Is it alright if he waits outside of the room for a moment? No one else is using the other conference rooms. I’ll be quick.”

Ryan looks to Riley for confirmation and she agrees. Heading out into the hallway he stands by the door watching as Claire shuts it. “Hm… why do I gotta wait though?” Frowning to himself Ryan’s eyes scan over the guild hallway. “This place has swords and stuff…” The hanging fixtures on the walls have swords, shields, and some paintings showing adventurers holding up an animal as well. Looking at his staff Ryan frowns again. “This is kinda just a nice stick, isn’t it?” Usually, his mind would wander more but instead, Ryan’s eyes softened and saddened. “Sis doesn’t even like fighting, but she does it… I wanna do something more.” Slowly Ryan takes a few small steps back and presses his ear against the conference room door.

“It looks worse than I thought,” Claire speaks sternly akin to a scolding mother. “Really, I know you’re worse for wear. But your brother seems to have… struggles to say the least. You need to change your situation, Riley.”

Riley fidgets in her seat but does her best to keep calm. She of all people knew things needed to change. More so now that she was no longer just a kid. “I know… I really do. But I told you… I can’t exactly change things easily. And, well, I’m not just going to abandon him.”

Scoffing under her breath Claire waves out a paper fan in front of herself to cover her lips. “Is that so?” Waving the fan lightly but being mindful to just expose her eyes and nose the woman clears her throat. “He’s rather feminine, you do both look similar too. Runara's Kin is looking for a boy and a girl. When you had told me about your situation before I thought what you were doing what would be best… but now after seeing him myself. Why not just make everyone think he’s a girl?”

Riley blinks slowly processing the words said to her. That would not work, after all her brother is a boy. “That… no way. That’d never work. I mean what do you expect me to do just dress him up and hope for the best?”

Claire sighs and shakes her head, the fan still waving slowly. “No, the clothes I brought today though would fit him nicely. Ask him yourself what he thinks. I could tell at a glance; it seems like he wishes to help. This would help would it not? If you two could live in town I could even provide accommodations for a time. I’ll even give you a few months rent-free for everything you’ve done till now. Take a bath, wear a nice dress yourself for once. Stop playing up the warrior and let yourself be just a normal girl for a change. I know you don’t exactly wish to keep hunting dangerous monsters forever. You’re talented. I’m sure your brother could help in some way to make yourselves a decent living here.”

Rubbing her palms into her face Riley felt confused. Claire made it sound like she was serious, it was not some dumb joke, and the woman believed the idea sound. “It’s just…” Riley stands herself up and shakes her head dismissively. “I can’t just use him like that! I’ve been doing everything I can to make sure we’re both safe. I’m not going to push him into something just so I can be more comfortable!”

Claire’s eyes glare, Riley had not meant to raise her voice but she did. Luckily Claire had dealt with far worse being a clerk for the guild. “Hmph.” Scoffing again she closes her fan her eyes staring sternly like a scolding mother. “Riley. No one is deciding anything yet. Speak with your brother and see what he thinks himself. Yes, you’ve done plenty to protect him. But how often do you ask him if he would like to do anything to assist you?” Riley’s eyes shift to guilt looking down at the floor. “He may have suffered from your situation more, though he’s been with you now for years. Everyone needs to grow up at some point, even if he has his struggles. I’m sure even he wishes to carry his weight and not be coddled by you every moment.” Standing up herself now Claire walks slowly over to the door hearing a soft thud from behind. Her eyes roll, Claire figured it must have been Ryan falling on his butt eavesdropping. “I know you think he needs you, but if that’s true. You need him just as much. Without even realizing it, you’re afraid of getting the chance to live a different life. Though, you both have the right to live just as much as anyone…” Claire’s voice softens finally her eyes looking back at Riley with warming kindness to them. “People care about you, care about you both. So give yourself a chance to be happy again.”

Click, thud

The door opens and closes, Claire pushing Ryan inside since he is still by the door. “U-um sorry.” Ryan stutters out the words but Claire already was halfway down the hall leaving the twins once again alone.

Riley’s eyes stare over her brother, what was she supposed to do, just keep living the same as always? “Ryan… you. You heard all that didn’t you?” As Ryan nodded something in Riley’s stomach sank. Did that feeling just confirm Claire to be right? She did not want her life to change because she had gotten so used to it. She knew she had to say more but the words felt dry coming out of her mouth. “S-So…” It was not like her at all to stutter. “What do you… what do you think then?”

“Well.” Ryan carefully tugs at the side of his dirty shirt and walks around the couch and sits on it. I mean, I wanna give you the chance to live easier.” Licking at his lips he fidgets in his seat. “We could least give it a try today, right? We needed some new clothes, and it’s still early. I wanna let you have fun sis, you help me out all the time. And well, well it isn’t guilt or anything like that. I just… wanna repay you somehow.”


“Well said.” Claire slams back into the room and throws a large sack onto the table. “Shoes, clothes, and the baths ready in back. Heh, I don’t care if you think you washed. I’ll make sure you’re both properly cleaned up myself.” Crossing her arms under her chest Claire looks between the both of them. “I’ll deal with Ryan, you can clean yourself up, Riley. Meet back here when you’re done, I’ll help this curious one get ready.”

Riley bites her lip looking at both of them. Ryan seemed genuine in his words, telling him no now would just make her seem like the brat. She was nervous about it still, but she would try, it was all she could do. “Alright… fine. Just… make sure not to tease him too much. I’ll try not to take long.”

Claire shrugs her shoulders and scoffs. “Heh, take as long as you like dear, I put the nice soap in the bath. Sooo, do enjoy yourself, I wouldn’t want to have wasted my fancy soaps.” Grabbing Ryan's shoulders she guides him to stand back up. “But you’re coming with Auntie Claire alright?” Ryan nods slowly. “Good boy, by the way, Riley, it’s the usual room for you, okay?” With that Claire drags a reluctant Ryan away as Riley exits down the hall to her usual free bathing spot.


Ryan had taken a bath, all be it a bit frumpy. “Glad that’s over…” Looking down at his still wet body he could smell the faint scent of lavender. It was a town named after flowers though Ryan did not expect his skin to smell like it. It was nice, in a way it reminded him of when he held onto his mother a long time ago.

“Okay now stay still squirmy!” Claire grins at herself and brings a fluffy towel atop Ryan drying off every nook and cranny she can. “Heh, with your age some may think what I’m doing is a bit odd… but you really do look rather, well small. Most would probably think you’ve just hit puberty. If that.”

Ryan sighs as Claire towels off his hair. She seemed to be a very doting lady, at least in the bath. Telling him to stop covering his ears. Telling him to hold his arms up. Making him get the dirt out of his nails. He already did not like bath time but it was a bit too much like what his mom used to do. “Hmmm…” Pausing he begins to think about Claire's earlier comment. “Are…um. Miss—” Claire clears her throat. “Auntie Claire—.” She nods in confirmation of the correct phrasing. “Are… are you actually related to us? I… I never really see anyone else with hair like me and sis.”

Taking the towel from Ryan’s head she wraps it up around him from the chest and it falls over his knees. “Well… you’re right to ponder that. You could say I’m related to you.” She pauses and closes her eyes. “It’s more of an extended family though. Your mother and I were in the same clan... She did not have access to the power you and Riley do.”

Claire lifts Ryan into her arms and leaves the bathing room going back down the hall. Entering into the conference room again she sits Ryan down on the couch and opens up the bag of clothing. Taking out what looked to Ryan like a piece of long thin cloth she begins to wrap it around Ryan at different parts of his body. It seemed unimportant so Ryan kept up his questions. “So… do you have our power? You’re not being attacked by the bad guys.”

Slipping the measuring cloth around Ryan’s waist Claire nods to herself contently. “You are curious. That’s not bad.” Pushing her hand around the bag she sets out a few different pairs of shoes and now takes the cloth around Ryan’s bare foot. “I don’t have the power myself. Though it seems my blood has a small part of it. Runara's Kin came hunting me if that’s what you’re really wondering. Heh. They hunt down anyone with white hair. Even if you dye it, they still keep trying to look for you. It’s only been about two years now I believe since we managed to get them all out of Florentina.” She sighs to herself and closes her eyes seeming to pander something as she begins to take out a long piece of fabric and what looks like a headband with a flower clip. “My husband is the head of the guild here. He kept me protected. Even without the power myself those with the blood can still be of interest to them. Over the years though me and my husband have done what we could to make sure my people are not so… persecuted and sought after to be exploited. There’s been, slowly, more of us coming here. Of course. Many are still scared, they’ll dye their hair, and avoid using their abilities. I can’t blame them, it’ll take time. And if they ever wish to leave our town, just on the outskirts, they could still be attacked if they’re not careful.”

Ryan nods, trying his best to sort out the information. “Mmm… so if we’re not actually related. Mmm, how come you’re helping me and Riley out? You’ve helped her out a lot, she told me about you lots. Um, sorry I never accepted the bath before now”

Claire gives a soft smile at the rather blunt genuine comment. “Well… glad to hear she appreciates it.” Her face then quickly frowns. “And yes I was told of your dislike for being clean… Luckily we seek to correct that now.” Looking at the clothes and then back at Ryan she clears her throat. “I… I had children before. Though, they were taken, by Runara’s Kin… My, my husband and I. We did what we could, but we were too late. I have not seen, those with the power so young, in a long time. I suppose when I first met Riley I saw a bit of my children in her, and when I heard about you. Maybe part of me hoped they actually had escaped? I’m not sure… Only after a year into knowing Riley I had asked her if she’d let me adopt her. Hehe. Though she said no, she appreciated my help but she was capable of taking care of you and her perfectly fine. A bit of a stubborn one she is.”

Ryan gives another nod silently this time. His thoughts pondered on all the information he had heard. He could not help but feel the pangs of guilt tug at his sides. He did want to do more. “Well… lets, let's get this over with then! Tell me what I need to do, to get dressed up!” This time Ryan puffs out his chest more eager than before. He needed to be a man and put effort into pretending to be a woman. “I won’t be fussy about it!” He says the words proudly and confidently, despite sounding childish in Claire’s eyes.

“Yes of course, heh, it will be a bit easier if you don’t squirm around after all.” Claire had already set a few items out but she was unsure of herself what to dress the boy in. He is small, for better or worse that would let many looks suit him. Though Ryan needed to appear to be Riley’s sister still. From there she could either dye the sibling's hair a new color or keep them both with white locks and simply say they are related to her and happen to just have a faint bit of power in their blood. “Heh… this situation is a complicated one.” Closing her eyes for a moment she shakes her head and pats Ryan on the butt. “Alright, arms up.” Ryan does as he is told and Claire begins to work her magic, which just happens to be dressing people up. She slips a camisole on over Ryan’s head to start with. A soft piece of fabric, usually to hide the modesty of a girl under another piece of clothing. For Ryan, it would act as a way to hide the fact that instead of a male’s chest, he simply had a flat chest. Though hopefully, no one would get close enough to the boy to examine it. “It’s a soft white color with a bit of lace along it. The straps are soft so they shouldn’t bother you. I know you’re not used to the fabric but bear with it alright?”

Ryan’s hand wanders to the piece of fabric it barely falls to his belly. The softness of the fabric is like nothing he ever felt. In a way, it was like the diapers he had worn, but it had a cool sleekness to it. Like the fabric was gliding along his skin. “It’s fine…” He whispers the words, it feels comforting oddly. He did not expect such a reaction from one piece of cloth. “Um…” Gulping back spit his eyes wander the room glancing now and again at the bag of clothing and some of the items set out. Other ones could feel nice too, would that be good or bad? Nervously he lets his words putter off his lips. “Wh-what’s next Auntie Claire?”

Claire smiles and gives Ryan’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “Now I think we need to make sure your bottom is protected too. Unless you’re more comfortable with Riley handling that. We can work around it.”

Nodding to himself Ryan ponders more. He never had anyone else change him besides his mom and sister. Though Claire was sort of like his mom, and he was being a man! “Yeah, it’s fine!” He did not want to bother Riley right now. She deserved some time to herself. He could always whine for her attention later anyway.

Having foresaw such an outcome Claire already prepared a blanket. Laying it out on the floor she helps Ryan lay back. He was already bare on his bottom so not much work to be done there. Claire sets out a small bottle dabs some of the liquid on her hand and rubs it against his skin. It is cool to the touch and makes him flinch a little. Though the smell was fragrant like some sort of flower. Ryan could not say if it was perfume or not, but it did smell nice and felt fine against his skin. “If you’re wondering—” Claire smirks as she sets down a soft white cloth diaper. “It’s to protect the skin, I used to use this sort of thing with my children. It helps prevent rashes.” Ryan had little to say back, the only rashes he knew about were from the time he rolled into a bed of poison ivy. “Now then, lift your bottom a bit for me alright?” Ryan does as he is told, and the soft white padding is brought around his waist. Claire tugs a small cord and hooks and loops it to the front making the diaper tug against Ryan’s skin. Snug but not so restricting to hurt. The material right away, and once again, felt like nothing he had experienced before. Though maybe that was not completely true. Ryan felt some sort of connection, lingering thoughts about his mother's soft smile patting his butt as he went to go roll in the mud. He probably wore something this soft at some point. It felt like it would protect him well, though peeking over his tummy he could tell it had a more feminine flare to it. Just like the camisole it also had some lace around it. In a way it looked like a pair of small shorts. “Okay. We can move on now.” Claire stands herself up and helps Ryan to his feet. “Any questions?”

Giving a gentle tug at the next newly added piece Ryan tilts his head in question. “What are these? They feel kinda like what I usually wear… but like. Different. But not just different as in more expensive but like different.”

Claire’s lips part into a wide smile and she quickly covers her mouth to stifle her laugh. Ryan was not doing himself much justice in terms of his real age. Right now, if anyone stumbled into the room it would just look like a younger girl trying on their first higher-living clothes. “Hah… Ah, Ryan. Those, well it’s still a diaper, but they are meant to look like bloomers. Bloomers are usually worn under a dress you see. It’s a way to keep a girl’s modesty, more so for the girls that… are a bit absent-minded or more adventurous… heh. Of course, some just wear them for comfort as well. They tend to not be as restrictive as some female undergarments.”

Ryan’s mind absorbs the knowledge and hopefully retains it somewhere. “Neat.” He nods and sheepishly lifts part of the clothing bag to peek into it. “So I got the undies… and the top part girls wear. That means… like, I gotta do the actual outfit now right, and then shoes?”

Gently pulling the bag back Claire nods. “That’s correct, I’ll be putting you in a dress. I know you may be more fond of pants, but well… actually you’ve taken it quite well so far, maybe you’ll like the breezy feeling.”

Ryan slowly turns his head in question once again. “Breezy? I mean, that sounds kinda fun… u-um, so um what do I have to do to wear the dress? When we walked into town I saw a lot of girls in different kinds. My mom always wore the longer ones. But sis used to wear the ones that went to her knee.”

Claire rolls her eyes once again seeing the childish behavior front and center. Explaining unneeded details and asking a lot of questions are the main ones. “Well lift your arms for me again to start with. You’re shorter than Riley, so you’ll be wearing a dress that suits your size. Women in this town are not like the nobles from the city though, we have a variety of styles, not just large complex dresses that require cages and a team of people to dress you. We’ll go with something simple.” Claire brings out another white piece of clothing, all the white made Ryan nervous though, did that mean he could not get dirty? Before he could chime in with his thoughts though Claire brings the dress down over his head. Once again the fabric surprises the boy right away. It felt like he was wrapped up in a bunch of soft leaves, but even softer than a leaf. The dress though was not heavy, it was light and breezy. As it brushed against his knee he could feel a sort of draft brush past his legs. It made it feel like his legs were not hot at all which usually was an issue for him. Though part of him knew the draft was mostly him swaying around in place too much. The dress bounces against his leg back and forth making a little breeze for him. “Heh, now stand still alright?” Claire speaks softly and the zipper is tugged at Ryan’s back. He had seen folk use zippers before but always assumed they were for rich people. It made the dress feel snuggly around the top, the ruffled short sleeves even swayed when he moved. However, the main part of the dress is not just white. All along the dress are light blue flowers with soft color green vines connecting to them they then fade back to the white. A floral dress for the town of flowers seemed to make enough sense. The hem of the dress though has a lace pattern much like the undergarments. A way to show the top from the bottom Ryan assumes. The neckline of the dress seems square to Ryan, it shows his collarbones and a little of his shoulders but covers up his chest. “It seems to fit you well.” Claire takes a knee and gently tugs at the hem of the dress. “Yes, this should do well. Heh, the blue works well with your eyes.”

Ryan’s blue eyes look at the light blue flowers. Dressing as a girl came with a lot of feelings. The fragrant smells, and the soft fabrics, felt comforting. Though the comment about his eyes does change one thing, the color of his cheeks; they gain a light red across them. “U-um thanks, and stuff… I mean, yeah…” Ryan’s words come out as mumbles, but he did mean his appreciation, not like he got to talk to real people that often let alone get compliments from them. “Now… though, um, now the shoes right?”

With a smirk, Claire takes out yet again more cloth with lace. “Socks first little one.” Tapping Ryan’s leg he lifts it and Claire slips on a pair of almost translucent white socks with lace trim at the top. They came up to his ankle and once again had a nice feeling to the fabric. However, this is more like the fabric that the undergarments are made from, at least by what Ryan could guess. “Okay, now we’ll get those shoes on. Same thing, one at a time.” Claire once again taps at Ryan’s leg and this time slips on a black shoe to his foot. It slides right in fitting him perfectly. The shoe has a strap that Claire pulls over the top of Ryan’s foot and latches in place to keep his foot from falling out. The shoe also has a bit of a heel to it making Ryan just a little bit taller, though it only went about one inch up. Claire takes little time to put the other shoe on. Then brushing a hand through Ryan’s hair she pushes a headband through it to keep the hair from his eyes. His long hair for a boy just looked like a shorter cut that many young girls have, with the headband, it also aided in making him look a little younger. “There. I think you’re fully dressed now… I suppose I could add a few accessories. But I think the headband will do.” Brushing her thumb against Ryan’s cheek the boy's eyes slowly avert Claire’s gaze. He was not sure if he should feel embarrassed or relieved but he felt something. Claire on the other hand is confident. “Honestly… I think it’s just in our blood. After just one bath your skin feels like you’ve been in a pampered noble life most of your life. Heh, guess I can get part of what my husband enjoys.” Claire gives a little wink and Ryan tilts his head once again confused. “Maybe my jests like that are best for Riley… Regardless. She is probably already ready herself. You wait here. I’ll go get her. Hehe, she’ll be very surprised to see her sister.”

Drip, drip, drip

Riley’s eyes stare at her reflection. Her blue eyes shine in the mirror, her wet white hair lays against her shoulder. “Heh… I look more and more like you. Mom.” Squeezing her eyes shut Riley takes a slow breath and walks out of the bathroom. The usual room is one of Claire’s private rooms for when Riley stays overnight at the guild. A long time ago it was where Claire would hide from Runara's Kin. “She’s really too good to me… maybe it’s how we are.” Sitting down in her towel Riley uses her second towel to slowly dab at her hair. Giving a glance over her shoulder she sighs. “Right… not here. Heh. I can make my body stronger but I can’t dry my hair.”

Riley was by herself, alone in the room, her new clothes waiting. After a few minutes of letting her hair fully dry, she gets dressed herself. For her, it was not as informative as Ryan’s own time. Though it is still different than what she is used to. Riley had made sure Claire did not give her one of the tight dresses the clerk enjoyed, instead opting for a looser one. That was well and fine, though Riley still felt odd just having the clean more expensive clothes before her. It was different than the items Claire usually gave out. “She really wants me to finally integrate into town huh? My brother agreed so I got no choice now…” Saying the words to herself Riley could not fully believe it. Silky undergarments, polished nails, a soft white dress resting at the mid of her calf, comfortable nylon socks with lace trim, and a simple pair of two-inch heeled buckle shoes. It felt wrong in a lot of ways, she had no sword belt, no heavy bag on her back, and no armor wrapped around her arms. “I feel naked… heh, Mom would have loved to see me in a dress like this.” Brushing her hand along the white fabric she notes the soft blue flowers of the dress, it went well with her eyes. “Well.” Taking a slow breath Riley brushes her hair over her left shoulder and ties it into a loose ponytail with a flower hair band Claire gave her. Then, she steps in front of the mirror. “I really do…” Touching the mirror carefully Riley looks at the tear rolling down her right cheek.

Click, thud

“You really do look like your mother.” Claire finishes the thought for Riley, the older woman's arms crossed under her chest but a smile on her lips. “I wasn’t sure if you’d need help or not yourself, but you look the part of a young woman without the layers of mud on you.”

Riley wipes her eyes with her forearm and scoffs back in response. “Hah, yeah clean me up and I’m good to go, don’t need the layers of makeup like a certain someone.”

Eye twitching a little now Claire once again pulls out her fan and flourishes it in front of her face. “Hmph.” Face hidden Claire’s eyes squint at Riley glaring at the young woman. “I’ve finished dressing your sister-to-be. So you should come and see them.” Claire opens up the door and takes a single step out before stopping and cocking her head back. “Though to think I was worried about teaching your brother how to be a lady. I think the one I should worry about is you.”

Riley’s eye now twitches her foot thrust forward she raises her finger in protest. “Hey now don’t you go—”


The door slams shut, and only a glimpse of Claire’s eyes lifted as if in a smile is what Riley sees. “That… heh.” Shaking her head she brushes her fingers through her hair again making sure that her hair stays in the proper place. “I know I’m not exactly the gentlest of them all. Guess I should be glad the dress covers my abs…” Looking at the side of her arms she notes how they have a bit of bulk, though her magical enhancements kept her from gaining too much muscle in the arms, for better or worse. “Eh… most will just think I worked on a farm or something. Heh… or that I’m a noble’s bodyguard.” Rolling her eyes to herself she brushes out the back of her dress letting it flare out and settle against her. “A bit longer than the dresses I used to wear… longer than the combat dresses too.” Examining herself for another minute she shakes her head and finally turns around walking out the door. “Yeah, I’d have to rip it if a monster attacked.”


Finally, the two siblings look at each other again face to face. Riley’s face a blushing red while Ryan walks around her in a circle making comments. “Wow, sis you’re even prettier than Mom was! The dress looks super pretty on you! How come you did your hair like that? Can I pull it? Actually, I shouldn’t. But you look nice, you smell nice too. What kind of flower is that? I think it’s like mine. Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Did you see, our clothes match too! Isn’t that cool! I didn’t think we’d match, you got like the bigger version.”

Riley’s blush stays but a sigh leaves her lips. She did not expect her brother to be so active after being all dressed up. “Ryan.” She places a hand on his shoulder and guides him to stand in front of her. “Ugh… okay… so um. You’re all dressed up now too. But… well how do you feel?”

Ryan hops backward and spins around in place letting the dress flare up around him. Of course, unintentionally he shows the bloomers under it. “I didn’t think dresses were this neat honestly! I can see why you and Mom wear them. But, oh, oh Riley!” Hopping himself forward Claire quietly snorts hiding behind her fan as she sits in the corner. “Me and Auntie Claire talked a lot too. I was a bit nervous around her, but she’s pretty and nice. And well, I hope we can have fun today now. Now we can both go around town easily right? Well, actually Claire said we may need to change our hair. I said we should go with black hair, I think that’d be cool. What do you think sis? For you, a red would be neat. Can you do red?” Ryan’s head switches over to Claire with the question and she nods her head yes. Ryan then clicks his head back in place to focus once again on his sister.

Her eye twitches. Was this the same brother she knew? He seemed far too eager. “Did… did anything happen when Claire came to grab me? You seem, um, hyper.”

Ryan takes a few steps back and clicks his shoes against the ground. “Mmmm, not really… I just thought I should show you I’m not upset about this. I… well I want you to enjoy yourself. You do so much for me already. So we’re trying it… let's try it right. No one will probably notice who either of us are dressed up like this. So. Um, we have a… um…” Slowly Ryan’s head pans to Claire for help.

Clearing her throat, she clasps her fan shut and stands up. “A clean state. Both of you. So. I want both of you to go out there and enjoy yourselves. While you’re in town, use that special room Riley. If anyone asks, you’re my nieces.” Pausing for a few moments Claire then shakes her head and continues. “If they ask why you’re here. Tell them you’re trying to find a better life. It’ll be enough.” With that said Claire walks over to the bag on the table and gently grabs it. “Though… do you both wish for hair dye? It may be easier on you…”

“Nah.” Riley scoffs and laces her fingers between Ryan’s. “Me and Ryan don’t need to hide that part. I know you’ve done plenty for Florentina…. I won’t let my paranoia ruin it. If I see something weird, I’ll let you know. But well… if I think about checking out another town I may ask for that dye.”

Claire closes the bag and nods walking to the door. “Well then. Enjoy the rest of the day. Look around. Maybe think about something else you could do for work. I don’t think both of you need to barely survive in a forest anymore. Just keep that in mind.”

The door closes and the two are left alone once again. “Ah… I never know how to talk to her.” Riley sighs and plops down on the couch spreading her legs out. “What do you think Ryan? Ah… should I even call you Ryan if you’re disguised like this? I guess girls are called Ryan sometimes.”

Ryan plops down right beside Riley leaning against her side. “Mmm, I don’t know.” Ryan thinks it over rather quickly. “Ryan’s fine. It’s easier to remember. But I guess you can call me sis for now…”

Hearing the trialing off words Riley pokes her finger against Ryan’s cheek. “Little sister more like it. You’re so small people will think you’re a good ten years younger than me. Heh, more so if you mumble like that all shy, where was the energy from a moment ago?”

Ryan rubs at the back of his neck feeling his cheeks grow flush. “W-well that energy is being stored for later. I don’t wanna use it all!” Riley rolls her eyes. “Hey, I mean it! A-and… I’m not that little am I?”

Rubbing at her chin Riley sits up a bit and looks down at Ryan. “Hmmm, little, small, adorable? Huh, weird… I try and say adorable- no, no, wait I can only call you small.”

Ryan’s cheeks both puff into a pout, ironically backing up his sister’s statements. “Whatever! I look completely different now, so I can act however I want! Claire said clean remember!”

Riley with a blank stare on her face lifts the front of Ryan’s dress and pats the front of the bloomers. “Oh wow, you’re right; still clean.”

A whining groan runs off Ryan’s lips he hops down from the couch and points at the door. “Gaaah you’re being mean, let's just go and explore already! Come on, come on, come on! I wanna see the town for real! Just the guilds boring!”

Taking a short breath Riley gives Ryan’s hand a squeeze and the both of them exit the room. Not wanting to draw too much attention from the nicer-looking clothes Riley guides Ryan out the back way. “A clean slate…” Mumbling the words softly to herself Riley thinks back on the memories of her mother. She admired the woman from what she could remember. Strong, but still feminine and knew how to act like a lady even though she worked hard. Riley wanted to be able to give such a feeling to others as well. Elegant, yet strong, pretty, but not some pushover for a man to use. “Heh…” The thought of her mother’s face blushing at her father though was different. “Claire’s way of acting is a bit too much for me.”

Ryan tilts his head in question looking around the back of the guild hall. “Why are we out back? And what’s wrong with Auntie’s acting, she seemed nice… but I guess um… ah, strict sometimes?”

Guiding her would-be sister around the side of the guild hall to the center street eyes were already falling on the twins. Riley is used to the looks to some extent, though usually it was because she smelled bad. Her hair was often covered outside, now though it was on full display, the white hair showing the sought-after bloodline's power. “Claire…” Riley gives Ryan’s hand a small tug making sure he stays close to her as they begin to walk away from the guild hall. “She… I think… was hoping we’d act more like nobles. To keep some of the pressure off. Though. I don’t wanna fake how we are. Even with a clean slate, we don’t know how to pretend to be completely different people. I’m already making you do more than enough…”

Trot, trot, trot, trot

A horse and buggy pass by the twins, followed by another horse and cart filled with different boxes. It has been some time since they came out of the guild hall, the time of day is already noon. “Hey, hey, um…” Ryan tugs at the side of Riley’s dress his hand pointing over to one of the many shop vendors peddling goods. As he pauses his cheeks begin to turn a little red, Riley was right. Ryan at the very least is pretending a bit already. “Big sis…Um, what’s that stuff?”

Riley’s cheeks gain a blush now, it felt a tad embarrassing to hear her brother. Her brother’s voice was rather feminine already, though hearing him speak such words with his current appearance made her question if he was even a real boy. “O-oh, that!” Clearing her throat, she squeezes her honorary little sister and walks on over to the pointed-out vendor. “We can take a look… now that we’re like this. But to tell you a little. It’s an alchemy vendor. There’s a shop here too with a storefront, but sometimes people visiting set up a stall and try and sell stock they may not need anymore, or is expiring soon. Usually discounted… so for harder hunts I’d sometimes buy stuff from them. Heh… course some upcharge at these vendors too if you don’t go to the real building.”

In front of the vendor now Ryan gazes over the variety of bottles lined up. Most are in crystal vials but a few are in normal glass bottles. The ones in glass look like a black liquid while the crystal ones hold a different variety of colors. Two red, two blue, and four different shades of green. “Wow… so these things are potions. I saw you have one of these vials before.” Ryan reaches his hand out but the seller gives him a glare making him recoil.

“O-oh.” The vendor suddenly stampers on his own words and his face softens like he had hit a puppy. “I didn’t mean to scare you little one.” Ryan’s cheeks blush again, a lot of people liked mentioning how small he was today. “The potion you were reaching for can be dangerous though. I’m sure your…” The man gives a short pause as his eyes gaze over Riley’s body. “Sister would not appreciate you getting hurt. You must be careful. But—” The man crouches behind his stall and stands back up with a bag in hand. “if I may?” He says looking toward Riley. She gives a soft smile and nods for the go-ahead. “You can have this. Open up your hand now.”

Ryan looks quickly at Riley and she gives him a knowing nod. He then holds open his palm and the man drops a blue little circle into Ryan’s hand. It feels smooth and it is more like a ball than a circle Ryan is not sure what to call it. “Huh… it’s so blue.” Ryan’s eyes innocently look up at the man filled with curiosity. “What is this Mister? I’ve never seen anything like it.”

Riley rubs the back of her neck at the comment, the vendor's eyes gazing at her. It was a true statement, but given how they were dressed it was ironically making them come off as rather noble. Not wanting to sound too snobby Riley clears her throat and chimes in. “Sorry about her, she’s not used to being in a town.” Looking down at Ryan she points to her palm and then mouth. “It’s a hard candy, Ryan. Just pop it right into your mouth and you can suck on it. Just be careful not to bite down on it alright? You’ll like it, it’s sweet.”

The vendor chuckles at himself, and Ryan stares at the blue orb in amazement. Candy. It was something his sister had given to him before, though it looked different and was soft. “Huh… it’s so different than the other candy you gave me. But! Okay! I’ll try it!” Popping the hard candy into his mouth Ryan’s tongue flicks against it tasting the sweet flavor. It is like nothing he has had before. A fresh, sweet flavor, it makes his throat tickle as the sweetness mixes with his spit. It was a flavor akin to berries he and his sister have eaten before but it has a different zing to it he could not explain. “This stuff is good!” Letting go of Riley’s hand Ryan takes a hop back and thrusts his fists back to properly focus on assaulting the candy with his tongue. “It makes me wanna bite it though… but it tastes good…”

The vendor laughs and Riley chuckles as well. Taking a step closer to the vendor she leans in to whisper over to him. “Do you happen to have a mirror I could borrow? I think it would make her day.”

The vendor slaps his knee and grabs a hand mirror from under his table handing it over to Riley. “Hahaha, sure, sure, I think ya just made my day anyway!”

Twirling the hand mirror over in her hand Riley walks over to Ryan and gently holds the handle out to the honorary sister. “Here… look in the mirror, and stick out your tongue. The candy comes with a surprise.”

Ryan tilts his head slowly but takes the mirror anyway. “Alright I mean I’m not sure what it could be… I guess I’ll just; aaaaah—” Opening his mouth wide in front of the mirror Ryan sees his tongue that usually is a reddish pink now looks rather blue just like the candy. “Naw wuh!” Speaking with tongue still hanging out he hands the mirror back to Riley and gives his tongue a few pokes. “Iuts aww eue!”

Sighing rather contently to the reaction Riley hands the mirror back over to the vendor and pats Ryan on the head. “Yes, now don’t worry it’ll fade away with time, but some candy like that does things like this. Hope you enjoyed it.”

Ryan nods a few times and gets close to his sister’s side again as he looks over to the merchant. It was easier to speak louder of course when he was beside his sister. “Hey mister Alchemy, the candy was really good, thank you! I hope me and my sister can make stuff like that someday.”

The man snorts trying to not keep laughing. Wiping a tear from his eye he shakes his head and sets his hand on his table. “No worries little miss. Honestly thanks for stopping by, you brightened my day that’s for sure.” Ryan’s cheeks blush once again and his head looks down shyly. “Heh really.’ The vendor turns his head to Riley he places a few things out before her. “I had a pretty terrible trip coming here, but you made up for it… so I want you to have this, for your sister. It’s a dying kit, something fun for her to play with ya know? Ah, pardon my speech.”

Riley blinks a few times a bit surprised her hand already reaching for her coin purse. “Oh, come now, I’m not offended by such speaking. I only just came to this town recently myself. So please I can pay you something.” Riley’s eye twitches realizing she is speaking like how Claire used to teach her on accident. Though it seemed polite in this case.

The vendor pauses and closes his eyes. Leaning forward he changes to a more earnest tone. “Your little sister there mentioned wanting to make things like this… Do you happen to do alchemy yourself, young lady?”

Riley’s mind flashes between different memories of her draining blood from beasts into bottles, squeezing fruit juice onto leaves, and squeezing snake heads to get the venom out. “I mean… it’s something I’ve slowly learned over time. Though—”

The vendor now claps his hands together and gives Riley a sly grin. “Well then, what do you know? I didn’t expect to find a young lady like you studying alchemy. Though I did hear more have been taking it up at the city. So, how about this, if you really wanna pay… I have some empty crystal vials. How about, I give you a dozen bottles, for ten pieces and you can take the dying set with you.” The man nods confidently and adds a final comment. “Guilt-free, don’t you agree?”

Riley looks down at Ryan who after having listened seemed completely into the idea. “Heh…” Riley rolls her eyes, after all her brother most likely just wanted the dye set. “Well, my—” part of Riley’s body cringes as the words leave her mouth. “Aunt has been telling me to explore business options… so why not? I could use the vials for-er-perfumes if I can’t find another use for them.” Grabbing the coins from her small coin purse she sets them down on the table and the vendor brushes them away into a larger coin sack of his own. Rushing into his cart he pops back out with a long black box and sets it down in front of the dye set. “Thank you then.” Riley gives a small nod and picks up the supplies. The dye set is already bundled into a bag with a drawstring so she gives it to Ryan.

“I hope you two have fun with it then, thank you for your business!”

Ryan and Riley both get some distance from the vendor. Riley’s eyes stare at the black box tucked under her arm while Ryan fiddles with the dye bag poking at the items within it without actually opening it. “Hey, Riley.” Ryan gives the box a poke now. “You got a bunch of those right. So that’s the thing we can do right? Then you don’t have to fight… right?”

Riley stops walking and shuts her eyes. “It’d be nice if it was that simple.” Shaking her head, she takes hold of Ryan’s hand and starts walking down the road. “But don’t worry about that. We’re supposed to be enjoying ourselves. So how about I treat you to some good food… the tavern’s probably cheap enough.” Riley nods to herself confidently at noon the tavern that also acted as an inn would surely have no troublemakers around.

“Buuut.” Ryan tugs at Riley’s side with a soft whine pointing at his dye bag. “What about this?! I wanna play with the colors. Can’t we do it now?”

Closing her eyes as she keeps walking Riley gives a sideways sigh and nods. “Yes, the tavern won’t mind if we set that up at a table. Long as we pay for a meal. I doubt they’d have a full house now, so you can play with it. I guess we can use some of these vials for it too.”

Ryan’s eyes light up and he nods excitedly. “Sweet like candy. Hehe, I can’t wait, I wonder if we could make one white like our hair.”

The two walk and talk, not noticing the eyes following them. For once Riley did not feel like those eyes were out to get her. Well, a few of them may have been staring a bit too long but it was probably not with the intentions of kidnapping.


The Tavern Hall of the Inn is not packed but it certainly has people within it. When the guild hall was full usually the overflow ends up here. From what Ryan could tell there was a few tables filled with large men, a couple of tables have a few women casually chatting, one a group of old men playing cards. Some people were drinking from large mugs, while others drank water from cups. Ryan had seen something like it at the guild but since there were fewer people in the tavern it felt a bit more comfortable. However he does see a few people that seem like adventurers. A group of three, a taller man with pointy ears, a pale average-height man with a bushy black beard. “Oh…” Ryan’s thoughts mutter out verbally. Among the group is also a girl, she looks about as tall as Riley. Though she is far daintier compared to Riley, ironically however the gear she wears is rougher. A tattered black robe and a wooden staff with a red gem. Her hair looks black like charcoal from a fire, and she has a rather plump chest. Her eyes though are a soft green color, Ryan liked the looks, it is like a swirling grass. Of course, he knew most normal people probably should not say they could see all those details from so far away.

“She’s beautiful.” Riley says the words bluntly while holding Ryan’s hand. They both were looking at the same girl. “Ahem.” Riley shakes her head and tugs on Ryan’s hand to guide him over to an empty table. Setting their belongings down Riley nudges her chin at Ryan. “Now stay put a moment alright?”

Ryan’s cheeks puff a little but he already started to take out the contents of the dye set. “Finnnne. Hmph… I saw her first though.”

Riley puts a hand on her hip and gestures over toward the girl. “You wanna talk to her? I was just gonna ask for our food to not bother the waiter. But you can head on over to your little crush if you like.”

Eyes slowly averting down Ryan quietly starts fiddling with the dye sets colored bottles. “Th-that’s fine.”

With a smirk of victory, Riley pivots around on her heels and marches over to the bar counter. She orders food and drink to be brought over to the table, and even makes sure it’s okay that her good little sister be able to play with the dye set. Though her actual intention is in fact to speak to the rather pretty lady. “I’ve always thought about this but never actually…” Clearing her throat Riley straightens herself out and walks over to the group of three. By all accounts, it seems like they were making small talk though they did not exactly look like friends. If they just happened to work together though all the better for Riley. “Why hello there. I couldn’t help but notice you when I walked in Miss—”

The men stay silent but the tall one Riley can tell is checking her out. The pale man however appeared focused elsewhere. The woman in black luckily gives a soft smile and brushes some of her hair behind her ear. Her soft smile is met with a gentle laugh, her calming green eyes looking into Riley’s blues. “Oh, is that so? I suppose both of us make a good contrast hehe.” The woman stands up from her seat and reaches her hand out in greeting. “The name, is Annabelle, but everyone calls me Anna. Not every day I have someone like you greet me, do you require a witch?”

Annabelle, the name rang familiar to Riley, Annabelle The Black Forest Witch. Apparently given her name because of the dark colors she commonly wears and her dark hair. From what Riley could recall most saw her venture into forests often so the title developed. Not many in the world can use magic, though those that can usually only use magic from the elemental branches, such as fire or water. Witches and Warlocks are people who can use magic from these elemental branches. Though unlike those with holy powers, many skills with elemental branches often lacked physical skill, thus usually acting as support for other adventuring parties. “I’ve heard your name before Annabelle.” Riley gives a soft smile and takes the woman’s hand softly kissing the top of it to Annabelle’s surprise. “I go by Riley, it’s a pleasure to meet you. And though I do not need a witch.” Riley’s eyes glance over to both the men and then back to Anna. “It looked like you weren’t eating with your companions so if it’s no trouble. How about you come to eat with me and my sister? I’d love to hear some of the stories you could tell.”

The pale man scoffs and rolls his eyes a gruff voice bellowing up from his throat. “Hah. She’s in use. Prissy.”

The taller man rolls his eyes right back but he stands up and gives a slight bow. “Oh come now, David. Our guest here is clearly from out of town. Please forgive his rudeness we try and keep him leashed.”

Anna sighs and slowly sits back down in her chair. “I appreciate the offer, really I do. Though for now, I must decline.” Riley being no fool notes Anna’s glare at the taller man. The witch did not sound fearful though. “We were discussing some business. Though if you’re still here when I’m done, we could talk. Yes?” She says the words to Riley but only looks at the taller man who still has yet to give a name,

“Of course.” The taller man smiles and sits back down nodding toward Riley. “I do hope you and your sister enjoy your meal.”

Giving a slight sigh of disappointment Riley nods to the group and gives a glare at David. “Alright then, thank you for your time regardless. Sorry if any bother.” Walking away from the table Riley sits back down with Ryan looking at a scene of three crystal vials with different colored liquids now inside of them. “Well… I guess you did use the vials.”

Ryan nods seeming to already be over the Anna situation. “Yeah look! This one turned purple, and this is orange, and this one is green too like Anna’s eyes!” Or he was not over her at all.

Riley brings a finger to her lips. “Shhhh!” Lowering her head she leans in close to Ryan. “Everyone here thinks you never met her… don’t let people know we’re different… Ugh. Claire may have white hair like us. But all people with white hair don’t have powers… we don’t want people to know we have them… That includes the physical enhancement to hearing.”

Ryan’s cheek puffs a little again in pout but his hand points to the green vial. “Well either way… if she comes back I’m gonna give this one to her. And hmph, it’s not a big deal, this inn doesn’t have a special block sound door thing like the guild anyway.”

Sighing yet again Riley nods. “That’s fine… give it to her. I won’t bother even addressing the other thing. But for now how about we actually eat?”

As if on cue bowls with a hearty stew are set out for the both of them. Spoons and cups filled with water. Riley just taking one bite could tell it was no budget stew like she had just the night before. “Aaaah… It’s great for sure.”

The twins lose themselves in their meal eating and drinking rather quickly. A meal to savior gone in just a few minutes. Ryan gives a soft sigh now as he finishes off his glass of water. “Even that water was cold cause of the chunky water.”

Chuckling under her breath Riley lets the ice from her cup slip into her mouth. “it’s ice, not chunky water. It’s frozen water… it just means it's really cold water. I told you this before during classes though…”

As Riley’s eyes narrow Ryan’s eyes avert her gaze. “Y-yeah I remember that.” He did not listen at all but he vaguely remembers the winter day of making snowballs in the woods. “Hmm…” Blinking a few times then an idea slowly creeps into Ryan’s mind. Taking out another vial from the box he pours some water from the pitcher into it and takes out a blue dripper from the dye kit. Making the water turn a blue color he pushes his bowl away and brings it close to himself. “Hey, sis.”

Riley turns her head in question now looking at the crystal vial. “What is it? What are you doing there.” Puffing his cheek up a little Ryan closes his eyes holding his hand in front of the bottle. To anyone else, nothing was happening but Riley could feel the faint touch of holy magic in the air. “H-hey I said—”

Shaking his head Ryan pushes the vial over to Riley. “Shhhh yourself. Juuuust drink it! You reminded me about something. When we were snowball fighting back then. Remember what I did?”

Touching the vial Riley could feel faint magic coming from it right away. Her eyes narrow at Ryan, why drink it? “What happened back then again?” Closing her eyes she thinks on the past. Ryan was making rather bad snowballs, though after a few tosses suddenly he made perfectly round ones. These balls were far too hard. When she asked him not to throw them though; he ended up making her body hard instead, saying she would not get hurt then. “Oh yeah…” It seemed hard for him to use the magic back then, but Ryan at times could power up others, instead of what Riley did powering up herself. Licking at her lips she opens her eyes and drinks the potion down. Feeling a slight tingle down her throat, she could feel it, her skin felt a tad harder than normal. “Hah… no way.” Shaking her head ideas were already beginning to flood her mind.

“So?” Ryan puffs up his chest proudly. “This means we can be alchemy too like that bald guy right?! I did something good right?”

Fishing for approval Riley nods in agreement. It was something she had not exactly considered before. Though it would allow her brother to use his powers. Water and food dye were a lot cheaper than actual ingredients. “Heh. I think my little sister may be a little scammer deep down. Hehe, but I think it wouldn’t be a bad idea. You just gotta be careful.”

Looking extra confident Ryan smiles and points at Riley. “That’s why I got you with me. I can make the stuff… and you can be like my bodyguard. But then you don’t gotta beat up monsters all the time. And we could like get our own big building like this too right?! And we could both keep wearing these soft clothes too and stuff!”

A few people glance toward them but Riley can’t help but chuckle at her brother's enthusiasm. “Heh… I’d like that yeah. But.” With a slightly more serious face, Riley leans in close beckoning Ryan closer from his side. “We’ve only been out and about a few hours… even if you think the clothes are soft. I don’t wanna make you feel like you gotta keep dressing like this for me.”

Ryan shakes his head and pushes up against the table to lean in even closer to Riley. “It’s fine! I mean they feel comfy anyway… I just. I think this is something I can do… to be useful. And it’s fun playing with colors. And like… we could um, make money helping people then right? And, and well… if I really have an issue. I know you’ll hear me out.”

Riley’s eyes get glossy hearing the words. Biting at her lip she reaches her hand forward and squishes her brother's cheeks. “Awww, really what am I gonna do with you? Fine! We’ll make it the new plan. I can talk to Claire about it more tonight… but if you do have any issues you better tell me or else you’re gonna make me a nervous wreck.”

Giggling back Ryan nods and scoots himself back into his seat. “Hehe, am gonna be a potion master and everyone’s gonna be all jeal—” Ryan pauses and points back behind Riley. “You he—”

“Yes.” Riley sighs but does not turn around. “I’ll handle it alright?” Ryan nods. “Geez… sometimes I wish. No, no, I probably would have worried about it even if I couldn’t hear them.” Pushing her arms against the table Riley picks up her empty stew bowl and walks back toward Anna’s table.

“You wot?!” David slams his mug down spitting at his side. “Hah, you don’t deserve that big of a cut.”

Anna glares at David her arms crossed under her chest. “We signed a contract. I have it in writing right here.” Slamming the piece of paper onto the table David rolls his eyes. “What are you both going to say your contract meant nothing? This is how the guild works. I helped you both cause you’re newbies. I can admit you have some strength, but you ended up making me take out most of the Fell Beasts.”

The tall man stands up and takes a dagger from his coat quickly stabbing it into the contract. “Hah, what a ploy, bringing up some fake contract all of the sudden?! I can’t believe this. Witch of Black Forest indeed. Do you scam all new adventurers like this?!”

Anna flinches in her seat blinking a few times, and already several other tables nearby begin to whisper. “Why you…. I expected it from David. But you’re both rotten, aren’t you? Robert. Give me the money I’m owed or I’ll bring this… now torn paper back to the guild right now.”

Anna stands up and takes her staff reaching for the paper though David leaps over the table. “Hah this is what I think of your dumb rules!”


David shoots back into the bar counter his head slamming against the wood he blacks out instantly from the impact. A whirling stew bowl is all that is left moving beside him. “Wow… you both really need to learn better matters. A lady should be treated with respect.” Riley smirks nodding toward a now even more confused Annabelle.

“Wh-what?” Robert blinks a few times and then shakes his head grabbing two more daggers from his coat. “Look sweet thing, I don’t care about some lucky shot. Some noble get-up means nothing to me. If you’re in a small town like this. You can get away with anything.”

A few of the customers now start to rabble. “Hah, you’re new!” Another woman shouts up from her table. “This town isn’t one of your shatholes mud head!”

Robert groans and takes up a defensive stance staring now at Riley instead of Anna. “I watched all of what she could do. Hah, I don’t care what all of them are babbling about. In the cities, folk make a big deal out of your white hair types… Heh. I could probably sell ya for a good penny!” Dashing forward Anna gasps and Riley sighs.

“Yeah right.” Riley says her words monotone and sways just slightly to the left watching the dagger not even touch a thread of her dress. “So Anna.” Anna blinks again still startled by the whole situation. Robert however twists around and attempts to slash at Riley’s back. “I just had lunch with my Sister.” Riley’s eyes look only at Anna but her foot pushes back a little kicking into Robert’s ankle. The man falls to the ground dropping his daggers. “We could do dinner tonight if you wanted…” Riley’s words trail off, her cheeks blushing a little as she asks the question. Annabelle of course still could barely comprehend what was happening in front of her.

“Wh-why you bi—” Robert jolts up smacking his head on a table. “Dang it!” Picking up his daggers again he scoffs wiping a little blood from his nose. “You got some lucky shots I’ll admit it.”

Another man from the table nearby sighs. “If that’s luck I hate to see what effort can do…” Another woman rubbing her cheek sighs shaking her head in discontent. “Really that man’s just sad… but that girl. She’s kind of like the knight of Elmore isn’t she?” One of the burly big men in the back laughs hearing the woman’s comment. “Haha, I’d hate to be that loser if that girl really is the Knight!”

Blushing from embarrassment now Robert waves his daggers through the air stomping his feet like a child. “Really! Really?! Shut up! Shut up all of you! I swear! I swear you’ll regret it!”

Anna twitches a little but slowly brushes her hair back behind her ear. “U-um… yeah… dinner… dinners fine yeah… Your um… sister seemed cute too… playing with her dye set. I-I” Stuttering over her words Anna still clearly was not sure what was going on, was she still even in danger? “I saw you both chatting when I looked back… um matching outfits too. Adorable…” Riley is still blushing in front of her like some shy person flirting. Anna has no idea how to process it. “W-wait are y—”

Robert not caring for the dismissal of himself from the picture stomps down a final loud stomp. “Come on! Don’t ignore me now! You’re just like my father! I’ll show you wench!” Mad for real this time Robert throws a dagger right toward Riley’s head. Of course, she simply turns her head slightly to the right and it zooms past her hitting a wall instead. “Oh come on what the heck is this?!” Taking out from his vest a dagger with a green liquid on it he grins. “fine… then how about this you wench?!” Throwing one dagger at Riley he quickly leaps forward and throws his second coated dagger toward Anna instead.

Riley dodges the first dagger but her eyes go wide watching the man leaping from her side. “You jerk!” Grabbing the fork on the table she flings it at the dagger. But Annabelle gasps stumbling back onto her butt. “N-no!” Riley watches the dagger change its path after the fork hits it, but the dagger ends up slashing the side of Anna’s shoulder ripping part of her robe. The man did indeed have some strength but he was an idiot for sure. Riley grits her teeth and pushes on her heel lifting her other foot in turn. The man’s face connects with her heels shoe and he flies through the air slamming right in David and thusly passing out the same way. “That jerk! Anna are you okay?!” Riley gets to a knee and gently cradles Anna. The woman’s eyes wince and her teeth grit, she shakes her head appearing unable to speak. “Dang it, that ba—idiot had to use poison!”

Ryan arrives on scene. “Hey!” Ryan tugs at Riley’s dress once again though his sister is beside herself. “Calm down…” Tugging at the side of his dress Ryan sheepishly holds up a crystal vial with a red liquid in it. A few of the guests in the tavern had run out of the building, a few others were now gathered around the scene whispering among themselves.

Riley could once again feel the magic of the potion. Ryan’s eye is even winking rather obviously at her. “Heh…” Shaking her head Riley turns back to Anna and takes the vial showing it to her. “Anna… this is a potion, it’ll heal you up, do you think you can drink it? Do trust me too?” Giving people potions without consent could lead to issues later.

Anna’s eyes peer over at the men now knocked out and the useless observers. Closing her eyes weakly she nods her head and opens her mouth. Riley pours the liquid down her throat and the crowd gasps as they watch the wound on her shoulder completely vanish in a matter of seconds. Only some blood is left but she no longer has any open wounds. Her tensed eyes even relax and she lets a sigh pass her lips as she feels her voice come back to her. “Am-amazing… I… It healed it almost instantly.”

Ryan pats his chest proudly. As he faces toward the crowd instead of Anna to not look at the blood. “See! I did it! I knew it’d work. Cause I’m a master Alchemy!”

The crowd’s gasps turn to a few chuckles and Ryan looks confused back toward Riley. “Oh yeah…” Riley clears her throat and leans herself a little toward Ryan. “It’s Alchemist… Alchemist. It’s… it’s called Alchemy to make potions. But the person who makes them is an Alchemist.”

Hearing the words Annabelle covers her mouth laughing into it. “Bahaha. Oh, oh come now” Sitting herself up without Riley’s support she slowly stands herself up and helps Riley to her feet as well. “Thank you, really, both of you. AND!” She turns herself toward the crowd. “If you would all stop looking someone fetch the guards to take those two idiots away! We’re not a sideshow here!”

The crowd all begins to mumble like scolded children but finally begins to disperse. Luckily it only takes a few minutes for some guards to pick up the two scoundrels. With things a bit calm Anna, Riley, and Ryan all finally sit down together back at Riley’s table. Anna eyes over the dye kit but also peers at the crystal vials. Riley was going to need to hide a few things at least for now. “So.” Rubbing at the back of her head thinking of all the quick excuses she could. “I’ve been studying alchemy with my sister. I know she looks a bit young, but she’s honestly smarter with it than me. She likes to play around with dyes. But that potion you had was a genuine brew of hers.” Opting for half-truths seemed the best idea.

Anna relaxed a little more, currently she was sitting right next to Ryan. The small girl in her eyes was still staring at her too. Clearing her throat the witch speaks. “Well then, not something I expected… but I’ve heard of all sorts of talented people.” Looking at Ryan she gives the young girl a gentle pat on the head. “You did well… thank you, the potion worked wonders. I’ve never met such a talented little Alchemist. Hehe, if you plan to set up shop here, I look forward to the business you both make.”

Ryan’s eyes light and he nods with excitement. “Th-thank you really! A-and you’re really pretty too miss Anna!”

Anna blinks again a few times and looks between Riley and Ryan. “Really… both of you heh. You too Riley, you handle yourself well. I suppose your shop won’t have to worry about thieves to say the least.”

With blushing cheeks and a nervous laugh, Riley nods twirling a strand of her tied-up hair. “Yeah, I know how to handle myself. I have to make sure Ryan’s protected after all. Heh, but thanks, also to you. I think you made me realize… that a potion shop out here may not do too badly. Who knows maybe we could even be a cart vendor.”

“Well.” Anna stands herself up and dusts off the back of her robe. “Here.” Slipping a piece of paper across the table to Riley the blushing one was now Anna. “You can meet me there this evening… Feel free to bring little Ryan along with you.” Nodding at herself sagely Anna turns right around and begins to walk for the exit. “Oh and by the way, whatever happens…” Anna tilts her head back and gives a soft little smile. “You’ve got yourself your first customer. I look forward to hearing your shop's name.”

As the day progresses, Riley and Ryan both enjoy themselves within the town. Seeing the sights, talking to people, going to the local park, even seeing a local play. Riley gets her dinner and lets Ryan tag along. The two barely even fight over Anna’s attention. They get to stay at the guild hall in Claire’s special room, with a warm bed, and bathrooms that are inside buildings instead of just a hole. One day with so many different experiences. With that one day, weeks begin to pass, plans are made, and months pass as well. A new life not thought possible begins to bloom.

Ding, jingle, jingle

“Welcome to Elmor’s Brews!”

The sisters say the words together, and Anna smiles contently. “Well, you’ve both certainly gotten yourselves comfortable.” Elmor’s Brews, the name for the potion shop both the brother and sister had created. It quickly became a success due to the cheap rates of the potions and their effectiveness. It had its share of problems though such as needing to increase the prices to not destroy the whole alchemy business. Though any angry alchemist Riley was more than enough to deal with. “The usual please.” Just as Annabelle had said, she was a regular customer now. The mana-restoring potions Ryan makes are the best she ever got. Another three blue bottles are placed before her and she forks over the coins for it. Ryan slowly counts out the money one at a time Anna chuckles at the mundane process. “You’re both the best in the business I’ve found.” Anna nudges her head in Riley’s direction. “How goes the hunt for the cart?”

Ryan finishes letting the money drop into the sack and stands proudly. “Hehe. We’ve got the horse and we found a cart the other day. Big sis is getting it all nice and fancy-ified!” Speaking with confidence and not even averting his eyes from Anna’s gaze Ryan steps off his step stool and walks around the counter. He was still acting the part of a little sister. His outfit today is a simple light-yellow dress. He was not sure himself why he did not mind it. Though pretending to be a girl, wearing the clothing, it never bothered him. Keeping the act going just felt normal. He even felt like he was finally starting to speak up around others more naturally. “But with your order done, we can close up today!”

Riley steps off a step ladder and finishes placing the last of the red potions on the upper shelf. “Yeah, we can.” Pulling her hair tie out Riley shakes out her long white hair and brushes it back behind her shoulders. Anna blushes a tad at the gesture but Riley simply puts a hand on her hip and dusts off the back of her dark blue dress. “I’ll just lock up and take my apron off alright?” Tossing off the white apron Riley goes around the shop locking a few doors and securing the bag of coins in the shop's safe. Coming back to the front she steps softly eyeing Ryan and Anna from afar. For most of her life, she had been fighting. Now she was working in a shop. Ryan was protected, enjoying himself, they had a roof over their heads and had money too. Soon they would even travel a little more. Closing her eyes for a few minutes Riley lets a smile crease her lips. “I’m okay Dad, Mom… we’re both okay.”

“Hey!” Anna waves over to Riley a smile on her face. “Come on now, Ryan’s calling you a slowpoke here. I’ll take her out to dinner alone if you don’t hurry up missy.”

Rolling her eyes Riley shakes her head and walks back to the front. With her right hand, she grabs hold of Ryan, and with her left, she grabs hold of Annabelle.

Ding, jingle, jingle

The three walk together along the main road. Ryan’s eyes look to the sky a smile parting his lips just like the clouds parting to show the purple evening. “The sky’s pretty today.” Ryan looks at Riley and then Anna. The scars from the past would never simply vanish like the cuts his potions heal. Though the hand holding his, the people beside him. They did help Ryan find something else. Through all the struggles, he and his sister finally found something new to fill in the pains left by the past. Softly his words putter from his lips. “Mom was right.”

Riley looks down at Ryan and gives him a little nudge. “Heh, what are you mumbling about this time? Mom was right about what?”

Ryan beams back with a wide grin showing off his teeth. “You need to fight with tenacity! Then you’ll find that special home!”


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