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Adventure often calls for companions. Though many walk alone somehow making do. For the young adventurer Kazuma, he often travels with a party of three others. Though his ragtag group was often more trouble than it was worth. The best the young man could think to do is strive to become stronger. Strength comes in all shapes and sizes, and he was willing to take any shortcuts to reach that strength no matter the costs that came with it.

“Wiz’s shop has some serious junk in it…” Kazuma rubs at his dark green eyes wincing at the window of the Magical Shop displaying potions and items. He had just been looking for a few minutes, but all the price tags were overpriced just like always. “I feel like the only crap I’ve gotten here for here sucked… Well, maybe my charity case will work.” Kazuma cared not for honor, grabbing both his cheeks tightly he pinches at them. The young man's eyes begin to tear up and he sniffles his nose trying to make it appear like he was crying or just stopping. “A-and…” With a fake whimper filling his voice the shameless man smiles and runs right through the Magical Shop's front door. “W-Wiz!” The light brown-haired woman behind the counter jumps up in place but seems mostly calm. Her eyes were a little concerned through seeing Kazuma’s eyes and hearing his whimpering whiny voice. “Y-you gotta listen to me Wiz, please… please.” Adding to his act Kazuma collapses to his knees looking at the kind Wiz with a begging stare. “Please…”

Hand on her chest Wiz was unsure how to react to such amazing acting. “O-oh…” Stuttering a little the kind woman looks over her shop as if to make sure no one was around. “Kazuma… y-you don’t have to do anything like that. Come on, stand up please.”

Kazuma sighs standing back up. He wanted to make sure he looked good and desperate. Part of him wished his acting was an actual lie though and not just the truth. “I’m… I’m not trying to make a scene.” Speaking suddenly serious had to be the next hook into Wiz, surely the plan to get free stuff would work. “I just… I really need help Wiz. Everything I try… I’m not becoming strong fast enough. Aqua, Darkness, Megumin, they’re either causing me problems or can handle themselves at least a little bit. But I wanna be able to handle myself on my own, take care of missions myself. And not just the same dumb frog extermination mission.”

Put on the spot Wiz nervously pokes her fingers together appearing to think. Kazuma was glad at least someone was pretending to want to be helpful. “I mean… I guess I could try and give you something that helps people become stronger. I’m just not sure how the item works.”

No other plans were in Kazuma's schedule today so he shrugs his shoulders. He was ready for whatever terrible thing could happen today. “Just bring the item out, let me see it, use it, both maybe. I’m ready for it.”

Giving in to the masterfully crafted act Wiz nods her head and walks into the back room behind the counter. “Wait just a moment.” Kazuma taps his foot against the ground looking over the shop. In a dusty corner, he notices a stack of cards that were untouched. He was waiting around anyway so he walks over to them and looks at the pile of cards. It was cards Yunyun had made, that just was asking for friends and a location on where to meet up. Sullenly Kazuma reaches his hand away from the pile of cards before his fingers can scrape off any of the dust. Then he just backs away slowly waiting for Wiz. “Kazuma!” Wiz stumbles out of her inner shop a few items falling from her hands. “Kazuma, I found just the item!” Slamming an oversized ink pad down Wiz pulls out a rather small stamper and gently sets it down beside the oversized ink pad. The pad was very oversized, Kazuma had to just point that out. The thing was wider than the shop counter. “This stamper just has to be applied to…” Wiz picks up a small little note pad and flips through it, her face blushing a little as she reads. “Oh, um, it says it has to be stamped against your inner thigh.”

The whole thing was a bit strange but Kazuma had seen stranger things using magic. Grabbing the stamper, he pushes it against the ink. “Wiz.” The lich girl cocks her head trying to pay attention. “You may wanna turn around real quick, it is my inner thigh and all.” Blushing a bright red she nods and turns right around covering her eyes. “Hah… well then let's do this.” Kazuma pulls open his gray pants and shoves his hand with stamper down spreading his legs open. It did look a bit awkward but oh well. Stamping the mark against his thigh he pulls it right off and pulls his hand out. “There done.” Setting the stamper down Kazuma shoves his hand back into his pants just for a moment to brush his fingers along the ink spot. The ink was already dry and felt like it was a little bumpy. “It made like lines, rivets? I don’t know, it’s rectangle…” Lifting the stamper back up quickly Kazuma looks at the pattern. “Huh, a bar code? Well, Wiz, I got it on, what do I do now?”

Clapping her hands together Wiz turns around, her face still a little blushy, probably thinking of Kazuma’s hands down his pants. “W-well. You see, it should start working right away I believe. Do you feel any different?”

Kazuma quickly takes out his adventurer card and looks at it. “Yunyun level- wait what?!” Squeezing at the card Kazuma quickly looks at a nervously smiling Wiz and then back at the card. “This isn’t right at all. I’m sure that…” Patting at his pants looking at the dust cards in the corner. Kazuma did not see his adventurer card anywhere. “Why do I have Yunyun’s card? Wiz, what’s up with this? I had my card when I walked into here. I know I checked, no one stole it.”

Flipping through her small note pad Wiz eyes over the contents, again and again, her eyes not becoming any less concerned to Kazuma’s dismay. “U-um well you see.”

Finger thrusted forward Kazuma bellows out loudly. “Don’t tell me you just screwed me!?”

Waving her arms back and forth Wiz drops her notebook, her face blushing deeply. “Ka-Kazuma please don’t yell things like that so loudly!”

With narrowed eyes, Kazuma grabs at his pants while staring Wiz in the eye and he pulls them right down to his ankles. “I don’t care about that crap is this thing gonna kill me or something?! It changed my card already; get this crap off me!” Wiz covers her eyes, but Kazuma cared not for modesty. His hands scratch at his thigh but the marking was not coming off. Instead he was noting before his eyes that his underwear was changing. The fabric was becoming softer, his underwear was turning into panties. “No way in whatever the hell, hell is called in this place…” Tugging at the waistband of his underwear, it did seem to be panties. Black in color, a spandex nylon blend, maybe some cotton. They felt nice all things considered but Kazuma was now wearing the panties. “This is all wrong… it has to be wrong. Why- Wiz!”

Jumping up in place Wiz had no idea how to respond, Kazuma could tell that easily enough but he wanted something. “U-u-um well.” Wiz peeks from her hands noticing Kazuma not only was wearing girl's panties, but his legs also looked rather nice too. “Wait… what is…” Perplexed Wiz leans forward a little more eyeing down Kazuma’s body. The boots he normally wore crawl right up his young legs and morph before Wiz’s eyes to a brighter brown color, knee-high heeled boots. “That underwear… the boots… the card. Kazuma. You’re starting to… starting to look like Yunyun.”

Unsure how else to respond Kazuma groans loudly and tugs at his hair. “Wizzzzz why, why, of all the people this thing could turn me into. Why the heck is it turning me into Yunyun!?” Kazuma’s hair gets a little darker, his normally spiky hair flattening against his head. To his horror, the hair was getting a bit fuller as each second passes. It was even lengthening too. Yunyun did not have super long hair but Kazuma could feel his hair now brushing his shoulders. The hair at the top of his head even starts braiding itself holding back his bangs. “Come on hair! I don’t need some fancy braided hair headband! What the hell do you even call them?! Gaaah Wizzz please, please tell me you have a way to undo all this!” Hair bunching a bit over his shoulders two red ribbons pop right in place holding the hair in pigtail fashion. Since his body was still changing Wiz starts laughing a little, Kazuma could only assume anyone would laugh seeing his face with some girly hair. “Wiz, come on! I get it, the process looks funny, but cure, reversal, whatever, help me out!” Kazuma’s eyes now begin to change color, the dark green changing to a red color. Kazuma was unsure how to explain all the magic crap himself, but his clothes and body both were transforming to match Yunyun. Out from the boots for example crawl thigh-high socks clinging onto his legs. The clothing just kept coming out of thin air or somehow being twisted out from his clothes.


Wiz drops several notepads to the floor, her face a bit flustered from the whole mess. “K-Kazuma. I well… I think um… I don’t seem to have anything to help. My inventory has nothing of use, I’d need to go to a dungeon quickly… maybe I could find something.”

A twitch in his eye Kazuma groans again gently tugging at his white shirt that was now progressively turning black. “Maybe. You say maybe? Just go already, I have enough to deal with. I’m not going outside like this so hurry up!”


Wiz runs right out her shop door with just a wave back in Kazuma’s direction. She at least seemed to understand that Kazuma was now in distress because of the so-called help she was providing. “Geez… what now?” Kazuma sinks leaning back against the shop counter. His voice was starting to crack now and again like he was going through puberty, but it was just his adams apple vanishing. Looking at his hands, over his body, all the changes kept happening right before his eyes. Shirt exposing his chest now, gaining long sleeves. His cloak even sunk into his shirt. He understood none of the processes but somehow it makes a pink mini-skirt pop right out around his waist. The thing was way too short too as if the mini part did not imply that. Though Kazuma being the one wearing it, he felt the need to point it out. The thigh highs he was wearing and the mini skirt were exposing bare thigh when it probably should not have been. Then a pink tie pops out from the white-collar around his neck, it sort of looked like a school uniform from places back in Japan. “Yeah… yeah, this is Yunyun’s weird outfit alright.” Pressing his hand against the exposed part of the chest Kazuma watches his hand push out, breasts filling into the cups of the oddly designed top. “Well… guess I can fondle breasts if they’re my own right? Is that my only solace from this?” Sighing louder now even though no one was around to hear him Kazuma starts to poke his slender finger against his new breast. “N-ngh… what the?” Pain shoots through his body, something at his crotch. Quickly grabbing his hands under his skirt Kazuma feels his small soldier disappear. Touching against the same spot of his crotch it just felt smooth, it was only when he lowered his hand between his legs does he feel what girls do every day. “Ahaha… holy shit I’m really a girl now, aren’t I? But…” Kazuma begrudgingly grabs at the red ribbons in his hair. “I look like Yunyun… my clothes look like Yunyun’s… my voice even sounds like her now! The only thing that’s the same is how I’m acting…” The new girl, as Kazuma would now need to refer to herself, crosses her arms under her chest. “My face even changed… the chins different and everything. If Wiz can’t find anything, what am I suppose to do? Maybe if I get myself killed, I can just be put back?”


The door to the shop once again jingles open. Though it was no way long enough for Wiz to come back already. Kazuma turns around on her heeled boot and looks at a somewhat annoyed small girl. Megumin glares right at Kazuma but then thrusts her head away with very clear disgust. It was just how Megumin usually treated Yunyun, the whole teasing thing because she has no friends but is actually somewhat skilled. The small explosive mage walks right over to the shop counter pretending Kazuma was not even there. With her usual red shirt dress, a cloak covering her arms, and a pointy witch hat on her head the girl always did seem ready for an anime convention. Kazuma could only feel Megumin may have been born in the wrong world sometimes, she even had an eyepatch covering her surely throbbing left eye to contain the hidden power it did not actually have. Kazuma could spend all day poking at the small girl, but he had to speak up rather than just stare at her. Though it was a little nice to be able to stare at her without her getting mad. “Ehem… Megumin.” Just saying the words, the small girl does not look Kazuma’s way at all. “Hey. Megumin.” Still nothing, Megumin was acting as if Kazuma did not exist at all. Even without trying, she got a taste of how Yunyun usually feels. Still, Kazuma was, well Kazuma, if the nice way did not work, she simply had to be rude. “Helllo, chuuni, flat chest-chan!” Kazuma obnoxiously waves her hand back and forth right in Megumin’s face just getting louder so the small girl would acknowledge him. “Ooooh was I mistaken? Maybe no one’s here!” Kazuma suddenly sighs heavily leaning forward so her breasts press against the top of Megumin’s hat. “Yeah, I guess I was mistaken, I don’t see anyone.”


Megumin’s hand slaps right against Kazuma’s breast. Though the small girl does not end there, leaping back in place she jumps up and slaps at the breast right away again. Kazuma can not help but let out a whine from his lips, one loud enough to even make him blush a bit. Megumin sadly smiles with victory and joy, her voice cackles and she puts a hand to her hip boasting as loud as Kazuma taunted. “Kukuku, to think you’d really try something so pathetic on me! What, don’t tell me you got upset for not being invited to the party that happened yesterday! Kukuku, it’s so sad that you’d resort to something like this, and now you’ve already been defeated.”

No party happened yesterday, Megumin was just trying to make Yunyun feel lonely. Kazuma was the one actually in front of her though. Hand on her breasts Kazuma sighs disappointed, he would not just fall into the same trap Yunyun would. “Wiz isn’t here. She went to get something for me. You can leave now.”


Slapping Kazuma’s breast again Megumin sticks her tongue out at the new girl. “Hah, like that would ever happen! You’re just trying to pretend like someone cares. If Wiz really isn’t here you’ve probably just been standing here all day.” Spinning on her heel Megumin points over to the dusty stack of cards on the back table. “Look! No one even grabbed your silly contact cards. Honestly, with how high the dust piled; I feel a little sorry for you.” Megumin wipes away a single fake tear from her eye. “Wiz didn’t even bother to clean the cards off for you. They were so disgusting to her she could not even bring herself to touch the dust they had collected.”

Kazuma does wince her eyes from the slap, but really, she could not believe Megumin. She was still baiting even now, at the very least when she disliked someone, she made it clear enough. “S-stop already! Y-You, don’t have to be so mean to me!” Kazuma quickly covers her mouth, the words just came out. “I-I…” Her voice was still stuttering for some reason. She was acting like Yunyun in a way. Suddenly being all passive to the little shorty in front of her even though Yunyun was probably better in terms of things like skills and abilities. “W-Wiz just forgot about them! I’m sure she’s going to clean them off when she gets back!” Kazuma almost wanted to throw up, why was he saying such dumb things? Was Yunyun infecting his mind or something?

Megumin grabs Kazuma’s hand and starts smiling. “Wiz isn’t here. So you should come with me.” Kazuma hesitates her arm trying to pull back at least a little. “Don’t worry, this is just something a real friend would do. So come on already.” Just at those few words Kazuma's arm suddenly goes limp and she begins to follow Megumin right out of the shop door without so much as a second thought.


Kazuma could not explain it, it was like getting slapped on the breast somehow altered her? It was the only thing she could think of. Mindlessly walking behind Megumin they both find themselves in at a chilly hilly air. Some large frogs off in the distance were hopping about. “What exactly… What exactly would a friend do?” Kazuma wanted to press her palm to her face. She was still playing into Megumin’s doumb trick.

Thrusting her wooden staff forward Megumin smiles mischievously toward one of the several large blue frogs hopping in the distance. “Now go! A real friend would have those frogs chase after them so I can hit them all at once!”

Without even waiting for confirmation Megumin was already starting to chant her explosion spell charging it up. “F-fine I mean… that’s not that hard.” Kazuma of course accepts the fool’s mission and starts running across the snowy hills in heeled boots. At the very least with whatever weird mind changes were happening Kazuma’s legs were a bit more adept at wearing heels. Standing before one of the large frogs Kazuma waves her hand at it making the beast shoot its tongue out. Luckily Yunyun’s body was good enough to dodge it. Kazuma then runs right to another frog repeating the process. Two frogs, add another, and then another. Four frogs now follow behind Kazuma as she runs back toward Megumin who was now holding her staff forward.


The magic energy zips past Kazuma and impacts into the ground behind her. At first, nothing happens for a few seconds, but then the area explodes in a mass of fire and smoke. The snow melts in the area and some ground is dug up but nothing is left of the frogs at all. The frogs’ bodies were just slime and guts in the hole now. Kazuma could barely believe it worked so well, trying to give a thumbs up a massive ball of the frog's slime falls right on top of Kazuma covering her body completely in the substance and even knocking her to the ground. “A-ack! Wh-what the heck?!”

Crawling along the ground Megumin chuckles to herself. “Kukuku, come on, the frogs often produce slime like that.” Dragging herself along the snowy path Kazuma was honestly impressed with how fast she could crawl. It was like her small body was worming around. Though the reason seemed to be Megumin’s eyes were filled with determination. “Now then.” Megumin throws herself right on Kazuma’s back pushing all of her weight, which was not much, against Kazuma. “Let yourself wither in the slime! You’re a vulgar enough girl! Let it seep into all the cracks!”

Kazuma can not help but whine loudly, something about Yunyun’s body was making her not push Megumin away. Instead, she presses into the frog slime more, the substance getting on her breasts, in her hair, in too many places. “W-wait stop it Megumin! C-come on get off me!” Megumin chuckles to herself loving every second of Kazuma’s torture. She even presses her gloved hand against Kazuma’s butt and makes the slime lace against the bare skin. “N-n-not there!” Moaning softly Kazuma tries to reach out her hand desperately to grab onto something. Her body was too slimy and sticky though. It was like Megumin had attached herself around Kazuma’s waist as some sort of slime anchor. “R-really come on get off!”

The cruel small girl laughs again smearing more of the slime against Kazuma’s bare butt. “Oh? Should this be counted as another victory? I can add it to the list.” The more Kazuma would whine and fidget the more Megumin would happily keep teasing, making Kazuma stay covered in the gunk around her. “You’re all dirty now… when we get you cleaned off… Wear the outfit I give you, and do as I ask. Then I’ll stop teasing you for at least a little while.”

Through all the torture Kazuma was being attacked just because Megumin wanted a favor?! “A-alright I will!” What was worse she just agreed right away! Though at the very least she could make Megumin happy, she at least was being noticed… Wait the thoughts even in her head were starting to become more like Yunyun now too?! “J-Just get off me already! I wanna get this stuff off me!”

Megumin releases her grip, though she waits there with arms held up to be carried from using up her magic. “Let us go back to Wiz’s then. We can use her shower.”


It had been a different day for Kazuma but she was now back at Wiz’s. Watching the slime drip off her body she was at least happy to be done dealing with Megumin’s constant teasing. “Ugh… that was a bit rough.” Still, the girl's maiden heart was beating a bit fast. Kazuma finally got to have a fun day with someone besides herself! Narrowing her eyes for a moment, having such a thought felt a little odd. Wiping away the last of the slime, Kazuma steps out of the shower and wraps a white towel around herself. “Hm… I suppose since it was from a frog, isn’t it just spit instead of slime? But it’s thicker… well not that it matters much I suppose.” Walking out of the bathroom Megumin was now standing in Wiz’s room in just a simple red shirt and black shorts. “Well… we both got cleaned up, but why exactly did you tell me to come out before changing? I didn’t know friends did this sort of thing.”

With a sage nod, Megumin agrees. “Of course, you wouldn’t know, you need friends to know.” Kazuma’s face sulks down and Megumin snickers into her hand trying to not laugh too loudly. “Anyway. Wiz the other day was saying she would discount an item for me if I could find someone to advertise for her in a fun way. I rather not do it myself. But I think you’d be fine for it.”

Kazuma figured it was some selfish desire like this. Megumin not wanting to do something herself so she goes and bullies Yunyun into it. Kazuma sadly still could not control his responses. “Y-you think I can do it? I mean I suppose I can…”


“Wiz? Hello.” Yunyun’s voice echoes into the bedroom from the front of the shop. Kazuma shivers a little hearing her current voice, but Megumin was reasonably confused by it. “Hello is anyone there?” Pushing the door of the bedroom open Yunyun stares at her exact copy but wearing only a towel. “H-huh?”

Megumin jolts up in place and lifts her arms trying to guard herself. “What is going on!? What sort of demonic magic have you used now?!”

Both Kazuma and Yunyun stare at each other for a long moment. Yunyun lifts her left hand, Kazuma lifts her right. The two girls act like mirrors to each other till Yunyun has to glance down at herself just to make sure she still had her clothes on. “Wh-what’s going on with all of this? Megumin?”

Both girls were acting the same, so Megumin smiles at Yunyun. If there was two Yunyun, she had nothing to fear after all. “Well. You see, your family…” Megumin puts a hand to her chest and closes her eyes solemnly. “Your family found out that this whole time… your twin sister was really alive.”

Kazuma and Yunyun now gasp at the same time their eyes tearing up a little as they look at each other. The girls even shout at the same time so excited by the thought of having a sibling. “Really?!”

Plan working Megumin nods her head. “Yes, both of you have the same name since it was thought one would die… but what do you know. From my kindness, both of you have found each other once again. For this service, the only reward I need is your loyalty as my servants.”

“Yunyun!” The real Yunyun wraps her arms around Kazuma tightly and she wraps hers right back. Both the girls hug each other and both were not even questioning the words Megumin had said. “Sister I can’t believe you’re finally back! W-we…”

Before Yunyun can start crying Kazuma smiles softly finishing Yunyun’s sentence for her. “We can both be each other’s friends now Yunyun.”

Megumin stands up and walks between both girls pushing them apart. “Everyone understands, you’re both happy. Now. Both of you strip. Wiz already prepared several outfits for the advertising. Two of you will probably work even better.” Both the girls stare in question. Megumin was ready though, diving under Wiz’s bed she pulls out two boxes and tosses them on the bed opening the lid to both of them. “Here, put these outfits on. Come back out to the front when you’re done.”

Now only the sisters alone in the room, Yunyun starts to undress right away, simply doing as she was told. Kazuma wanted to question it, but her eyes were looking into the box instead. A black leotard sits in the box, fishnets, heels and cuffed arm warmers included. “Wait this outfit…” Reaching in Kazuma pulls the leotard out and watches a bunny-eared headband fall out onto the bed. The back of the leotard had a fluffy white bunny tail. “This is a bunny outfit…”

Yunyun does not comment on the outfit, she already was pulling the fishnets up her legs. “We’ll be able to help Megumin, I can’t believe how much she helped us.” Cheerfully Yunyun giggles, her cheeks a little red with embarrassment. She seemed to know the outfit was a bit much for advertising but was going along with it anyway.

Maybe the reaction from the real Yunyun was making Kazuma be programmed further? Just seeing the sight she drops her towel and sits on the bed beside Yunyun pulling the fishnets up her legs. The fabric felt nice against Kazuma's skin, but something about nylon with a fishnet design seemed, naughty. If Kazuma was still acting like himself he probably would not be able to stop himself from staring at the long legs clad in such a fabric. “W-well then at least there isn’t much to this outfit.” Both the girls now step into the leotards bringing them up their bodies. Helping one another fasten the pink stringed corset sides the leotards keep in place cupping their breasts snuggly. Kazuma could feel her face blushing more, but even if the scene before her was risky she had no way to act on it. Yunyun puts the bunny headband through Kazuma’s hair, and she in turn does the same for Yunyun. Both the girls minds were focused on just dressing up, Yunyun had no inner struggle to deal with like Kazuma. Black arm warmers slid up the arms they fasten their white cuffs in place and finally step into their black high heels. Kazuma would say the girls looked like twins for real now, but they probably were too much alike. Twins at least acted a bit differently. “Okay, I’m ready.”

Yunyun nods and smiles back to her new thought-to-be sister. “Good let's go see what we can do to help… even if this is a little embarrassing. I’m sure if it helps Wiz she’ll wanna do something with us later.”

Kazuma and Yunyun walk back to the front of the shop, their heels clicking against the wooden floor. Megumin whistles throwing the door open for a panting Wiz. “Wh-what… what’s going on?” Wiz holds her hand to her chest trying to catch her breath, eyes looking at both the bunny girls in front of her. “M-Megumin, what happened here? Why are they dressed like that?”

Ready to pose Kazuma and Yunyun both act as if they had planned everything. Their eyes both look toward Wiz with an innocent yet hopeful look as they try their best to draw in the random folk walking by the shop window. Though right now they wanted to just show off to Wiz that they were ready to work. Together they speak at the same time. “Wiz, w-we’re ready to advertise for your shop.”

Megumin grins, but Wiz was beside herself looking distraught. “W-wait Kazuma… you couldn’t have…” Neither of the girls respond to the name, but some people do start to come from the street into the shop looking at the twin bunny girls. “W-wait, no, wh-what do I do?”

Nudging at Wiz’s said Megumin beckons to her. Getting on her tiptoes Megumin cups her hands together and whispers into Wiz’s ear. “If you really want to, just tell those two you’ll be their friend, no reason to be so worried.”


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