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This includes the base story along with an alternate ending.


[Enchanting Physiques]

Once again, another mission had been completed by the famed occult research club. This time around Koneko and Asia had been assigned to the mission together. The two not always working with each other had a surprisingly easy time, and they even attained a special magical book. Asia the timid girl she was is left a bit uneasy by the book. Koneko being calm and cool if not a tad childish at times just wanted to open up the book herself. The tome had a black binding and red cover, Asia could easily tell it was something important, the strength from it was almost unnatural really. From just one little mission together the girls not only succeed but even gained a powerful item. Both of them were hoping for some kind of praise. Though even as they walk back to the school something just kept pulling them toward opening up that red book. 

“Koneko…” Asia brushes her blond hair behind her ear, green eyes glaring at the tome nestled under her arm. “Do you really think we should be holding onto this? I do think it’s a good idea to bring it back here… j-just, it feels like it’s unsafe. I can’t say for sure just. I sense something strange from it.” 

With her hazel eyes locked onto the book, Koneko nods slowly, her short white hair starting to cover her eyes. “I don’t know… you picked it up first. I would have opened it already.” Reaching her hand slowly toward the book Asia slaps it away. “Hmph… see. Stingy.” 

Holding the book to her modest chest Asia sighs into the hardcover stopping in her tracks. “I’m not trying to be mean about it. I think this could be dangerous is all. We should at least have someone like Akeno look it over first. Rias would want to know what we found too.” 

With a frown, Koneko lowers her body shaking her butt back and forth as she stares at the book just like a cat staring at prey. “Come on… I just wanna take a peek.” Swatting her hand forward at the book Asia slaps it away again. “Ooooh come on!” Starting to pout Koneko stands straight crossing her arms under her flat chest. “Issei woulda let me look… he probably would be just as curious.” 

Regardless of how many missions they did alone, Asia still was like a motherly figure to Koneko just like Rias was! Putting a hand on her hip Asia lowers the book to her side glaring at the small pouting girl. “I told you no. Just because Issei would let you doesn’t mean it’s okay. If I told him, it was dangerous, I know he’d listen to me.” 

“Listen to what?” Asia’s back shivers, the book suddenly leaving her hand. Quickly she turns around, the male voice she had heard was coming from her brown-haired desire; Issei. He was standing there grinning softly, an open book with a red cover and black bind now in his hand. “Hm… this book is sorta weird… you guys always understand this magic stuff better than me.” 

Koneko snickers under her breath, and Asia starts to blush flustered, her hands grabbing at the hem of her magenta school uniform skirt. “I-Issei!” Asia whines out her words and she quickly grabs the book right back from Issei, the pages flapping at her side. “I-I can’t… why did you have to open it?” Biting at her lip now Asia’s eyes shoot down to Issei’s feet to avoid making direct eye contact, her voice getting progressively more reserved. “But I guess that is just like you. I hope you’ve been having a good day so far.”

Snickering himself Issei walks to Koneko and starts rustling up her hair, the white-haired girl swaying in place from the head pats. “Yeah, I’m good!” Issei gives a pat to his chest confidently, his voice seeming to boom a little excited even. “I just finished up another mission myself a while ago. You’re both getting back from one too, right? Guessing from the book that means it was a success?” 

With a push of her head further into Issei’s palm, Koneko starts to hum softly, a little grin on her face as she speaks up happily. “We did! You shoulda seen us! I even made a few trees explode!” 

Issei rustles up the small girl’s hair just a little more and let's go with a satisfied nod to both the girls. “You both did great then, seems like you didn’t even get dirty by it.” Clapping his hands together suddenly Issei hops up in place and turns right around. “Oh crap, I really need to get home though, something I forgot to take care of! Rias and some of the others should still be in the club! Take care of yourselves, and good work you two!” 

The girls were now by themselves again, Issei running off past the school gate now. “See!” Koneko swings around sticking her tongue out at Asia. “He did open it like I thought. Heh, he showed you, you’re still all flustered too.” 

No counter ready Asia lowers her head back down and holds the book out to Koneko. “Well, he already opened it. It seems like it wasn’t trapped at least. Just… y-you don’t have to mention my face, do you?” 

Rolling her eyes Koneko grabs hold of the book and scans her over the first inner page quickly flipping over to the next. “I gotta mention it.” Stepping up to Asia’s side close Koneko holds the book up a bit to let Asia see as well. “Anyway, look at this. Isn’t this some sorta weird spell?”

Glancing over the runes Asia holds the book's side and tugs at Koneko guiding her over to one of the schools’ benches. Sitting down the girls squish together staring down at the book. Slowly Asia flips to the third page, then the next, so on and so forth. “This book does seem to have a rather odd spell in it. Some of the runes it uses I don’t know… even from what Akeno has taught me these are. I’ve never seen anything like them. How they infuse magic is completely different.” 

Flipping to the next page Koneko shoves her finger against the book pointing out a different symbol from the rest. “Hey, that one.” Koneko’s eyes wince at the mark. “Mmm… that uses Ki. Magic and Ki huh… a spell that uses both together. Maybe that’s why the runes are different?” 

The next page turns and Asia was feeling invested now. Something really made her wanna keep reading the book. “Ki and magic together to make a special set of runes. Akeno would love to hear about it. This is so interesting though… I wonder if I’d ever be able to use anything like it.”

Starting to get a little excited herself Koneko sits up on her knees leaning closer to Asia’s side as they both read more and more. “From what it’s explaining… it kinda sounds like we could both make this work. Together at least.” 

The girls’ eyes give a slight red glow as the next page flips over. They just had to keep reading through more of the interesting book. The more they read the more it becomes clear just how good the book is. The abilities described in it really sounded perfect for them. Asia stops for a moment, her eyes looking at the example drawing in the book showing two people seemingly zapping each other with something. “Hm… do you think this part really would work Koneko?” 

Leaning against Asia’s shoulder Koneko’s hazel eyes wince and scan the page to quickly read it. “Oh!” Swaying in place Koneko’s palms push against Asia’s shoulder like an excited child. “Do you realize what we could do with that Asia?!” 

Giggling under her breath Asia nods. “Yes hehe, it does seem like it could help us.” Reaching for another page Asia’s hand hits the hardback of the book; none were left. They had read through the whole book. “Oh… huh… it’s over.” 

Chirp chirp, chirp chrip

The sounds of crickets were all around the girls, looking up from the book, it was already the dead of night. Both looked surprised, yet calm at the same time, Koneko simply crossing her arms as if she expected the result. “So.” With an eyebrow wiggle, Koneko taps her elbow against Asia’s side. “It seems we read through everything. We both know what to do.” Pointing her thumb back toward the school building, Koneko gestures to the one room with lights still on. “Seems like Rias or someone’s still in. How about we try it? See how it works?” 

Closing the book Asia holds it close to her chest, her eyes going first to Koneko and then the club room. “Well… I mean. The spell says it won’t kill who it’s used on… so it’s not like it’d hurt anyone.” Koneko’s head starts to bob up and down waiting for confirmation. “And… I kinda—” Asia stops herself, her eyes looking first at Koneko’s chest and then her own. “Maybe we should try it. Just… to make sure it’s a useful spell for us!” Koneko gives a thumbs up. “Rias also would want us to test it anyway.” 

The information was stated and said, Koneko already was walking to the club room like they had been earlier anyway. “You get the annoying stuff ready then. I’ll provide the Ki.” 

Giving the book just one more squeeze Asia shuts her eyes for a moment and nods. “Alright… I’ll get everything ready.” 


Water runs against the tiled floor. As usual, the shower of the occult club was running full blast, some steam billowing out from the door. Within the steam of the shower, the red-headed beauty Rias lets the water wash over herself. Another hard day’s work; she had to give herself some relaxing time. Even if she was staying late to finish paperwork with Akeno. “Ah… I’m glad I was able to see Issei today… he really has grown.” Running a soapy hand along her ample chest Rias sighs in content. Just getting to speak with Issei on a new day was something that gave her energy. “I wonder why Asia and Koneko never returned today. Maybe they went home after everything was done?” 


A wet foot hits against the tile floor; Rias was not alone. The presence was familiar though. “Oh, you actually came back?” Turning around Rias sees no one behind her. Sighing softly, she quickly looks back to the wall, and still, no one was there. “Koneko is that you?” Nothing to her sides, and nothing behind her still. 


Koneko drops on top of Rias from above making the girl land on her round butt. Rias tries to react at first but right away the small girl grabs at Rias’s breasts squeezing them tightly. Not being able to help herself Rias’s eyes wince her lips holding back a moan as she’s suddenly fondled. “K-Koneko stop this instant!” 

The small girl chuckles her hazel eyes gleaming with mischievousness. “I won’t.” With her simple answer given Koneko squeezes at Rias’s breasts harder than before. 

“M-mmah!” Not being able to help herself moans begin to pass Rias’s lips, her hand slipping on the wet floor she falls back to the ground her body now sprawled out. “Wh-what are you even doing, I don’t have time to play around I don’t want to get behind schedule.” 

Koneko’s tactic was working perfectly, Rias was flustered, checks red, her body was even a bit hotter now. Sitting her wet butt down on Rias’s thighs Koenko gives just another little gentle squeeze of Rias’s chest. “This is just a thing girls do sometimes, isn’t it? 

Pushing her elbow against the ground Rias sits up a little to look Koneko in the eye. “Well… M-mm… I can’t exactly deny that… Some girls do this sort of thing yes.” Brushing her wet hair out of her eyes Rias sits up more, her large chest pushing into Koneko’s face smothering her. “Though you don’t need to concern yourself with that kind of thing.” Rias’s slender fingers glide along Koneko’s wet white hair petting her again and again. “I’m glad you came back safe though. You were worrying me a little, I figured both of you would be back much earlier. At least with the sun still up.” 

Muffled sounds are all that come from Koneko for a few moments till she finally frees her head from Rias’s chest. “A-aha… yeah we did come back then. We saw Issei leave.” 

Rias tilts her head confused. “Whatever do you mean? Issei left hours ago.” 

Smile parting her lips Koneko sways back and forth on Rias’s lap. “Well, you see, we kinda found this cool item from our mission. Asia was being a bit weird about it. But I got her to crack it open.” 

Rias could understand some delay due to finding an item. Still, Asia and Koneko were not exactly the ones who identified items. “Why exactly did you not come back here right away? I can’t imagine you were able to do much with the item.” Rias snaps her finger confidently nodding to herself. “Unless of course, you both knew what the item was already?! Was it something Asia had lost, maybe an item of Ki you happened to know about?” 

Koneko shakes her head no deflating Rias’s attempt at a logical conclusion. “Nope, it was some random item we knew nothing about. Though each page we looked through the more we could understand.” 

Putting her hands on Koneko’s hips Rias looks over to the shower door and then the nozzles to control the water. “How about… how about we turn the water off. And you can tell me more about this while we dry off?”

Once again, Koneko shakes her head no, making Rias tilt her head once more in confusion. “I have a better idea Rias. One I think you’ll have a lot of fun with. I know Issei will like it… that’s all I’ve been thinking about.” 

Rias tries to slide Koneko off of her thighs but the girl's legs squeeze against her own making her lock into place there. “I said we shouldn’t play around Koneko, you could get sick staying in the shower too—”

Koneko’s lips press against Rias’s nipple and start to suck. Right away Rias moans, her face turning into a deep blush. Though even with the squirming Koneko does not stop. “M-mm…” Koneko sucks and sucks, her butt swaying back and forth. Progressively though Koneko’s eyes open, glancing down toward herself the best she could. Her hands even leave Rias’s side now and again to pat at her own chest. Then Koneko finally lifts her head, her lips pouting. “Why didn’t that do it?” 

The water of the shower begins to become muffled her Rias. Her mind was now too focused on her cat-like friend straddling her. “Koneko… did… No why did you do that?” 

Averting her eyes from Rias’s gaze Koneko looks down at her hand for a moment. “I know I did it right… right? It was… desire… then target the area. Wait… wait she said.” Koneko glides her fingers along Rias’s hips the girls strong yet dainty hands gripping onto the shapely girl tightly. “I had to do something… I didn’t do that right… I shoulda listened better.” Sighing Koneko lowers her head back down unconcerned of Rias waiting for an answer. “Mmmm.” Just as before Koneko’s lips press into Rias’s nipple, just this time the untouched one. Koneko slowly begins to suck at it, this time making Rias squeeze at the smaller girls thighs from the sudden stimulation. Though just as before Koneko’s eyes look toward her own body, or at least try to peer down past Rias’s breasts. Her hand even taps at her stomach again still just feeling her own muscles. “Gah….” Taking her lips off Rias’s nipple, Koneko sighs another long sigh looking disappointed. “Again… nothing.” 

Eye starting to twitch, a few pants now passing her lips Rias stares at Koneko even more confused than before. “Just what is it that you’re doing?! I know we’re in the shower, but we should not be doing things like this. If you wanted praise for a job well done.” Rias pauses for a moment her cheeks keeping their blush as her eyes glance down. “Don’t get your ideas from the internet or Issei on how to handle rewards alright?” 

Still ignoring Rias completely Koneko taps her fist against her palm. “Oh right! It was the teeth, I had to bite… guh. I can’t believe I forgot that. That was like the one thing she kept telling me too. Well whatever, at least I remembered.” 

Rias tilts her head slowly and reaches her hand out toward Koneko. “What exactly are you talking about now…? You really are acting strange? Are you sick… or in heat or something are you? I don’t think I can really help you with that if it is the case.” 


Koneko’s fangs sink against the side of Rias’s breast. “A-argh!” The pain was sudden, a little blood dribbles out but Rias was more wondering why Koneko had just bitten her. Grabbing Koneko’s shoulders Rias finally uses some force and flings the girl off of her thighs making her slide back on the wet tile floor. “Koneko?” Holding at the bleeding bite mark Rias’s blood starts to mix with the hot water, blood swirling down into the shower drain. “What’s going on? This seems like no joke I’ve ever heard of. You don’t seem like you’re in heat either or anything of the sort!” 

Wiping blood away from her lips Koneko gives another wide grin holding out her hand so the blood runs off of it. “I’m just trying out things.” 

Stepping back a bit Rias grabs at the nozzle of the shower and twists it off keeping her eyes locked on Koneko. “What exactly do you mean tr—” Rias’s eyes wince, suddenly her chest aches. “N-ngh!” With her hand still holding the side of her bitten breast, Rias watches and feels her breast shrinking in her hand. The other follows soon after. Both get smaller and smaller till Rias was as flat as Koneko. “Wh-what?” Rias covers her hands over her nipples for a moment softly pressing against them. “These aren’t even… what?” 


Koneko’s eye’s now winced as well, but her chest was expanding outward. With a jiggle new plump breasts form on her body, her legs wobbling a little to the sudden shift in weight. “Hehe, ah, it really worked. This feels weirder than I thought.” Koneko squeezes her hand to the new large breasts on her chest her eyes glaring at Rias. “So, you can tell already, right?” 

Stomping her foot against the wet floor Rias shoots a daggered glare right back at Koneko. “Those… those are my breasts! This… this chest is yours. Switch us back right now Koneko. I don’t know what magic you found, but it’s clearly making you act out!” Rias stomps forward and Koneko jumps back her breasts jiggling so much she almost falls over when landing. “See, you can’t even support them properly. Those aren’t meant for you; you need to wait to grow into something like that.” 

Crossing her arms under the new breasts Koneko cracks her neck showing her sharp fangs. “I guess I just need a body that can properly support the weight then. Issei will pay a lot more attention to me then.”

Rias hesitantly takes a step back her hand lifting to the air beginning to circle with a red energy. “Koneko you better undo this now. I’m warning you; I don’t want to have to punish you.” 


Koneko jumps at the shower door rolling out onto the rug. Unconcerned with being naked her feet slap against the carpeted floor at full speed, another door slamming open. “She…” Rias lowers her hand and walks over to the now open door peering into the club room. “She ran away just like that?” Looking over the club room everything was in perfect place untouched, the only difference now was the entrance was wide open. “She wants to bite at me more?” Rias grabs a towel from her rack and starts patting herself off walking over to her office desk. “Is she infected with something? She’s not acting like herself… driven by a desire?” 

“M-mmm…” Akeno enters the club room with a loud yawn rolling off her lips. Her purple eyes magnetize straight to Rias’s chest, her eyebrows both lifting. “You didn’t have to give Issei power, did you? I didn’t hear anyone fighting.” 

Rubbing at the back of her neck Rias throws the towel over her chair and walks over to her uniform. “No. I did not lend him power this time… Koneko did this.” Pulling her panties up Rias sighs staring at her bra. “She seems to want my body to impress Issei… I don’t know the magic, but she switched my chest with hers. Our full physical body part.” Skirt around waist Rias grabs her white long sleeve top and pulls it on over her head buttoning the collar. Despite the loose torso she still pulls the jacket on over herself. “I really don’t understand it Akeno.” White knee-high socks on her feet she slips them into her brown loafers and finally sits back down in her office chair folding the damp towel up. “I haven’t sensed anything strange. We have barriers in place, we have… I just don’t understand it.” 

Walking over to the desk Akeno takes the used towel and walks it over to the hamper discarding it into the pile of other used towels. “Well…” Putting a finger to her chin Akeno turns on her heel looking right to Rias’s new flat chest. “Magic that can alter the body isn’t unheard of. Though this does seem a bit different. If it wasn’t picked up by our barriers it’s probably a special kind of magic… or maybe magic would be the wrong word for it?” Sitting down on the left-most couch of the club room Akeno leans back swinging one leg over her other. “Asia was with Koneko. Know what happened to her?” 

Rias’s eyes scan over the room. “Nothing’s out of place… Koneko came into the shower completely naked. She left her uniform somewhere. Maybe with her? Koneko said they both read the book… they’re probably both affected by whatever this is. We’ll need to get the book from them, and possibly restrain them somehow.” 

Snapping her finger Akeno stands back up with a hand on her hip. “Well, they’re planning themselves I’d think. Let’s go find them. We can grab an anti-magic net on the way. They’re probably not far. It’s just Asia and Koneko. I think both of us can deal with them easily.” 

Tug, rustle, clack

Koneko’s uniform was back on, her loafer shoe tapping against the school’s floor. “See it all worked… well kinda.” Turning to face Asia one thing was bluntly clear. Koneko’s uniform no longer fit her correctly. Rias’s breasts on Koneko’s body was not something Koneko’s uniform could handle. The white fabric of the top was starting to rip at the seams. “I guess it still covers them for now… it lets you swap clothes too, right?” 

Asia flips through a page of the book her eyes scanning over it quickly yet somehow comprehending it. “Yes… I think you could have generalized more too. The bite just has to be at the area. You could have taken the whole torso.” 

With an exasperated sigh, Koneko sulks down, her hands squeezing again at her new breasts. “I should have tried that then… I feel dumb. Well, at least I know how it all works then. I’ll be fine for next time.”

Holding the book to her side Asia opens her mouth gingerly poking at the fangs she was still adjusting to. “Still…” Licking at her lips Asia sets the book down on the table behind her. Both the girls were just standing in an unused club room a few doors down from the occult club. “Having fangs feels so odd… I never thought the spell would grow them on us. We’ve met real vampires before, but this isn’t like that at all.” 

Licking at her lips Koneko walks up to the door peeking down the hallway. “Yeah, it is different. I drew blood but didn’t suck it up or anything. It felt more like the power like… went into Rias to do, whatever it does.” Crouching down Koneko watches as Akeno walks out of the club room, Rias right behind her. “They’re both coming. Get ready.” 

Akeno looks down the long hallway and then back to Rias’s flat chest. “Nothing…” Sighing slowly Akeno shakes her head and starts to walk down the hall in the direction of Koneko and Asia. “Rias, should we use magic on them? They could fight against us.” 

Rias’s hand begins to fill with a red energy once more her eyes glaring down the hall. “Don’t hurt them directly.” Swiping her hand in the air the red energy sparks like flame, and then the doorway of the unused club room vanishes, a circled opening now there. Both Akeno and Rias both now stare plainly at Koneko crouching on the ground and Asia standing there worriedly. “You’ve both been very bad I hope you know.” Koneko jumps through the circled opening and slides against the hallway floor her hands on the floor and her butt raised, sadly her breasts were now pressing against the floor also. “Koneko… don’t you see how unfitting those are on you? I don’t know what put you under it’s control, though if you have any sense of self, I insist that you allow me to restrain you.” 


With a wave of her finger through the air, Akeno follows up the scare tactic. A scorch mark craves itself in front of Asia’s feet, Akeno’s eyes glaring but her lips keeping a wide smile. “Come now little girls. Hehe, you don’t want to keep making our Lady upset, do you?” 


Asia’s teeth bite right into Akeno’s leg a trail of dust all that was left from where Asia had been standing. Akeno eyes wince in pain, blinking several times she tries to wave Asia off of her. “How!?” Holding a hand against Rias both the girls jump back away. Akeno’s leg was bleeding, and Asia had blood on her lips. “Rias, did you see any of that?” 

The redhead shakes her head, her blue eyes keeping themselves locked on Koneko. “Clearly they have more abilities thanks to this book than simple fangs.” 


Asia’s thighs felt thicker, her legs were even a little bit longer. Looking down at herself and her now seemingly shorter skirt the result was known. “It really does work like it says…” Asia wipes the blood from her lips, her tongue licking back against them to keep them moist. “I have Akeno’s legs… My body… Issei won’t have to focus on those two anymore.” 

Seeing Asia’s demeanor even change Akeno takes another step back now noticing her suddenly shorter height. Her shoes were also different. “Huh… when did…” Shoes, and socks as well. Akeno was wearing black socks with her loafers but now white ones were on her feet. Her legs were shorter, and her thighs not as plump. “Rias they can take that much of the body, and the clothes too? It seems like my whole lower torso is different now.” 

Shrugging her shoulder Rias raises her hand again surrounding it with red energy once more. “I guess this was their plan to bait us out right away. We should have assumed the power would be better than singular swap if it could get past our barriers.” 

Koneko jumps from her spot grabbing onto the side of the wall. With a jolt of speed, she then dashes forward her foot indenting the side of the wall. “Stop yapping so much and just give us everything!” 


Koneko’s fangs bare down against Rias’s exposed thigh. With a good-sized chomp, she leaps back just as Rias swings her red glowing hand at the ground. 


The floor disintegrates into nothing leaving the club hall exposed to the air from above. Akeno and Asia were watching each other from across the newly formed gap dividing them at about the same heights. Though Koneko and Rias had a different situation. Rias looks down at her legs, her socks were different now too like what had happened to Akeno though the more troublesome point was how close she was to the ground. Rias crouches down, her hand tapping against the floor rather quickly. Her legs were smooth and soft, but not as plump. Her butt was no longer as defined, her legs were just short. “I can’t believe this… it happens so quickly. The first time was slower.” Standing back up Rias grabs hold of Akeno’s hand and leaps up to the roof of the building her black wings sprouting out behind her. “Let's leave for now Akeno.” With no protest both the girls quickly fly through the air toward the woods adjacent to the school. 

“Hehehehe” Koneko spins around in place on her heel, both her hands pressing at her breasts. “Look, Asia! Long legs, and a big chest! I don’t even really need to do anything else!” Wobbling suddenly forward Asia catches Koneko and makes sure she stabilizes in place. “Well… I guess Rias’s torso would be a bit more use to the chest.” 

Running a hand over her now slightly plumper thigh Asia lets a breath of content pass her lips. “Akeno’s legs are lovely already… I-I want.” Asia’s hands both cup her modest budding breasts. “I want bigger ones too… Akeno can give that to me. Issei plays favorites too often with those two…”

Elbowing Asia’s side Koneko points out toward the woods. “Then let’s get what we deserve. No reason to keep waiting around. We don’t want them to have longer to plan. Hehe, we’re already faster than them anyway.”

Asia nods her black demon wings sprouting out her own back now, Koneko following suit. “Well then.” Asia licks at her lips again looking at some of the droplets of blood still on the floor across the destroyed gap. “I have an idea.” 


A branch snaps off from a tree as Rias quickly flies by with Akeno in hand. “Tsk… I’m going a bit too fast.” With a flutter of the black wings at her backside, Rias lowers to the ground some leaves crunching under her feet. “Akeno I think we got a good distance away. Any ideas?” 

Rolling her eyes Akeno dusts the sides of her arms off looking over Rias and then her own body. “Us both being shorter is already problematic enough. I’m not used to this at all… maybe we just let them do it and pretend like we want it?” Rias looks surprised but Akeno grins back giving a quick squeeze to her breasts. “Well, I mean it could be fun… being smaller and all. Asia’s body is modest at best, not as little as Koneko. I bet I could win Issei over still even with a body like hers. She’s just far too timid.”

Rias drags her hand along her face trying to think things over a bit more clearly than her frisky partner. “I have no intention of losing my body. It’s mine for a reason after all. You can give yourself to her willingly if you wish… but the fact of the matter is we have no idea if there is a way back from this. What if my body is stuck like this now? I’m shorter and my chest… What if they were to do something like bite our cheek?” 

Black strands of hair twirl around Akeno’s finger her lips frowning a small frown. “Well… I suppose I wouldn’t exactly want to just become Asia. We don’t know if we’d lose ourselves either. I suppose that could be a bad result.” Snapping her finger another spark of electricity flickers off it. “Well, we’ll just have to burn the book Asia was reading. On the off chance, it gives a way to turn us back… well we could try and grab it. But we may be cursed ourselves. They seem to not need to read it to know what to do… we’ll just have to hope they can change us back, and that burning the book will break them free of the trance they seem to be in.” 

Crossing her arms under her board of a chest Rias flings some of her red hair over her shoulder. Strands of her hair now start to touch the ground though with her legs being so much shorter. “This form really doesn’t suit me well… Koneko’s body is far too underdeveloped.” Holding her chin for a moment Rias closes her eyes listening to the wind, thinking of possible choices and Akeno’s feedback. “Burning the book may be the best answer… it should prove easy enough for either of us. We’ll just have to hope that stops them. Their seemingly enhanced speed is still an issue though. We’ll have to avoid them changing our heads as well if it is even an option.” 

“We’ve found you~” Koneko drops from the air sliding across the dirt ground, her eyes glaring right to Rias. “You didn’t manage to get that far, did you?” Licking at her lips Koneko bares her fangs to show them off to the girls. “Now how about you two just stop running already?”

With her hand on her hip Akeno’s eyes scan over the tree line noticing Asia sitting on a higher branch a few trees away from Koneko’s position. “Koneko… you seemed a bit louder and more confident than usual. The book really has changed you somehow hasn’t it? So we’re being asked by a book to stop resisting then, aren’t we? What happens if we stop resisting exactly?”[E]

Rias had never even thought to simply ask the enemy the question. “I’d… like to know as well.” Raising her guard Rias tries her best to search for any weak point she could exploit while Akeno holds the girl’s attention. [E]

“Huh? Well, we’d take everything.” Koneko speaks bluntly her tongue licking over her lips again. “Everything we want and more, your bodies, Issei, maybe even your powers too. We could have it all! Then Issei will only pay attention to us and you two will be treated like the side characters instead!” 

Rubbing at the side of her neck Akeno inches herself into a defensive stance and clears her throat making sure to be clear. “So, what, you intend to take everything from us? You just want to switch places with us completely? If you do that you wouldn’t even be yourselves anymore. Don’t you see that book is just controlling you? Even twisted creatures we’ve seen keep some part of themselves. If they just erase themselves completely you may as well be dead.” 

Koneko clenches her hand into a fist her butt starting to sway back and forth as she gets ready to pounce. “I’ll get Issei, that’s enough hehe, the other stuff isn’t important.” Jumping forward Koneko shoots toward Rias like a speeding bullet her teeth glittering in the moonlight as she opens her mouth ready to bite at Rias’s hip. 


“M-mmngh!”  Akeno winces her eyes, she managed it in time. Shooting herself sideways gave her enough speed to block Rias. Now Koneko’s teeth were sinking against her arm. “H-hah, well then does something like this ruin your plans at all?” 

Leaping back right away Koneko wipes her lips glaring back toward Asia. “Hmph… do whatever you want, you’re just making this harder on yourself. Asia, you ready?” 

Leaping from the tree Asia flies overhead her hands still clenched onto the book. “All ready!” 


Rias and Akeno had no idea what was going on. As soon as Asia yelled her confirmation the light of the moon vanished. Looking around themselves both the girls could see nothing. Rias quick to check raises her hand and imbues her magic into it, the area around her gaining a little light. Though she could only see herself. “Magical darkness…? Did the book give them such a thing as well?” 

With a few rustles of leaves, Akeno flickers her fingers together a small fire lighting over her right index finger. Walking to Rias’s side her eyes can only wander with concern. “Of course, they had something like this. We can’t see anything around here. They both are still by us though… We’re just being turned into fake prey. They capture us and then hunt us anyway in some little bubble.” 

Scoffing under her breath Rias leans a bit closer to Akeno. “You still have your upper body though… It seems like their target is the only one that gets changed. We can block each other… it’s probably why they activated this now.” 

Both the girls give a final nod and tap of the shoulder to each other and dismiss their magical light leaping away from one another. Just their quick tap would be enough to track their positions. Already from above Asia watches with confusion seeing the girls get further away from each other. “That’s weird… Well… they don’t know the second part of it I guess.” Asia closes her wings and lets herself fall into the cloud of darkness. The air distorting for a few moments as soon as she enters and hits the ground. “Akeno…” Asia’s eyes glow a faint red again as they had when she read the odd tome. With just a glance she could see through the magical darkness with perfect clarity. Watching Koneko jump through some trees, the ability was working fine for her as well. Though in Koneko’s case she had a bit of a better sense of tracking than Asia anyway. “There.” The red eyes watch as Akeno jumps from a branch back to the woods floor the girl's arms crossing under her rather ample chest. “I’ll get that for myself… then Issei…” Showing her fangs Asia’s wings carry her across the ground zooming past tree after tree. 


A bolt of lightning flashes through the darkness illuminating the area for just a few seconds. Akeno jumps back away from Asia before she can close the distance. Just with those few seconds of time, Akeno memorizes the landscape around her, her foot hitting against a tree just as expected. “Asia, welcome back.” Pushing off the tree Akeno flies past Asia now back toward the direction of Rias. “I see you’re doing just as I thought.” With a few more sparks showing Akeno in the dark she points her finger toward Asia’s direction and blasts a tree with lighting making it crash into another tree. All of them shake and topple around Asia forcing her to fly straight upwards. Akeno chuckles, her foot digging into the dirt with some good distance made. “Now then! How about you show me that lovely book of yours.” 


Light again flashes within the darkness, Rias’s power of destruction once again creating a large hole between her and Koneko. “Hah… you are much faster than normal, that much is clear. Though you have not used your normal abilities. Why is that?” Before Koneko can utter a word Rias keeps prattling on. “My theory is a simple one. Under the influence of this odd power, you are unable to summon your abilities. If that’s the case, you make this easy for us. Even if it gave you other powers to call on, they are clearly limited. Even this darkness has flaws, like allowing magic to illuminate it.” 

Pressing her hand into the dirt Koneko lowers herself to all fours, her eyes gleaming faintly in the darkness locking onto Rias. “Think whatever, I don’t really care what you want to say… This is all going just like Asia said it would. She’s been with you for a while, and part of the group before you fetched me… She knows how you think better than you may think. After all, she’s always watching both of you. You and Akeno… she wants the same thing I do so, of course, she’d watch you. Of course she’d know what’s on your mind.” Digging her hands into the dirt Koneko leaps forward at Rias again. Rias this time thrusting her wings forward causing the loose dirt from the gaping hole to fly into Koneko. “G-gah!” Koneko’s eyes wince but she fights past the feeling and jumps to the side of the gust of wind. Digging her feet back into the ground she quickly leaps forward again, Rias trying her best to skirt around the hole she created to the spot where Koneko had just been. “Where are you going?! Just stop already!” 


Rias hits into Akeno’s back, the girls quickly schemed plan at least worked with positioning. Quickly the two girls move past each other Rias moving toward Asia and Akeno toward Koneko. With a wave of electrical fingers, Akeno zaps the area around Koneko’s feet making the girl leap in place. “Better dodge! I’m gonna try and put you to sleep for a little while… don’t worry it’s low voltage.” 

With an exasperated sigh, Koneko watches her prey fly toward the wrong hunter. “Hah… really I can’t believe it.” 

Akeno claps her hands together and readies her fighting stance with a grin. “What? Didn’t think you’d be beaten so easily?” 

Rolling her eyes Koneko shakes her head slowly starting to laugh louder and louder into her palm. “Hehehehe, you both… a-ah, Asia was completely right.” 

Taking a cautious step back Akeno keeps her lightning flickering to watch Koneko’s face from afar. “What do you mean? Asia planned for us to move you both around like this?” 


Lifting her hand in the air Koneko snaps and suddenly Asia is standing where Koneko was. Akeno’s eyes go wide, her head tilting back right away hoping she could shout in time. “Rias wait!” 


Koneko’s teeth bite against the side of Rias’s arm, she was just about to close the distance when the teleport happened. Licking the bloody spot with her tongue, Konkeo happily shows her teeth staring down at Rias. “A-argh!” Rias jumps back and holds the side of her arm, already it was starting to feel odd like the bloody spot was bubbling. “You… you both had a power like this as well?” Rias’s arm heals, but just as the changes had taken place before, her body changes. Rias’s torso gets smaller, her hips not as shapely. Already short she somehow gets even shorter her hair brushing against the leaves on the ground. “M-my body… is really… My head is just on Koneko’s body at this point.” Rias’s hands pat against her flat chest. Her torso felt like it had a tad more muscle on it than she was used to. But beyond that, it was nothing like hers. No proper flattering curves, no plump butt, her thighs were strong instead of soft. “Everything… this just feels so wrong.” Rias’s eyes glide along the darkness looking back to the red eyes within. “K-Koneko are you happy now?! You already have my whole body; do you really need anything else?! Just stop this nonsense already!” 

Koneko’s dainty slender fingers slide along the curve of her beautiful body. She really could be a model with a body like this. The clothing finally changed properly as well now. Koneko’s breasts were no longer uncomfortably stretching a top. “I’m not happy…” The large breasts swaying on her chest, the pleasantly plump thighs peeking out under her skirt. The smooth skin that is often lotioned and showered to perfection. It was nice sure, but it was not everything. “I want to take it all from you… The red hair that he always stares at. The pale pink lips he always thinks about… The calm and cool voice… The mature way of handling yourself even if an airhead with common things.” Koneko slowly presses her hand between her large breasts sighing as she keeps examining all the little features of the new body. “This body is what he craves… Issei loves boobs!” Koneko cries out the words from her throat to make sure even Akeno could hear them. “You expect someone as flat as me to actually attract him!? He even gets depressed when yours flatten Rias! And that’s just from a dumb power-up you give him… I can’t hold my special form forever… and I don’t know if I’ll really get bigger like that anyway. Even if I did would the size be enough, would I be enough?” 

The air slowly settles, Rias unsure what words to actually say. “Koneko…” 

Licking at her lips Koneko spits to her side and readies to pounce once again. “I don’t care what you have to say. You’d never understand what me and Asia deal with. This book isn’t even a gift, it’s like a cruel joke of someone taking pity on us. We all love Issei… but he doesn’t even want just one of us. He wants us all? Yet he’ll play favorites anyway. The only one who wins is Issei, and we all lose. If we’re gonna lose anyway I want me and Asia to be Issei’s first choice! Not you too! You’ve both hogged him long enough!”

Rias turns away from Koneko and starts to run toward Asia instead. “I’ll just destroy this book, and hear no more of this!” Akeno and Asia were both still frozen in place the girls taking in the words they heard a bit more than Rias. “Akeno!” Rias breaks Akeno from her frozen state with a simple shout. “Destroy that book already! We don’t want to lose ourselves!” 

Seeing both girls now close in on her Asia’s wings lifts her into the air once more and she flies right toward Akeno. “I’ll get… I’ll take what I desire!” Flashing her fangs Asia’s speed increases, within just a second the wind flows like a powerful gust and Asia appears right in front of Akeno. The black-haired beauty wobbles back on her foot her hand quickly shooting the ground with lighting to twist her body around through the air allowing her to flip back. “I’ll get you this time!” Trying to not give her time to recover Asia pushes herself forward teeth ready to bite. 


Rias had made it in time though, her arm taking a bite as she pushes Akeno to the ground. “The book quickly!” 

Akeno quickly leaps forward and grabs the book right out of Asia’s hands. “Got it!” Rias’s eyes shift to anger in an instant, but Akeno’s smiles anyway leaping back a few paces. “There, now everything’s done. We have your little book Asia.” Akeno waves it back and forth in front of Asia and then Akeno swings the book open and glances at the text. “Hm, so this is the spell? Oh, did it need Ki… really…” 

“Haaah!” Koneko Grabs both of Akeno’s arms from behind making her drop the book on the ground. “Asia, do it now!” 

Rias quickly pushes Asia away her hand glowing with a red energy pointing right at the book. “I said destroy it! Don’t read it yourself it could affect your personality too!” 


With just a snap everything seemed to happen at once. Asia swaps places with Koneko, and Asia bites right into the side of Akeno’s neck. Rias shoots her power of destruction toward the book, but Koneko leaps in front of it too quickly forcing Rias to dispel the attack less she wanted to actually kill her friends. What seemed like another attempt that could have proven successful, Rias lost yet again? “Darn it… I’ll still… I’ll still!” Pushing her foot against the ground Rias slams her arm into Koneko’s mouth making her bite into it on purpose. “If you’re forced to bite here you can’t do anything!” Slamming Koneko into a tree Rias could only feel like she had to be a little rough now. Holding Koneko in place felt troublesome but luckily even if in a smaller body Koneko’s original body was physically stronger. “Heh, you giving me your body like this may have been a mistake given the situation.” Koneko gives a muffled shout unable to move her fangs from Rias’s arm, her body wedged between Rias and the tree. “Now Akeno! Come! You need to destroy it!” 

Don’t you desire a challenge?

Akeno’s eyes faintly flash red as she stares at the book in front of her on the ground. “Ugh…” The words swirling in her head kept saying the same thing. A challenge? Did she really need something challenging? It could be fun but still. Pressing a hand to her breast Akeno watches as they shrink before her eyes deflating just like that. She still had boobs unlike Rias but they were still smaller than what Akeno was accustomed to. “Ah… the changes are happening.” Akeno’s height shrinks the rest of the way to match Asia’s original size. Her skin was a little different, her body still soft, though she was smaller. Hips not as curvy, not a proper height to tease short boys. Akeno just seemed so average, like a girl you would see anywhere. If her hair was short, she would probably look like some plain girl. “So, what… is this supposed to be a challenge then?” 

For Asia, she could only be amazed at all the small changes. The taller height was nice enough but watching as her breasts inflated and filled into the cups of Akeno’s old bra, it all felt too good for her. “Curvy hips… a bigger chest…” Asia runs her hand along the side of her new hip. Akeno clearly kept herself in shape, maybe not to the level as someone who fights with their fist like Koneko but Akeno really had it all. A mature body, soft and plump in the right places, tighter in others. Squeezing her new arms around herself Asia gives herself a hug sighing with relief. “I really have a body like this now… I. I can finally have Issei pay attention to me more. I don’t just have to be the second choice…” A few tears start to well in Asia’s eyes, how long ago did she think to be picked by a boy she could love, only for him to go fooling around with any other pretty girl he could find. Finally, she could have some peace in knowing she would actually be loved, just having bigger breasts would accomplish that, surely. “I’ll… I’ll be able to rest his head on my lap… these are so much softer… he can rest on my breasts as well… and… h-hehe. We can hold each other, i-in bed… closer… and closer.” Asia’s falls into a short pant her body wiggling from side to side, she barely even thinks of her prey before her. “If I just have a little more… I just need a little more.” 

“Mmmragh!” Koneko’s muffled voice vibrates into Rias’s arm but Rias would not move. Kicking at Rias she easily avoids most of the blows, and even then, it seemed Koneko was not trying to kill her prey. The body probably had to be intact after all. 

“Akeno!” Rias glares at her partner, she was just standing in front of the book not destroying it. “If I use my power, you may get caught in it! At least move if you won’t do it yourself! Don’t tell me you really let that thing control you as well!” 

Akeno looks down at her palm, nothing was in it, it was cleaned of dirt and grim. A nice pale white skin, Asia must take care of her body plenty as well. “It would be a challenge I suppose.” A few sparks glow in Akeno’s hand just glancing back for a moment, Asia mumbling to herself seemed harmless enough. “Fine, I guess I’ll do it then.” 


The book sets on fire and instantly Asia and Koneko both begin to wobble in place. Akeno then fires more bolts of lightning at the book pointing her finger at it like a gun. Again and again, the book is blasted on repeat. The specs of ash, the little torn pieces of paper, Akeno blasts them all. The smell of burnt paper fills the air but Akeno keeps blasting. Rias carefully takes her arm out Koneko’s mouth, but Akeno was still blasting at the book. Asia falls to the ground holding her head, yet Akeno keeps blasting the book. Then, only ash is left. “Now then…” Holding her palm forward wind circles around the book’s ash keeping it all together in one spot. “Rias. Now.” Akeno takes a few steps back and points to the ash pile. 

All be it excessive Rias thrusts her palm out and shoots her aura forward. The small spec hits against the ash and consumes it within an isolated hole of destruction ensuring not a single piece of the book was left on earth. “There… it’s… It’s destroyed.” Looking down at Koneko Rias lowers herself and starts to help Koneko slowly stand back up. “Koneko? Koneko are you awake? Can you hear me?” 

The white-haired girl groans. “Mmmm… five more minutes…”  

Rolling her eyes Rias taps Koneko’s cheeks several times. “Wake up, come on, how do you feel?” 

The darkness around the girls begins to fade, the moon's light yet again casting down on them. Koneko groans as soon as she sees it. “It’s not even morning yet… go bother someone else.” 

Shrugging her shoulders Rias looks back toward Akeno. “How about Asia, does she seem okay? It seems like Koneko is back to normal.” 

Crouching down to Asia’s side Akeno helps the girl to her feet looking at the breasts that use to be hers. “Ah… Asia, Asia are you awake?” 

Asia groans just as Koneko had though she looks more worried, her eyes scanning over the wooded area that now had toppled trees, holes, and scorch marks. “Wh-what is all this?” Holding at the side of her head she looks toward the now smaller Rias and bigger Koneko. “Th-that’s… wh-what the!?” Letting go of Akeno quickly Asia wobbles back on her feet leaning up against a tree herself to stay standing. “Our bodies…” Looking down at herself Asia notes the larger breasts and taller height, Akeno clearly having a body that looked more like her normal one. “Me and Akeno too… This… I-I… I don’t even know.” 

Letting Koneko rest for a moment Rias pulls up her hair into a ponytail so it no longer drags against the ground and she walks over to Akeno and Asia. “Don’t know? You really remember nothing about tonight?” 

Shaking her head slowly Asia keeps her eyes on Akeno, barely believing the appearance still despite seeing it. Trying her best to collect her thoughts Asia’s words just jumble on the details in her mind. “I… I remember coming back from a mission… and that’s it. I think I may have seen Issei? But… I don’t know.” 

Rias grinds her teeth, eyes going back over to Koneko. “If she doesn’t remember would Koneko? If we can’t change our bodies back what exactly are we supposed to do?” 

Licking her lips Akeno spins around putting a hand on her hip as if trying to pose. “Well, then Rias… I guess we’ll just have to get used to these new bodies, won’t we? I look pretty cute a bit shorter, don’t I?”

Blushing Asia pokes at her larger chest her eyes looking down guilty. “I mean… if I got to keep a body like this. I guess it wouldn’t be so bad.” 

Having the short straw in many ways Rias stomps her foot on the ground angrily patting at her flat chest. “Well unlike both of you, I’ve changed a lot more than just a bit of height! I look like I’m a child like this. Iss—”

Koneko stands up finally rustling the back of her hair. “Issei what?” Looking over to Rias the white-haired girl gives a wide grin back. “Yeah, I guess you could ask the ass freak if he likes short girl’s butts if you need someone.” Dusting off her uniform Koneko gives a pat to her large chest, resting both her hands atop it like it was a desk. “I’d rather keep a body like this though if I had a choice. Nothing wrong with being short Rias, why don’t you just try and stay like that?” 


Rias slams her foot against the ground more her eyes glaring back and forth between all the girls. “I’m starting to wonder if Asia really did loss her memory with koneko talking like that! We need to change ourselves back because these aren’t our proper bodies! What if we wanted… c-children?” Rias’s eyes look down, her cheeks starting to blush. “This… this wouldn’t work out with that. And well…” Rias looks again to the void of nothingness known as her breasts. “This is just wrong. I need my body back. You seem to remember what happened Koneko, do you know how to change us back!?” 

Brushing her fingers through her white hair Koneko ignores Rias completely and starts walking back toward the school, hands still playing with the larger breasts. “Maybe I should start to grow my hair out… Hey Asia, how do you think I’d look with long hair anyway?” 

Asia chases after Koneko walking by the girl’s side. “Well… I think it would look lovely on you; your white hair is rather unique. I think it’d be great if you tried a few more feminine things. I never mind taking you out of the house, you play video games a bit too long.” 

Eye twitching Rias looks back to Akeno who stands there with both hands on her hips smiling. “What is it Rias? Your shorter, but your voice still works. It seems like no one’s complaining.” Akeno walks right up to Rias and pats the small girl’s shoulder. “If you keep whining, I could always see if we can get you back into an elementary school.” 

Rias tugs at her skirt, making it slowly bunch up into her hand. “A-Akeno… don’t you… Why aren’t you bothered by this now?! It seemed like Koneko remembered everything! Asia could too! They just don’t seem as hostile now.” 

Licking her lips Akeno leans in close to Rias’s ear breathing softly into it as she speaks. “Well, little one. Even if they do both remember… someone destroyed the book. No going back now is there? Hehe. The spell on them was broken easily though. Those two think too simple with magic… but with all the power that book had. Well, I’d never let anyone else read it anyway.” 

Akeno starts to walk away, leaving Rias to stand there under the moonlight. “This doesn’t make sense…” Rias slowly turns her head to look at Akeno, and surely enough Akeno was looking back. “Akeno, you can’t really be okay with this, can you? If you found something in the book, then help me! Change me back!” 

A red glint flickers in Akeno’s eyes, a finger pressing against her lip as she smiles at Rias. “What do I have to change little one? Even with a body like this, I can have anything I want. It’s not the make of the body… but how you use it.” 

Akeno joins the rest of the girls, the three of them chatting and talking like nothing had happened. Rias stares down at herself a sour look on her face. If Koneko had spoken any truth, did Rias really even have a way to argue with the choice to stay how they were. She wanted her body back. Though did she even deserve it? 

[Alternate Ends]


That should have been the end of the whole mess. The four girls were only themselves now at the head. The lightning strike to that stupid tome should have been all that was needed to end everything. Rias by Koneko, Akeno by Asia, nothing should have been able to block the lightning bolt. The book was still there though. Akeno raises her finger stunned staring down at the tome. It was not that she had pulled her hand away. Even if Akeno seemed like she may betray Rias under the influence of the book, she really did shoot it. The book simply did not react to the lighting. No burns, no marks, it sat on the forest floor unfazed by the things around it.

You have accepted the challenge

The words echo into all the girls. It was not like anything was speaking to them. But more their minds were being told the words to think. Not wanting the moment to go the wrong way Rias flaps her wings and leaps away from Koneko landing beside Akeno. At the very least sticking together again seemed like a good idea. Still, the book seemed to be issuing some sort of challenge to the group of girls. Scoffing under her breath Rias lifts her right hand glaring at Koneko. Nudging her elbow at Akeno then she finally speaks up, whispering to her partner. “There is little we can do if they get our faces as well… what exactly happened to you Akeno? You’re not infected by the tome yourself, are you?”

Akeno was confused still that her attack had done nothing to the book. “N-no…” Stuttering in awe she reaches her hand out attempting to pick the book up. “I just… I don’t understand what can I do then?” Grabbing the edges of the book Akeno pulls at it, but the book does not move an inch. Suddenly it felt as if it was made of something heavy. Far too heavy for a normal person to be able to lift it. “I… I can’t move the book at all Rias. Can you destroy it?”

Rias’s hand glows for a few seconds with a red aura, her power of destruction flies from her hand at the book. Unlike Akeno however, the power does not make contact, the energy simply vanishes before it reaches the book. “Tsk…” Rias rolls her eyes, of course, her power was just flicked away. They would need to find some way to get rid of the book's shield, or whatever was protecting it. Or find some other means to destroy it. “It seems the most we can do is keep the book from both of these two. Not that it will do us much good, they’ll still be trying to bite at our faces.”


The ground under the girls’ feet begins to crumble. All of them look around in question, and from the large hole Rias had destroyed only minutes before; they begin to see white floor raising from the ground. Rias and Akeno are the first to try and leave, flying quickly away from Asia and Koneko with the book in hand. Both the girls however crash right into some sort of invisible wall. The border of the wall starts at the edges of the white floor. Even flying up high Akeno and Rias hit the wall again. No matter the direction it seemed like the girls were locked in with the infected ones.

The challenge will now begin. Simply complete the transformation.

The words in the girls minds were simple enough to understand. Though Rias could only wonder what sort of conditions those were. It gave them little choice but to lose did it not? “Tsk.” Groaning and now irritated Rias squeezes at Akeno’s hand making sure they stuck together while flying. “They’re giving us little choices here. This arena thing coming out of the ground. It’s just some way to keep us contained. The black darkness is fading away from it as well.”

As Rias said the darkness that had been blinding the girls clears from the woods. Though the large white floor bursting up from the ground was another story. Trees topple over from it, dirt is pushed away. When the white floor can be seen completely then buildings begin to shoot up from it. The white flooring was about four football fields put together in size. Four rectangles fit into a square as a better way to say it. The area was not giant but pretty large. The buildings rising from the ground all were white as well. Though the buildings vary in size, some smaller, some a bit larger than the school they had fled from. The landscape to Rias honestly was a bit like the school, just devoid of color beyond a few items dropping in.

No abilities are allowed beyond those granted by the book.

The phrase enters Akeno and Rias’s brain, and then both of them drop out of the air crashing into the white flooring. Akeno holds at the side of her arm and winces her eye a little in pain but luckily they fell on the roof of one of the taller buildings in the area. Rias on the other hand being smaller seemed to hurt her butt pretty badly. “Rias…?” Akeno carefully says the words setting the book down between them. “We… we’re a bit helpless in this situation. This book created its own domain… it expects us to run around hiding. I… It talked to me… when I was standing in front of it earlier. And I well—”

Holding her hand up Rias shakes her head all while still rubbing her tail bone. “I-It… It’s fine.” Wincing her eyes, a little Rias manages to stand herself up and finally grabs the book with her own hands. Though unlike the other girls she feels nothing from it. “I don’t know what it is about this book… but we have it now. Those two will just be chasing us. It may honestly be better to leave it here… They won’t be able to fly.”

Standing herself now Akeno walks over to the edge of the five-story building and looks over the edge. The all-white landscape made it hard to discern everything. Some of the buildings had windows but it just made it harder to tell things apart. She could only really base things off shadows produced by the moonlight. “That’s true.” Akeno nods slowly trying to think of some kind of plan. She had said she wanted a challenge, but she did not expect something like this. “They seemed to have enhanced speed and strength. If that’s all the book gave them beyond some fanged teeth… I suppose they teleported at one point with each other? We should be able to manage to an extent.”

Rias nods back toward Akeno and arches her foot back quickly slamming it against the book. “You could give us some powers yourself! If this is some challenge it’s supposed to actually be a fight that has stakes isn’t it?! Give us some way to win at least. We don’t want to be changed!”

Akeno holds her hand to her mouth a little surprised by Rias’s outburst. Though it did look cute with her having such a small body. Regardless nothing responds to the girls for a few minutes. Till suddenly another rumble in the ground is heard and a large white clock appears at the center of the landscape, the numbers within the clock are black and begin to count down.

When the timer runs out, the hunters lose. The runners will be provided a short teleport useable with a cooldown timer. Objects within the landscape will be provided to hide.

The landscape once again rumbles and many spots around it begin to gain color. The window frames gain outlines, the doors get painted with blacks and grays. Some spots on the white floor even become green with what appears to be fake grass growing out. Rias and Akeno could not see all the insides of the buildings, but the items like tables they had seen earlier being popped out of the air they could only assume were the supposed cover. Rias though was more curious about the apparent power. The book was kind enough to plant some information about the power into their heads. So, looking toward the door to the stairs of the roof the two were on Rias thinks of teleporting. Then just like that she vanishes from Akeno’s view and reappears instantly beside the door. Rias then quickly thinks the same thing back at the spot she just came from. “Hm… nothings happening… The teleport works though. The timer suggests we need to last twenty minutes, correct? Given how Asia and Koneko have enhanced speed and strength the shorter time and these abilities make sense.” Rias tries the ability again and once again teleports back to her original position on the roof. “Hm, the cooldown on the ability is roughly fifteen seconds. We don’t know the exact distance though.” Rias points to the roof across from them. The roof was roughly twelve feet away, and only four stories tall. “Akeno, try and teleport to the building there. We’ll need to start moving… this will let us see the distance it can go. I assume it is limited, but it seems it’ll be good enough to get past those two and their increased speed.”

Though happy to have some way to stand a chance against the so-called hunters. Akeno was not exactly thrilled to be the one asked to test the range of a teleport when they were on the roof of a five-story building and had no means to fly. “Sure…” Begrudgingly though Akeno accepts regardless and walks to the edge of the building. Maybe the book would try and kill her, but she doubted the hunters would let her die, so at worse she breaks a leg or two. “Alright, here I go.” Looking in the direction she wished to teleport Akeno thrusts those desires forward and instantly her body phases through the air, suddenly standing at the edge of the four-story tall building. Akeno wobbles a little on the edge but quickly steps off. Rias would be able to piece such a reaction together. The teleport has a decent distance but shorter than Akeno was hoping for. She aimed to teleport to the center of the roof, not the edge.

Rias being the bold girl she was starts herself at the middle of the roof and runs across jumping into the air. Akeno stares with a bit of amazement, but Rias teleports mid-jump landing where Akeno had originally wanted to land. With a smug little grin, Rias brushes her long red hair over her shoulders. “Hmph, Koneko’s body is small but I can say it’s rather agile. Almost makes me wish my hair was not so long currently. Either way, there is plenty of things we can do to increase the distance of our teleport. Or at least use it creatively. We need only see now if we can teleport each other.”

Not wanting to waste more time Akeno runs right over to Rias and wraps an arm around the currently smaller girl’s body. “Alright just a few more seconds, I’ll try it right away.” The girls let the seconds tick away, and then Akeno uses her teleport, taking Rias right with her. Rias face beams a large smile getting the result she was hoping for. Though in the distance both girls can hear shoes stomping against the ground in a full sprint. Tensing in place Akeno glares over the mostly white landscape trying to spot where the sounds were coming from. “It seems like we need to move. We don’t want to be caught on the rooftops.”

Hand on her cheek Rias slowly nods biting at her lip. “It could indeed be better to run through the buildings. Though with our teleport it may actually be better to stay on the roofs for now correct? They have no way to fly themselves. They started on the ground from what we know. If they wanted to reach the roof quickly, they’d need to make a lot of noise by slamming their fists into the wall to make climbing indentations.” Akeno rubs at her own cheek sighing. “It’s nothing to worry over Akeno. We’re in a terrible situation already. I think the rooftops will serve us better for now. In fact, we…” Rias looks out over the edge, many buildings within the landscape were three stories high. “The buildings around us are the four and five-story buildings… then three-story buildings circle around us… and then it becomes more like a residential area from there with two or one-story buildings.” Rias pointing out the different building’s sizes Akeno just nods in acknowledgment not wanting to say much herself. “I think it would be best if we stayed within this area. We circle around the three-story buildings and move into this center area when pressured. Buildings we’re able to hide within a denser area that is vertical and horizontal will be all the better for us.”


A loud crash sounds from beneath the girls. Koneko was at the bottom of the building slamming her way through the door. Both girls caught a small flash of her short white hair. That and her having Rias’s body made it easier to spot. “Rias.” Akeno squints her eyes at Rias, they were still held onto each other from the teleport experiment. “She’s coming for us, we probably only have a few seconds if she knows we’re on the roof.”

Groaning to herself Rias squeezes onto Akeno tightly and shoves herself and Akeno over the edge of the building. “Alright so we’ll start to move.” Akeno fidgets a little concerned but she trusts Rias. They only fall a story down before blinking out of the area, teleporting onto the next roof over. “Alright Akeno, now you let's put some distance between us.” Rias quickly points over to another three-story building and runs toward the edge of the current building with Akeno in hand. Both girls jump again, and just as before but with Akeno leading, the girls blink away teleporting to the next building in the line. “There we go…”


Asia slams open the door of the roof her lips parting in a smile as she sees Akeno. “There we go indeed. Hehe, you really are predictable aren’t you Rias? You should have asked Akeno to come up with a plan.” Rias squeezes at Akeno’s hand, but their abilities were both on cooldown still, they could only stand there and wait, or try to buy time. “Rias, you probably didn’t even ask Akeno what she thought would be best did you?”

Rias did not exactly want to play into the comments, but at the very least it would let her ability come back. “Akeno is smart, she’d tell me right away if I made some mistake in my thinking. It seems like you’re the one making yourself a fool.” Rias holds her hand to her face shaking her head disappointedly. “You desire Akeno’s full-body though, yet you try and taunt me? Asia, I think whatever this book has done to you… well, it clearly did not raise your intelligence.”

Covering her mouth Akeno takes a few careful steps back. She was the target after all, and it was clear Rias was stalling. They still needed a few more seconds. Rias’s teleport was at least charged by now if Akeno counted correctly. “Rias really…” Akeno mutters out trying to keep the distraction up. “I mean you could just listen to me a little… you listen to my criticism far after the fact most often.”

Arms crossed under her chest Asia smiles wider nudging her head toward Akeno. “See, hehe, at the very least when Koneko takes over your life completely, I won’t have to worry about that kind of treatment.”

Walking backward herself Rias grabs onto Akeno’s hand subtly pointing her finger to the left side of the building. “Oh, is that so Asia?!” Rias laughs out her words and rolls her eyes. “You think Koneko won’t just knock you aside once she has my body? She could have Issei all to herself… I mean I know she can be far bolder than I. Having a body like mine and her way of thinking. Issei may just end up focusing his gaze.”

Shivering at the comment Asia bites at her thumbnail, eyes wandering around the roof. “Y-you… no… No. Koneko wouldn’t do something like that! Me and her agreed we’d help one another, and finally be the girls Issei looks at, and not just some supporting characters he sees whenever it suits him!”

“Go!” Rias tugs at Akeno’s arm and leaps from the building with her. Asia stares in awe, running to the edge of the building trying to grab at the girls but it was too late. Falling down Akeno stares at the next roof and instantly the girls teleport onto it. Rias still holding Akeno’s hand then does just as before. Running to the edge she leaps off teleporting them again as they roll onto the roof of another building. Panting softly Rias holds at her chest, her bundle of red hair laying around her knees. “A-aha…. Really I didn’t expect Asia to know where we’d appear… Koneko too, she found the building we were in?”

Rubbing at the back of her neck Akeno stands herself up and helps Rias also to her feet. “I don’t know…” Akeno says the words softly but seemed to have some thoughts. Rias even tugs at her sleeve to get her to spit the rest out. “Well… I am not sure if Koneko was even actually there. From what happened within the darkness, both of them can switch places with each other. They have increased speed, and strength. Though their minds have been altered to be somewhat like themselves but more, crude.” Watching Asia in the distance Akeno notes the girl frantically running back into the building they had left her on. “They seem to be using their knowledge of us against us… what we usually plan for and whatnot. So Koneko very well may be nearby where we currently are.”

Rias did not exactly want to believe such words. Asia and Koneko were not very clever when it came to planning out how to flank and capture enemies. “I doubt it is something like that.” Shrugging Rias walks to the edge of the building. Her cool down already reset so both of the girls had to keep moving now that Asia had an idea where they went. “The game timer is pretty far off, but it should be at ten minutes left if my estimations of time are correct.”

Yet again Akeno went unheard. “What was the actual challenge…” Muttering the words under her breath Akeno could not help but think about what the book had said. Maybe if she tried not to attack it… maybe if things played out differently. Squeezing her eyes shut she could only feel like Rias was getting a bit full of herself given the situation. “Rias?” A thought did enter Akeno’s head though, one that had been posed to her earlier. With Rias staring up at her Akeno had to ask. “You haven’t been altered mentally by that book, have you?”

Offended by such a comment Rias puts her hand to her flat chest and rolls her eyes. “I can’t believe you’d really suggest that I wo—”


Legs slamming to the ground an indented foot cracks the roof surface. Koneko had arrived. Her eyes glaring between both girls but locking to Rias right away. “Heh, what’s there to suggest?” Running her hand through her short white hair Koneko crosses her arms under her new larger breasts, which use to be Rias’s. “You guys are even fighting like Asia thought you would. Rias… you touched the book just like all of us. That was all you needed hehe. Why not just stop fighting. Just let me have the life you use to have, I’ll live it better than you ever could.”

Akeno and Rias were apart now, the situation was harder just because of that simple fact. “Hah.” Rias laughs into her hand brushing her red hair out over her shoulder again. “Even if it did affect me in some way. I’m not the one trying to alter my body.”

Rolling her eyes Koneko jolts forward before Rias could keep prattling on. Within less than a second Koneko was staring Rias in the face her lips edging closer and closer to Rias’s own. “I don’t need you to stall for time, just lose alright?”


Right, when Koneko thought she could steal away Rias’s face Akeno pops in between both the girls, Koneko’s eyes blink several times at Akeno. With her just suddenly appearing Koneko was now kissing Akeno instead of Rias. With a little shove of her hand Akeno makes Rias stumble back away from them both, but Akeno still holds out her hand toward Rias. “O-Okay!” Rias stutters for a moment but grabs Akeno’s hand. Before Koneko could regain her composure, both the girls then pop away teleporting again to the next building ahead. “There! Akeno is yours almost ready?”

Unlike Asia the white hair girl backs up and sprints forward leaping across the gap between roofs. Rolling on the ground then she was already back in front of both the girls. “Hehe, I’m not just gonna let you go you know? And though I do appreciate the affection Akeno, stay out of this. Rias is already a jerk enough to you, isn’t she? Just let me become the new Rias. Hehe, you wanna be Asia, don’t you?”

Akeno averts her eyes but Rias stands firm stomping her small foot to the ground. “I will not have this! You can’t do anything in this situation, there is not enough time for you to win! So just give up, me and Asia both still have our bodies as well!”

A wide grin parting her lips Koneko jumps right at Akeno tackling her to the ground. Rias jumps back away from the group but can only look stunned by it all. “Are stupid?” Koneko chuckles and presses her lips right back against Akeno’s again.


Suddenly Koneko vanishes, and in her place is Asia. Akeno and Asia kissing right there before Rias, the plan had worked again. Before Rias’s eyes, Akeno’s hair starts to turn blond while Asia’s turns black. Both the girls were swapping completely right there and Rias could do nothing but leap from the side of the building and teleport away. Just like with the bites from before, once the process had started it would not stop. She lost her alley then and now could only run out the clock. “Just… a few more minutes.”

Asia and Akeno continue to share their kiss. Akeno though does not try to move or even blink away. She places her hand against Asia’s cheek and leans into the kiss herself. The girls watch their eye colors change, their facial structures contort. They feel the burning in their throats for a breath moment as vocal cords twist and turn to match a new tune. The girls were one probably in the strangest way they could be. Akeno staring at herself, while Asia stared back at herself. They had swapped completely, the only thing left now was their brains, the things that held those important memories so they could act as needed still. “You’re a good girl, Asia.” Asia teasing sticks out her tongue as she breaks the kiss. “With time, your personality may change a little as well. But, you’re up to the challenge, right?” Akeno clearly knew not what to say, but as Asia leaned in closer, it somehow felt okay. “Don’t worry, it’ll be a challenge now, won’t it?”


Rias pants against the ground, her fingers mindlessly counting the seconds for her ability. “I can’t believe this… Did Akeno not even try? She could have teleport away… no maybe not. But…” Sighing Rias walks through the building she had teleported into. Instead of the roof, she teleported through an open window of a building. “There can’t be that much longer left can there?” As soon as her hand extends all digits, for the third time Rias runs to the closet window and teleports herself inside of the next building. This interior looked like a normal office. Desks lined in rows with cubicles. Crawling under the desk closest to the window Rias finally takes a short breath. “They couldn’t have accounted for all my actions… they just couldn’t of.”


Once again Koneko slams her way into a situation. Her foot this time breaking a door down as she enters the office building. “Oooooh Rias.” Koneko giggles quietly to herself her legs squatting down as she scans her eyes over the floor. “A lot of these things are in the way huh?” Grabbing the side of a cubical Koneko lifts it and throws it across the room out of a still closed window. Shattering glass aside Koneko seemed pleased with herself. “You’re not really hiding in here hoping to run out the clock are you?”

Rias could say nothing. Making a sound would reveal her position. Any second, she could spare was another second off the clock. Using her teleport needed to be saved for the correct time as well. Koneko seemed to be tired of the game though. She and Asia both after all had been chasing the girls the whole night. Having the book make some dumb game go with it was probably just frustrating for her. Not that Rias could exactly use such detail in her favor. Without her normal powers, it seemed like she was in a bad position. More so if both Asia and Koneko worked together to grab her now.


Koneko throws a whole desk out another window shattering the glass once again. “Rias come on out already! I know what you’re thinking! Heh, the book was just giving you false hope. You already saw it, I can just catch up to you right away even if you go to another building.”

More desks fling through windows. Rias honestly was finding it odd at this point. She understood that Koneko wanted them out of the way, but opening the windows just gave Rias an easier way to escape stealthily. Really, she had no reason not to do it. Glancing at the window in front of her she was getting closer to the large clock embedded into the ground. Blinking her eyes, she blinks away just like that landing in one of the smaller two-story buildings that seemed to mimic a library. “Finally…” Rias takes another breath and starts quickly walking down the hall of the building to the next window. The clock just said two minutes on it. “I’m almost done with this cursed game.” Sinking in place Rias closes her eyes, her teleport was almost ready again.

“You really are.”

Jumping to her feet Rias looks all around herself but she did not see anyone. “What…?” Looking over the railing of the hall on the second floor, Rias looks at Asia and Akeno standing there together. Even if it looked like both the girls normally, Rias knew Asia had fully taken Akeno’s body and vice versa. “I can’t believe this… what are you two doing here?!”

Sighing a long sigh into her palm Akeno brushes her blond hair over her shoulder and suddenly teleports to Rias’s side. “What, do you regret leaving me, Rias?” Akeno grabs at Rias’s wrists tightly holding her in place.

“A-Akeno?” Struggling side to side Rias could not break herself free. Still, she had one thing she could still do. “I don’t know what you’re trying but!” Popping away in another teleport both Rias and Akeno vanish from Asia’s view. Suddenly Rias falls against the white ground right beside the clock counting down. “H-ah, there, I did it! There isn’t enough time now!” The clock just had thirty seconds left on it. Koneko and Asia were both near, but Rias would regain her teleport before they could reach her. It was all the perfect plan.

“Really?” Akeno’s voice was not kind, despite having Asia’s voice. Squeezing tightly at Rias’s wrist she playfully grins squeezing the smaller girl close. “Everything had been planned out remember?”


Rias is thrust back through teleportation and appears right back within the library. Only Akeno holds Rias like a stuffed toy and thrusts her forehead so Asia can kiss the girl right on the lips. “M-mm!” Rias tries to squirm away, but the seconds would not come soon enough. Smiling through the kiss Asia vanishes, and Koneko stands in place shoving her tongue down Rias’s throat. “N-nngh!?”


A loud sound suddenly blares, like at a game or competition to decide a match point. Rias had lost, just like that. Her tongue being played around with she feels her face begin to morph. Her cheeks begin to hurt, her hair falls to the ground and slowly turns white. Of course in Koneko’s case she gains gorgeous red locks streaming down her tall body. Koneko was even smiling herself from the change, unafraid to break the kiss for a moment just to lick her lips as they turn to Rias’s normally plump ones. Then she just goes back in to kiss further. As the girl's eye color changes, Rias could hear the ground under them shaking, parts of the white landscape were starting to break up or outright just vanish. It seemed to be manifested just by magic somehow.

Koneko tosses Rias to the ground, wipes off her lips, and grabs onto Asia’s hand. “Thanks for the help Akeno… enjoy being Asia from now on, alright?” Koneko sticks her tongue out at Akeno, and with Asia in hand, the two hunters leave the library as more of the landscape crumbles and collapses.

“That’s that.” Akeno lowers herself down beside the collapsed Rias, her voice just sullen now. “Things not go perfectly planned? Heh… the effects of the book should end… when this place fully disappears. We’re stuck like this now.”

Biting at her lip Rias’s eyes tear up a little, she was at a loss for words but she had to find some, even if her voice was now different too. “Why!? Why did you betray me Akeno?! If I won—”

Akeno grabs at Rias’s cheeks and looks her in the eyes sternly. “If you won, then what? You’d still be Koneko from the neck down. At least this way you won’t look like a freak.” Akeno tosses Rias’s head to the side and turns her away in frustration. “Why? What did you think would happen… treating me like that? If you listened to me, asked for more help. We could have stopped them before all of this happened.” Standing up Akeno turns away from Rias and starts walking to the Libraries entrance as the doors fall from their hinges. “We can’t always control bad endings… but they don’t have to be terrible ones. But this… this, I think you deserve this fate.”

Everything was falling around Rias. Akeno was gone, Koneko and Asia were gone. “Why did it end up happening this way… did the book make us act so… disgusting?” Slowly but surely Rias feels her back touch against dirt. The white landscape looked as if it had emerged from the ground, but no such whole was present anymore. Lifting her head Rias only notices the holes she created with her power of destruction early. With a soft smirk, she lifts her head and tries to use the destructive power noticing she could not at all. “So that was taken too…”


As if some joke, the book lands down right in front of Rias, patting at her sides, it wasn’t on her body. She never even noticed it had left her side. “Why, why would it come to me? When someone changes, they can’t change back from it…” Reaching her hand toward the book Rias squeeze its bind tightly pulling it to her flat chest. “But… at least I have something.”


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