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Hello friends!

I really hate to write posts like this that contain only text, not content. Especially if it can seem like an excuses. But I look at the calendar and see that there is no content, and the month is already ending. How does it happen ... So I'd rather warn you now than come back with a new video, but when it might be a bit late.

My next project (current) from my personal plans, which time has come right now, really, that has shifted the higher priority video plans from polls.

I will describe the details in the release, but this is not an ordinary project, it takes more time than I myself expected. So either it will be released before the end of February, or a couple of days later. This is a short month of 28 days, so even a couple of days matter.

Of course, even if February is dedicated to just one project, it's still bad speed. Although I now devote more time to my personal life, it is very unprofitable for me to simply disappear for a long time. I still need to maintain attention to my person from the outside and, of course, produce content for you, for whose support I can do this things at all. Apart from the list of ideas that I would really like to finish and not feel like constantly lagging behind.

Yes, there were some things that distracted me for more than a week, and continue to partially take up time now. It's okay, I'm fine. I was doing some kind of renovation in the room ... I truly aim for you to find out more about real me this year, but this is also not a very quick process

But in terms of creativity - February definitely feels like a failure for me (especially now that I've decided I should write this). So give me another chance, not the first time, as it seems that now it is rather late to change something for March. But I also believe that I receive very high support from you and cannot abuse it.

So, most likely, April will be a free month, as I did before once. I will not make any special breaks, just everyone who is already signed, you will not need to pay for April, that will serve kind of compensation for February. Of course, if I am quite productive in March, really more than usual, then there will be no skip. But if yes, there will be no Aprill poll either. I just wanted to warn about these rough plans.

So the next video should come out in a week, sooner, but not later. Well, and monthly extra mailing, of course, is always the case.

This post is over now!

Thank you for being with me, I will not be lost.



Ill wait till 2022 if it means more suu vids

Doreen Curves

Take your time! We will support you no matter what. ❤️


I'm not sure yet about suu, but there will be still many more interesting things in 2021!

Magnus Canis

You’re absolutely fine! Seeing your videos whenever they come out is always enough for me. Take as much time as you need!


thank you! and when I see and know that, I also want to continue my work no matter what!


Don't worry, everybody needs a break from time to time. I don't even think you have to do a free month because of this. Relax, it's fine, we still like your stuff and we are still here. :-)


You're human, like the rest of us. Everyone has a personal life, and sometimes that takes up most of our time. I think most of us can understand that.

Master Doll

Take a break for as long as you need to. If it means more quality content, I’m willing to wait. We all are. 💕


Thank you! I would very much like to be able to manage time more successfully, however


As others have said, take the time. You need to have personal time too. You'll still get support doing so!


No problem, I will continue to support you, all the animations you do are great, and to make a good animation you need time and rest. Can't wait to see the next video :D

Dylan III

Honestly, you do you. Content is great no matter the wait, best of luck with getting through everything going on.


Thank you! This is not really a break, as I would have warned everyone before, not after. But I also know that I am not omnipotent. And as for skipping a month - I think it's pretty fair given that I get enough support. And people can spend this money on sweets that time :) I just know, in case of trouble, I can turn to all of you for help anyway. So far so good. I don't want to get paid for doing nothing, it can turn into a bad habit


Thank you! But I still wanted to at least say what happened and what to expect soon. Some delays again, ehh, but I'm overcome it!


Thank you! I am care for the quality, and I think that all new "breaks" already be finished immediately after this post


Honestly, don’t worry about it. At least you are safe and well and keeping us updated. Rather then suddenly disappear off the face of earth. Never to head from again. A lot of us appreciate the work you do and don’t mind waiting as the quality of work you put to it is really good.


Take your time man. Personal matters are important


Thank you! I love to release something new, it has become a style of my life. But I know I have a responsibility to those who help me, to make new stuff with some more clear shedule. So at least I can warn everyone


Thank you! Mutually! I also can't wait to post a new video. It takes longer than I planned, but it should work out well.


Thank you! I want to finish it this month, but even if I'm a little late, at least i could explain it now, than pretend later that nothing happened. Everything else is fine


Love your work :) take care of urself too tho!


No problem, you take it easy, as others say the issues come first and then your free time, so I'll be waiting for your next project 😊


Thank you! I'm just worried, because I myself am used to creating something new, plus some responsibility to the plans already taken upon myself, and of course, to all people who are here. I know this is not so critical ... But at least since I'm not sure, I am able to provide at least a text now. But if I will be offline for more than a month in general, then yes, this can be a real problem!


Thank you! Some of the things that I have done now may be useful to me as imbapovi in the future! but have not been a big success with animations


Thank you! I will be fine, there is strength and desire, only time is not always 🙂


Thanks you! Yes, the balance says that I should work well after a break (we'll find out in March)


I had a lot of time on my hands with other things anyways. So I forgive you.


Thank you! In any case, I will try to make sure that in the end everyone is happy


No worries here, you create a lot of content on here and DA. Plus personal life always comes first. Just look after yourself.


Meh. No worry,as long u take care of u, u will be able to take care of ur Fabulous work. So don't worry it'l be okay for us to wait til u'r done with that.

Colton Moore

Definitely take your time your videos are worth the wait


Thank you! You are right, I made a lot of content, but I always want even more) I don't plan to stop, only sometimes I fall out a lot, unfortunately


Thanks you! I wish there be less waitings, from this moment for sure


Thank you! At least until the next one is not so long, but a whole month is not right


No worries! Take your time, please. A couple of days or weeks shouldn't bother anybody supporting you! I'm sure the next project will be great. =)


Thank you! I think a couple of weeks is just a good time to do something, especially three weeks. But now it didn't work out. So, at least, I can give information right now, and the video after it

Sasuke Uchiha

The quality of your videos has greatly improved from when I started watching! I think we would all appreciate a good video that you know you are proud of instead of trying to rush something in a time period


No worries, just take the time you need :)


If you need to take time for yourself, the don't worry about it! Don't burn yourself out trying to produce videos like you're some kind of factory. It's okay.

Phillip Jackson

Do what ever you have to do. Take your time. You have one the best quality videos out there and I understand the price of that quality and work is time.


These videos take a lot of work, we understand sometimes you need a break from them. Most animators don't post every month and you have been doing it for years now, Do not feel bad we will always still support you.

Corporal Tommy

If you think you need a break, take it, forcing yourself to do work, would not be good for you or your work.


Thank you! Yes, I understand that, but I would also like to do something quick and small in between large projects... But I want to approach each one too responsibly, and it doesn't appear so often.


Thank you! But no matter what, I'm sure I can make at least 1 video a month. Something went wrong this time, so at least I could explain


Thank you! Well, yes, it may seem that the longer there are no new works, then I am working on something grandiose. In fact, I didn't have enough time to work at all, which is why such delay happened. But I promise all releases will be of good quality!


Thank you! Yes, I know looking back that I have done a lot of work, maybe this proves my reliability. But I feel uncomfortable if I received support for a month, and did not manage to do at least something in such a long period. At least I can say that / apologize to the patrons for courtesy.


Thank you! No, I'm not tired and I don't force myself to work. There were just other things, like renovating the room, and so on. I didn't have the time / energy these days to devote myself entirely to animations. Now everything is ready and I'm back, and I just wanted to say the reason for the absence. Everything will be better now

cool dude

These things happen. I know that Animation is hard. Keeping a schedule is even harder. Haha So, take all the time you need. The consistent quality of your videos is worth the wait.

Gino Bagnino

Hey Imba! Don't worry, for me if you decide to dedicate your time to a extraordinary project is a good thing! As i altready write to you, i prefer to see less big projects than a lot of small projects. Bye!


I mean if you make 1 vid a month but it’s a 5+ min one with more plot nobody is gonna complain. Quality over quantity.


You do you, everyone needs some time for themselves sometimes. I am eagerly awaiting your project but mostly waiting for Chifusa! Because it is one of my favourite characters of all time and it feels unreal that you are doing a video of her so i'm super excited.


Thank you! I know that I will catch up. But sometimes have to wait! I am grateful for trusting me


Thank you! I would like to find a balance between big and small projects so I can alternate between them! Maybe soon


Thank you! My preferred length is between 1 and 3 minutes. If more, I will start to get very tired. This prevents me from taking on my personal large project, since I am afraid to start it because of the required great length. However, as soon as the to-do list decreases, I will definitely do something for 5+ minutes


Thank you! Yes, I understand. And this is just an annoying thing for me. Chifusa should be next, but there was a plan shift, and also things above, so her arrival is delayed by almost a month. But one way or another, she will going in March 1000%


I know that this is not your most fun part to do. But I'm glad to hear all the info about your situation and all the progect that you are doing, plus your irl stuff. So take all the time that you need for you to focuse on everything that you have to do. Me and all others will wait for you to do your absolute best hear. No rush, take yor time and it will be worth it in the end. Many hugs from me to you as well my friend. ^_^ <3


You don't have to apologize. Creating takes time. You don't need to rush and I'm totally fine with waiting

Key Lime Daquiri

We come to watch you because you make good quality videos and content so please take your time to make your videos and relax we love what you have been doing and will continue to support you as a wise man once said there is no benefits in quantity over quality


Dont worry we love you <3


Please take the time you need! We like your content but understand that life is always first.


Genuinely take your time. You're great at what you do and I am sure everyone here is willing to wait.


I was worried about this happening. You create art. Art is creative. And creativity requires freedom. Stifling an artist can create writers block. I hope for you to create if & when you choose. I want you to be happy first. Thank you for the update. If you get stuck with a project, maybe move onto something smaller & more enjoyable ;) Take care Imbapovi xx


Thank you! I still feel a little guilty, even to myself. It's unpleasant when plans are broken. But I will mend


Thank you! Nice to read this. I will try to keep the quality. Only in the last time a lot went into other matters, so it was not quality or quantity. But it's a temporary


Thank you! Sometimes it turns out like this, but I'm on my way back!


Thank you! But reducing the waiting time is also one of my tasks! A little more is needed


Thank you! This has happened to me a few times already, I just hope it won't be that often or for a long time. I will make an effort to be here more often! And finish the to-do list sooner to do something small too


Got some absolute Chads here in the comments offering great and insightful perspectives on creativity in general. This community gets weirdly wholesome sometimes, but I'm certainly not complaining.