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Gathering of ideas will go on during first week of month (until March 8).

Please do not offer a complex scenario, a short description is enough to start. Character / action, some details.

Do not suggest the same character which has already been suggested by someone (check comments) + specify only 1 character, which will represent your idea in poll (secondary characters are allowed, if needed for interactions, but not for main roles)

Unacceptable: mens (for inflation / expansion); minors (and generally anyone who looks small, regardless of age, for "sexy or weird things"); animals and furries ("monster girls" with human face type, especially nose part - are permissible); real people (as 3D models, of course); Hatsune Miku; last month's winners - Centorea (Monster Musume), Lady Dimitrescu (Resident Evil Village)

You can change your idea as you like until deadline! Then all ideas will be collected and used for voting among all supporters, starting from Tier-2.

* You can leave link to picture with your character. If not, I'll find it myself later. This is necessary for voting. Just for sake of fairness, please - usual pictures are acceptable, just showing character in normal state as portrait sample. So that this does not affect the opinions of the voters in any way.

Only 1st and 2nd winner will be done

I cannot check the availability of all models in advance. In the worst case, if it is impossible to get a 3D model at all, it will be a 2D animation.


Even with the update of the volume of added ideas only up to 2 pieces, due to recent events, I have not advanced much along the list. So if I do not show decent results in March, April will be free month (with a high probability) - accordingly, the next poll will be skipped. I will announce the final decision towards the end of the month, but consider this possibility if it may affect your plans.



Palutena Breast butt belly. Palutena wants a good salad to eat. Viridi doesnt like her eating the plants so vines that wrap around palutena and insert through her mouth. Liquid is then pumped into her and it inflates her boobs butt then belly last.


if the second character is used, then only as an assistant (does not change)


Cynthia from pokemon diamond/pearl relaxing on the beach wearing a bikini with a bowl of candy but she doesn't realize it's a bowl of rare candies. As she's eating the candies her nipples become erect, she doesn't realize that her breasts and butt are growing larger and larger. As she swallow the last candy her bikini top explodes off her chest. As she grows bigger and bigger her nipples begin to leak with milk until geysers of milk erupt from her breasts. As her chest runs out of milk, a prompt pops up and says "Cynthia has learned hydro pump"


Diane (seven deadly sins)- starting in small (human) size is given a experimental magic item to let her grow/shrink to giant/human size. She starts to slowly grow back to gaint size but wants to speed up the process. She then try’s using magic which makes item malfunction and just her breasts and butt start growing back to giant size. Then to keep things from getting worse trys to remove the item, losses her balance with the item falling in her cleavage out of reach and continues to grow from the malfunction. https://nanatsu-no-taizai.fandom.com/wiki/Diane


xenovia quarta from high school dxd as she is fighting off against povi pump gal in an epic battle where it looks like xenovia has the lead but povi secretly has one of the pumps sneak up behind xenovia and start pumping up her but t which catches her off guard which gives povi the perfect opportunity to tackle her to the ground. Xenovia does her best to break free but to no avail thats when povi uses her pump tail as shoves it into xenovias mouth and starts pumping her chest up once her chest has been pumped up enough she moves onto her belly and starts to pump that up until she gets to be a big ball but she doesnt stop there as she then begins to give her blow kisses along with pumping up her belly also the pump from before is still pumping up her ass. As xenovia continues to get bigger and bigger she finally gets to the point where she gets bigger than the stadium that they are in and explodes falling back down to the ground


Mount lady (in her giant form) is on patrol in the city when she accidentally trips on a car. When she stands up, she realizes that she fell on top of Miruko, who is now unconscious. Mt lady picks her up, and attempts to reawaken her by mouth-to mouth. This causes Miruko to inflate, growing a huge butt, then a big belly, and finally big breasts, until she's as big as Mt Lady's head. She awakens to her inflated state, but it now seems Mt Lady wants to continue having fun, and starts inflating her even more. Miruko becomes bigger, rounder, and redder. Finally, when she becomes almost twice as big as Mt Lady, she flies away from the pressure, causing Mt Lady to fall and watch Miruko fly away into the horizon.


Everyday cattle with a monster girl. Quatre takes medicine to breastfeed. Then the chest gradually grows. When it grows to a certain extent, the butt begins to grow and begins to rush. Eventually the chest and buttocks become huge and become a huge milk server. Please make your chest larger than your butt! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EvcdYMLU4AQIYIn?format=jpg&name=large

Luke LaPierre

Wiz From Konosuba: She's cleaning her shop up when she accidentally knocks over a potion which releases a gas of some kind. her belly begins to expand, causing a few of her belts and straps to pop open, as her stomach continues to expand, her cheeks begin to puff up along with the rest of her body. her breasts, then her butt, then the rest of her body begin to expand now as well, and she waddles around to find a cure, she soon finds one. But as she’s reaching for it, she loses her balance and knocks down even more potions releasing even more gas, causing her to not only swell up more rapidly, but also much much larger. As she is wiggling her hands in panic, her hands swell up as well. She eventually grows so large that she outgrows her shop, Vanir walks into frame, looking shocked. The video ends with the over inflated Wiz with a sign hanging from her neck saying “Large balloon idiot for sale”.


Ganyu from Genshin Impact Taking a small break in an outdoor storage area, Ganyu would take out an unusual flower that looked far too delicious for her to not take a bite. But, after eating such a flower, her breasts and belly would unexpectedly start to expand. If that wasn't enough, the flower contained an aphrodisiac substance, causing Ganyu to soon lose herself in the pleasure. Still, unsatisfied with just that, she would reach out to a nearby helium tank, insert it's hose in her butt, and open it's valve to the maximum. Her breasts, belly, and even butt, would begin to expand at incredible speed, causing her to soon start floating above the landscape, overshadowing it by her enormous, and continually expanding body.  As she continues to grow, she starts to notice an unusual sensation building up within her breasts. Combined with the weird flower effect and the increasing pressure caused by the helium, her breasts start to release the famed "cocogoat milk". As more pressure builds up, even more milk comes out, raining trough the entire zone. It's until the helium tank finally empties that the intense stream of milk finally turns into a calm flow, slipping though her overinflated body. And so, Ganyu is left floating, embarrassed, as she finally realizes what just happened. https://images.app.goo.gl/ZRjEwAdwYCraJXXY7 https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Ganyu


Tsu finds a note from their Teacher Aizawa-sensei instructing her to train her limits as a frog using the a helium tank that the note is attached too. Tsu imagines the helium making her a giant like Mt. Lady. She puts the hose in her mouth and turns on the gas. Her belly begins to inflate. Embarrassed, she presses on her belly, forcing it flat again. In doing so though she just redirects the gas into inflating her hips and butt. She looks over her shoulder to see her inflating backside. She places both hands on her expanding butt and blushes when she realizes that she likes it. A couple moments later she turns to the tank as though to shut it off but is distracted by her boobs beginning to inflate as well. Distracted again, she feels up her inflating chest. While she is distracted Mineta appears, revealing that the note was actually from him. He turns the tank up. Tsu's belly begins to inflate again, then her whole body, her cheeks and hands included. Once she is around parade float sized Mineta shuts off the gas and lays down across Tsu's huge boobs.


Cortana from halo or ranma soatome


Sorry, Povi cannot appear in any video until she appears in H-Pump-5 (this will be her animation debut). I can use h-pump-robot instead... Or need to edit the idea


Accepted. Original name is キャトル, right? ("Cathyl" in english)


Please decide on one character and come up with at least a little story


Somewhat of a sequel to the Nami video, where Nami tries to get revenge. Same outfits as before. Nami and Robin are on a beach of an island. Robin is distracted looking around, while Nami assembles her Climatact, bubbles generating out of the tip. Nami gets a mischievous look and calls for Robin, who turns around and suddenly gets the Climatact shoved in her mouth. The bubbles go in her, making her inflate in short intervals, basically one pump per bubble. Robin doesn't even try to fight back and just lets herself swell up super huge, looking pretty complacent, with Nami keeping the Climatact in place, having climbed on Robin when needed as she inflated. Nami eventually finds this suspicious, her devious face turning to concern. From behind Nami, Robin sprouts a clone of herself from the ground, equally as inflated. (Anything that happens to any Robin, the original or clone, happens to all other Robins.) Her clone bumps into her original's body, the tremor making Nami slip off and get caught between the two of them, her legs trapped in their cleavages. She tries to escape, but her hands keep slipping off Robin's bodies, unable to climb out. She sighs and gives up, and looks up at the original Robin in front of her, who drops the Climatact from her mouth, stopping the inflation. The Robins smile, and Nami nervously smiles back as well. By the end, Robin would be about as big as Nami was from her video, with a round body and rather big and round breasts. If a second Robin seems difficult, then instead Robin wobbles her body, causing Nami to slip into her cleavage and getting caught in there.


That's right!

Captain Rocko

I'm new to submitting ideas so bare with me. We start by seeing Jessie from Team Rocket (Pokemon) try to steal Pikachu once again while on a cruise but is stopped by Misty. A quick tackle attack from Staryu knocks Jessie out with swirls in her eyes. As Misty stares at Jessie's dazed state she gets a idea and puts a hose in Jessie's mouth. That hoes is connected to her Pokemon Staryu and it starts pumping water into Jessie. We quickly see Jessie's stomach and boobs start to expand and fill up with water. Misty goes one step further and pulls out her other Pokemon Starmie and uses another hoes that goes up Jessie's Butt. Now she's expanding even faster and is starting to round out. At this point Jessie is now awake and she's pissed. She tries to move but it's not working. Her body is now 2 times bigger then when she started and her cheeks are getting fat. Misty then grins and calls back both Staryu and Starmie before calling out a Blastoise, she then hooks the hoses up to Blastoise's cannons and he starts pumping tons of water. In a matter of second Jessie grows 5 times larger then before and is starting to leak water. You can here her body grown under the pressure until she finally pops. But after she pops, we see her fall from the sky into the ocean where Misty throws her a life saver inner tube. The tube lands over Jessie's head as we see that Jessie has the dizzy eyes again. https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/0/0d/Jessie_JN.png/187px-Jessie_JN.png (Side Note, If Misty isn't acceptable, you can go with either her Adult Misty or Cassidy from Team Rocket.)


I’m gonna do my idea from last time Marnie from Pokémon Sword and Shield Description: Marnie is challenged by nessa to a Pokémon battle and nessa brings out that water Pokémon from her expansion video. But without warning she pushes nessa away and begins to attack Marnie, by shoving the hose in her butt and mouth and begin to fill her belly with water. Her belly at one point pops out her of her shirt. Her begins to become bigger and bigger as she resting on her belly like a giant water bed. As the water pressure get more intense her cheeks become fuller, her body spheres out like a big water balloon. When nessa wakes up she see what her Pokémon is doing. But she squeezed by Marnies over size body against the wall. as Marnie burst out of nessa gym. nessa is free and returns her Pokémon back as nessa give Marnie a look of embarrassment for what happened. And Marnie gives her a look of anger and embarrassment. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTZPr8ebmVV35xGBZGnBsUiV2bkHZ0842a9ng&usqp=CAU


Accepted. Misty is okay if she is only the performer and not the target


Accepted. By the way, if you are on my discord, I pointed out last time that I had a similar idea with Nessa and her Pokemon + another trainer for the target. Given the similarities, I can use Marnie. But if this idea can win, I can get started much earlier. good luck

Christopher Chichester

Michiru Getting an Milky Breast, Hourglass or giantess expansion or inflation. Could be trying a new Milk or Soda drink with Cow growth hormones'. (admittedly not sure how much detail needed, or if the tier really only needs to be subbed to for the first week for the poll)


Trying for another Touhou character. Sure she wont win, but idc. I want stuck in wall inflation. Seiga Kaku is trying to break in to a place to do evil deeds with her zombie servant Yoshika. She has taped a list of instructions to Yoshika's head and given her an air tank. Seiga opens a hole in the wall and peeks half her body through to check if the coast is clear, but Yoshika bumps into her, causing her to drop her hairpin (which opens holes for her) and close the hole, trapping Seiga in the wall. Yoshika looks at the plan shes been given and it boils down to insert hose, turn on air. Not being one to think critically on things, she does what is logical and does exactly that to poor Seiga. Seiga proceeds to be inflated while stuck in the wall, her midsection being squeezed tight by it as she slowly gets bigger and forces the hole wider and wider before eventually demolishing the wall (and possibly the building) entirely and then reaching her limit and popping. She falls down next to Yoshika and gives and exasperated shake of the head before admonishing her. https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/File:TPW2nd_Seiga.png


Monika from Doki Doki Literature Club messing with some coding and adjusts her breast size, they keep growing to the point that the code gets an error and they can’t stop growing. Her breasts grow to the point that they explode. Monika then wonders about fixing the code.

Sera Snow

Pyrrha Nikos from RWBY. (Jaune Arc as possible side character for end appearance. Up for discussion.) Scenario: Pyrrha really likes Jaune, but he just never seems to notice her, so she tries a new product she heard about, something to enhance one’s best assets. (This can have some relation back to the other RWBY ones with Weiss, Blake, or Yang with the Dust.) She uses it, and nothing seems to happen for a couple of moments, but then her breasts begin to swell up as she sits in her team’s room. They grow significantly, enough to fill the room, before it stops. Short Version: Pyrrha Nikos (RWBY) uses a special Dust that was recommended to her, causing huge breast expansion.


Cetrion from Mortal Kombat The scene begins with a stunned Cetrion having lost against Kitana. Her opponent then walks over to the goddess and pulls her mask down before pulled Cetrion into a kiss. The surprised goddess attempts to pull away from Kitana as the ninja starts to blow into her mouth before her breasts start to rapidly expand. They soon tear out of her top, swelling to massive sizes as Kitana tightly holds her in the kiss before the goddess finally bursts (cleanly like in all your other videos, I don’t expect anything messy) and the ninja is declared the winner.


Accepted. What about looks? There seems to be some kind of green and red version?