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  • DOA5 Helena Hot Getaway CKO'ed Street V1.mp4



It's back to Dead or Alive 5 for this hot-off-the-editing-suite Knockout, this time featuring the stunning CEO of DOATEC, Helena. Somehow the fighting heiress was defeated by some powerful opponent, who has left her lying totally out cold and unconscious atop a building in the Street stage.

Looks like Helena won't be waking up anytime soon, so we'd better watch over her and keep her company. I am really liking this new KO, I like having Helena's feet close together, making for a double dose of perfect, kissable soles to stare at. In fact, all I want to do is take her two luscious feet and rub my face into them... much less painful than getting kicked or stomped on by those same feet, mind you. Anyway, perhaps we should take Lady Douglas indoors, somewhere she can recuperate and sleep off her defeat in pampered comfort. And perhaps where we can continue worshipping and servicing her sleepy, perfect bod in a place far away from all the city racket...



trigger 1 lor

Helena is like an beauty angle, but seeing her got knocked out like that, I don't know what say, and I wonder how the people would say to the CEO of DOATEC got knocked out like that. What do you think. another question for you which DOA duo would you like to be your personal body guards?: Kasumi and Ayane Phase4 and Kasumi Rachel and Momiji Leifang and Hitomi Pai chan and leifang Pai chan and Sarah Sarah and Tina Tina and Mila Marie and Honoka Helena and Marie Kokoro and Helena Christie and Helena


Helena is the CEO, but she is also just a fighter like everyone else. I think she would not be ashamed of being defeated, as it shows she is placing herself in the competition, not above it. As for bodyguards, I would probably choose Pai and Sarah. They are amazing and beautiful and probably because they are VF fighters they will be challenging to all the other DOA fighters. :)

trigger 1 lor

Good choice. But I want my bodyguards should be Kasumi and Ayane. These ninja girls are my favorite characters of the franchise.