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It's here, and its the real deal. Streetfighter 6 is gorgeous, it plays great, and I can see lots of Barefoot KO Content potential in the near future. I saw potential though since, well, its a new game and that means modding isn't quite established yet, so the modgods need to figure things out and then start working on the masterpieces that will make this game ten times better. 

I do have a gripe that the Endurance Round-style Team Battle is apparently not in the final game, which sucks since I like having TB with defeated fighters' bodies littering the stage. Maybe it can be modded back in? Anyway, as of right now only Juri, Manon and Marisa are barefooted/semi-barefoot, and we have no free cam, so no KO Endings for now- I may have to hold on to the Closed Beta files for a while longer. Anyway, for now enjoy these two victory screens that I believe I haven't seen anywhere else. The future is here, footfans! Now I hope it delivers in the content we want soon.

Once again, Big Thanks to Sloppy Seconds whose generosity let us acquire the game. :)



Sloppy Seconds

So excited for future content, SF soles are the best!!


Barefoot mods are already available for the full game, I'll have vids with them on the channel soon. :) No free cam yet, so we're not quite there yet for KO Endings