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Before you start reading!

 Here it is a story I wanted to write long time ago.

I know that my enlgish is not that good and I still have a lot to improve as a writer. However, I still hope you enjoy my story, and give me time to improve my writing skills as time goes by.

I'll be uploading each chapter monthly. 


A long time ago, when Earth was still young and uninhabited, on the top of a high mountain, there was a huge lagoon which one day got hit by a powerful beam of light. Moments later, from the water emerged a beautiful woman carrying a small baby in her arms. With no time to waste, the woman, who named herself “Bachué”, and the baby started exploring this new and beautiful land in order to discover its benefits and dangers. 

Many years passed, and the baby grew up, becoming a strong and attractive man who turned Bachué into his wife. Some time later, both consummated their love, and being Bachué an incredibly fertile woman, gave birth to a large number of babies. This way, human race was born.

Bachué and her husband taught their children everything they knew about living and coexisting with the land and for many years they lived in peace and harmony. And so, once humans could take care by themselves, the creators of humanity decided that their work was done. They returned to the top of the mountain and transformed into two gigantic snakes, returning to the lagoon where they came from centuries ago.

As you can see, Bachué and her husband were heavenly beings called “gods”, but they were not the only ones. Many other gods appear on the planet, and with time, they became responsible for protecting the planet and its inhabitants. Of all gods, the most popular was called Bochica, who traveled around the earth helping humanity to progress and improve as people. But he didn’t do this job alone. A beautiful woman named Chia was traveling with him, but she was not just any regular woman: she was the Goddess of the Moon.

Being the Goddess of the Moon, Chia's job was to take care of all living beings during the nights. After all, darkness was the perfect place for demons and evil creatures to do their evil actions and mischiefs. Chia, for a long time, fulfilled her obligations as goddess and Bochica was proud of her, but Chia, despite being incredibly powerful like all heavenly entities, had a huge flaw: her personality was not precisely "divine." In fact, it was very similar to the attitude of a rebellious teenager who just wanted to have fun.

Chia fulfilled her obligations sacredly, but day after day, the unyielding and honorable personality of Bochica bore her more and more and, to make matters worse, the anarchic and unpredictable attitude of the demons drew more and more her attention. Chia started to think that she had no obligation to take care of inferior beings such as humans and that the sole purpose of a goddess like her was to make the world her playground, just as the demons and creatures she fought. Finally, the worst happened: the goddess succumbed to the temptation and joined the demons in their crazy waves of destruction.

Soon, with the pass of time, Chia became increasingly corrupted, and with it, humanity also succumbed to such darkness. It is said that it was at that moment that they lost the purity and goodness that Bochica and Bachué had taught them before. Thus, the Goddess of the Moon turn into the Goddess of Chaos, becoming the leader of the forces of darkness that she once fought.

Chia continued to corrupt humanity, while Bochica, who considered the goddess as his daughter, tried with all his might to make her come to reason, but his efforts were in vain. Finally, without alternative, Bochica, along with the other gods, fought a great war against the forces of evil led by Chia. After a long time, the creatures of darkness were defeated alongside the Goddess of Chaos. Peace returned, but the absolute goodness of mankind did not. The corruption and destruction was too intense to be able to eradicate it from their hearts.

Bochica felt deeply disappointed by the evil that Chia had unleashed on the world, and although the gods wished the ancient guardian of the night to be destroyed, Bochica, still loving her as a daughter, opposed to such an extreme solution and decided to give her a strong punishment: Chia was stripped of her powers and was locked in the moon of which she was goddess long time ago, condemned to see how humanity was trying to recover from the evil she had caused. Thus, the centuries passed and the name of Chia was forgotten by humans. Bochica took over Chia’s job and the world continued its existence.

An interesting story, right? It surely was. I bet you all think that Chia got what she deserved by behaving like an immature brat… and you know something? You’re right. Chia ... I ... I was wrong ... I was disastrously wrong. Now, because of me, humans, although they still have goodness in their hearts, they also have darkness within them, which has led to multiple conflicts and wars, and although Bochica and the other gods do what they can to help them, the damage is already done. I was locked in the moon for centuries. Many more than I could count… and I had enough time to contemplate the consequences of my actions and regret them. I wanted to make up for my harms ... I just wanted another chance ... and then it happened.

One day, out of nowhere I returned to Earth. Possessing a mortal body, I lost my sight and most of my powers. I don't know who freed me from my prison. Surely it was Bochica ... but ... Why? ... Did he and the gods plan to give me another chance? ... I don't know. But I know who can tell me. I am blind, but I still feel within me a very small part of my power. That will allow me to locate myself for now without the need of my eyes.

It's time to find answers ... it's time to visit Bachué.


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