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This is it, the grand finale of the fic that I've been working on and off on for going on ten years now.

Hope you guys enjoy the last chapter!


Romilda Vane walked through the darkened halls of the magnificent tower. When she'd tried to look up, the ceilings had disappeared up into infinity, and she'd felt a sudden rush of vertigo when she'd tried to make sense of it.

The portal had dropped her off in a gigantic hall, larger than even the Great Hall, and she'd had to walk her way past an opulent (and very malevolent) throne that was nestled inside the skull of a Nundu.

Romilda twirled her wand around in her hand. She wasn't anything close to a magical prodigy, but she had always loved fashion, and she was very well practiced with adjusting her own clothing.

She would have definitely scored better than an Acceptable in Transfiguration if McGonagall had had them modify dresses instead of turning a cricket into an hourglass.

Seriously, who even used hourglasses anymore?

Either way, Romilda was very skilled at customizing her outfits.

Harry was the new Dark Lord. Based on what she'd gathered from this big scary tower, he was probably going for a spiky skull demon guy, or maybe just a demon guy aesthetic. She wished she knew just who all were a part of his harem. The blonde lady that had greeted them was a MILF, which meant that his inner circle wasn't just girls like Lavender and Delacour.

She hated going in blind like this. What if she ended up making her outfit too similar to another girl's?

Either way, she had to take the risk. She couldn't afford to walk in wearing her plain old robes! She needed to stand out and make an impression.

She could hear voices drawing nearer now with each step she took. She needed to be decisive.

Romilda waved her wand over herself, letting her subconscious mind take over as she worked on her Hogwarts robes.

The shoulders flared out, morphing into massive wings that curved upward and curled inward. Most of the fabric on her torso shrank, hugging her body tightly and leaving her smooth legs exposed as well as highlighting her cameltoe (and just how sopping wet she was). A tight turtleneck rose up just as a long cape hung down the back.

She waved her wand over her shoes, turning them into knee high boots with little skulls at the buckles.

It was good enough for now. Now if only she could figure out the color. All black wouldn't do, she needed to come up with something assertive, something that called out-

“Oh my god!”

She was too late. Her head shot up, and she was taken aback by what she saw.

It was Lavender, Fleur Delacour and Astoria Greengrass’ older sister. She somehow recognized them, despite the fact that they looked completely different.

Delacour had always been incredibly beautiful, but now she was positively glowing. She was literally glowing, with a light so blinding that Romilda had to shield her eyes when she tried looking at her.

Astoria's sister (Dauphin?), looked like she'd been doing weird experiments with snakes. She was tall, her body was covered in scales, and she had yellow eyes with slit pupils.

Lavender was shorter, with gigantic breasts, pale blue skin and snow white hair. Really, if she hadn't exclaimed in such a Lavender-like fashion, Romilda might not have recognized her.

“Are we going to space?! Are you here to take us to space?”

“Err…” Romilda bit her lip as the other two rolled their eyes.

“Don't mind her, her brain cells are frozen over.” Daphne drawled.

“So, you were ze only one smart enough to submit freely.” Fleur said as she inspected her. “Where zid you obtain such an outfit?”

Romilda shrugged nervously. “I made it myself on my way here.”

All three girl's eyes lit up in excitement at those words.

“Oh my god! You can do outfits! Can you design me something nice and frosty? Like, Lavender the Snow Queen is what I'm going for.”

“She can work on your stupid little design once she's created my dark lady suit. Have you ever sown the skin of perished foes into a dress?”

“I just require somezing simple. A radiant dress woven out of pure ethereal light, somezing zat will make our subjects shed so many tears zat zey die from dehydration.”

Romilda found herself caught in a whirlwind as all the three girls grabbed at her, dragging her deeper into the recesses of the castle.

She was brought up to a chamber, where a group of women were lounging around. She felt a bit intimidated, seeing all the sexy, mature and also slightly scary women. She was also annoyed when she saw Astoria Greengrass there.

She'd held off on pursuing Harry just yet because she thought he wouldn't look twice at a second year. Yet here was Astoria, a first year with a bulging, heavily pregnant belly.

Oh well, nothing to be done. She had found her place eventually, and if she was meant to be Dark Lord Harry's personal tailor, then she would throw herself into her role.

Harry was in his demon form. Well, recently he'd begun to think of it as his ‘true’ form, and he walked around in it, with his leathery wings spread wide and proud behind him.

His cartoonishly long cock was dangling below him. It would have been dangerously close to smacking against the cold stone floor if it wasn't for his helpers.

He and Tamara were walking their pets through the castle. Tamara was tugging at Bellatrix's chain as the wild-haired witch nuzzled his cock in her mouth. Harry kept it semi-flaccid, in order to ensure Bellatrix would be able to suck it from his side. She was suckling on around three inches of its massive length, taking him far down her throat and squeezing his length with every contraction of her mouth-pussy.

Harry was leading Amelia along on his other side. He'd split his tail in two, allowing him to shove both forked ends into her ass and pussy. Amelia was panting like a dog as his appendages worked both her holes into a frenzy.

“I wonder what all the commotion is about.” Harry mused as they approached the parlor where all the girls were lounging.

They entered to see a flurry of movement. Different colored fabric was fluttering around everywhere as the girls scampered all across the room. Astoria and Gabrielle were practicing walking in inch-high heels, grasping each other to hold themselves up as they stumbled. Andromeda and Nymphadora were inspecting their matching powder blue dresses in a full-length mirror.

Harry wasn't sure what the hell Lavender and Daphne were wearing. Fleur was tapping her foot impatiently as Lily stood on a stool, jumping slightly as a needle pinched her shin.

“Sorry, Mrs. Potter.” A dark haired girl said as she continued to sew her red dress. Next to her, Susan was helping the girl manage the lengths of cloth and string.

“Its alright, dear, you're doing a good job.”

“What's going on here?” Harry asked with a bemused smile.

Everyone looked over when they heard his voice. Many of the girls bit their lip as they saw his cock being nursed by Bellatrix.

The brunette, who Harry remembered bumping into right before his final meeting with Dumbledore, gasped. She let go of Lily's dress, unable to do anything other than stare hungrily at Harry's godly form.

Lily giggled. “We'll keep working on it later.” She said as she flicked her wand and her dress vanished.

Actually, she not only vanished her own dress, but everyone else's clothing.

“Hey! That dress was gorgeous!” Lavender complained.

“I vanished them to the closet on the fifth floor.” Lily assured the girl, “Besides, I think this is more appropriate wear for the occasion.”

Everyone looked on in anticipation. It was always exciting to see Harry claim a new girl, and this was going to be the last girl of the inner circle, a momentous occasion.

Harry tugged on his cock and it slipped out of Bella's mouth. The witch desperately crawled after it, with Tamara having to tug at her chain to force her to heel back.

“Romilda Vane, right? Third year?” Harry asked as he stalked forward, allowing his cock to rise just enough so it didn't drag on the floor.

Romilda found herself nodding her head desperately. She had been left nude as well, and she held her hands out, fervently hoping that Harry found her small, perky breasts and petite frame appealing.

“Can you take my measurements?” He asked as he stopped in front of her.

Romilda's jaw suddenly felt sore as her eyes trailed down to Harry's gargantuan cock, which was beginning to ooze a clear liquid out from the tip.

Some of the precum dripped down to the floor and actually began to sizzle, as if it was burning through the stone.

That should have scared the fuck out of her. And yet, Romilda found herself kneeling, holding his cock up with shaky hands as she brought it to her face.

The thick, bulbous head was so large, she wasn't even sure if she'd be able to fit her mouth around it. His cumslit was drooling more clear liquid onto her palm, and though it felt unbelievably hot, it did not burn her.

Well, it did burn her. Her cunt was absolutely on fire, and even if she hadn't been desperate to take this monster down her throat, she would have been by now.

“Well, do you think you can make something my size?” Harry asked.

Many of the girls chortled.

Romilda, completely awestruck, could only nod dumbly up at him.

He looked so different. He was big and bulky, with horns coming out of his forehead.

And yet, he was still Harry, he had those same green eyes. He was still so damn dreamy.

“I can try a few things.”

Romilda felt as if she almost had to unhinge her jaw as she began to take Harry into her mouth. There was no way she would be able to breathe as she stuffed as much of the thick length down her throat.

It was like the old adage about eating an elephant one bite at a time. With no regard for her own well-being, Romilda took inch after inch of his monstrous cock, squeezing her throat to urge just another millimeter of his delicious cock down her throat.

“Hah! See, Gryffindor bravery isn't just a myth!”

“Please, she's going at it all wrong. A Slytherin would have analyzed the situation before jumping in all gung-ho.”

“Wouldn't that be the Ravenclaw way of doing things?”

Voices warbled in an out of Romilda's head. She could make out a few words, though just by the cadence she could deduce they were bickering.

She couldn't really focus on them, she was in her own little world, and she needed every single inch of concentration to she had to be able to pleasure the cock in her throat without passing out.

His slimy secretion was dripping down her gullet, leading a burning path through her digestive tract that reminded her of the time she'd tried firewhisky at her older cousin's birthday party.


Harry had begun to move. He was sliding his engorged length in and out of her throat. Romilda did her best to take it, and somewhere in there, she somehow figured out a way to breathe through her nose.

She kept her eyes open, staring up at Harry with puppy dog eyes even as they burned like crazy, with tears welling up.

It was the most wonderful experience of her life.

“Ah! Man, you really are dedicated to me, even without the magical cum, aren't you?” Harry chuckled, running his fingers up Romilda's cheek as the girl nodded happily.

Harry slid out of her mouth, and Romilda bent over in a coughing fit as Harry stroked himself in preparation.

Romilda smiled up at him with watery eyes. Harry snapped his fingers and the girl yelped as she was lifted and rotated around.

“Nothing quite like fresh young pussy.” Harry said as he was presented with Romilda's pretty little flower. She was suspended in midair, at the perfect height for him to line his cock up with her entrance, rub his cockhead up against her sensitive sex, take a moment to appreciate the beauty of it all and then slowly slide himself into her waiting depths.

“MORGANA!” Romilda shrieked as her pussy was stretched well past its limit. Harry's snake slithered inch by excruciating inch deeper and deeper into her virgin chamber.

“Merlin, did we all make that face the first time he fucked us?” Andromeda questioned.

Romilda knew she had to be making some bizzare face, her mouth and eyes were twitching uncontrollably. Harry's magic wasn't only holding her up, it was teasing her, playing with her nipples and stimulating her body, heightening her pleasure as she was being battered by ten pounds worth of dick.

Harry finally bottomed out inside of her, still with plenty of cock to spare. His tail slithered in out from behind him, tickling its way up Romilda's pale thigh as it wrapped around her leg before reaching its target.

Romilda squirmed as she felt the pointed end of something invade her anus. There was another spike of pleasure as her canal was invaded, both her holes stuffed by Harry as the man looked down upon his work with pride.

He loved breaking bitches on his cock. To think, he would soon have a whole city of them to fuck.

But none of them would be as valuable as his girls, his inner circle, the ones who had been with him from the start.

That he'd coerced with his magical cum. But that was besides the point.

Romilda gave herself in to being nothing but Harry's cocksleeve. She submitted to the pure, animalistic pleasures of being taken by the most dominant of males as he spread her wide open, spearing in and out of her tight little cunt.

His cock sloshed as Romilda creamed herself on his length. She was a teenaged girl and he was a god, she'd never had a chance. Romilda began to hyperventilate as Harry continued fucking her right on through her orgasm, her fluids further lubricating and easing Harry's passage as he continued to slide himself lazily in her pussy

Romilda was far too tight and inexperienced for Harry to truly be able to pound her like he wanted to without causing damage, for now, at least. And so, Harry pushed himself in as far as he would go, with the head of his cock kissing Romilda's cervix.

He smirked as he saw the girl trash around. The tip of his tail split inside of her anus, beginning a beautifully excruciating massage as each end of the forked tail began rubbing up against the sensitive lining, churning slowly as the slightly sharp edges scraped exquisitely against her canal.

Meanwhile, Harry made his cock pulse. It swelled inside of her, past the point of a simple orgasm, it swelled until Romilda was sure he was going to tear her body apart, swelled so large that her flesh would break and she'd begin to bleed profusely.

It would have been a painful, and yet beautiful way to die.

But Harry wasn't doing that. Maybe it was his incubus magic that made it so, but Romilda accomodated his ballooning cock even as the bulge in her stomach became so visible as to appear grotesque.

“That's a new one, dear.” Lily commented. “Why haven't you tried that on me?”

“It would look best on moi! Think, master, an underage veela belly being bloated by your cock!”

Romilda felt a sting in her nose and ears, for some reason. There was a ringing, and her previous orgasm, which had felt like a flood, turned out to be a drip, because the cock in her pussy swelled and the tails in her ass continued to churn in a circular motion, and she was positively gone.

Maybe she'd been screaming all along, she wasn't sure. All she knew was that her voice was gone and her mouth was wide open in a silent shriek, and for a moment

She was sure that Harry's cock would burst out from her throat.

It didn't, but when Harry finally grunted, allowing himself to explode his swollen member inside of her pussy, it was like she could almost see the tide of thick white goo that began to fill her body up.

Not just through her pussy, Harry's tails spurted cum inside of her ass as well, and the jets were so high-powered that one of them managed to make it all the way though her digestive tract.

The silently screaming Romilda choked as she felt something bubble up from her stomach. A thick jet of cum splashed out from her mouth, and two smaller spurts oozed slowly out from her nose.

“Wicked! I didn't even think that was possible!” Nymphadora clapped happily, as if Romilda had just shown them all a wonderful trick.

Satisfied by the sight of his newest conquest looking absolutely battered, beaten and cockdrunk, Harry slowly slipped his cock out of her cunt and his tail from her anus. When his cock finally plopped out of her pussy, a veritable cascade of cum began to drip onto the floor.

Harry's magic continued to hold the girl up as Susan and Fleur were among the first to rush over and try to make sure none of his cum went to waste.

Susan was lapping up the floor with her broad tongue while Fleur was eating as much of it as she could from Romilda.

“What did I miss?” Narcissa asked as she entered, pouting when her eyes told her exactly what she'd missed.

“Good job, Narcissa.” Harry said as he turned, the weapon dangling between now threatening the mass of girls who were looking at it in anticipation. “I think you deserve a reward.”

Nine years later.

Pottercrest had rapidly blossomed to become the greatest city on earth, magical or muggle.

The fact that the rest of the planet had been systematically conquered and turned into nothing more than a massive, dystopian hellscape where all sentient beings had been pressed into the eternal servitude of their incubus overlord might have had something to do with it.

But Pottercrest also had the most cafes per square mile in the entire planet, which some said was equally influential in making it the premier city on planet earth.

The citizens of Pottercrest included the original witches brought in on that first day, with the addition of the cream of the crop, sexiest women the rest of the world had to offer. All of them had grown to enjoy their time here.

The first few days and weeks had been full

of tension. After a few months, people began to grudgingly accept their new home.

After nine years, everyone was so happy, they shuddered at the thought of ever going back to their previous lives.

For the children born in Pottercrest, and there were many of them, the only home they'd ever known was an earthly paradise.

Padma stretched as she woke up in her flat. There was a head snoring away between her legs, and just by the weight of it and the softness of the snores, she knew it was her daughter Latika.

Little Latika must have passed out while eating the cum out of her pussy, bless her heart.

She glanced to her side and wasn't surprised to see that Parvati and Ginny were already up.

For many, life in Pottercrest had rendered romantic relationships meaningless. For others, the three of them included, it just deepened their love.

Padma slipped off the bed, making sure not to disturb her sleeping princess.

She padded her way over to the bathroom, taking care of her morning ablutions before heading out to the kitchen.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck! Merlin!”

Padma shared a knowing look with Parvati, who was calmly sipping on her tea as she sat at the table.

“We tell the girls not to curse, and then Ginny goes off at the top of her lungs with her sailor mouth.”

Ginny must have heard them, but she was far too focused on the cock slamming into her from behind.

Padma decided she wanted to continue teasing her wife. “you know, if you keep fucking that same Harry, Parvati and I are going to start getting jealous.”

That got a reaction out of her. Ginny's face flushed that famous Weasley red as she turned her head to glare at her now giggling wives.

The young, raven haired boy currently plowing into her from behind didn't say anything, his sole purpose in life was to fuck the shit out of this sexy older redhead, and he was playing his role beautifully.

Padma sat down just as Parvati stood up. “I'll go check on the girls.”

Parvati made her way to the second room in their two room flat. She knew Latika was a very heavy sleeper, but their other two daughters were usually up by this time.

And indeed, they were. The moment she cracked the door open, loud slurping sounds wafted into her ears.

There was a Harry, this one a middle-aged one with flecks of grey already forming in his hair. She didn't recall letting him in last night, which meant the girls must have gone out and found him after they'd retired for the night.

Molly and Aisha were giving the Harry a double blowjob, licking at his crown together while the Harry groaned and grunted, clearly appreciating the young girl's effort.

Aisha's pretty face was covered in cum, while Molly's ginger hair was matted with the same substance, meaning they'd been at this for quite some time.

Padma sighed as she gently closed the door.

Upon her return to the kitchen, she saw that she'd arrived just in time to witness the young Harry empty his balls inside of Ginny. He wondered if she was about to get pregnant again, since he knew the redhead had dreams of following in her mother's footsteps, and it had been a lot of effort for her told hold herself to just one daughter over the past nine years.

When the little twelve year old Harry finally pulled out of her, Ginny gave him a loving kiss and a pat on the butt before the boy went on his way, leaving their flat through the front door.

“You should have offered him some breakfast.” Padma said.

“You know they don't need any sustenance besides pussy, sis.” Parvati said.

“Still, its only proper manners.”

Ginny took her seat gingerly. She had a hand over her pussy to make sure the cum didn't escape, another sign that she wanted another child.

“You have a thing for those young Harrys, huh Gin?”

Ginny flushed once more. “That was back when I was crushing on him. Besides, I don't go for the youngest youngest ones, I go for the first through third year Harrys.”

“Me, I like a more robust Harry.” Parvati said.

“Well, our daughters have one of those right in their room, if you want to have a go.”

Parvati looked interested. “I might take you up on that.”

Out in the city, Pansy Parkinson and her daughter Poppy were completely naked in an alleyway, sorrounded by a circle of seven Harrys.

Poppy was struggling to swallow yet another load from the Harry that was in her mouth. The Harry under her, the one with the biggest cock out of all of them, was pounding her little pussy without mercy. She had both hand occupied jerking off another two Harrys, and her ass was still leaking from the Harry that had just cum in her ass and was now face-fucking her mother.

Poppy wasn't sure if she'd be able to swallow this load, but she tried her hardest. Besides, Daisy Bell had been bragging about how she'd been able to take eight Harrys all by herself the other day. And while Poppy thought the girl was fibbing, she was still not going to let her show her up.

She managed to swallow it all, but she didn't have much time to feel triumphant before the cocks in her hands twitched violently, coating her face, hair and chest with yet another coat of their viscous seed.

Pansy pulled the cock out of her mouth for just long enough to bark. “Don't let up now girl, you still have work to do!”

Pansy then resumed sucking her Harry's cock, while the other two continued taking her ass and pussy.

Poppy filled with determination. She continued to suck the cock in her mouth, which stayed rock solid thanks to her bobbing head. She brought the two in her hands to her tits, smacking them against her flat chest as the Harry under her kept on beating her pussy raw.

“Happy birthday to youuuu!”

Everyone clapped as young Hecate Sinistra smiled down at her birthday cake.

“Blow the candle, honey!” Aurora urged her daughter.

Hecate nodded enthusiastically at her mother before she got right to it, opening her mouth nice and wide in order to blow her candle.

Her cake was a Harry in his mid-twenties, lying on a table and covered in buttercream icing. The candle was nice, long and hard, with a final dollop of white icing right at the tip.

Hecate swallowed the candle whole, taking it all the way down her throat as everyone at the party clapped.

“I can't believe it! To think she could take all of that at her age! My Marina couldn't take half of that when she was that old!” A sexy, curly haired latina marveled next to Aurora as she watched the young girl deepthroat her birthday cock.

Mami!” Marina hissed, glaring up at her mother. “The one for my birthday was bigger than that.”

“No need to make it a competition, Alondra. Just enjoy the party.” Aurora told the sexy, big tittied latina.

Alondra smiled at the dark-skinned woman, “Oh. I'm very much enjoying it, I think Marina is going to have a little sister.”

Aurora glanced down to see cum leaking out of the latina's well used pussy. She had gone all out for her daughter's party, managing to rent out several Harrys to serve as seats. All of the guests were sitting on a hard cock, some bouncing lightly while others were fervently fucking against a thick slab of Harry meat.

Alondra's daughter Marina had taken the oldest, biggest cocked Harry she should could find. There was an obscene bulge popping out of her stomach as she wiggled her little pussy about.

Aurora heard gasps, and she retuned to her daughter, the birthday girl.

“Hecate!” Aurora chided as she saw her little girl wiggling her pussy onto her birthday cock.

“I'm grown up enough, mum!” Hecate complained.

Aurora shook her head. “I was supposed to take pictures!”

“Don't worry, Aurora.” Septima said from a few seats away, holding up her camera, “I have you covered.”

Aurora sighed in relief, now giving her daughter an approving nod as the girl struggled to fit the massive cock-head in her little slit.

Finally, the girl just about managed it, and the crown of the Harry's cock popped right into her entrance.

Hecate shrieked, being stretched beyond comprehension by just the head inside her little cunny. She was a trooper, though, and even through the discomfort, she began to gyrate her hips, working her way slowly down, sliding down on the thick cock inch by inch.

When she finally reached bottom halfway down the cock, everyone cheered the birthday girl, who beamed with pride as she bounced jerkily on the first cock in her pussy.

Lavender and Daphne walked the streets of Pottercrest with their hands firmly clasped around their daughter's hands.

Violet and Persephone followed along with their mothers, though there was no joy in their faces, they'd been brought down for a stroll of the city as punishment.

“You see that? You see how the other half lives?” Daphne chided as she sent her daughter a glare.

They were pointing at a cafe, where Cho Chang was bent over a table, being fucked from behind by a rugged looking Harry that was wearing an eyepatch. On the table was a little girl that could only be her daughter, and Cho was three fingers deep in the young girl's pussy. Cho's daughter had her legs spread wide to let her mother do her work, while she herself had her head pulled back as a fourteen year old Harry had his cock shoved halfway down her throat.

“These people have to deal with scraps, mere avatars of your father. Many of these girls haven't even had your real father's cock!”

Persephone and Violet gasped.

“That's right.” Lavender joined in. “And those avatars aren't like the ones up in the castle, they don't even have your daddy's incubus form! Their cocks can't grow past a foot!”

“Alright, mothers, we get it.” Grumbled Persephone.

“Does that mean you'll learn to behave and wait your turn?”

“Yes mum.” They repeated in unison.

“Good, now lets get out of here. Just being among this filth upsets me.”

Up in his castle, Harry sat on his throne.

He experienced it all. Every single sexual escapade of his innumerable avatars, he felt them all.

He was getting his dick sucked by Angelina's daughter, but he was also impregnating Katie Bell and her daughter. Su Li was jerking him off onto her daughter, who was still slightly too young to take his cock, but never too young for a cum bath.

He felt it all simultanously, just like he felt as one of his stronger avatars split Adelade, his daughter with Nymphadora, in half. Adelade was fast approaching her ninth birthday, and she was already heavily pregnant with twins from him, the first of the third generation.

He felt it all, and yet, he didn't go insane. He didn't become some blind, idiot god unable to comprehend his own existence, overwhelmed by the lust that consumed him.

He was all of them and they were all him. He received energy from every coupling, from every orgasm, from every squirt of girlcum. His power grew exponentially.

And yet, he always hungered for more.

“What's on your mind, husband?” Tamara asked as entered his field of vision. Their daughter, the gorgeous little Delphi, was smiling up at her father proudly.

“Not much,” He said as he shifted slightly.

His mum shifted with him. Lily was on her knees, between his legs as she sucked one of his heavy balls down her throat. Harry's tail was teasing the entrance to her pussy.

Meanwhile, their daughter Rose was resting against his chest, lightly cooing as Harry's massive cock twitched periodically inside of her snug little cunt.

“The same. You know I'm always looking to expand.”

“Not satisifed to have the entire earth at your beck, I see?”

Harry smirked. “Neither are you.”

Delphi ran over and climbed onto his lap. From halfway up his shaft, another cock split off, allowing the the young girl to join her sister in impaling herself around his thickness.

Rose was tired, but Delphi had plenty of energy to bounce on his length as she cupped her sister's face and began to snog her senseless.

Tamara knelt and joined Lily, sucking on his free testicle.

Mother's and daughters, all worshipping his cock.

Harry grinned, it was good to be king. But there was always something more to look towards. Perhaps in the sky, perhaps in other dimensions. His power as an incubus could only grow, especially once he seeded two more of his precious little girls


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