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The frigid waters of the North Sea crashed against the jagged stone cliffs. The waters dispersed, turning into a fine mist that permeated the area as the swirling, volatile ocean looked like it wished to swallow the island whole.

The island of Azkaban had won the battle against the raging seas for millions of years, and It would for millions more. But eventually, the ocean would claim her.

The auror detail at the prison ran five deep. It was a miserable post, and so people were rotated in and out on tours of duty. You did your three months in Azkaban, then you got a month of leave and two months desk duty. The Azkaban detail was the worst job in the auror corps. Even with a higher salary than a regular auror, most of those stationed there were the dregs of the department.

Gaiwan Robards was not one of those men. He had been a competent auror, even an exceptional one at points. He had been put on Azkaban duty just a few months ago, after Fudge made him the scapegoat for the fiasco at the Quidditch World Cup. He took his punishment on the chin. This was politics, and Fudge wouldn't be minister forever. If the next minister was someone like Madame Bones or Rufus Scrimgeour, they would remember him, and they would remember the fact that he took his shafting like a man.

A glint of light in the distance blinded him momentarily, forcing the man to cover his face.

"Alright there Robards?" Cooke asked, reclining in his seat as he took a sip of his coffee.

Robards blinked a few times to dispel the spots in his eyes. "Yeah. Just a flash of lightning that caught me off guard. Patrols on schedule?"

Cooke frowned. "Chambers and Moon are doing theirs, but McLaggen refuses, he says he's not on the clock anymore." He looked over at Robards with conocern.

Robards pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh, McLaggen was always a pain-in-the-ass. "I'll go talk to the bastard." He got up from his seat and made for the door, but stopped when he felt Cooke's hand on his arm.

"You know it won't just be him… if this continues on."

Robards stared down at the blonde haired man, deciding not to offer a response as he walked out of the guard post.

It had happened before. Not to this extreme but it had. Sometimes their relief was a few hours late, maybe a day. Moody had told Gaiwan that during the height of the war, there had been a time when relief had been three days late.

They were going on five.

He had sent missives. The island wasn't connected to the floo network, so the only form of communication was via owl. He'd sent an owl on the first day and gotten a response back a few hours later saying that relief would be there soon. Then on the third day he'd sent another owl, that one hadn't returned.

The men were getting restless, and Robards knew that they wouldn't hold on for much longer. What the hell could be going on in the outside world?

Gaiwan exited the office and made to go to shore. As bitter as the cold was, it was the only place on this rock where one could partially escape the stench of the dementors. He needed to think, to come up with some sort of plan, he needed to-

An explosion sent him flying as the wall he'd been walking along was reduced to rubble. Robards crashed onto the inner wall, his brain rattling from the impact as his wand clattered to the floor a few feet away from him.

The auror tried to spring into action, scrambling for his wand, only to watch it burst into flames. Panic and fear crept into his heart as he looked up at his assailants.

It was only two of them, but the aura of pure darkness they exuded overwhelmed the depressing ache of the dementors instantly.

In front of him, floating on air, was a woman with midnight black curls, highlighted with bits of green. For a second Robards thought she was a gorgon, her strands resembling snakes as they moved with a life of her own. She had pale, almost chalky skin.

Next to her was a tall… man? Creature? Robards wasn't sure what he was, he might even be a demon. He was a hulk of a man with horns jutting out of his head and two large leathery wings on his back.

"Where is Bellatrix?" The woman asked, her voice making Gaiwan's whole body tremble. His auror training, his bravery, his integrity, it was all forgotten.

"T-T-Two floors up." he pointed shakily upward.

"Good job." The man spoke this time. And his voice sounded terrifying. His eardrums wanted to burst just from the wrongness of that otherworldly voice. "You get to die fast."

Robards body aged instantly, going from a middle-aged man to an elderly man to a dessicated skeleton in a second.

Tamara looked at the ceiling. With a thought, large, circular holes were punched out of each floor. The two of them floated up to reach the high-security wing.

There were dozens of dementors here, and they all turned to the duo when they arrived. "Begone." Harry pulsed out his aura and shrieks that sounded like nails on chalkboard rang out as the dementors were obliterated by his dark presence.

The prisoners stared at the two of them in wonder, many believing this was an illusion and that they had truly gone insane.

"Bellatrix?" Tamara called out.

"Master!?" Came an almost instant reply. Harry and Tamara walked over to a cell near the end of the block.

Bellatrix LeStrange had seen better days. She looked haggard, more like a living skeleton than a person. Her body was emaciated, her face sunken in and her hair ratty.

"Master!" Bellatrix exclaimed as she saw Tamara.

"You recognize me, Bella?" Tamara asked with more amusement than surprise in her voice.

"I would recognize you anywhere, master! Your presence is imprinted in my soul!" Bellatrix spoke with an energy she hadn't felt in years. She looked over at Harry and inhales deeply. Her knees buckled and her body trembled as his overwhelming presence assaulted her senses.

"Who is this, master?" She addressed Tamara again.

"This is my master, Bellatrix. And he is your master as well, understood?"

Bellatrix nodded with extreme enthusiasm. "Oooh yes, yes, yes, how wonderful! Master's master, what is your nameeee!" She giggled giddily as she asked him.

"Harry Potter." Harry said with a grin.

Bellatrix's eyes widened, and then the woman let of a shrieking laugh that filled the entire prison.

"Stand back, Bella." Tamara ordered.

Bellatrix did as told, and the bars in front of her dissolved into mush. Bellatrix jumped out of her cell and fell to her knees, alternating between kissing each of her master's feet as Harry and Tamara shared bemused looks.

"Anyone else worth keeping?" Harry asked his Dark Lady.

Tamara shook her head. "Outside of Bella, they were all chaff."

"Well then, let's take our leave from this dreary place."

"Harry! Harry, is it really you?"

The person in the cell next to Bella's was holding on to the bars, his eyes crazy and desperate but with an inkling of hope. He was a small, frail creature, with matted brown hair and a hunched back.

"Do I know you?"

Bellatrix clapped with excitement. "Thats ickle little Longbottom! Oh its been so much fun having him for company!"

Harry did a double take. "Neville?"

The boy smiled weakly, tears streaming down his face. "I'm innocent Harry, I swear! I-I-I didn't do it!"

Harry laughed. "Man, I completely forgot about you Nev. Long time no see huh? Gotta go though, good luck with all of…" Harry looked around at the dreary prison he was about to destroy and cringed. "Well, nice seeing you anyway."

Harry turned away and Neville yelled out to him, his raspy voice begging for Harry to turn back.

Bellatrix waved at the boy. "Thank you for everything Little Longbottom! I'll try to write!"

The three of them popped out of existence.

For a second, the inmates thought they'd gotten off easy. The Dark…Lady?... hadn't broken them out, but they'd been spared. And now with the dementors gone and the aurors hopefully incapacitated, they might be able to muster an escape.

It started as a low rumbling, then it was a tremor and then a small earthquake. Then it became a truly catastrophic earthquake. The ancient, magically reinforced stone began to crumble and fall, crushing some prisoners in their cell. Others managed to escape and ran for the exit, but neither they nor the aurors would be quick enough.

Azkaban island crumpled rapidly. In less than ten minutes, it sank into the sea, dragging all of its inhabitants to a watery grave.


Anastasia Greengrass didn't know where her daughter got it from.

She'd raised Daphne. She'd actually spent time with her child, unlike her husband, so she had a pretty good read on her daughter. Anyone could see clearly that Daphne got her beauty from her. Her dark brown hair came from Paul, but her stunning features were all Anastasia. But when it came to Daphne's personality, she had no idea where it could have originated from.

Anastasia had raised her daughter properly, she'd showered her with love and affection. Paul had always been distant, but that was par for the course for a pureblood family.

The only conclusion was that Daphne had simply been born a sociopath.

She had no delusions about her daughter. Anastasia had seen it from early on, even Daphne's friendship with Tracey Davis had been rather skin deep. Daphne maybe cared for her and Astoria, as much as she was capable of, but that was it.

Anastasia found herself thinking about her daughter more and more as the years went on. Since the death of both Malfoy men, Paul had been scrambling to find another match for his daughter. Anastasia thought it a fools errand, whoever he tried to set Daphne up with, the girl would ensure the marriage wouldn't go through.

The reason she was in deep thought over her daughters was simple: she was bored out of her wits.

Anastasia knew what she'd signed up for when she'd married Paul, and she didn't mind the pampered life of luxury she'd been living one single bit. The problem stemmed from her husband's lack of sexual appetite. The man had never been an exceptional lover, but he'd at least been a lover. Ever since Astoria had been born and the healer had told them Anastasia would never bear him a son, Paul had cut off all physical contact. Their marriage had always been a transaction, and the moment intimacy no longer suited his goals, Paul had cut it off.

Anastasia had mostly been able to cope with toys and her imagination. Mostly. Her ladies club had been an escape, a weekly reunion of like-minded pureblood wives, almost all of them equally as frustrated with their husbands.

But that had all ended after the Malfoys died. Narcissa had become distant, and without her leadership the group quickly dissolved.

"Hello, mother."

The hairs on the back of Anastasia's neck stood on end. She whipped around to the source of the voice.

Daphne and Astoria stood in front of her, dressed in muggle jeans and t-shirts. Her eldest daughter's cold eyes were looking back at her unflinchingly.

"Daphne! What are you doing here? School isn't out for another week." Anastasia gasped out with a hand on her chest, trying to still her thumping heart. She was in for another shock as she got a good look at her youngest daughter.

"Astoria!" She screamed. Her baby girl, still only eleven, had a small bump. It was small enough that on an adult woman it could be passed off as bloat, but on her little girl it was clear as day. "Who did this to you?!" Anastasia hissed. Her eyes darted over to Daphne, somehow her eldest daughter had been involved in this.

"Oh stop your fretting mother. Master put that baby in Astoria. Im sure if you ask nicely, he'll give you one as well. He's negotiating with father as we speak."

Anastasia felt her words catch in her throat, not knowing which part of Daphne's statement to react to first.

"You think he'll get a good deal Daph?" Astoria asked her sister as they both plopped down on either side of the couch, ignoring their mother as she stared at them with mouth agape.

She heard footsteps coming from the stairs and turned to see a young teenager walking confidently. He was tall, with raven hair and emerald green eyes. This was Harry Potter, even missing his trademark scar there was no doubt about it.

"Pottter?" Her eyes darted between the young man and her daughters, connecting the dots. "Is this your doing?" She pointed accusingly at Astoria's belly.

Potter did not respond. He simply stood in front of her, looking her up and down, brazenly undressing her with his eyes. "Very nice, I see where you two get it from." He told the sisters.

Anastasias cheeks reddened. "Who do you think you are young man?!"

Harry quirked an eyebrow. "As of right now, I am the owner of this estate and everything held within it… including you." He finished with a sly grin.

"How much did he sell it for?" Daphne asked lazily as she stretched out on the couch.

Harry flicked a single knut onto the coffee table, the copper coin rattling on the wooden surface.

"A knut?"

Harry shrugged. "He drove a hard bargain. He refused to negotiate at first, but once he was down to just his torso, he happily accepted my offer."

Daphne perked up in excitement at Harry's words while Astoria rolled her eyes. Anastasia felt ice seep into her veins. The boy couldn't possibly be implying that he'd killed her husband.

"I need to see this!" Daphne squealed, running up the stairs like a kid on christmas morning. Harry and Astoria shared a knowing look before they turned to Anastasia.

"Now then, Anastasia is it? you belong to me now. So I think it's time I set down some ground rules.''

Anastasia finally felt rage flow through her. Whatever this boy had done to her daughters, she would not let him treat the Lady of a noble household like a common whore.

"Listen here…" just as she began her angry rant, she was blasted by an overwhelming musk. It rushed in through nose and mouth, commandeering her senses and forcing her to cough.

"There, there, Anastasia," Harry rubbed circles down the woman's back, having suddenly appeared next to her. "Let's see what we're working with."

Anastasia gasped as her acromantula silk robe was torn from her.

Harry took in her body, his cock rapidly hardening at the sight. Anastasia was statuesque, with long slender legs that led up to her creamy pussy lips. Her wavy brown hair, closer to Astoria's shade than Daphne's, cascaded down to her shoulders. And those tits, Merlin, those perfectly perky c-cup tits with the pinkest areolas Harry had ever seen.

"All these years, this treasure has gone neglected." Harry said in awe. Anastasia blushed, unable to stop the heat rising within her as she looked at his naked body. Potter was no teenager, he had the body of a man and the cock of a beast. After more than a decade of repressed urges, Anastasia was on a hair trigger.

"Kneel." His words brokered no argument. Anastasia placed her delicate hands on his chest, sliding her hands down his torso as she knelt down on the floor of her manor. She was kneeling in her own home, like a common servant girl. His magnificent cock was standing at attention, its hard length equally intoxicating and intimidating. Anastasia's blue eyes stared up at the young man in front of her, awaiting his next command.


It was a simple.command, yet it drove her wilder than she could have ever imagined. Anastasia opened her mouth, her wet pink lips parting to reveal her small tongue. Harry's angry cockhead looked too big to even fit in her mouth, but Anastasia wrapped her lips around it all the same, moaning at the taste as she licked the sensitive head inside her mouth.

Anastasia's world shrank to the man in front of her and the cock she was worshiping. Every languid lick, every dollop of precum she lightly slurped up and swallowed like nectar from the gods, it all felt like an otherworldly experience. She brought her nose to his balls and took a deep whiff, her senses going haywire. She then moved to the base of his rod and did the same, taking one long inhale as she ran her nose all the way to the tip. Her mouth watered, and she opened her mouth again to take his cock back into her hot, wet mouth.

Harry put a hand on her head as she bobbed on him. Maybe he'd given Daphne too much credit. Maybe the Greengrass women were innate masters of fellatio and it had just skipped the eldest daughter. Harry let off a low groan as the MILF swirled her tongue on his length, rocking back and forth while coating his cock in her spit.

Anastasia had lost it. After a lifetime of disappointing to passable sexual experiences, the erotic mist she felt from merely sucking Harry's cock… she knew she would never be able to give this up.

Harry stepped back enough for his cock to escape from her mouth. Giving him a questioning look, the woman leaned further forward, following the string of drool that still connected them until she was able to capture his meat again.

She quickly understood why Harry had stepped back when a jolt ran through her body.

A tongue had entered her pussy, a pair of hands were gripping and squeezing her asscheeks. A face was pressed into her backside.

Astoria. It had to be her baby girl.

The baby girl this man had impregnated.

This train of thought, along with her daughter's tongue exploring her cunt and the delicious cock in her mouth, was too much. Anastasia screamed aroud Harry's cock, an earth shattering orgasms rocking her body and causing her knees to tremble. Astoria didn't let up, burying her face deeper into her mother's cunt, letting her juices coat her face as her tongue went from lapping at her hole to ghosting over her clit.

"Hah! Did you even last ten seconds, mother?"

Her problem child was back. Anastasia opened her eyes, though she didn't pull back from Harry's cock. She could never do that. Instead she turned her head, grabbing onto his length and running her tongue along its side. Her eyes searching for her eldest.

Daphne was naked, her body a teenage version of her own. Her daughter pressed her body against Harry's back.

"You did a wonderful job, master. I would have maybe sliced his face off and then placed it back, upside down, but I know you prefer simplicity in your torture."

Harry rolled his eyes. Daphne really enjoyed pushing his buttons, even after all this time, and he couldn't really say he minded it.

"Alright. I need the full Greengrass family collection on their knees in front of me." Harry said clapping his hands.

The pleasure at Anastasia's back vanished as her youngest daughter knelt down to her right. She felt a soft body brush up against hers and saw Daphne on her other side.

"Are you going to keep that all to yourself, mother?" Daphne asked, pointing to Harry's cock halfway down her throat.

Anastasia blinked at her daughter with the cock still in her mouth. Astoria for her part leaned forward and began licking the half of Harry's meat that wasn't in her mouth. Slowly, Anastasia pulled back, her throat and tongue hugging Harry's pole as she released it from her mouth with a light pop.

Daphne rolled her eyes and then leaned forward, licking the side of Harry's head as Astoria began to work the full length on the other side. Anastasia made to lean back, away from her daughters, when Daphne's hand forced her head forward. Looking up at Harry and deciding not to resist this, Anastasia brought her tongue out and began softly licking Harry's head.

This was one of the most magnificent views Harry had ever seen. His first mother/daughter trio, though it would be nowhere near his last. All three Greengrass women worked in concert worshiping his cock, and Harry knew this moment would be burned into his mind forever.

Astoria and Daphne soon joined their mother, licking Harry's head. All three of their tongues mingled, and in the moment when she felt both her daughters' tongues as well has her master's cock, something snapped inside of her. Anastasia snaked her hands around her daughters'. She approached Daphne from behind, sticking a finger into her eldest daughter's cunt. Daphne moaned and Anastasia took the opportunity to makeout with her daughter, Harry's cock still between them. Mother and daughter on either side of the godly member shared a passionate, sloppy kiss. Astoria pouted, but her mother wrapped her other arm around her waist, rubbing circles around Astoria's little clit that left the young girl mewling in pleasure. Astoria, not wanting to neglect her master, went down to his balls, popping one into her mouth and sucking it all the way in.

That proved to be the tipping point. With a grunt, Harry shot jet after jet of thick cum, thoroughly coating the elder Greengrass women's faces. Feeling his balls contract inside her mouth, Astoria quickly pulled back and and pushed her sister and mother away, taking Harry's cock in her mouth and greedily swallowing the rest of his load.

Anastasia and Daphne fell to the side. Anastasia got a taste of Harry's cum, and she suddenly became ravenous. She desperately needed more. And her daughter's face had plenty.

Daphne had had the same thought, and so mother and daughter crashed in the middle, licking at each other's faces to gobble up the globs of Harry's powerful milk.

While the two women licked each other clean, Harry was fixated on Anastasia's pretty pink little pussy. The pussy of a younger woman, the pussy that should have been ravaged and pounded for years on end, but instead had been neglected. Harry was going to correct that, and he was determined to make Anastasia one of his main breed-mares.

He grabbed Astoria by the back of the head and pulled her off. He knelt down and inched forward. Daphne and Anastasia were on their side. All the cum was consumed and they were now sharing a deep, sloppy kiss. Astoria seemed to have understood the plan, for she crawled over to her older sister and lifted her legs up. Daphne didn't even look down, freely allowing Astoria access as the young, pregnant girl began to eat her sister out.

Harry lined his cock with Anastasia's pussy and pushed in hard.

The older woman's shriek of pleasure was muffled by her daughter's mouth. Her velvety walls gripped Harry's member as he set a punishing pace. It turned into a race between him and Astoria to see who could make their Greengrass cum first. Harry rolled his hips expertly, pounding hard enough to leave an imprint of his dick on Anastasia's walls. Astoria was working her magic on her older sister, who's cunt was dripping thick juices all over the pregnant girl's face.

Anastasia's pussy seemed to grip Harry harder the more violent he got, to the point where it almost felt like he was dragging her entire cunt with him whenever he pulled back. Finally, Harry pulled until it was just his head at her entrance. Seeing Daphne begin to tremble out of the corner of his eye, he gave one last mighty thrust. His cock crashed against the back of Anastasia's pussy, and the impact sent the both of them on a tailspin. The older woman shook as her orgasm crashed through her, eyes rolling to the back of her head as she broke the kiss with Daphne. Harry's cock twitched mightily inside of her soft cunt, voluminous loads of baby-batter flooding her hungry walls. Her pussy squeezed him for all he was worth. Milking every possible drop of his thick, gooey nectar.

As the three of them came down from their orgasms, Harry felt Astoria's familiar tongue licking at where he was still plugged into her mother, collecting the rivulets of cum that leaked out from their imperfect seal.

He looked down at the little professional cunt eater with pride. He'd call their little contest a tie.


Andromeda groaned as she woke. There were loud, disorienting sounds all around, and her blurry eyes were momentarily blinded by all the bright lights.

Last she remembered she'd been worried at home. Ted hadn't been back in a while, the Prophet hadn't arrived in days, and she had received no news from anyone. Running a mail-order business from home, it was easy for her to fall out-of-the-loop with the greater wizarding world. If it wasn't for Ted telling her about what he read in the paper and Nymphadora's rare visits, she would be very uninformed about current events.

Which is usually how she liked it. She didn't escape the House of Black just to continue following the minutiae of pureblood society. But the past week had made her wish she'd had some sort of line, something to tell her what was going on.

Then she remembered. Nymphadora had shown up at her door, the first time she'd seen her daughter since Christmas. Andromeda had begged her daughter for answers. Did she know what was going on? Had the Ministry fallen? Did she know where Ted had gone? And wait, was she pregnant?!

And then… there was nothing else. Andromeda had blacked out, and now she was here.

As her eyes adjusted, she quickly realized where here was.

She was in a large ministry courtroom, rows and rows of benches towering over her in balconies. She was in the center of the room, the place where the accused were usually chained up.

Andromeda tried to move, but she found that she was in fact locked in irons. She was on a hard, steel chair. Her wrists and ankles were locked into place, as well as a bar around her neck that allowed her lateral movement but would not let her lean forward. She began to panic, eyes darting wildly around the empty courtroom. This must be a nightmare.

But then she realized the courtroom wasn't empty. She didn't know how she hadn't seen them before now, they were seated right in front of her.

Her daughter, naked as the day she was born, with a six month pregnant belly popping out, sat with her legs wide open. A white goo was leaking out of her freshly fucked pussy, and Nymphadora was dipping her finger down to her cunt to collect little globs to eat, like a snack. By her lap, a woman was passed out, her blonde hair matted and disheveled as it looked to have been drenched in the same thick, syrupy white substance that was leaking out of her daughter. Even through all the filth covering her, Andromeda recognized her younger sister Narcissa.

This had to be a nightmare. And like in a nightmare, her eyes continued To move left. She noted that it wasn't just Narcissa's face and hair that were coated in cum, but her whole body. Her pussy seemed to be gushing cum, already having left a pool on the bench.

One row above these women, there were three other figures. Two of them gave off a dark, oppressive aura, and their appearance made Andromeda doubt they were human. A tall, stacked woman with voluminous dark curly hair, highlighted with green, and deathly pale skin held the hand of a man, a monster of a man. He was tall and very thickly built, reminding Andromeda of an old statue of Hercules she'd once seen. The man had horns and wings, and just looking at him made Andromeda feel her sanity slip. She wanted to run up to him, throw herself at him and beg for his cock.

And what a ridiculous cock it was, as it was currently being ridden by a very pregnant teenaged redhead with heavy tits. The girl was desperately bouncing on his cock, but even when he bottomed out in her, not even half of his monstrous dick had disappeared inside her. The teenager was leaking milk from her large knockers, and just like daughter, the black haired woman had found a snack in the young girl's breast milk. Andromeda watched as the woman dipped her head down to take a long, lurid suck from the redhead's ample bosom. Since the girl was bouncing on the man's cock, some milk spilled out from the side of the woman's mouth, but she didn't seem to mind.

Andromeda felt her legs tremble at this grotesque painting in front of her. She needed to wake up.

"Ooooh! Little Andy's breaking alreadyyy?"

That voice. It couldn't be.

Andromeda turned her head to the side, and for the first time realized she wasn't the only one chained up.

Next to her, looking at the rutting pair in front of them with wild eyes, was Madame Amelia Bones. Andromeda may be uninformed, but even she recognized the head of the DMLE.

Past Amelia, and giving her a broad, ear to ear smile, was her other sister. The sister that should be in Azkaban.


"Thank Merlin you're up Andy! We've been waiting for you, you know! Me and old Bonesy here have had to sit through master fucking Cissy and your daughter." Bellatrix frowned. "I kinda put money on master getting to mistress before you woke up though. You cost me five galleons Andy! But it's alright, you can pay Bella back later!"

Finally, Andromeda found the will to speak. "W-W-What…" well. It wasn't much. Trying to make sense of the situation, she turned to the famously stern Lady Bones. "Madame Bones. What is happening?"

Amelia just continued to stare forward. Her eyes unblinking as she saw Harry ravage her niece. "Please, I want to join her, master. Well give you plenty of little Bones women! All with big tits!"

Andromeda gasped as Bellatrix shrieked in laughter.

"Can you believe it! Old hard ass Bones is the first one to break! Though to be fair to her, Andy, she's been awake way longer than you."

"Order! Order!" The loud sound of a gavel made Andromeda snap her head forward again. The dark haired woman had conjured one, slamming it onto the desk in front of her. The slick sounds of the redheads pussy sliding on the man's monster cock reverberated around the circular chamber.

Bellatrix began to giggle uncontrollably and the woman frowned. "Ms. Black, I called this court to order! If you do not know how to behave, you will be reprimanded!"

Bellatrix laughed even harder. "Bella can't ever behave mistress! Bella doesn't know how to!"

A small smile tugged at Tamara's face. "Very well, you leave me no choice."

She raised her finger and a purple bolt of lightning shot towards Bellatrix. Andromeda looked in shock as the bolt struck her sister and the woman began to convulse. But she wasn't convulsing in agony. There was definitely some pain there, but it was almost completely drowned out by pleasure.

"Ooooh Bella's been a baaaaad girllll!" The black haired witch's eyes rolled to the back of her head, her restraints preventing her from slumping forward as her body twitched uncontrollably as if she had been electrocuted.

Harry raised his finger as well. "Let's see if this helps."

With a slash of his digit, Bellatrix's clothes vanished. Andromeda saw the woman's pussy gushing onto her seat, her nipples painfully erect as she rode her magically induced orgasm. Then, more metal bars sprung from her seat. A slab crossed her chest and tightened around it, the painfully cold metal pushing against her nipples. From the seat rose a steel cup, which pressed itself against Bella's cunt.

"Masterrrrrrr!" Bella began to gurgle, drool leaking from her mouth as stimulation proved too much and the crazed woman passed out.

There was another whimper, this time from the benches. The pregnant redhead riding the man had fallen off his cock, laying on the bench as she rode her own orgasm. The man's monstrous cock was now revealed in all its glory. The painfully erect beast, slick with the juices of multiple women, reaching all the way to the top of his stomach, looking angry and turgid.

"Let us begin with you, Madame Bones." The woman spoke. Her hand went to the cock next to her, even her long fingers nowhere near enough to wrap around the ridiculous cockmeat. Still, she began jerking the man off as best she could as she spoke. "You have been accused of five separate charges of lewdness, due to your massive tits. You have also been accused of three separate charges of submissiveness and breedability." The woman looked sternly at Amelia, who's breath hitched with every charge. "And You have one very serious charge of neglect. Your underage niece has been impregnated and made into a breeding whore for her master. These are serious charges Madame Bones. How do you plead?"

"Guilty!" Amelia yelled out enthusiastically.

The woman slammed her gavel once more. "The defendant has plead guilty. The case is settled. Madame Bones, you will be sentenced to seven years in Cockskaban. You will be filled with master's cum, every day without fail and bear him a minimum of twelve children. If after seven years you have failed to reach this number, your sentence will be doubled. Understood?"

Amelia nodded wildly and the woman smirked. With a tap of her wand, Lady Bones' restraints were lifted and her clothes were vanished. The woman sprinted across the stage and leapt onto the elevated platform, just barely able to hang on to the edge. She climbed over and almost trampled over Nymphadora as she zeroed in on the horsecock that was driving her crazy.

Harry leaned back as Amelia leapt and impaled her cunt on his cock. The woman let out a yelp of pain, her eyes were a bit bigger than her stomach and she hadn't been prepared for such a large gift.

"You're gonna need some breaking in, Madame Bones." Harry whispered to her as he placed her head on his shoulder. The woman whimpered needily to him, burying her head on his neck. "Gods… you're tight as a virgin." Harry grabbed her by her wide hips, loving the feeling of her large, milky tits pressed against him. Those Bones genes were something else.

"Oooh Harry!" Amelia yelled out as Harry began to bounce her on his cock, a third of his meat enough to fill her up completely.

Andromeda accepted the fact that this was Harry Potter. Nothing in this lurid, wonderful, thrilling dream made sense. But it didn't have to. The smells of sex filled the room, and it was intoxicating, violating her senses.

There was a gurgle to her left and she saw that Bellatrix had come to. The woman slammed her gavel once more. "Well then, which one of you shall be next?"

Bellatrix perked up, pushing her nipples and cunt further into the cold steel that kept her restrained. "Can you do a twofer mistress?!! I've missed my sisters dearly, and I want to start bonding already!"

The woman considered Bellatrix's offer. "I will allow it." She flicked her wand and Andromeda's chair slid towards the center. Colliding with Bellatrix's own as the sisters were forced to sit side by side.

"Andromeda and Bellatrix Black, you both stand accused of the capital crime of having lewd, sexy MILF figures. Your fat asses and large tits, as well as your gorgeous fuckable faces are proof enough of your guilt. There is no need to enter a plea. I sentence you both to life in Cockskaban, with no chance of parole."

The gavel sounded for the final time. Their restraints and clothes were vanished, and the two women ran wild.

Andromeda made to repeat what Amelia had done and leap over to where the huge horsecock was raping the redhead lady's tight little pussy. But Bellatrix tackled her from the side. Her deranged older sister was like an animal, kissing, nipping and biting her all over, leaving Andromeda completely disoriented. Bellatrix shoved three fingers Into her pussy, pistoning in and out rapidly. As Andromeda felt her sister's voluptuous body on top of her own, a thought sprung up. Shouldn't Bella be skin and bones? She'd spent more than a decade in Azkaban.

Suddenly the weight of her sister's body was lifted and Andromeda couldn't help but feel disappointed. Opening her eyes, she saw her sister had already climbed over the wall and sprinted over to their master and mistress, not caring when she stepped over Narcissa's unconscious form.

Bellatrix shoved Amelia off to the side. The redhead, in the throes of an orgasm, fell on top of her niece, their voluptuous bodies mashing together. Bellatrix hopped on Harry's cock and impaled herself completely, letting out a loud, demented shriek of pleasure as Harry filled her up.

"Mistress! I want to serve you as well! Pleaseeeee!"

Tamara and Harry shared a smile. "Anything for our most loyal."

Tamara stood, and Andromeda couldn't hold back the gasp as she saw the woman's full figure. She could not be human, she had to be some sort of goddess. The dark, seductive energy came off her in waves as her eyes feaster on her tall, voluptuous form.

Tamara walked up a row and sat directly behind Harry, her legs opened wide. Bellatrix leaned forward as far as she could until finally her face reached her mistress' pussy, which ended up mushing her fat tits on Harry's face.

Once set up, their little symphony began. Bellatrix rode Harry's horsecock with wild abandon, eating her mistress out with the same, unwavering dedication. Harry for his part sucked greedily at Bellatrix's soft, pillowy breasts.

Finding herself with nothing to do while awaiting her turn, Andromeda noticed her sister and daughter, who were both just beginning to stir. Crawling up to Nymphadora, she placed her head level with her daughter's gushing cunt.

"Mum," The metamorph whispered with a smile.

"You know, Nymphadora, you can't get pregnant while you're already pregnant." She answered with a cheeky smile as she saw up close the sheer volume of cum that was still leaking out of her daughter's cunt.

Nymphadora shrugged. "Gotta get her used to the taste early."

"Oh, what a wicked little daughter I've raised." Andromeda dove her head into her daughter's pussy, focusing not so much on Nym's pleasure, but on guzzling up as much of that sweet, delicious man-milk as she could.

She felt a tongue enter her ear, and a hot body covered in the sticky, gooey substance press up against her.

"I've missed you so much Andy."

Narcissa joined her at Nym's pussy, the two sisters bonding, swallowing cum, licking her wet folds and stealing tongue kisses whenever the fancy caught them. In the background, they could hear Bellatrix's loud shrieks whenever she pulled away from Tamara's pussy, which wasn't often.

Andromeda spared a single thought to her estranged husband, but it passed as quickly as it came. She had gone to heaven, her earthly problems were now moot.

Twenty minutes later, she broke her kiss with Narcissa for just a moment to observe the scene. Tamara had Bellatrix on her lap, her sister mewling like a kitten as her mistress kissed her neck and plunged long fingers into her cum-filled cunt. Bellatrix kept yelling out rasped 'I love you's every few seconds.

Nymphadora was kneeling in front of Susan, eating her cunt out. One row below her, Amelia was doing the same thing to her.

And she had the best spot in the house. Her beautiful younger sister was under her, their lewd bodies, covered in cum, pressing together as they kissed. Behind her, god was pounding her pussy to next week. Her cunt was on fire, gushing as she desperately hoped he was going to knock her up.

Narcissa captured Andromeda's lips once again, and the final Black sister let herself go. She would serve her life sentence with nothing but the utmost joy.

There was a low murmur of conversation in the great hall. Many things had happened since the night of the third task, and rumors and speculation ran so wildly that no one was sure what was true. The only thing any of them knew for a certainty was that the giant tower with a dark castle at its top, dark clouds eternally looming above regardless of time of day or weather, could not mean anything good.



everyone turned to look up at headmaster Dumbledore, who had returned to his post on the day of the third task. The man had lost some of his marbles over the past year, but he still commanded their respect and admiration, with Dumbledore around, they would always feel safe.

"Now, I know that you have all been hearing many things over the past few weeks. It is a terrifying thing, to live in uncertain times…" he paused to sweep his gaze over his audience "...but rest assured, Hogwarts will remain a safe haven…"

McGonagall beamed proudly as Albus acquitted himself nicely with his speech. He had been losing his touch recently, but he looked as composed as ever now; regardless of that ominous tower off in the distance or the recent rumors of the ministry having collapsed, Albus would always-

"...to some of you."

The students looked at him in confusion, incredulous looks littering the student body as well as the faculty.

"Albus. What are you-" Dumbledore raised his hand and cut Minerva short.

"I can confirm that the ministry has fallen. A new dark lord has risen, much more terrible than Voldemort himself" panic and fear began to show on most faces at his words "Effective immediately, Hogwarts will be locked down and turned into a fortress. With my presence and our mighty wards, we will be safe from any assault."

A glimmer of hope returned to the gathered students. "Unfortunately, we can't feed all of you."

"ALBUS!" now the whole staff joined McGonagall in chiding the headmaster, but with a wave of his wand they were all silenced and immobilized.

Dumbledore pulled out a large sheet of furled up parchment "If I call your name, the house elves will helpfully whisk you away and deposit you into the Hogwarts express, which is fueled and ready to deliver you to your fates. If I don't call your name, congratulations! You get to stay at Hogwarts!"

There was a pregnant pause after that announcement before a stampede started, with students jumping from their seats and running to try to escape the great hall. Dumbledore sighed, not even he could petrify an entire hall full of students.


Hundreds of ropes materialized at once, wrapping around each student instantly. The ones that had been running fell to the floor in a heap.

"Now that I won't be interrupted, lets get started!"

He unfurled the parchment, which stretched down to the floor and rolled all the way down the stairs of the high table until it reached a few feet away from Katie Bell, who was lying face down after her attempt to run.

It actually unfurled close enough for Katie to get a look at a good chunk of the list. The brown haired Gryffindor's eyes quickly scanned the parchment before she gasped "Hey, wait a minute! Th-"

Dumbledore snapped his fingers and a house elf popped into existence. The little creature grabbed Katie by the arm and then popped away in an instant.

"Poor girl was about to spoil my list, after I worked so hard on it! Fifteen points from Gryffindor," Dumbledore watched in satisfaction as a miniscule amount of beads were removed from the tank that marked the Gryffindor house points.

Though petrified, Minerva's eyes were glaring hard at Dumbledore. "Oh come off it Minerva, because I took away points from your house? You're still in first place." Dumbledore waited for an answer that he was obviously not going to receive "None of you were going to be staying anyways. So lets dispense with you."

Another snap of his finger and the entirety of the Hogwarts staff was whisked away.

"Now, shall we begin" Dumbledore cleared his throat as he began to read from the parchment "Abbot, Hannah!"

No sooner did he yell out the name that a house elf appeared and popped the girl away. A loud scream of protest could be heard from Ron Weasley.

Dumbledore continued down the list, and since it was in alphabetical order, it didn't take long to find the obvious trend.





Hogwarts' female population continued to thin out, until the last name was read off the list and the final girl, Romilda Vane, was whisked away.

Outside, the castle wards hardened into an opaque and then solid bubble. That bubble then became encased in a concrete dome.

Hogwarts was sealed off from the world.


The train ride had been long enough for all the passengers to go from panic, to fear, to acceptance. Whatever was happening, they weren't going to be attacked on the train, which hopefully meant their lives weren't in danger.

It became obvious very early on in the train ride that they weren't heading towards King's Cross Station. Instead, they were heading straight to the dark, cloudy castle sitting atop the newly formed mountain.

"Do you think he's a blood purist?"

"What makes you think its a he?"

"What do you think his theme's gonna be? I hope its plants. No one's used plants before. All the dark lords always latch onto dragons and snakes and stuff but imagine if he comes out and he's just got a bunch of man-eating shrubs"

Absurd as they were, discussions like these were all they could really do until the train reached the station. They had tried to escape, but the carriages were all sealed shut, and apparition was impossible.

The train reached the base of the spire. For a moment it looked like the locomotive was about to crash full speed into the hard rock face, but the train simply passed through the stone and into a dark tunnel. The girls stared out the window as it looked as if they'd entered a cave. Stalactites, stalagmites and bats were all around in the vast, dark recesses as the train sped forward.

Just as suddenly as they'd been draped in darkness, they exited the tunnel and out into a train station. It was enclosed, reminding the muggleborns of the London Underground if it were lit by torches. The engine came to a steaming halt, the hiss of it winding down echoing through the torchlit chamber.

The compartment doors slid open and an invisible force pushed the girls out of the train. As the female population of Hogwarts hesitantly stepped out, they saw a gaggle of house elves standing in front of a wide set of stairs leading out of the tunnel. The elves all wore white pillowcases with a lightning bolt crest. No one dared to move, even though they were clearly supposed to approach the elves. Well, no one except one.

"Out of my way! Stupid bitches!" A girl with dark curly hair and thick, well manicured eyebrows bumped all the other girls out of her path. She paid no mind as she shoved older and younger girls around until she made her way to the front and began walking confidently towards the elves.

"What the hell are you doing Vane?" Someone yelled from the group.

Romilda turned her head, a dismissive look on her face. "Don't you see the symbols on their uniforms? Clearly Harry is the new dark lord. I for one am going to try to get first dibs on that dark cock." She walked up to an elf that bore a striking resemblance to that fourth year girl that died.

"If you would all please follow Hermy." The elf stated. Romilda followed her and the other elves up the stairs. A few dozen feet behind them, the rest of the girls began to walk, nervously striding up the stairs that led to Merlin knows where.

"Do you really think Harry's the one doing all this?" Katie Bell asked.

"I wouldn't put it past that runt. After what he did to my Draco." Pansy said.

The girls speculated amongst themselves until they reached the top of the staircase. They were led to a set of large double doors. Once they were all congregated in front of them, the doors creaked open to reveal a large conference room. There were rows of seats, arranged in a semi-circle around a raised platform with a red curtain behind it. To the left, there were more than enough empty seats for each of the girls. The seats to the right were already occupied, and many gasps filled the room from both sides.

Their mothers, their aunts, older sisters. Every non-hogwarts aged witch in Britain was waiting in this room.

"Please, if you could find your seats so we may begin!"

Everyone looked to the platform, where Narcissa Black stood, dressed in extravagant acromantula silk robes, her long blonde hair cascading down to her back.

Romilda ran down the stairs and took a seat in the front row. She was the only one, as the non-Hogwarts women had left the front two rows empty. It said a lot about the sad state of the wizarding world that the entire female population of Britain couldn't even fill a conference room.

Everyone else took their seats, so disoriented that they forgot to sit by house affiliation, all ending up in a mish-mash of muggle-borns, blood supremacists, half-bloods and blood traitors.

Once everyone was seated, Narcissa gave them a broad smile. "Welcome, ladies, to Pottercrest. The new, modern wizarding city for the new, modern subject of a Dark Lord." Narcissa held her hands out wide and the curtain behind her began to raise slowly.

There were many gasps when the curtain fully lifted to reveal a city like none of them had seen before.

It looked like a modern muggle metropolis, like if Manhattan had been retrofitted with magic. There were elevated trains running on air, large buildings and skyscrapers that twisted off into different directions, tangling and twisting with each other in the sky, looking not stiff and rigid but pliant and flexible. Everything was made out of wood and stone, with some steel thrown in here and there. All of these skyscrapers converged at the top into a knotted mass, where they formed the base of a large round earthen mound. There were quaint cottages and smokey little towns littered about the mound. Finally at the very tip of the structure was the dark spire, oozing with black and purple energy.

They were all left in awe at the sight. Narcissa looked on with bemusement before she decided to continue on.

"You are the lucky few, this is to be your new home. The epicenter of the new and improved magical government of Britain."

"New and improved?" Penelope Clearwater questioned bitterly.

Narcissa stared back at her. "Yes Ms. Clearwater. Much improved. The incompetence and self-serving manner of the previous governments will be a thing of the past."

"And this new dark lord wont be self-serving?" Someone else asked.

Narcissa gave a wolfish smile. "Oh, believe me, he will. But you will all find that serving him is the most wonderful thing on this earth."

"Is it Harry?" Romilda interjected eagerly. "Is Harry the new dark lord?"

Narcissa nodded. "He is."

"Where do I sign?" Romilda asked as the other girls balked at her reaction.

"Just walk through that window." Narcissa gestured toward the large plate-glass window through which they'd all been staring at the city. Without pause, Romilda sprinted right at the window, disappearing into nothing as she passed through it.

"For the rest of you." Narcissa addressed the others. "There will be some re-education…later on. For now, you will be shown your new housing and be allowed to settle in."

There was no mutiny, little to no resistance really. The older women were tired and weary of the Dark Lord's power after how quickly the ministry had been crushed. The younger girls followed their lead, and so all the witches in wizarding britain (attractive enough to not be shipped off to be werewolf food like one Dolores Umbridge) were led out into the city by dozens of house elves.


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