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It was two months after the war had ended. Things had just barely settled down. The last few Death Eaters had been rounded up and the trials were in full swing.

Just the other day, Harry had smiled with glee as he watched Draco and Lucius be sentenced to the Dementor's Kiss. Apparently, Mrs. Malfoy had thought Harry would vouch for them, as if her saving his life made up for the lifetime's worth of atrocities both men had committed.

But, outside of attending the trials and showing support for Kingsley, Harry found himself detached from it all. He'd entertain joining the auror core, before realizing that after spending an entire year on the run and a lifetime of having a dark lord after him, the last thing he wanted to do was hunt more dark wizards.

Besides, he had responsibilities.

Harry smiled as he squeezed Ginny's hand. They'd picked up their relationship right where they'd left off, and they'd found plenty of time to be together.

In her arms, Ginny was carrying a baby girl, a baby girl who's hair was constantly cycling from red to purple to blue. His goddaughter, Theodora Lupin. An orphan like him, and now his full responsibility after both her grandparents had passed.

Harry should have felt daunted by the task of raising a child when he himself was just barely eighteen, and yet he found himself embracing it. And Ginny had embraced it right along with him. The two had moved to Grimmauld Place, and his girlfriend had been persistent in saying that she would forego her seventh year at Hogwarts to help Harry raise little Dora.

She'd reasoned that she was already being scouted by professional quidditch teams, and that she could sit her N.E.W.T.s without actually attending the school.

Right now, the newly formed family were walking through Diagon Alley. The Alley wasn't bustling, not yet, but there were definitely signs of life.

Their destination was a place that Harry hadn't expected to visit for quite a while. Gringotts Wizarding Bank.

Clearing up his, Ron and Hermione's break-in and subsequent escape had been an international incident by itself. In the end, all he'd had to do was surrender five percent of his ancestral vaults. The goblins had acted as if that had been a coup, which Harry didn't understand. His vaults hadn't really been that massive.

Either way, he'd thought things had been settled, which left him all the more surprised when he'd received an urgent missive from Gringotts, summoning him to the bank at the earliest convenience.

Even weirder still, they summoned Ginny as well.

"What do you think this could be about?" Ginny asked as she lightly rocked Dora in her arms.

Harry shrugged. "Maybe they want to ask about the Sword of Gryffindor?"

"Doesn't make sense to why they'd summon me."

Harry silently agreed.

They reached the massive doors of the bank and were immediately let in by the grumpy Goblin guards. The moment they entered the bank, the head of every teller snapped over to them.

"Potter's here." Someone grumbled. The other goblin's continued to stare at him as one particularly well dressed and angry looking goblin rushed out to meet them.

"You're here! Finally! Do not delay any longer, wizard! And leave the hatchling in its ring of containment!"

"Er… what's that?"

The goblin raised a gnarled eyebrow. "You humans do not keep your hatchlings in a ring of molten metal when you do not want them puttering about?"

Harry and Ginny shared incredulous looks. "No." They said in unison.

The goblin clicked his tongue. "So be it, bring it along, but I do not want it chattering."

With that, the goblin swept around and began marching off. Harry, Ginny and a sleeping Dora followed close behind.

They entered through a backdoor and were led through many important looking offices. They walked in silence as the angry little goblin marched with a purpose, until he finally reached a very grand looking door at the end of the hall.

The goblin touched the door with the tip of his finger and it swung open. Inside, there was a long table with a lot of people waiting, people that Harry and Ginny recognized immediately.

"Mum? Dad? George? Ron?"

The entire Weasley family and their spouses were present. Bill was with Fleur, Ron was with Hermione, a very morose looking George was there with Angelina. Charlie, Percy, they were all there.

"Ginny, Harry, you're here." Molly's voice was strained, and as Harry looked around the table, he saw that all the Weasley men looked equally as uncomfortable. Fleur, Angelina and Hermione for their part, all looked confused.

"Have a seat, Mr. Potter."

At the head of the table was the oldest, meanest looking goblin Harry had ever seen. He'd met this goblin before, he was the head of the London branch of Gringotts, one of the many Goblin Kings.

"Lord Crotchrot." Harry bowed his head slightly, knowing how sensitive goblins could be about perceived disrespect. "What's this about?"

He and Ginny slid into the two empty seats next to Ron and Hermione. Harry gave his friends a nod, though Ron seemed to be avoiding his eyes for some reason.

Dora woke up on Ginny's lap, and Harry's girlfriend produced a pacifier from her bottomless bag, which the baby quickly took to, preventing a bout of cries that would surely have irritated Crotchrot.

"As you know, Gringotts took possession of five percent of the Potter vaults recently." Crotchrot began.

Harry nodded. He couldn't help but notice just how fiddly all the Weasleys were. Even Molly and Arthur were squirming around nervously. Ginny was the only one who just looked curious, like he did.

"This was supposed to be a massive windfall, seeing as the Potter vaults were among the five most valued ancestral vaults in the entire international Gringotts system."

Harry's mouth fell open. "Wait, international… does that mean…"

"Yes, wizard, it does. Your family is in rarified company, and has no peers in England."

That was definitely news to Harry, who had never heard a single hint about his family's supposedly vast stores of wealth.

"So, imagine our surprise when our automatic deduction spell returned only a paltry three-thousand galleons to our hands. Even accounting for the Irresponsible spending of a brainless child, this made absolutely no sense."

"I barely spent my money!" Harry defended himself. "Maybe you guys messed up."

Crotchrot flashed him a smile that showed rows of sharp teeth. "Oh. We did, wizard. And it has been corrected. The traitor known as Griphook has been taken care of. But that still leaves the failure on your end."

"The failure on my end?"

Crotchrot pulled out a heavy binder and slid it across the long table all the way towards Harry. Many hands twitched along the way, wanting to intercept it before it reached Harry, but in the end, Harry found himself face to face with a very impressive looking dossier.

"Harry, dear… maybe you should wait to read that! You should get a solicitor first, who know what confusing language is in that thing." Molly was sweating profusely now.

Ginny raised an eyebrow. "Mum, what the hell is going on?"

"I would like to know too." Hermione said, glaring at Ron with folded arms. "You've all been acting mighty suspicious ever since we received that summons."

"Oui." Fleur said, giving Bill a sidelong glance. "I 'ave my theories, and if they are proven to be true…" she trailed off, but the fire that coursed through his wife's eyes made Bill shudder.

"Oh, just give it up, mum, everyone." George croaked in a defeated, empty tone. "Just read it, Harry."

Harry blinked, but decided it was best to just get on with it. Ginny leaned in next to him, and together, they began reading through the thick dossier in silence.

And it was a very thick, very tense silence that stretched on for minutes on end. For Fleur, Hermione and Angelina, Harry and Ginny's increasingly distressed and shocked expressions were the only thing they had to go by.

"Mum, please say it isn't so." Ginny said, sending her mother a pleading look.

Molly offered her daughter a very weak smile. "We did it for you, Ginny-dear."

There was absolute pandemonium in the room now. Bill was hiding under the table as a harpy-like Fleur was prodded back by a trio of goblin guards, a fireball flickering in her hand. The rest of the Weasleys, sans-Ginny, were cowering in a corner, though thankfully, while the others were irate, they were not in the mood to start blasting them to high-heaven.

"Fleur, calm down!" Harry urged the veela.

Fleur looked over at Harry, her avian features taking nothing away from her stunning beauty. " How can you say that, 'Arry? After everything they did! After what this cochon did!" Fleur managed to sneak a fireball in between the goblin guard, though it didn't hit Bill, who was still under the table, instead leaving a burn mark on the very expensive marble.

"Delacour! You will stand down! I don't care what this idiot has done, you are still a Gringotts employee. That burn mark will be coming from your paycheck!"

That managed to calm Fleur down, at least enough for her to return to her human form, huffing angrily as she walked over to the aggrieved side of the room.

Ginny had tears streaming down her face. "Harry, I swear, I had no idea."

Dora was mimicking Ginny, wailing openly as the woman that held her shook with sobs.

Hermione was trying to keep it together, while Angelina was quietly smoldering, glaring holes into George's face.

Harry was numb to it all. He'd been angry at first, but after going through just the sheer volume of it, it became almost comical.

Dumbledore and the Weasleys had been siphoning money from his accounts. All of the headmaster's fancy robes? Snape's salary? The school's expenditures for the Triwizard Tournament? All paid for by Harry's money.

Meanwhile, it turned out that the 'lottery' the Weasleys had won during Harry's third year had just been them spending Harry's money. They'd stayed at the Burrow to keep up appearances, but it turned out that Molly and Arthur had a beach house in Calais and a Manor in Windsor. They'd literally apparate there each night when they went into their room.

Bill's curse breaking courses, Charlie's dragon handling camps and their penthouse apartments abroad had all been paid for with Potter funds. When Harry had given the twins his Tri-Wizard winnings, it had been a drop in the bucket compared to the money they'd already taken from him.

Then it just became ridiculous. The gnomes in the Weasley's garden that he'd tossed over the fence during his second year? Expensive designer gnomes that cost five thousand galleons a pop.

And then came the deceptions. Pretending to be poor in front of Harry. Second year, when his wand had broken, Molly had offered Ron a new one but the boy had decided to wait until the end of the year, to 'keep up appearances', when he'd really just wanted the ready made excuse to be even lazier in classes.

And then there were the potions. The hyper-expensive potions that became prohibitively expensive when Snape added an exhorbitant markup, knowing that all parties would agree to pay, seeing as they were all playing with house money anyways.

These potions were designer love potions, much more sophisticated than your run of the mill apothecary love potion. Using them, they'd managed to ensnare Fleur, Angelina and Hermione, though Harry noted that they hadn't used one on him for Ginny.


"Why what, Harry dear?" Molly had the gall to use the same motherly tone she'd always had.

"Why didn't you love potion me?"

Molly bit her lip, but Arthur spoke in her stead. "We were going to do it, but then we saw you actually falling for her, and Snape wasn't going to make any more of them, so we gave it to Charlie instead."

"Charlie?" Harry glanced at the stocky Weasley who he'd never seen with a partner.

"I'm dragonsexual. Is that a crime?"

"It eez." Fleur said in disgust.

Harry ignored that tangent, pushing on as he questioned the Weasley matriarch.

"And that list where you divided up my stuff?"

They'd written out a disturbingly detailed list on how they'd divide up Harry's stuff in case of his death. Down to Charlie getting Hedwig and Molly getting his Weasley sweaters back.

"We… we figured it was best to be thorough." Molly said weakly.

"Why did you never tell Ginny?"

"We did, she got irrationally angry so we obliviated her." Percy explained, as if he were talking about cauldron bottoms.

"Irrationally angry?!"

Ginny had to remember she was carrying a child in her arms, otherwise she would have ducked under Harry's outstretched arm and sent something much worse than the bat-bogey hex in her family's direction.

"Harry, mate, remember last week when I covered our round of drinks…"

"Ronald." Hermione warned.

Ron put his hands up. "I'm just saying! It can all be water under the bridge."

Harry pinched the bridge of his nose before turning over to the goblin. "What recourse do I have?"

"If you sue them for stealing your funds, we can begin litigation, garnish their wages and seize their assets." Crotchrot said with a vicious snarl.

"It barely scratches the surface on what they deserve." Angelina spat. "But its a start."

Harry wore a thoughtful look on his face as he looked at the goblin. While that did sound like a good idea, he also knew that the goblins were only suggesting it because they stood to benefit greatly from it.

But, not only was Harry not in the mood to help the goblins out, he felt that seizing assets and garnishing wages wasnt enough. It wasn't a proper punishment. Harry wanted them to suffer.

"What about my marriage?" Fleur asked in hysterics. "Zere is no way to reverse zat."

"What do you mean, Fleur?" Hermione asked.

"There's no such thing as divorce in the wizarding world, Hermione." Angelina said.

"And your bethrotal contracts with us are iron clad as well!" Ron said with glee. "So if you leave us destitute, you're leaving them destitute too, Harry!"

"Betrothals? When the hell did that happen?" Hermione shrieked.

"Remember that time I got you drunk and asked you to sign my petition to have the Chudley Cannons named the team of the Century?"

Hermione gasped. "You bastard."

"Merlin, Ron. Why didn't you apply yourself like this in school?" Ginny asked bitterly.

Ron shrugged. "Why work hard in school when I can get everything I want like this?"

"Harry, I'm really, really sorry for what my family's done, but do you really want to ruin these girl's lives?" Arthur asked.

Harry couldn't believe how, after all they'd done, the Weasleys had the gall to try and guilt him into doing things their way.

That's when it clicked for him. He had a lightbulb go off in his head and he glanced at the girls.

"Girls, if you could come over here for a moment."

They hesitated for a second, but soon Fleur, Hermione, Ginny and Angelina joined Harry in a circle, with a now much calmer Dora babbling away as they whispered.

Whatever they were discussing, it made Hermione and Ginny's faces flush, though both their expressions quickly turned into determined looks.

They broke the huddle, and turned to face the Weasley family.

"I wont sue, and I wont ask for any of my money back."

The Weasleys cheered while Crotchrot snarled, smashing a fist down on the marble table as he cursed foolish wizards.

"Under a few conditions."

Ron scoffed. "Bring it on, mate. How bad can it be?"

Seven months later…

Bill was woken up, as he always was, by the thumping.

He'd thought it wouldn't bother him. After all, he still had his house, and while he'd lost his job as a curse breaker and would be unable to find any further employment in the field, he'd joined George at the joke shop, so he should be able to stay afloat.

And yet, it bothered him a lot. It pissed him the fuck off.

After all, who wouldn't be bothered, when almost every day, his wife was being fucked by someone else?

"Mon dieu! Keep fucking me with zat cock! 'Arry!"

Bill knew he wouldn't be able to sleep any longer. He got up from his twin bed and made for the door of the guest room which was now his room.

He walked down the hallway. Unfortunately for him, the bathroom was past the master bedroom, and they always left the door open.

The sounds of Fleur's pussy getting pumped grew louder and louder with each step. He really wanted to just scurry by the door, to close his eyes and not even look.

But of course he looked, and he froze.

"Merde! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

Fleur was on her back, legs up on Harry's shoulders as Harry pounded his cock into the veela's leaking pussy. Fleur's hair was disheveled, her eyes looking wild as she took all of Harry's fuckstick down her tight veela snatch.

The cherry on this grotesque sundae was Fleur's stomach, which was distended, swollen to a massive size and gleaming with sweat and other fluids.

Fleur had gotten pregnant almost immediately after that fateful day at Gringotts, and seeing as Bill had not slept with her for a month leading up to that point, it was safe to say he wasn't the father.

"Ah, Bill!" Harry greeted him from the bed, pausing with his cock halfway into Fleur's sopping cunt. "Good morning, mate! Could you make us some breakfast?"

Bill grit his teeth. He regretted agreeing to this so much. Surely, being in a goblin debtors prison was better than this.

There was nothing to be done about it now. He'd made the vow. And it was for life.

"I would like eggs and bacon and ice cream on top, with some pickle juice and mustard." Fleur ordered in a demanding tone. As if he were her house elf and not her husband.

"Sure." Bill grumbled. He continued past the room, and the two lovers resumed their fucking.

Bill made the breakfast as ordered, even Fleur's monstrosity of a meal. He sat down at the table to eat, trying to ignore the two people across from him.

Fleur was wearing a nightgown, but it barely did anything to hide her sexy pregnant body. Her large bump completely stretched the lower half of the gown, leaving the light fuzz of her pussy fully exposed. Her engorged, milk filled breasts were equally straining against the garment, and one of her breasts had actually slipped out, torturing Bill with her painfully stiff nipple, which was leaking copious amounts of milk down onto the rest of her gown.

It didn't help that Fleur was sitting on Harry's lap, lightly bouncing on his cock as some of Harry's previous loads combined with Fleur's own juices and drooled down her thigh and onto the chair. And then, there was Harry's massive tool, which was sloshing in and out of Fleur's battered, reddened pussy.

Bill tried to ignore it. He closed his eyes shut as he took a bite of his sausage.

He couldn't taste sausage, not with the stench of Fleur's juices, milk and Harry's pungent cum filling the air. The loud squelching sound that Fleur was making with each bounce of her body wasn't helping either.

"I'm not hungry." Bill grumbled, pushing off the table as his wife moaned loudly. The two were locked in their passionate rutting, and Bill wondered if they'd forgotten he was here. He hoped so.

His hopes were immediately dashed by Harry's voice, which was suddenly very commanding. "Sit down, Bill. You're not excused."

Bill gulped. He kept his eyes downcast, refusing to look at the still teenaged brat who had usurped his place in his own home.

"Right. Sorry."

"Sorry what?"

"Sorry, sir."

Bill sank back down into his chair, and after a moment's pause, the loud sounds of flesh slapping on flesh resumed.

He tried to keep his eyes down, but of course he looked once more.

Fleur had her head thrown back, her silvery hair cascading down the back of the chair as she arched her back as best as her heavily pregnant belly would allow her.

Harry had lowered both straps of her nightgown now, which was increasingly becoming superfluous, as it hid nothing of her body. One of her milk-engorged breasts swung freely with each thrust from Harry, while the other one was being held by the raven haired teenager, who was drinking greedily from her painfully hard nipple. Harry was clearly enjoying the sweet breastmilk from his veela lover, as he was taking deep gulps, not caring as rivulets of milk spilled from the sides of his mouth.

Bill could have maybe been able to endure this without breaking down. But then, Harry squeezes Fleur's other nipple, and a jet of warm milk sprayed out, splashing Bill right across the face.

Bill wept quietly as Harry and Fleur reached another crescendo. Fleur's eyes had long since rolled to the back of her head, having lost track of her peaks, when Harry pushed into her once more, flooding her already impregnated womb with a forceful stream of thick cream.

She'd been filled so much already, this latest load had nowhere to go but out, leaking down their joined bodies and absolutely drenching Fleur's thighs and the seat below them.

Bill cried. Not just for the immediate humiliation, but because he found himself aroused by the scene in front of him, and yet he wouldn't be able to relieve his pressure.

One of Harry's terms had been that the Weasley males would be made impotent. But he hadn't stopped there, no, he'd cursed them with permanent erectile dysfunction. They still felt horny, but they couldn't get it up, they couldn't cum.

Bill's cock hadn't been impressive or anything, but he'd felt it was a decent size. Now, it was a shriveled up reminded of his humiliation.

"I gotta go back home, Dora's a bit of a handful and Ginny needs time to practice."

"You will be back tonight, oui?" Fleur asked hopefully. Harry had put his clothes back on, and Fleur had fixed up her ruined nightgown as best she could.

"I can't make any promises, Fleur. Angelina's got a big game tomorrow and you know how superstitious she is."

The quarter-veela pouted, but she didn't push the issue.

"I understand, mon amour." She smiled sultrily at him. "Mon dieu, I almost forgot to tell you! My seester is thinking of moving to England!"

Bill's head peeked up at this news. From what he remembered, the Delacours all hated hopping over the channel.

Harry looked mildly curious. "She wants to transfer to Hogwarts?”

Fleur shook her head. "Non. You see, I 'ave 'eard of how much of a 'andful little Theodora can be. When talking about it with Gabby, she told me how happy she would be to be your live-in nanny! What do you zink?"

The Harry from before his betrayal would have been aghast at the implications of what Fleur had said. The Harry from a few weeks after would have waged a long internal debate over the morality of having a twelve year old girl permanently move into his home.

The Harry of today, though, only smiled. "That sounds wonderful. Gin and I will be happy to have her."

Fleur draped her arms around his neck and Bill had to watch as his wife gave Harry a needy, sloppy kiss. A kiss she had never once given him, even when their marriage hadn't been all topsy turvy.

Harry pulled back from Fleur, who made her way upstairs without even a glance at Bill. Harry walked over to Bill and clapped him in the back, causing the older man to wince.

"Food was great as always, Bill. Hope business picks up at the shop!"

Bill could do nothing but glare as Harry Potter twisted in place, apparating away from his kitchen, after having fucked his wife.

He wondered how his brothers were faring in this hell.

After spending the early morning with Ginny and Dora, Ginny had gone off to her her Quidditch training, leaving Harry alone with his goddaughter.

Harry loved his goddaughter. More and more, he was seeing Dora as his own daughter, and he knew that inevitably, she would think of him as her father when she grew up.

All that said, having Gabrielle around would definitely be a big help.

Since he didn't work (thank you, lifetime pension from the ministry!), Harry had taken a lot of time to study magic. He wasn't Dumbledore, nowhere close, but he had definitely expanded his horizons, and would hopefully continue to do so. On top of that, he was looking forward to continuing Gabrielle's magical education. Out of everything, he felt that teaching might be his calling.

When Ginny returned from her training, Harry apparated over to the ministry, in order to check up on a few more people.

He made a beeline to the Department of Magical Transportation, where he smiled as he saw a pair of very miserable redheads sharing a cubicle.

"Ronald! You need to hurry, Mr. Brantley wanted this report on Floo Powder density on his desk by last friday! If its delayed any longer, I'll get another demerit!"

Ron was seething as Percy badgered him. He was scribbling away at the parchment, wanting to be done with this stupid report already so he could get Percy off his back.

Of course, he knew that once this report was done, there would be another, and another after that.

"Hey, how are two of my favorite Weasleys doing?" Harry asked as he strolled over to their cubicle.

Ron's head snapped up at hearing his former best friend's voice, pleading with his eyes.

"Harry, Mate! When is this going to be over? This work stuff is no fun."

"Its not supposed to be fun, Ronald." Percy shook his head. "I swear, Lord Potter, Ronald is beyond saving. He can't seem to understand he is being punished." Percy pushed his glasses up his face. "I, for one, understand completely that I am in a purgatory of my own making." He said that last part proudly.

Harry blinked. "Right. Well, carry on, guys. Ron, where is your fiancee?"

Ron sighed. "She's over in her office. She's being a real meanie, as always."

Ron would have used bitch, but Harry had long since taken that out of his vocabulary when referring to Hermione.

Harry nodded at them and left, leaving them to their devices.

Percy and Ron had been tough nuts to crack. Percy had no girlfriend, and it seemed that the man was perfectly fine with going the rest of his life unable to pleasure himself.

Ron, on the other hand was like every single deadly sin rolled up into one, but with Sloth in the driver's seat. While Harry's former best friend did complain about no longer being able to partake in the pleasure's of the flesh, it was vastly overwhelmed by his complacent nature. Ron was more than happy to sit at home, do absolutely nothing for days on end and let the world pass him by.

After Hermione had randomly quipped that 'Hell is other people', Ginny had had a moment of genius and suggested this idea. Harry had paired Ron and Percy up. From now until the day they died, the two Weasleys would work together in the Department of Magical Transportation. Ron would be forced to do all of Percy's boring, soul shattering, arduous work, while Percy would be forced to watch as Ron failed spectacularly, and then take the blame for it.

The only hiccup was that Ron, bless his soul, might not have the mental capacity to realize he was being punished for something he had done wrong. In his mind, his best mate was playing a prank on him. A very long-winded, very cruel prank.

Regardless, it was ingenious, and it helped that the department head was aware of the arrangement and would not fire Percy for the slew of terribly drafted proposals that originated from his desk.

Harry was knocking on the door of that department head right now.

"Harry?" Hermione looked up from her desk.

Hermione Granger had taken to office life like a fish to water. This structured, rule based environment where your performance was constantly graded and all minutiae were observed fit her like a glove. Harry may have pushed his weight around to get her this job, but Hermione had transformed this department into a well-oiled machine in her short time running it.

If Harry were a betting man, he'd put the house on his best friend being Minister of Magic within the decade.

"Hey there, 'Mione."

Hermione bit her lip. "Harry, I can double check my planner, but I'm certain we didn't have any sexual escapades booked for today."

The job was also making her lean into some of her worst impulses, but still, when you added everything up, it was doing her well.

"Come on, you can't make a little hole in your schedule for me?"

Hermione frowned at Harry's roguish grin, knowing she couldn't say no to his smile.

She let out a long suffering sigh before walking around her desk. Harry got a good look at her tight body, especially her perfectly shaped ass as it was hugged by her form-fitting, extra tight robes that also showed off her perky breasts.

Hermione stepped past him and stopped just outside the doorway to her office.

"Everyone, I'll be in a private meeting with Mr. Potter. It shouldn't be more than ten-" she blushed at Harry's suggestive look, "More than thirty minutes or so."

Everyone around the office nodded along, some with knowing smiles. No one knew the particulars of why their boss was openly cheating on her fiancee with the Man-Who-Conquered, but they all liked Hermione and they all found Ron annoying, so they didn't care.

"Harry, mate, try to see if you can convince her to let me listen to the Cannons game on the wireless! I've missed half the season and they're battling it out for thirteenth!"

"Sure thing, Ron." Harry winked at the entire office as Hermione quickly closed the door shut behind them.

The door flared up with its automatic privacy charm as the curly haired nineteen year old sent him a cross look.

"Honestly, Harry. You can't keep doing this! I have a professional image to uphold!"

She yelped as Harry slapped her ass with a loud smack. "You're doing a great job of it, Hermione. But you also need to relieve some of that stress every once in a while."

Harry guided her over to her desk, where he bent her over and lifted up her robe. He expected to see what he always saw, a plain dress underneath her robes. Except this time, there was no dress, there wasn't even underwear.

Harry looked at her with a raised eyebrow. Hermione crossed her arms, trying to give him what he'd dubbed 'The McGonagall Glare' and failing spectacularly at it.

"You always just come and tear my dresses off anyways. I'm just being efficient."

Harry chuckled as he pressed up against Hermione, letting his clothed cock rub up against her bare bum.

Harry licked behind her earlobe as his best friend moaned lightly. "Call it what you want, 'Mione." He dragged a hand in between her legs, dipping it in her honeypot to find it sopping wet. "But I think you're being a lot more than efficient."

Hermione groaned, grinding her ass against his crotch as Harry's fingers played lazily with her clit. "Damn it, Harry, I have a lot of work to do! I don't have time to play around!"

Harry smiled into her neck as he gave it a light suck. "Understood."

In a flash of movement, Harry's pants had fallen to his ankles along with his underwear.

Hermione held her breath. His cock was far too big for her. The moment of penetration, when he would stretch her pussy out far wider than should have been humanly possible, was something she always nervously anticipated.

Harry pushed his head against her entrance. "You said you're a busy woman, so I won't take up too much of your time." He breathed against her neck.

Hermione's eyes widened. "Harry, wait!"

It was too late. Harry shoved his rock-hard length into her pussy. Hermione screamed as Harry's bellend punched directly into her cervix. Thankfully, this wasn't their first rodeo. Hermione had placed her hands over two strategically placed stress balls on her desk, allowing her to squeeze the life out of them and relieve some of the pleasure her aching cunt was feeling.

But only some.

Harry was merciless as he began slamming his pelvis up against Hermione's firm ass. His hand snaked up her back, grabbing onto a handfull of bushy brown hair and tugging at it, forcing Hermione's neck to snap back.

"Fuck! Harry!"

Hermione did her best to push back against each of Harry's thrusts, to meet him in the middle, but more and more, she found herself being pushed forward. Her desk began to drift, and Hermione's attempts at following Harry's rhythm fell apart almost as quickly as they'd begun. All she could do was squeeze her stress balls as each thrust from Harry into her cunt left her seeing stars.

Harry had eyes only for Hermione's ass as it jiggled with each impact of his pelvis. Angelina had by far the best ass of all the Weasley women, followed by Fleur, but Hermione's was fantastic as well, and Harry loved seeing it recoil against his thrusts.

Harry let go of her hair and Hermione collapsed forward onto the desk, laying flat down on it as she let Harry have his way with her.

He felt her shudder around him and then her pussy closed in on him, tightening up to near painful levels as Hermione spasmed, her legs flailing wildly around him as she reached her peak.

"Oh… Oh god! HARRYYYYY!"

Harry closed his eyes, reveling in the rhythmic convulsions of Hermione's vice-tight cubt.

"H-Harry… r-remember!"

Of course. Harry pulled out of her, and Hermione found herself sliding backward. She tried to get a good grip on her desk, but since she'd been squeezing her stress toys, she didn't have a good enough grip on the actual desk.

Which meant that she ended up falling backwards onto the floor.

She glared up at Harry as she tried to regain her bearings, doing her best to ignore the massive staff that was bobbing up and down in her line of sight.

"You could have held me up!"

Harry chuckled as he stepped closer to her, grabbing her by her hair. "I just wanted to be efficient."

Hermione opened her mouth to argue the point, but instead, she got a full length of thick, slick covered cock shoved down her throat.

Hermione's hands went to Harry's thighs as he gave her no time to adjust, face fucking his beautiful brunette friend with wild abandon.

Out of the Weasley women, Fleur was the only one that allowed him to creampie her. It was frustrating, since he wanted to stuff Hermione, Ginny and Angelina's pussies full of his seed, but they all had careers, and they weren't ready to be mothers yet.

Oh well, Harry would have to make do with this. And honestly, fucking his best friend's throat pussy until he unloaded his seed directly into her stomach wasn't that bad of a deal.

It was definitely a better deal that what the Weasley men had gotten.


Daeron Targaryen

Ha, this could be a story to itself.