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The week rolled around and the excitement settled slightly. But only slightly. There were still foreign students walking the halls, sitting in on classes and sharing meals. So no matter what, the castle felt energized.

Hogwarts boys flirted (and mostly struck out) with Beauxbatons girls. Durmstrang boys hung around glumly, never cracking a smile despite their clear interest in some of the recreational activities. It seemed that Snape was stalking the halls, making sure his students weren't embarrassing him by getting involved in anything that could be deemed as fun.

Harry had not caught a single glimpse of Fleur at all that Monday, and by late afternoon, he had other things occupying his mind.

It was time for the next meeting of the Hogwarts Arts Project.

When they entered the ballroom, there were two large squared rings in the middle. They had plain black side skirts covering the underside along with clunky steel steps leading up to one of the four padded posts. Three rows of red ropes circled the square, connecting at each post. Even from this low angle, Harry could see the white canvas floor.

"Good. Good, get in here." Mr. Thomas was waving them in with Dean at his side. Lily was behind them, demoted now to simply 'supervising' Dean's father. Not that she minded, she'd never wanted this responsibility in the first place.

"What are those contraptions?" Malfoy asked in open disgust.

"Don't you remember last time, Draco? That's where they do the fighting." Blaise said.

Malfoy scoffed. "It's all so ridiculous, fighting like muggles."

Mr. Thomas grinned at Malfoy's words, and much to the boy's consternation, he pulled him into a rough hug. "What did I say? Is this boy money or what?" He ruffled Draco's hair, and the blonde boy sneered up at him as he jumped back in disgust.

"Today, I'm going to teach you how to wrestle. You'll learn to take bumps, how to sell and how to make things look good. Afterwards, we'll work on the real important stuff."

The trepidation was palpable as Mr. Thomas got Fred and George up on the ring as a first demonstration.

"Alright now, let's start with the basics. I want you-" he pointed towards the leftmost twin. "-to throw a punch at this one right here. But right before you connect, you gotta pull back on it. At the same time, stomp that lead foot in time with the punch, the stomp will make it sound and look like it connected."

Fred nodded along as Mr. Thomas turned to George. "And you, when he 'hits' ya you gotta snap your head back like you got pistol whipped."

"What's a pistol whip?" George asked with a grin.

"Alright, now get to it." Mr. Thomas stepped back, and the twins gave each other a glance before they shrugged.

Fred reared his arm back in an exaggerated manner. He thrust his arm forward and stomped his foot. George's head snapped to the side, and he even added a little stumble back, and from the other's vantage point, it really did look like one twin had punched the other. Sorta.

It was good enough to convince most of the purebloods, at least, many of whom winced back thinking Fred had messed up and actually punched his brother.

"Excellent, excellent work boys. Now keep going at it both ways. Everyone else, I want you up on these rings and paired up!"

"This is going to be a disaster." Daphne whispered to Harry as he paired up with Ron and Daphne paired up with Hermione.

And she was right. No one else shared the twins' synergy, and so the little training exercise soon devolved into chaos as people ended up punching each other, causing the other person to anger and throw their own hard punch in return.

Harry and Ron had managed to keep things civil, even if Ron had conked Harry hard in the nose multiple times now. The same could not be said about Daphne and Hermione.

"You did it again! Merlin, Hermione, are you actively trying to punch me?" Daphne hissed, irritated as her cheek reddened slightly from where Hermione had punched her.

"Could you reign yourself in, Daphne? Besides, you've been stepping on my foot every time you stomp." Hermione growled in return.

They weren't even the worst case. Not even close. In the other ring, Harry saw Crabbe and Goyle rolling around on the canvas, punching the daylights out of each other. Blaise was having the opposite issue with Malfoy, as the blonde flinched back before Blaise's fist had even gotten close to his face.

"Don't you think they need a bit more instruction, Randall?" Lily asked worriedly as she saw what looked like a riot begin to form.

"Oh don't worry about it. This is all a part of it. Character building exercise." That said, Randall leaned back against a wall and watched as more and more people ended up brawling.

It was by some sort of miracle that when Mr. Thomas blew his whistle, things had not gone completely off the rails. No one had come out of it with worse than a black eye, and the man looked rather proud as he observed the battered and bruised students.

"Perfect. Next time, we'll run the ropes and I'll teach ya some grapplin’. Now, let's get to the important part,"

"Why'd you make us do this if it wasn't important?" Pansy shrieked in indignation. She'd paired up with Susan Bones, thinking she could easily smack the girl around, but it seemed like the usually meek girl had taken out her frustrations on the brunette's face.

"This is important. But this next part is more importanter still."

He made them sit cross-legged on the floor in front of the ring. He paced back and forth in front of them, and Harry almost swore the man looked happy at seeing all their battered and bruised faces.

"Now, as Professor Potter has informed me, we're going to be short on time presenting this card. What was it?"

"One hour." Lily supplied.

"One hour. Which means we'll have time for five matches and maybe one short promo. Which means that a great big chunk of you are going to be working behind the scenes."

A good amount of people had no issue with that. Many students didn't want to be under a spotlight, they just wanted to be able to say they played a part in the Triwizard Tournament.

The others, the ones who craved the spotlight? Well, they'd just have to earn their place on the card.

"Dean, my boy, pass me the bag." He gestured with his left hand as Dean stood up and ran over to the corner to grab a long duffle bag. He carried it back and dropped it in front of his father, who grinned.

"Now, one way to make these matches mean something is to have something up for grabs." He dug into the bag and pulled out a large black leather belt. It had several gold plates on the straps, with a large gold plaque in the middle with the Hogwarts crest.

"This is the Hogwarts Heavyweight Title. Treat it as if it was the most important thing in this entire world."

It seemed that the students didn't need much convincing. Everyone was looking at the thick gold belt in awe, and Harry wondered why the hell they didn't award those at dueling tournaments. He pictured himself hoisting a belt up on his shoulders after winning a dueling tournament. It was a wonderful image.

"Now, this is gonna go to you." He held the belt out to Malfoy, who's eyes lit up with glee as he jumped up and ran to snatch the belt from him.

Groans filled the room as almost everyone else glared at Malfoy. "Why him?" Asked an irritated Terry Boot.

"That's why." Mr. Thomas said bluntly, leaving a few people confused.

Malfoy slung the belt over his shoulder. As he did, the Hogwarts crest shifted, the Slytherin portion on the top right corner brightened, the green darkening and beginning to line the edges of the belt, leaving a green accent all around it as the other three house symbols faded into a dull gray.

Harry had to bregrudgingly admit it looked really fucking cool.

"That was the professor's work." Mr. Thomas said as Lily gave everyone a bashful smile in response. "And if you wanna change it, you're gonna have to take it away from our champ."

Randall gave Draco a hard look. Malfoy puffed up his chest, smirking proudly as he held his belt.

"You don't need much of a gimmick. Just be yourself, make sure to lord that title over your peers as loudly and publicly as possible. And remember, don't hold back on your language."

"Oh, don't worry about that, you filthy, disgusting muggle." Malfoy responded, causing Randall to grin.

"Now, every chickenshit-heel needs his stable, and you got a ready made one right here." He gestured towards Crabbe and Goyle, who stood up and took their customary spots at Malfoy's sides.

"Yes, yes, you two are a ready made tag team. You're his enforcers, make sure the champ is well protected. All together, you'll be the… Purebloods."

"I don't know dad, that lacks a bit of flavor, doesn't it?" Dean asked.

"Who said you could speak, mudblood?" Draco spat. People gasped, Dean glared and Harry stood up as Crabbe and Goyle closed rank around him.

"Calm down lad, he's just getting in character." Mr. Thomas assured as Draco smiled smugly at Harry.

"Though I do agree with Dean, it needs a little something more, we'll work on it. Now, moving on, we got our champion of the common man, our golden boy, what's your name again?"

"Harry Potter." Harry said firmly, still glaring directly at Malfoy.

"The Professor's son!" Mr Thomas was looking between him and Lily now with a grin forming. "There's a lotta potential there,"

"Oh, I'm not going to participate in the actual-" Lily began, but Randall cut her off before she could finish.

"Nonsense. This is gold, pure gold. We'll work you in." He glanced over to the twins. "And you two are his allies, the fun loving, happy go lucky sidekicks to the brooding hero."

"I don't brood!" Harry snapped in a broody manner.

Mr. Thomas ignored him. "And you'll hold my tag titles," he pulled out two new, smaller belts, one red and one blue, with a flying dragon engraved in the center plate.

"Oooh, wicked!" The twins said in unison as they grabbed onto the belts.

Mr. Thomas turned to the other students. "The rest of you will need to impress me with your character if you want to get on the card. There's only two other matches you can make it in, one of 'em for the girls and the other for the boys, so if you want your spot, you better earn it!"

“But I thought you said there would be five matches!” Ron groaned. He needed to get on that card, his reputation depended on it!

“One of em’s gonna be a squash. Unless you’re that eager to do the job for our champ here?”

Ron had no idea what Randall was talking about. But just from his tone of voice and the way he was gesturing towards Draco with his thumb, Ron knew for sure that he did not, in fact, want to do the job.

And with that, they were done. The twins were showing off the wicked belts to anyone and everyone, but no one could strut around as arrogantly as Malfoy was, turning his nose at everyone as he held his belt up close.

Harry knew for a fact the ponce would take it to every class, and it made his blood boil.

Harry grumbled into his soup as he caught another glimpse of Malfoy, standing up from his bench on the Slytherin table to show off his belt to a few Durmstrang students, who to Harry's chagrin were actually impressed.

'It is pretty cool looking.'

"You know you're just playing into his hands, right?" Daphne asked from his side as she buttered her toast.

Next to Harry was an equally grumpy looking Ron.

"What's got his knickers in a twist? Is it Malfoy too?" Blaise asked from his seat next to Hermione.

"No." Ginny said, resting her head on Tracey's shoulder. "He's just pissed cause there's three Slytherin-Gryffindor couples around him and he's just got his hand for company."

"Watch it Gin!" Ron pointed an accusing finger. "Or maybe mum will find out about your new girlfriend."

Ginny paled in terror, and Tracey looked between them with concern. "You mother…wouldn't approve?"

Ginny shook her head vehemently. "The opposite, she'd take a million pictures of us and demand we meet your parents over winter break."

Tracey shuddered.

"I'm sure there's someone for you, Ronald." Hermione assured her friend.

Ron puffed up his chest. "There will be when I get into one of those matches and win a belt. I'll steal the show, and then the birds will be all over me!"

"Anyways," Daphne completely painted over Ron's delusion. "Ginny made me realize something, we should do a triple date!"

Harry choked on his pumpkin juice and Blaise looked terrified. Ginny and Tracey didn't seem too enthused either.

"That's a brilliant Idea! Hogsmeade's coming up! We could spend all day there and then come back into the castle and play couple's games!" Hermione chirped excitedly.

"Ummm, we'll have to check our schedules. Might have a quidditch practice in there somewhere." Tracey said nervously.

"What do you mean? Everyone knows there'll be no practices during Hogsmeade weekends." Ron said loudly, shooting Tracey and Ginny an evil smirk.

"Oh…right…silly me." Tracey answered weakly.

"It's a date then!" Daphne said happily.

"Oh I can't wait! I'm going to plan our day out!" Hermione said happily.

Blaise sighed as he wrapped an arm around Hermione's waist. Her smile was his weakness, so he gave up any objections to the triple date.

Susan walked into the second floor girl’s bathroom. She had a lot on her mind. She’d decided that murder was perhaps not her forte, and that she needed to figure out another way to make Harry hers. That was why she needed to go down into the-


The redhead startled as she looked up to see her best friend. Hannah was standing in the middle of the bathroom, hands on her hips, glaring fiercely at her.

“H-Hannah. What’s going on?”

“Where is it Susan? Do you have it in your bag?”

“What are you talking about?” Susan asked in genuine confusion.

Hannah huffed. “You’ve been sneaking off to this bathroom more and more lately. You act normal most of the time, but sometimes I see these flashes. An evil grin here, some steepled fingers there. The other day I heard you laughing maniacally in your bed.”

Susan gulped. She thought she’d covered her tracks, but it seemed her best friend had picked up on a lot of stuff. But how could Hannah have figured out the rest? Figured out that Susan was-

Hannah thrust her hand out. “Now let me have it, Susan!”

“Have what?” Susan was back to just being confused.

“The Devil’s Lettuce. You’ve been partaking in it, haven’t you?”

Susan blinked once, then twice, before she broke down into giggles.

“Hannah, I don’t do that type of stuff. Look.” Susan held her satchel out to her friend. Hannah narrowed her eyes as she dipped her hand in and rifled through her bag, but after a thorough check, she didn’t find anything untoward.

“Wait, so you aren’t doing drugs?” Hannah’s face was flush with embarrassment.

“No, silly. I just came here because it helps keep me calm.”

“And the evil laughter?”

Susan thought quickly. “I want a spot in that wrestling thingy. I’m hoping I can impress Mr. Thomas with my evil character.”

“Oh.” Hannah said lamely.

“Now come on, let's get out of here.” Susan said, wrapping an arm around her friend’s shoulders as she made sure to keep her from looking at a particular sink. Hannah shouldn’t be able to deduce everything just by looking at that sink, but Susan was not taking any chances.

Meanwhile, Hannah felt mightily embarrassed. And to think, she’d gone off to Professor Sprout and snitched on the people she knew did Devil’s Lettuce after she thought they’d gotten poor Susan hooked. She just hoped they hadn’t gotten into too much trouble.

“You’re Neville Longbottom.”

Being randomly told what his name was was not a common occurrence, but when Luna Lovegood was involved, anything could happen.

Neville had been leaving the greenhouses when he’d passed by a group of students huddled around a tree. One of them, a willowy girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, caught sight of him and stepped out from the group.

“Y-Yes.” Neville said tentatively.

“You’re good at Herbology.” Luna seemed to have a spacey look permanently etched onto her face.

Neville straightened up. “I am.” Herbology was about the only thing he was good at, so he took a lot of pride in it.

Luna nodded sagely, “Do you have any Lettuce on you?”

“L-L-Lettuce?” Neville blanched. “Like, the vegetable?”

Luna giggled airily, “Yes, similar to the vegetable, only its red in color, covered in trichomes and smells rather pungent.”

Neville’s eyes widened. She couldn’t possibly mean the Devil’s Lettuce!

“Luna!” Cho Chang was rushing over, followed closely by Terry Boot and Lee Jordan. “Don’t go asking random people about it! Especially not a square like Longbottom.”

“Hey! I’m not a square!” Neville yelped in indignation.

“Terry had some in his bag after all.” Lee added.

“Yeah, I forgot I scored some off Montague.”

Terry had just finished rolling up a paper with some red herbs in it. He put the rolled up paper to his mouth, licking it to help the seal.

“You guys are going to actually smoke that?” Neville gasped.

“What, you an auror or something?” Lee asked challengingly.

Neville sputtered. “N-No, it's just… doesn’t that cause you to be possessed by a demon?”

“They actually prefer to be called daemons, with a silent A.” Luna corrected.

Everyone else snorted.

“Duh! That’s why you always have someone nearby to slap your back real hard. The demon loses its grip when you cough. Then you can enjoy the high.” Cho explained.

“That sounds really dangerous.”

The group, sans Luna, rolled their eyes in unison. “Whatever, dad.” Cho said.

Terry suddenly caught a glimpse of someone approaching. “Shit guys, its fucking Sprout! Quick, we gotta hide this.”

The panicked teens passed the joint around, until Luna took it from Cho and shoved it into Neville’s hand.

“Hey!” Neville jumped back, holding the joint in between his palms.

“Listen, Longbottom, if you take the fall for this, we’ll stop calling you a pathetic loser.” Lee urged.

“You guys were calling me a pathetic loser?” Neville croaked.

When Professor Sprout appeared, she saw Neville holding a blunt filled with devil’s lettuce out to four panicked looking students. She couldn’t believe her star pupil had sunken so low, but there was really no other conclusion to draw.

“”Mr. Longbottom! I can’t believe it! Trying to tempt these poor students with that nasty drug? We’re going to see the Headmaster!”

“But!” Neville protested, but Sprout hit him with a silencing charm, dragging him away as the four students were left behind.

“Fuck!” Terry kicked a rock. “I paid a pretty galleon for that.”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Longbottom, you won’t be in too much trouble.” Albus said as he inspected the joint closely.

“Albus, we cannot allow this type of thing to persist at our school, especially when we have such a massive spotlight-”

Dumbledore raised his hand up and Pomona’s mouth snapped shut, though she was now glaring at Albus. “Pomona, these are children, doing innocent, childish things.”

“Albus! Potentially summoning a demon from the ninth circle of hell doesn’t sound like an innocent, childish thing!” Pomona croaked, glaring daggers at her once star pupil, who was squirming under her gaze.

Dumbledore walked over to Fawkes. “A light, old friend?” He asked as he held the joint up.

Fawkes swept his tail over the tip of the joint, lighting it in a flash of flame. To Professor Sprout and Neville’s great horror, Dumbledore then took a deep hit.

The Headmaster’s eyes turned crimson as he started rasping in an odd tongue in a low, guttural tone.

Sprout raised her wand defensively as Dumbledore began to emit a dark aura and the objects in his office began to float. Fawkes smacked the headmaster in the back with his wing, and Dumbledore began coughing profusely, his eyes returning to their usual twinkling selves.

“That was very weak, Mr. Longbottom. A month’s detention, I’m afraid.”

Harry and Daphne had absconded to a broom closet, where Daphne was playing one of her new favorite games.

It involved her tongue running up and down Harry's shaft, followed by her taking his crown into her mouth and taking his cock halfway down her throat.

Needless to say, it was fast becoming one of Harry's favorite games too.

Harry watched as his girlfriend's full, pouty lips closed around his shaft, her throat muscles tightening up as her tongue worked around his length.

Daphne wore a look of complete concentration. Finally, she pulled his cock out of her mouth, doing it slowly, letting Harry feel every inch of her tender throat and tongue.


Daphne smacked her lips a few times. "Bella." She answered with confidence.

Harry chuckled. "Nope."

Daphne groaned. "But, when did you even have time to fuck Lily today?"

"She kept me after class again." Harry's face turned slightly more serious. "Actually, she did say something pretty important afterwards."

He flashed back to that moment earlier in the day, when he'd been between his mother's legs…

"Fuck! Baby, keep giving it to mommy!"

Harry didn't need any more encouragement. Lily was sitting on her desk, tweaking her nipples as Harry's cock slid into her tender cunt. She stared down at the spot where her son's shaft disappeared into the pussy that had birthed it, and just the thought was enough to heighten Lily's pleasure tenfold.

The door to her classroom was locked. This has happened so many times now, the first years knew just to wait until their teacher was done having her talk with her son.

Harry rolled his hips, changing the angle of his cock inside his mother's cunt. His rod turned sideways inside her velvety walls and that delicious friction drove Lily wild.

Harry dipped his head down to capture one of Lily's perky breasts into his mouth. They needed to be quick, but Harry always made sure his mother came out of their encounters completely satisfied.

He felt Lily's orgasm approach, and Harry pulled his cock back until just the head was inside of her wet folds. He grabbed his cock by the base and began circling it around the edges of Lily's cunt, letting his turgid head ravage the lining of her walls.

Harry had timed it just right. Just as Lily's cunt squeezed the life out of his head, he exploded inside of her, flooding her with rope after rope of his gooey cum."

Harry had barely gotten started on his reminiscing when Daphne had jumped him. He was now holding his girlfriend's weight up as the blonde bounced on his hard cock.

"You're insatiable."

Daphne gasped as his cock seemed to hit a new spot with each bounce. "Can you blame me? Your explanation made me so horny! Especially the part where you moved your head around her entrance."

Harry looked befuddled. "I just said we had sex. I didn't go into any detail at all."

Daphne blushed. "I guess I have an overactive imagination."

Harry pushed Daphne up against a wall. He grabbed onto his dick, sliding it out until just the head was in her entrance. "Still, did you mean something like this?"

Daphne screamed as Harry began pushing his cock around the lining of her delicate little treasure, his thick head acting like a bull in a china shop, slapping against her sensitive little nerve endings and sending volts of pleasure coursing through her.

Harry felt Daphne clamp down on him as she suddenly began to twitch uncontrollably. Harry let his girlfriend's convulsions coax him into his own release, though when his balls finally churned and he felt himself about to explode, his head slipped out of her cunt, shooting ropes of sticky semen onto Daphne's pubic mound and her lower stomach.

His girlfriend groaned in slight disappointment. It had almost been perfect, if only he'd cum inside of her.

Harry snorted. "I'll make sure to fill you twice over next time, Daph. Anyways, are you ready to hear the important part?"

"Sure, go ahead." Daphne said, trying her best to scoop as much cum as possible and push it into her pussy. It wasn't the same, though. She needed that rod to inject his hot paste directly into her, damn it!

They quickly got dressed.

Harry absently noted that his mum had chosen to wear green knickers today.

"By the way, I'm glad you and Bella are finally getting along, mum."

Lily smiled nervously. That was another clue for the growing body of evidence that Bella and Lily were getting along more than just fine.

Perhaps it was time for him and Daphne to make a move?

"Well, you know, once you get past all the pettiness, Bellatrix is actually a very charming witch." Lily coughed into her fist. "Actually, would you and Daphne like to have dinner with us?"


"Yes. It would be in my quarters. Next Monday, we- I mean I'd like you to be there at seven sharp! There is a very interesting program on the wireless that I think would interest the both of you."

"Next Monday? Sure, I'll talk to Daphne about it."

"So I guess we should just wait until next Monday to see what they have in store."

Harry nodded along as he and his girlfriend finished dressing. "I'm pretty sure they're fucking, Daph. From there to having them join the Coven…"

"It'll be easy as catching that ghoul in the vacuum." Daphne mused, a smile growing on her face. 

Harry felt that perhaps Daphne remembered the ghoul incident a bit differently than he did, but decided not to interrupt his girlfriend. 

"We'll turn the Potter-Greengrass charm into overdrive. We're not leaving that dinner without having seduced Bella and Lily… together this time,"

Harry held his fist out. "Coven power?"

Daphne bumped it. "Coven Power!"

As they walked out of the broom closet, Daphne asked her boyfriend a final question.

"Harry, were Lily's knickers green, earlier today?"

Harry blinked, taking a moment to think about it before replying. "Nah, I'm pretty sure they were red."

Daphne snapped her fingers. "Damn it!"



Lol I'm loving this Dumbledore


Where’s chapter 15? Did I miss something?


If you check the tag or the collection 15 is right there