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The winner of this month's poll was a Harry and Older Harry dual harem situation. I began writing the one shot when, as happens a lot with me, the story got away from me and became something completely different. As I kept writing, I knew that I couldn't just turn the fic into mindless smut. So, I created this separate one shot, which is basically a PWP.

Usual warnings. Degenerate smut ahead.


“Remember, Harry, we really need to put on that Potter charm!”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it, Harry.”


Harry rolled his eyes as his older self inspected himself in the mirror, checking the cuffs of his button up shirt.

Cyrus… you know you can still pick a different name?”

“Why would I want to? Besides, I already introduced myself to her mother as Cyrus.”

“It's just such a stupid name.”

The older Harry smacked him across the back of the head. “You're only ten, what do you know about cool names?”

Once again he rolled his eyes as he looked at the little outfit he was wearing, a slightly altered copy of his older self's attire: blue button up shirt, brown slacks and shoes that felt just a bit too tight.

“Hey, chin up little Harry. This is important.”

“Is it really though? What's so special about this girl?”

His older self- Cyrus - frowned. “What's so important? This is Hermione! I've told you before, she's our best friend, the most brilliant witch around!”

“She's a bit of a know it all.” 

Cyrus huffed. He wished Sirius was around, but the old dog was still taking his well deserved world tour after they'd managed to prove his innocence. One side effect of having taken his younger self from the Dursleys at such a young age was that little Harry wasn't quite like he'd been. Either he wasn't as meek and humble or he wasn't starved for attention, but it seemed that he hadn't been too keen on Hermione, at least not yet.

“Like, do I really have to go to a muggle school just to get close to her?”

“You have to go to muggle school regardless, you need a wide base of knowledge.”

Harry snorted. “Yeah, I'm sure a fourth grade education will come in real handy in the future. My cursive notebook will be the dark lord's demise.”

Cyrus pinched the bridge of his nose. When had raising himself turned into just raising a child?

“Listen, who's the time traveler here? Hermione is important, give her a chance. It's just a play date anyways, you guys will find something fun to do and then we'll tell her all about magic.”

“Whatever. Just remember you have to take me to the Arrows game next saturday.”

Cyrus ruffled Harry's hair, much to the boy's displeasure, and the older man jumped back to evade the boy's retaliation.

“Harry, you're here! I can't wait to show you my book collection. I have the entire Encyclopedia Britannica set!” A bushy haired girl gushed excitedly.

Harry did not seem to share her enthusiasm as she grabbed his arm and practically dragged him off into the home. 

Cyrus chuckled as he smiled at Hermione's mother, who had just turned back towards him after staring off at her daughter and Harry. “I'm sorry, my Hermione can be a bit much, and she's never had friends over before.”

Cyrus knew for a fact that Hermione had never had friends before, period. Deep down, it was the main reason he had enrolled his younger self in her elementary school. He missed Hermione dearly, and he'd wanted to give her a friend.

“Please, come in Mr. Peverell.”

“You can call me Cyrus.” He said.

Hermione's mom made a bit of a weird face at his name, though she quickly hid her reaction and held her hand out. “Emma.”

“Nice to meet you, Emma. Is um… everything alright?”

“...why do you ask?”

“Nothing, just, you reacted weirdly to my name, is all.” He regretted bringing it up the moment the words left his mouth. He should have just let it go.

“Oh, nothing, it's just a strange name. Are you persian?”

“No, full blooded englishman.” The silence between them turned a bit awkward. “Just… my mum was really into history, is all.”

That didn't do much to break the ice, and Emma's laugh sounded quite forced. “Right, well, please come in.” She stepped aside and Cyrus walked in through the door.

The home was very nice, as expected for a family of dentists. Though now that he thought of it, he hadn't seen Hermione's dad anywhere.

“Is Mr. Granger in? Or did he get called out?” Cyrus didn't think dentists got called out for emergency surgery or anything, but he hadn't really spent much time in the muggle world proper, so he could be wrong.

Emma's face turned into a proper frown then as she crossed her arms defensively. “Mr. Granger no longer lives here. We're in the process of getting divorced.”

“Oh.” Fuck. “I'm sorry, I didn't know.” 

That must have been another one of those butterfly effect situations that resulted from him traveling back in time. It only made him feel all the more guilty, knowing he had caused Hermione's parents to divorce, somehow.

“Its fine.” She said in a haughty voice that told him it was nowhere near fine. He swallowed a lump in his throat as he tapped his foot nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. “So ummm… would you care for some wine?” He held up the bottle of expensive red wine he'd grabbed from the Black family stores.

“I don't drink.”


“Did you finish next week's homework?” Hermione asked excitedly.

Harry couldn't believe how geeked this girl was over bloody homework of all things. Really, the more he got to know her, the more perplexed he was that they ever became friends. Well, even for his older self, it took a big fuckoff mountain troll to actually bring them together.

“Nah.” He said casually. “I'll maybe take a look at it Sunday night.”

Hermione frowned, shooting him a stern look. “That's not very responsible of you. You've already been late once, you don't want Miss Parker to think you're the wrong sort.”

“Of course not.” He said with a hint of sarcasm. “You have any games here?”

Hermione turned, rummaging through her desk drawer. “I have this science and history brain game. We ask each other trivia questions, whoever answers the most questions correctly wins.”

Harry made a face as he saw the box. The makers of the game hadn't even tried to make look it appealing to children. Its bland front cover made it look more like a textbook than a game.

“Isn't that just more studying?”

Hermione huffed. “Its fun.”

“Maybe to you. But some of us don't want to have our nose stuffed in a book all day!”

Harry immediately knew he messed up, especially when he saw the girl's lip quivering and her eyes welling up with tears.

“You're just like everyone else!” She screeched, jabbing an accusing finger at his chest and poking him really hard.

“Hey!” Harry batted her hand away as Hermione turned and ran crying from her room.

Harry cursed under his breath, knowing he'd likely lost his tickets to the Arrows match.

“What do you do for work?” 

Cyrus fiddled with his fingers on his lap as he maintained eye contact with Emma, no matter how awkward it became. They were sitting on opposite ends of a sofa, and Emma's defensive stance told him if she could expand the couch by several feet, she would.

“I don't really have a job per se. I mainly just take care of Harry, plan for the future, stuff like that.”

Emma looked incredulous. “And how can you afford a school like Preston?”

Cyrus shrugged. “I inherited a good amount of money. And my godfather is pretty well off too.”

“I see.” It seemed that this information made her opinion of him plummet even further.

“Im not some sort of layabout or anything! I do stuff, important stuff!”


Cyrus bit his lip. It wasn't like he could tell her about his ongoing plans to kill the Dark Lord without first explaining magic to her. Then again, he was going to go into that anyways, and maybe if he showed her a bit of magic, he'd be able to wipe that snooty look off her face.

“Not that it matters.” She waved off. He'd taken too long to respond, the moment was lost. “Your Harry seems like a wonderful boy, I met him before when I was picking up Hermione. He's full of energy.”

“He's definitely full of something.” Cyrus muttered under his breath.

“You say you're his uncle?”

Before he could respond, they heard a loud wail as Hermione came running down the stairs, stomping through the living room as she cried her eyes out.

“Is everything alright?” Cyrus asked in a concerned tone.

Emma, for her part, didn't seem as worried. “What happened, honey?”

Hermione sniffled. “H-Harry was mean to me!”

“What?” Cyrus hopped off the couch. How dare his younger self make Hermione cry!

“I didn't say anything, I swear. I just didn't want to study!” Harry called from the stairwell, looking both guilty and terrified.

Cyrus grit his teeth as he glared at his younger self. “Harry, what did you say?”

“I'm sure it was nothing.” Emma said. “Hermione, honey, you need to learn to have thicker skin. Not everyone will share your interests.”

“B-But muuum!” The bushy haired girl wailed.

“Hermione Granger!” Emma snapped back at her.

Hermione whimpered as she began to cry in earnest once more. She bowed her head in shame and ran right back up the stairs, bumping past Harry as her cries drifted off into the distance.

Emma shook her head. “That girl. Her father really messed her up, I swear.”

Cyrus was openly glaring at Emma. “I'm going to go and see that she's ok.”

Emma shrugged. “Knock yourself out.”

He got up, not sparing Harry a glance as he went after Hermione.

Emma sighed, looking over to the petrified Harry and tapping the space beside her on the sofa. “Come here, Harry. I have a feeling you'll be better company than your uncle.”

Harry laughed nervously as he walked over. “He's not so bad.”

Emma shook her head. “You're such a kind boy, come on, sit with me, I won't bite.”

Harry plopped down on the cushion next to Hermione's mother. Emma scooted over, quickly closing the distance between them and invading Harry's personal space.

Harry was startled as her sandalwood perfume assaulted his senses and he felt the heat of her body. Hermione's mother was a beautiful lady, with light brown hair that was long and straight, not like Hermione's bushy mess. She had warm brown eyes, and currently, Harry was being presented with a view of her considerable cleavage, which was almost busting out of her blouse.

“You're not into boring stuff, are you Harry?” 

Harry gulped, heat rising up the back of his neck. “N-No.” 

Emma smiled. “Why don't you come with me to the guest room? I'll show you something really fun.”

Hermione had her head buried in her pillow as she sobbed. She heard her door open and turned, expecting to see Harry ready to offer an insincere apology.

“M-Mr Peverell?” She gasped, wiping tears from her eyes as the older man walked up to her with a sympathetic smile.

“You can call me Harry.” He said as he took a seat on her bed.

“I-I thought your name was Cyrus?” She managed to say in between sniffles.

“Errr… it is, but Harry is my middle name. Its reserved only for the pretty girls.” He winked at her, and Hermione flushed deeply as she bowed her head in embarrassment.

“I'm not pretty. I can't even make friends, all I am is a bookworm.”

Harry quickly wrapped an arm around her, bringing her close as Hermione continued to sniffle. “Don't say that! You're pretty and smart, you're brilliant, and anyone that says otherwise is just jealous!”

“You mean that?”

Harry's heart almost broke at how weak and meek she sounded. His Hermione was strong. The strongest witch he knew. “I mean it. I think you're brilliant, Hermione Granger.”

“And you think I'm beautiful?”

Harry smiled. “I do.” He leaned in and placed a kiss on her forehead, lips lingering for perhaps a second too long.

This was Hermione. He missed her so much. All those years, and they never quite got the timing right. He was with Ginny and she with Ron, and then the war turned worse.

But this Hermione… this Hermione was looking up at him with wide brown eyes and flushed cheeks. This Hermione… he could make up for lost time and then some.

He leaned in again, but this time his lips aimed for her own. Her gasp was snuffed out by his lips covering hers. Harry hugged her close as he let himself get lost in the kiss. He didn't use any tongue, simply content to enjoy the warmth of her soft lips.

When they broke apart, Hermione was shivering. “M-Mr Pev-”

He chuckled, his nose blowing air into her face. “Harry.”

Hermione's eyes fluttered. She was so innocent, so unsure, and yet he craved her so. “Harry.”

“Do you want another kiss, Hermione?”

She nodded meekly, and before she finished Harry was already obliging, claiming her lips as he pushed her onto her back, his body enveloping hers.

“What kind of game is this?” Harry asked as they stood on opposite sides on the bed. 

Emma was sliding her pants off, revealing wide hips and a slightly doughy mid-section, her mound covered only by a pair of pink knickers. “I'll explain as we go along. First, we both need to take our clothes off.”

Harry obliged. She had a head start and he wanted to win, so Harry threw his shirt and pants off in one quick motion, already having his boxers halfway down as Emma pulled her shirt over her head.

The older woman giggled, each peal of laughter sending pinpricks running up Harry's spine.

“You're so full of energy, Harry.” Emma said as she worked on the clasp of her bra. Harry watched in awe as the garment fell and her large tits were unleashed. Gravity exacted the slightest of tolls, but her breasts were still so large and beautiful, dark brown areola surrounding her pink nipples.

Harry felt his little cock stiffen instantly as he was mesmerized by those two globes. Emma was eying his member like a hawk, and the way she stared at it stirred something deep within Harry.

“God, Harry. I've been wanting you for so long!” She said as stepped out of her knickers.

“You have?” Harry asked incredulously, going mute as his eyes fell on the thick patch of dark brown pubic hair that sat right above her juicy, dripping pussy lips.

“Ever since I first saw you at school. I've always had urges, but I've been able to control them, but not when I saw you.” She shook her head widly, hair flying about. “That's why I divorced my husband. I couldn't lie to myself anymore.” Emma crooked her finger at him. “Come on, Harry, lets play.”

“Oh Merlin, ‘Mione!” Harry groaned as his hands roamed all over Hermione's young body.

Hermione was overwhelmed by new sensations as Harry's rough, adult hands touched her in ways she had never experienced before. They groped at her bum, sliding between her legs while simultaneously pinching at her chest before moving on to somewhere else. In school, they had been taught about the ‘bad touch’, but this didn't feel bad at all. Quite the opposite.

 Harry was completely lost. Years of pent up lust and yearning exploded outward as he greedily pawed at every single inch of his pure, pristine ‘Mione. He touched her narrow hips and slid a hand under her shirt to grope at her flat chest. She had yet to ripen, and he would have her all to himself this time, to savor her at every stage of her development.

That last thought drove him wild with need, an idea planting itself in his head and refusing to dislodge itself.

He slid down Hermione's body, his face tickling her as it brushed against her skin.

“H-Harry!” She giggled, still a bit delirious from his kisses and his roaming hands.

Harry grabbed onto her pajama bottoms, blue with little owls on them, and pulled them down. Hermione's eyes widened in shock, this new escalation taking her by surprise. 

Harry sent her a reassuring look, which he hoped wasn't ruined by his burning lust. “It's alright, Hermione, It'll be fine. I promise it'll feel amazing.”

“It will?” Her voice sounded so small, so innocent. He wanted to take her in his arms and never let her go.

“I promise.”

He slid the bottoms down, revealing her slim, pale legs, skin smooth and creamy, along with a narrow little pink slit in the middle.

Harry licked his lips as he began to kiss his way up her legs. Hermione twitched and shivered with each kiss, Harry's firm grip on her thighs the only thing keeping her body still.

“Oh god, H-Harry! I feel weird!”

Harry continued to kiss his way up her thighs, letting his tongue out to have a taste as he reached the meatier, softer parts, the parts that jiggled lightly as he lathered his saliva over them, his tongue zig-zagging over them in a desperate bid to taste as much of her as he could manage.

Then, he bumped his nose against her cunt. Her knees buckled as her knee jerk reaction was to slam her legs shut, but Harry kept her open as he sniffed deeply, wanting to imprint her scent into his very being.

“You smell so good, ‘Mione.” Harry moaned as he gave her a long, slow lick, the broad side of his tongue going from her ass crack through her lips and up to her clit.

Hermione thrashed and writhed around as electricity coursed through her entire body. Her hands jumped to her mouth, trying to muffle the scream that was ripped from her throat as her honey brown eyes crossed over.

Harry gave her a moment, savoring every single morsel of her flavor, sweet and bitter at the same time, before he came back around, his tongue circling around her rosebud before swiftly sliding upward. He pressed his face against her cunt, fingers leaving red marks on her thighs as he dragged his tongue across her, scraping up every little drop of her underage dew before he reached her clit, tiny as it was, wrapped his lips around it and gave it a nice, hard suck.

This time she couldn't muffle her scream. Hermione shrieked like a banshee as Harry forcefully gave her her very first orgasm. As the girl's hands gripped his head and the overwhelming sensation caused her to sob, Harry vowed that she would be his for life.

Only he could give her this pleasure. Only he could take his ‘Mione's purity.

“M-Mister P-Peverell!” The girl panted out between sobs. Harry really should have cast a silencing charm on the room, but he found that he didn't care. Let Hermione's mother run in, she wouldn't keep them apart.

Finally, he released her poor little clit from its prison of ecstasy. He kissed her outer lips, nuzzling his face against her tired cunt. “Its Harry, baby. I'm your Harry.”

“My Harry?” She asked in a hoarse voice.

He nodded. “Your Harry. And you're my ‘Mione.”

He slid up on the bed, hands desperate undoing his trousers and freeing his painfully hard cock, which dragged along her sheets like a club, its primitive brain focused on only one objective as it left a slick trail of pre-cum in its wake.

“T-Thats your penis.” Hermione stated, eyes going wide as she saw the thick, meaty slab.

“You know what it's for, don't you, Hermione?” 

She nodded hesitantly, “I-Its too big.”

“Do you trust me, my love?”

Hermione was overwhelmed by everything that had happened. Not just the orgasm, but this big, handsome older man being so taken with her. She could see the want in his eyes, somehow, even though they'd never met before, he truly did love her.

“I do.” She found herself saying, even as she was terrified by the engorged cockhead that was settling in on her entrance.

Harry used a little bit of wandless magic to ensure she would feel no pain. 

He could never hurt her.

“Look into my eyes, love.” He said, emerald boring into caramel as he thrust lightly.

His cock met so much resistance, it was such a tight fit, but he was determined. Hermione tensed under him as his cock wedged itself inside of her lips, barreling through her sensitive nerve endings. It was slow going, inch by excruciating inch as Hermione moaned, her entire world being reconfigured in a moment.

He broke through her maidenhood and she felt no discomfort. She was stretched beyond comprehension, being completely filled by Harry's thick, manly cock. She clung to him with desperation as he bottomed out inside of her, her immature pussy clinging to his meat, stretched thin enough that she feared it would tear.

Harry rested, basking in the feeling of finally claiming his Hermione, of finally doing what he should have done back in the tent, back at the Yule Ball, back in first year.

“I'm sorry baby, I need to move.” Harry groaned.

“OH GOD!” Hermione squealed as Harry thrust into her. Each thrust seemed to reverberate throughout her entire body. Each piercing jab of his cock into her walls made burning flames radiate outward throughout her body. Hermione could do nothing but squeal and squeeze Harry tight as he rutted harder and harder into her pussy. Her ears rang and her toes curled as Harry fucked her with abandon, using her body for his pleasure.

Harry couldn't stop even if he wanted to. The sight of Hermione's body taking his plowing as best as it could, as her bushy hair bounced wildly above her and her pussy turned raw red, was too much. He lost himself in his wild lust, and he only began slowing down when his balls couldn't handle it any longer.

His last few thrusts were jerky and disjointed, until finally he spiked himself into her and exploded, flooding her pussy with his seed. 

Harry panted as he rolled over, keeping the whimpering Hermione hugged to his chest as his cock continued to jerk and spurt inside of her. He ran his hands through her hair, whispering soothing words of love as he tried to regain his bearings.

“Oh god!” Harry groaned as Emma bobbed her head in front of him.

She was sucking on his immature cock, one hand cupping his balls while she engulfed his entire member with her mouth. Her tongue was digging under his foreskin, running circles around his head while she applied suction with her mouth.

Harry was desperately holding onto Emma's head. His balls and cock were on fire, as the older MILF devoured his cock, hands squeezing his ass cheeks as she tried to gobble him up.

Just when he thought he couldn't handle any more, she opened her mouth wide and swallowed his balls whole as well. 

“Emma!” Harry screamed as his cock sputtered inside of her mouth, his little balls churning out an impressive volume of semen that filled Emma's mouth rather quickly.

Emma's eyes widened in surprise as she gleefully swallowed Harry's bountiful gift, churning his cock and balls around inside her mouth as she chugged down his salty seed.

Harry groaned as his now overly sensitive cock continued to be stimulated. When Emma finally released him, opening her mouth wide as she swallowed the last of his cum, he let out a relieved breath.

“You are such a stud.” Emma purred as she got up, pushing Harry onto the bed.

“I… I don't know if I-”

Emma cut him off, pulling his head into her bosom, rubbing her tits on his face. “You'll make me Happy, won't you, Harry? You can make me feel like a woman again. Go on, suck on my titties.”

Harry found himself complying, opening his mouth and suckling on one of her painfully erect nipples while his other hand pawed at her free breast. Emma rubbed herself on him, shuddering as she ground her sopping cunt on his thigh.

Her hand went to his cock, gripping it firmly as she stroked it. Harry wanted to complain, he was still far too sensitive, but Emma kept his head buried in her tits as his body reacted, his cock rising until it was fully erect.

Emma scooted over him then. The older woman was fully in control as she nestled herself in between his legs, putting her full weight on him as she ran her slick cunt along his shaft.

“Oh, Harry. You're going to fuck me so good!” She moaned. Harry let go of her nipple but he was unable to get a word in as Emma dragged his face across her tits, rubbing them all over as she lined herself up with his cock.

She sat down on him, swallowing his cock up entirely as his member disappeared into her pussy.

“Fuck! What a perfect cock!” Emma finally pulled Harry's head back, only to claim his lips in a ravenous kiss. Harry moaned as Emma gyrated her motherly hips, grinding his cock around inside her pussy. She lifted her hips up and slammed them back down, her beautiful ass slapping down onto Harry's thighs as she fucked the life out of him.

Harry's hands instinctively reached out and squeezed her tits as the rest of him was overwhelmed. Emma's tongue dominated his own while her pussy squeezed and twisted around his underage cock.

Emma began to bounce harder now, slamming down on Harry's lap with force that might have broken another boy's hips. But Harry endured, and not just that, he enjoyed it.

He began thrusting back, meeting her halfway as their crotches slammed against each other. This drove Emma over the edge, as her young lover proved to be more than just a sex toy.

Emma came at the same time as little Harry's balls emptied once more. She collapsed on top of him, wrapping herself around him as she felt his hot seed flood into her. She felt her very soul sing as she was filled, and she knew that she would not be able to go without this feeling ever again. She would need Harry to fill her up, every single day, to give her that warm feeling in her belly.



“You can just call me Harry… its my middle name.”

Both were standing in front of each other in the living room. Emma had and arm around a blushing Harry while the man was doing the same with her daughter. All four of them were naked.

A look of understanding crossed between the two of them. 

“Would you like to spend the night?” She asked.

Harry smiled. “That would be wonderful.”

“Hermione has nightmares, sometimes, would you be alright watching over her?”

Harry raised an eyebrow as he slid his hand down, brazenly lifting up Hermione's nightie and running a finger over her cunt, streaks of semen leaking out. “I'd be happy to. And you can keep Harry company.”

Emma smiled, reaching into Harry's pants and groping his cock. “I think we're finally seeing eye to eye.”


There you go. I could maybe create other chapters of this with the two Harry's and other mother/daughter duos. Just smut without much of an overarching plot.


Darth Reven

Nice short feel like young Harry a prick though if you do go the route of making more chapters will young Harry get with the older women and Harry with the young like if they meet Dalphne will young Harry hook up with her mom and older Harry with Dalphne. Don't know about that lol Narcissa and Adromida I feel would fall more towards older Harry just don't give him the name he picked lol it horrible lol I agree with young Harry just have older Harry be named Harry as well. I feel that tonk would be a fun add for older Harry overall I really liked older Harry more then younger Harry lol but yea great job can wait for the next

Hadrian v.E.

An incompetent buffoon and an edgelord dweeb? They should've sodomised each other rather than laying their undeserving hands on Hermione and Emma.