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Sunday evening saw Harry cuddled up on the sofa with Fleur and Nym. 

They had spent most of Saturday helping Harry get used to vibratus mentula. It had been a bit strange, a mix of sex for pleasure and sex as work, but it had ended up being quite enjoyable all the same. Harry had decided to only deploy it for very short time intervals, seconds at a time really. He had seen some progress, nothing major, and he was sure a prolonged use would still knock him out of commission, but there had been some baby steps.

Come Sunday morning, Nym and Fleur were completely beat. They had tried to push to keep training, but Harry had shut it down, and so they'd spent a lazy Sunday relaxing, sharing light kisses and deep cuddles.

They had decided to while the rest of the evening away watching movies on the couch. The clock on the wall told Harry he would have to leave for Hogwarts soon, but Fleur's warm body nuzzled up on his side kept him anchored to the couch. He was also waiting for Sirius, who had yet to return from what had surely been a wild weekend of his own.

Harry rubbed Fleur's side as the veela's face was buried on the side of his neck. She had been lightly snoring for a while, having dozed off within the first twenty minutes of the movie. Harry didn't think he had the will to wake her up.


“Fuck.” He hissed, his other hand stroking Nym's curly blue hair. 

That was the other reason that made getting up so difficult.

Nym was lying across his lap, half-paying attention to the movie while she nursed his cockhead in her mouth.

She wasn't actively bobbing her head. No, instead, she had just taken him into her mouth to keep his cock warm while they watched some horror film that Harry could hardly follow.

Even with such a lazy blowjob, Harry found himself close to blowing his load down the metamorph's throat. He was sure his lover would happily guzzle down his seed, and the hand petting her head began to tense slightly, a sign for Tonks that he was drawing closer.

A crash from the kitchen startled the three of them. Fleur fell off the couch as she gasped awake, while Harry tucked himself back in his pants and Nym leapt to her feet, pulling her wand out from her pajama bottom. 

“Puuup! Still here?!” Sirius drawled from the kitchen.

The trio let out sighs of relief as Fleur shook her head in anger. “I swear I will strangle that man one of these days.”

They walked out onto the kitchen to find Sirius laid out on the kitchen floor, red faced and riddled with bruises.

“Did you get into a bar fight or something?” 

Harry asked.

“Looks more like he got trampled by a hippogriff.” Nym said.

Sirius groaned as he pushed himself off the floor and stumbled back onto his feet. His clothes looked tattered and he smelled quite strongly of booze and stale cologne.

“Bah! You kids wouldn't know a good time if it hexed you in the bits. I had an incredible night!”

“Night?” Fleur scoffed. “You were gone for two days.”

Sirius grinned roguishly as he brushed himself off. “Time flies, doesn't it? Take it you lot had a boring old time?”

Harry shrugged as Nym and Fleur smiled slightly. “We had fun.”

Sirius stumbled over to the stool, resting his forehead on the counter as Harry fixed him up some tea.

“So your muggle girls took you for a spin?” Nym asked.

Sirius lifted his head up. “It was just the one. She was incredible. I think this old dog finally met his match.”

Harry raised an eyebrow. In all his years of wild flings, Sirius had never once uttered those words.

“Well, I need to get going, got an early day tomorrow.” Harry said. He patted his godfather's shoulder as the old dog nursed his tea. Nym and Fleur followed him to the floo, and after some hugs and kisses, he disappeared in a flash of green flame.

Marietta walked down the stairs to the Ravenclaw common room. Once again, she had woken up to an empty dorm. Marietta had always been a heavy sleeper, and usually Cho would take it upon herself to wake her up before they went for a shower.

That had all stopped on friday. She was getting the silent treatment, not just from Cho, but from the rest of her friend group. She had also been subjected to constant scornful looks from all the DA members all weekend.

It was like they thought she'd insulted Umbridge on purpose or something…

Cho was huddled up with the other Ravenclaw DA members. Padma, Su Li, Terry, Michael, Anthony and the others had been speaking in hushed voices until Marietta had made her presence known.

Marietta expected to receive more of the same shunning she'd experienced throughout the weekend. But when they all turned to look at her, the piercing looks they sent her made a chill run up her spine.

“Marietta. Come over here.” Cho beckoned her over.

Marietta glanced around, “Me?” She pointed at her chest.

“Only Marietta in the school, aren't you?” Terry Boot said with a sharp edge to his voice.

Marietta gulped, once more feeling fear creeping up. Yet, her feet were moving, and soon she was standing before her fellow ravenclaws, who all looked at her with judgmental eyes.

“You're coming to the meeting tonight, aren't you, Marietta?” Su Li asked..

“O-Of course.” She answered. There had been no doubt in her mind of that. “I-I would have thought you didn't want me there, with the way you've all been treating me.” 

“Don't play the victim, Marietta. We all know. He knows.” Padma said.

She blanched. “H-He does?” She had dropped all pretense of innocence now, even the self-delusion she'd put herself under when she'd done what she'd done vanished as things became quite clear.

She had been insubordinate.

“You need to show up tonight and take your punishment. You understand that, right?” Cho insisted.

Marietta swallowed. There were so many options open to her, so many ways she could just blow the entire thing up on everyone's face. But she didn't consider any of them. She couldn't consider any of them, there was only one real option.

She'd been insubordinate. She needed to be punished. 

“W-Will I be ok, afterwards? Or will you all still hate me?”

“It doesn't matter, you brought this on yourself.” Michael Corner said. “You betrayed the group, Marietta, you don't get to hope for redemption.”

Marietta's hands clammed up with sweat before she lifted her head and gave them all a nervous nod. “O-Ok. I'll be there.”

“Good. Now get out of here.” Cho dismissed her.

Marietta turned around and left, feeling a heavy weight settle on her shoulders. She would spend the rest of the day with a growing sense of dread, a growing fear of just what her punishment would entail, but also an intense self-loathing. She'd let the DA down, betrayed the group, betrayed their leader. 

She deserved whatever punishment was coming to her.

Ancient Runes was a disappointment of a class. When Daphne had chosen to take it at the end of her second year, she'd fantasized about learning how to carve runes and imbue them with magic. She knew that's what the highest level of the field entailed, and she'd been excited by all the possibilities it brought to the table. She may not have been the best at rapid-fire spellwork (though she was no slouch) but with time to prepare, she felt there were no limits to what her twisted mind could conjure up.

Except, three years in, they were still learning nothing but theory, mostly translating different runic alphabets and understanding the differences between them. It was a glorified language course. If the other electives had not been even more repulsive (Care of Magical Creatures? Muggle Studies? Divination?)

Daphne would have dropped the course. As it stood, she endured it, she did well in the course work, and it gave her time to think.

Her lady had said that Daphne would receive a tutor on the true application of runes in the future, once she'd learned more of the sexual arts.

Daphne preened in excitement as she thought of her training, absently doodling scribbles on the margins of her parchment before regaining her focus.

She had a job to do.

She looked to the head of the class, where Professor Babbling had her back facing them as she detailed yet another sequence on the board.

Then, she glanced to her left. There, eyes darting nervously from the board down to his notes, was Neville Longbottom.

The fact that Longbottom had stuck through three years of Ancient Runes despite being an abject failure at the subject was a testament. Wether that testament was to the boy's perseverance or his foolishness, Daphne didn't know, though she leaned towards the latter. At that very moment, Longbottom was staring a hole through his notes, as if that would somehow help the information seep into his thick skull.


Daphne's whisper startled the boy enough to make him audibly gasp. Daphne glared at the buffoon, but thankfully, a cursory look around showed that Babbling hadn't turned around, and everyone else was either focused on their work or half asleep.

“Y-Yes?” Neville asked, looking at her as if she was moments away from slitting his throat. A scenario that was starting to look very appealing to Daphne.

“May I borrow a quill?”

It took far too long for the boy to process her question, but just as Daphne opened her mouth to repeat herself, he answered, his voice breaking. “S-Sure.” 

The chubby boy bent over and reached into his bag, pulling out a worn down old quill and holding it out to her. “D-Do you need an inkwell?”

“I have my own.” Daphne said.

She reached out to grab the quill, and her finger brushed against Longbottom's as she took it. The boy stiffened, and she swore she could hear his heart thumping loudly before she retracted her hand.

Daphne immediately turned away from him, though she kept an eye on him. She watched as the boy stared down at his hand.

He was probably wondering why it was so wet and sticky. The reason was obvious, of course. Daphne had brushed a concentrated dollop of her dew onto his hand.

He remained frozen for a few moments as Daphne silently urged him on. Then, his thumb brushed up against his index finger, experimentally sliding the slick material against his skin.

And then, finally, he did it. He brought his hand up to his nose and he gave it a sniff.

Daphne smirked as the boy's short intake of breath turned into a deep inhale, filling his lungs up with her concentrated scent. 

One. Two. Three. Four. Five.


“Y-Yes?” He glanced back at her, much calmer now, eyes glazed over.

Daphne cast a subtle privacy charm around them, enough to keep everyone's attention off of them for a few moments.

“Tell me, where does Potter set up your little meetings?”


“No need to lie. I know all about them.” She didn't, but Longbottom was about to tell her. “He's started a clandestine little group, hasn't he? To stand up against the ministry.”

The boy squirmed in his seat, but the influence of her musk and his weak will kept him firmly in place. “I don't know what you're talking about.”

Daphne's eyes narrowed. She opened her legs and increased her Tau, a slightly thicker musk wafting from her and towards Longbottom in order to reinforce the dose he'd already inhaled.

“I am not asking, Longbottom. I command you: where is Potter holding these meetings?”

The boy opened his mouth, but whatever noise was about to come out died in his throat. His mouth hung open as he appeared to malfunction, eyes straining as he seemed to be fighting with something.

It took Daphne a while to understand what was happening. Her influence was fighting against something else, likely a contract or an oath that prevented the boy from revealing a secret. It seemed that her tau was not yet strong enough to overcome it. 

A shame.

“Forget I said anything.” Daphne said dismissively as she dispelled the privacy charm and faced forward again.

Longbottom blinked, glancing around in confusion before returning to his usual anxious self as he found himself even more behind in the class, the last few minutes gone from his memory.

It seemed that Daphne would have to fall back on her secondary plan. 

When class ended and everyone was collecting their bags, Daphne reached into her own, palming a small sack full of black powder. As everyone shuffled their way out of the classroom, it was child's play to slip the sack into Longbottom's bag, making sure to drop it near the bottom where he wouldn't see it.

In a few hours, the sack itself would vanish, turning Longbottom's bag into a mess of dungbomb residue.

“Can you believe it? That git's strolling around like he owns the place now.” Ron said as he watched Malfoy pomp around, inquisitor badge proudly displayed on his chest.

“So nothing's changed then?” Seamus said.

“The plan is still the same.” Harry said. Everyone at the Gryffindor table was leaning in, hanging off his every word. “They're itching for any chance to provoke us and escalate this fight, we can't let them.”

“I don't think it'll be that easy, mate.” Ron said. “What'll happen when they start throwing around detentions for no reason regardless?”

Harry frowned. Ron had a point. Non-aggression could only go so far when the other side could abuse their power at will.

“We'll figure something out. For now, just relax, wait for the meeting.”

At the mention of the meeting, everyone leaned in a little bit closer, a sense of excitement hanging in the air.

“Harry, is it true… is it true that Edgecomb's getting disciplined tonight?” Lavender asked him, seeming a bit breathless.

“Ermm, yeah. I'd rather you keep it down a bit, though.” Harry said.

“She deserves it, Harry. You made the right call.” Fred said.

Something about the way they were reacting was a bit too intense for Harry. He pushed off the table. “Like I said, guys, keep your cool, don't make any waves. I'll see you tonight.” With that said, Harry left the Great Hall, taking advantage of the fact that Malfoy and his newly christened Inquisitorial Squad were too preoccupied with their lunch to try and mess around with him.

As Harry left, he didn't notice the icy blue eyes that followed his every move.

He was back in the chamber again, filled with anticipation as he stepped up to the book. He cracked it open, a smile forming on his face as he saw a lengthier update than what he was expecting.

If you are reading this, then you have successfully unlocked the second technique. If so, you will have noticed the wench secrete a purple discharge upon her completion. This discharge is a sign of her complete submission to you, and it is only secreted the very first time she is subjected to the technique.

If you are able to, I suggest you bottle this wench juice, as it is quite potent and can be used in a variety of potions, some of which are later outlined in this work.

Harry cursed Slytherin's brother. Of course the bastard would put such valuable information in a spot that guaranteed Harry will have wasted Fleur and Nym's ‘wench juice’. 

Oh well, what's done is done. He just needed to make sure to collect the next time he used the technique on another witch.

If you encounter a female practitioner of the art known as ‘Tau’. This discharge is a sign that you have won your struggle with her, though be wary, the more powerful users of sex magic will not fully submit like common wenches, and it generally takes complete domination in the arena of sexual combat before these harlots will be truly tamed.

On to the next technique, son of my bloodline. This will first require a potion to be brewed. The ingredients are as follows:

It then proceeded onto a list of ingredients. Most were easy enough to source, some would be an absolute pain, and of course, the wench juice was listed among them. It then went on into the brewing instructions. They were complicated, but nothing too daunting for a budding alchemist like himself. It appeared that it would take a week in total to brew.

And of course, everything after the instructions was completely blurred out. A sinking feeling settled into the pit of Harry's stomach as he predicted that in a week's time, he'd be downing a potion with no idea of what it's side effects could be.

Dolores Umbridge left lunch early. She didn't usually do so, and especially now that she was High Inquisitor, she needed to project her authority to keep the peace, to ease the poor students' weary young minds as their own Headmaster sowed chaos and misinformation.

But today, for some reason, she'd just felt like leaving early. She had a class of first years who were still struggling with using their quills. It was understandable of the mudbloods, their brains were less developed, after all, but even the purebloods seemed to have issues. Young children were not writing letters like they used to, perhaps due to the insipid influence of mudbloods.

Regardless, the children's papers were always a mess and it took her longer to grade, so perhaps she could set up a little workshop on how to properly use an inkwell. That seemed like wonderful material for a Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Dolores turned the corner when she saw someone trying to tiptoe their way out of her classroom. Her initial reaction was to yell, which was unfortunate, as the culprit heard her. Their face was obscured, and they immediately turned tail and ran. 

“Get back here! You dawdling delinquent!” She cast a few curses, but her aim wasn't the best, and she was never going to catch up to a teenager.

Enraged, Dolores peeked inside of her classroom, face morphing into a mask of ire.

Dungbombs. They'd filled her classroom with them! 

She slammed the door shut and marched her way back towards the Great Hall. Whoever this perpetrator was, they would be caught, and there would be hell to pay.


Harry closed the door to Myrtle's bathroom, once more thanking his lucky stars that the ghostly girl was nowhere to be found.

He walked in the general direction of the owlery, the logistics of brewing the potion running through his head. He would need to express order some of the ingredients, perhaps have them sent to Fleur's parent's home and have her collect them for him. By his rough estimation, it should take about two to three days for him to have them all in hand, as long as he hustled.


He didn't hear it the first time, nor the second, so lost was he in his thoughts and so sure that no one in the castle could pose a threat to him.


That finally got his attention. Harry turned his head in the direction of the voice.

A black girl with striking blue eyes stared back at him, arms folded as she casually leaned against a pillar.

Harry had no idea who she was. His first impression was that she was quite pretty, gorgeous even, with a refined elegance to her that reminded him of Fleur. Then, he noticed the green trim on her robes and stiffened.

“Yes?” He asked guardedly, glancing around as if expecting an ambush.

The girl laughed. A light, airy laughter that only reinforced her regal aura. “I'm not going to have you hexed, Potter. As if any of my house mates could do anything to you.”

Harry did not relax. “What exactly is it that you want, err…”

The girl pouted, her plump lips looking mighty kissable. “The great Harry Potter doesn't know my name? I'm hurt! I am Bliss Zabini.”

“You're a Slytherin.”

“Very quick on the uptake, Potter. Next, you'll figure out I'm in your year.” Bliss pushed off the wall and walked towards him. Harry kept his defensive stance, hand ready to jump to his wand. Bliss acted as casual as could be.

“I am disappointed in you, Potter. For such a so-called genius, you're quite narrow minded to just assume I'm a danger to you just because of my house.”

“You guys haven't exactly done yourselves any favors over the years. And now you've joined up with Umbridge.”

Bliss quirked an eyebrow. “Do you see a badge on me, Potter? I'm not interested in buying anything that disgusting toad of a woman is selling.”

“Why exactly are you here? How did you find me?”

Bliss shrugged. “I find you interesting, Potter. I always have, especially now with your claims that the Dark Lady has returned.”

“So you're stalking me?”

“Call it what you want, Potter.” Bliss was closer now, close enough for the scent of orange blossoms to waft into his nose.

“Believe it or not, I want to help you.”

Harry scoffed. “And how exactly are you going to help me?” 

He couldn't help it, his eyes drifted over her curvy body before he could stop them. Worst of all, she noticed, though she chose to let him off with only a knowing smirk.

“I overheard Draco talking to his cronies. They know Longbottom will set off some dungbombs in Umbridge's office. They're going to have his bag checked before he can dispose of the evidence.”

Harry sputtered. “W-What? What the hell are you talking about?”

Bliss looked surprised. “You genuinely don't know? I guess that's a point in your favor, I had you pegged as an idiot for encouraging your followers to perform acts that would so clearly backfire on you.” She pursed her lips. “Though you should try and keep your house in order, if your subordinates are going into business for themselves.”

Harry searched her face, looking for a lie that wasn't there. He turned around and sprinted towards the Great Hall.


Harry stopped, looking over his shoulder as Bliss smiled at him.

“You look quite handsome when you're all serious.”

Harry huffed before he turned back and left. Bliss watched his retreating form, the smile never leaving her face.

He arrived to the Great Hall in media res of the spectacle.

“Dolores, this is quite irregular-”

“As High Inquisitor, I have supreme authority!”

She had lined up a bunch of male students against the wall, all of similar heights and builds, their bags at their sides.

Behind Umbridge, the Inquisitorial Squad stood at attention, while the professors and the Headmaster sat at the high table.

“Whoever did it, it was merely a childish prank-”

“It was an assault, Dumbledore. It was an act of terrorism on my person and the person of the minister by proxy. Whoever did this will be punished severely.”

Harry slipped in behind, managing to muscle in between Fred and George.

“Harry, you're back.” Fred hissed.

“What's going on?” He asked, though he already knew what the answer would be.

“Someone threw a bunch of dungbombs into Umbridge's classroom - and it wasn't us this time, we swear! -  and now she's got a lineup, wants to expose the culprit in front of the whole school.”

Harry looked at the lineup of boys, his eyes settling onto Neville, who was pale faced and practically shaking in his boots. 

His eyes narrowed. “It was Neville.”

“What?” The others nearby asked incredulously. “Neville Longbottom? No way!”

“Keep it down.” Harry said as he twirled his wand. “Dean, give me your bag, make sure there's nothing weird in there.”

“There isn't, all I got is my footy cards.”

“Take those out.”

Dean did as asked, handing his bag over to Harry. As Draco leaned in and whispered something into Umbridge's ear, Harry transfigured Dean's bag, making it an exact match for Neville's.

As Umbridge's eyes turned into slits and settled on Neville, Harry's work was done, and as she stalked over to the terrified boy, he cast a simple switching spell.

The only one to notice was the Headmaster, and he showed no reaction.

“Mr. Longbottom, do you have anything to say for yourself?” 

Neville was quivering as Umbridge stood in front of him, trying and failing to keep himself ramrod straight. “N-No m-m-ma'am. I had nothing to do with it!”

“Where were you during lunch?”

“I-I was in the greenhouses!”

“I despise liars, Mr. Longbottom. Show me your bag.”

Neville did just that, looking terrified as Umbridge held up his bag.

“Dungbomb residue does not go away easily, and this is the same bag I saw on you when you made your cowardly escape.”

Dolores flipped the bag over, spilling its contents.

Books. Quills. Parchment. An ink pot. A chocolate frog and several cockroach clusters.

But no residue.

The air was blown out of Umbridge's sails, the tension in the room dropping to nothing.

“You insolent boy, you swapped it out, didn't you? You did it on purpose!” Umbridge raged.

“Dolores, I believe that is enough for now. Everyone is dismissed.” Dumbledore said, having regained control of the situation.

Umbridge seethed, but she moved away, her glare now redirected towards Draco while most of the student body quickly dispersed.

Harry and the others left with Neville's bag in hand, and once they were a reasonably safe distance away and found a private spot, Harry turned it over.

A cloud of black soot rushed down like an avalanche, falling down over Neville's books and parchments.

“I can't believe it.” Ron said. “Why would Neville be so stupid?!”

Harry shook his head. “Everyone, go to your dorms, get ready for tonight's meeting.”

As everyone dispersed and Harry vanished the mess of powder from the floor, Harry couldn't help but think back to the cute Slytherin that had averted a disaster.

Perhaps it would pay to become better acquainted with Bliss Zabini.


The DA meeting started a little bit later than usual. Everyone was on high alert to not arouse Umbridge's suspicions, and they needed to be careful with her hit squad now prowling the halls.

Dumbledore had pulled Harry aside and talked to him about Neville's behavior, indirectly telling him to try and keep the other students in line. It seemed that the headmaster had at least an inkling that Harry was running these clandestine meetings, which was not surprising.

People had been trickling in slowly until the Room of Requirement was almost full. The mood was tense, with no conversations really going on around them as people were hyper focused on the door.

Then, Cho, Ginny, Susan, Hermione and the other older girls walked in with Marietta in tow. They were escorting her as if she were a wanted criminal, and the mob of students hissed and jeered as the brunette bore a shameful look on her face.

Right after, Neville walked in flanked by Ron, Seamus and the twins, and the intensity of the mob energy continued to grow, as the two were brought up to the center of the room, up on a raised platform.

Marietta was crying while Neville was shaking, and as the others dropped them off and came to stand around near Harry, things were hanging on a razor's edge. People were bubbling with rage, and Harry got the distinct feeling that if he didn't do something, things could get out of hand very quickly.

“Maybe we should lop her tits off?” Ginny hissed. And to Harry's horror, no one, not even Hermione, tried to reprimand her.

He realized now what was going on, what had been going on since Marietta did what she did.

The magic of the contract had seized on the opportunity, it had used it to strengthen the bond between them. Nothing brought people together quite like shared hatred, and right now, Marietta and Neville were despised. They had betrayed the group, and as the magic of the contract wormed its way deeper and deeper into their souls, the DA saw it not just as a betrayal, but as a danger to their very survival.

If Harry let things run, there was no telling what extremes they would go to. He needed to take over the reins, now.

“That's enough!” Harry yelled, his voice cutting through the fog of their rage as he swiftly walked up to the platform, standing in front of the ‘condemned’.

“Neville and Marietta are here to be punished, but we can't forget that in the end, they're part of our group. Once they have seen the error of their ways, they will be as loyal as any of you.”

He was met with grumblings, as people disagreed with Harry's words but did not want to argue with their leader.

Harry sighed internally, and loath as he was to do it, he knew he would have to draw from his inner Voldemort. “In the end, these two have strayed from their path, and we are here to set them straight.” Harry cringed as he spoke.

“H-Harry, I d-didn't-”

“Just shut up and accept it, Longbottom.” Marietta snapped at the boy before shooting a hopeful glance towards Harry, eager for any brownie points she could earn.

Harry watched as Neville suddenly stiffened, bowing his head and slouching his shoulders. Under the massive pressure that surrounded them, he had chosen to accept his fate.

These were dangerous waters Harry was treading on. Volatile magic that could easily blow up in his face if he was not careful.

He raised a fist up in the sky. He would have to lean into it. “Tonight is about strengthening our bond, about unity, about healing our family!”

They cheered, they cheered like maniacs. Even Hermione was jumping up and down wildly, not taking a single moment to challenge Harry's words.

“Now, me and the girls will take Marietta through that door.” Harry pointed to his left, to a door that had not been there three seconds prior. “And we will handle her, I’m leaving you guys in charge of Neville's discipline.”

The guys grinned, shoving and bumping each other like a pack of rabid wolves jockeying for position to feast on a kill.

“But don't cross any lines, remember that he's still one of us. You take any liberties, and it'll be worse for you than it was for him. Got it?”

“Got it, Harry.” Ron answered for all of them. Satisfied that he'd tempered their bloodlust, he grabbed Marietta by the arm. The girl did not resist as they walked off the platform, leaving Neville at the mercy of the guys.

The girls followed behind Harry as he pulled Marietta into the space that the room of requirement had conjured for him. It was smaller than the other room, bare with only a stone table in the middle.

Harry led Marietta to the center and then turned to face the girls. There were quite a few of them, ranging from Angelina, who was in her seventh year, to the youngest, a third year by the name of Romilda Vane.

Hermione stepped up from the group. “Harry, we've spent all weekend deciding on Edgecomb's punishment, and well… in the end, each one of us did their own little part.”

Susan and Hannah walked up to him, placing their hands on his chest as they led him away from Marietta. “Let us handle this, Harry.” Hannah said.

“I swear we'll make you proud.” Susan insisted, her soft hand squeezing his chest as someone sat him down on a plush throne that someone must have asked the room for.

Soon, Harry had Susan behind him, massaging his shoulders while Hannah and Lavender sat on either side of him and Su Li plopped down on his lap, her small, lithe figure feeling light weight as she pressed her back against his front. “We drew lots. I won.” She explained.

Harry gulped as each girl seemed quite intent on touching at least some part of him. Su kept adjusting, grinding her tight bum against his rapidly hardening cock.

“Ahem!” Angelina drew Harry's attention forward, even while the girl's fingers on his arms and shoulders did their level best to draw it back. “Now that I have your attention, let's get started. Strip.” She spoke to Edgecomb using her quidditch captain voice, and the girl readily complied, starting by lifting her top off and freeing her small, a-cup breasts.

The moment they were visible, Cho came up and slapped her friend's tits, causing her to flinch. “Don't think we'll go easy on you just because you're playing along now, traitor.” She hissed.

Marietta's face flushed in embarrassment under the intensity of so many glares. She bent over to push her skirt down along with her knickers, and when they slid down past her knees, Ginny produced a thick, wooden paddle which she swung against Marietta's ass.

Marietta yelped, falling to her knees on the floor as her ass instantly turned beet red. At that moment, the other girls swarmed like wasps all around her.

Romilda Vane clipped some charmed nipple clamps onto her, Padma stuffed a ribbed dildo up her ass while Parvati took Marietta's knickers and stuffed them in her mouth. Hermione then clasped a spiked ball-gag over it. Cho casually slipped out of her own knickers and placed them over Marietta's head, pulling them down over her eyes. 

Marietta's moans were muffled by the ball gag and her knickers as Padma worked the dildo in and out of her ass, every inch a struggle as she’d made sure the dildo didn’t self-lubricate. Ginny continued to wield the paddle, alternating between each of the girl's cheeks as she swung with all the force she could muster.

Meanwhile, Susan leaned forward, her breasts resting heavily against the back of Harry's head as Su was now wantonly grinding against his crotch, his cock having reached full mast.

Hannah reached down and undid his fly, letting his cock spring free. All four girls gasped as both Hannah and Lavender grasped at it, wanting to feel its throbbing length for themselves.

Meanwhile, Cho had taken the paddle from Ginny's hand and turned it sideways. Ruthlessly. She shoved the handle into Marietta's pussy, the girl's body thrashing about as her cunt was violated.

“Take that ball-gag off.” Angelina said. Katie and Alicia followed their captain's orders, removing the gag and knickers, the room becoming filled with Marietta's screams.

Padma had a hand shoved down her front, furiously rubbing at her clit. “Can I go first?” She asked.

“Go right ahead.” Hermione said.

As Harry watched, Padma pulled down her knickers and hiked up her skirt, exposing her trim little pussy, covered by a bushy little patch of curly black pubic hair.

Padma shoved her muff up against Marietta's mouth. Marietta looked like she wanted to gag, but as Romilda tugged at her hair and pushed her face forward, Padma began undulating her hips, and Harry could see Marietta's tongue working its way inside her pussy.

“We all made sure not to wash this morning.” Cho told her friend. “You're going to spit-shine every single one of us.”

Hermione touched her wand to the chain that connected the nipple clamps, and white sparks began to course through the metal. Hot tears fell down Marietta's cheeks as she closed her eyes and continued to eat Padma out. 

Meanwhile, Su had tugged her knickers to the side, lifting herself up as she fingered her wet cunt before sinking down onto Harry's cock.

She moaned, the other girls looking on in jealousy as Harry popped her cherry, her impossibly tight asian pussy squeezing him like a vice.

“Fuuuuck.” Harry bit his lip as Su bravely tried to take his full length, though he ended up bottoming out two-thirds of the way down, the girl's pussy stretched to its absolute limit.

Su threw her sleek raven hair off to the side as she leaned her head back against his shoulder, looking up at Harry with hooded eyes as she ground her pussy around his cock.

Then, Harry's head was pulled back. Susan was looking down at him, face flushed as she pulled down the straps of her dress, enough to free her massive knockers.

“I'll take it way better than she can, Harry. It'll feel just like home.” She promised before plopping one of her tits onto his face.

Lavender and Hannah had left them, joining Marietta's discipline committee. Padma had ridden her to orgasm, and now Cho was riding her face while Katie had removed the paddle and was shoving her fist inside her pussy. Hermione and Ginny were torturing her clit, one pressing a hot stone against the sensitive nub and the other replacing it with an ice cube.

Susan kept slapping her tits on Harry's face, until Harry managed to latch onto one of her nipples and suck on it like a teat. Meanwhile, Su Li kept bouncing on his cock, feet sinking into the cushion as she squatted down, twisting her hips to squeeze Harry's cock. Harry had stuffed his hand under her top, finding her flat chest and tweaking and pulling at her nipples.

The line of girls using Marietta continued, with Hermione now taking her pleasure from the girl's mouth, her face absolutely glazed by several layers of slick. The girls had left her pussy alone, but they kept abusing her ass, which was currently gaping as Angelina managed to stuff four fingers inside, working on the fifth.

Su bucked against Harry as her pussy squeezed him tighter still, an orgasm wracking her body as the massive tool inside of her pussy finally took its toll.

Harry moaned into Susan's tits as Su braced against him, the throbbing of her pussy coaxing him closer and closer to his own release. Deciding to help the moaning redhead along, Harry whispered in parseltongue as he licked around her nipple. 

“Oh! Oh MERLIN!” Susan yelled out. She'd been riding a wave of constant but easy pleasure as Harry sucked on her tits, when suddenly, his tongue did something incredible and before she knew it, there were stars in her vision and her knees were caving in as she slipped down onto the floor.

Harry was pulling hard at Su's nipples as she rode her orgasm, back completely arched, presenting her tight bum to him. Then, the girls were dragging Marietta over, and while Su seemed remiss to get off of him, several pointed looks were enough for her to hop off his lap.

Romilda came forward, kneeling in front of him with a giddy look on her face as she took his cock into her mouth, enthusiasm more than making up for inexperience as she bobbed her head, dark brown curls falling over her face as she stroked his shaft.

“Don't get greedy now.” Ginny said in a warning tone as Romilda brought him closer to orgasm. The third year didn't seem to listen, increasing the speed with which she devoured his cock, taking it far down her throat with commendable recklessness.

Just as Ginny was about to tug her hair back, Romilda pulled out, streams of slobber falling down onto his cock as she gave it one final kiss. 

Marietta was pulled forward just as Harry erupted, blasting her face with several jets of white hot cum. Her nose, eyes and forehead got the worst of it, but a decent amount of Harry's seed also splashed against her hair and dribbled down her chin onto her chest.

When he was finally done, her face was a gunky mess of his and the girl's cum. She was beaten, broken and humiliated, and the girls all seemed quite satisfied with their work.

Several minutes later, they were all walking out of the room, fully dressed and freshened up. Marietta was limping, and her face looked white and cakey.

Hermione had cast a charm on her, making it impossible for her to clean off Harry's cum until the charm was removed. 

Meanwhile, it seemed that the boys had done their job on Neville as well. He was hobbling, and he had a nasty shiner on his right eye, but Seamus and Dean were holding him up, and everyone seemed quite pleased with themselves. More than that, Neville was laughing and smiling along with them. 

It had all been so savage, so inhuman. But it had bonded them together all the same.


Hadrian v.E.

Harry's utter stupidity and the ease in which he's led around by his hormones have soured everything else after the Bliss scene for me.