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“Moony! You grew your hair out?”

Remus smiled as he finally spotted Sirius and Peter on the platform. He waved at them, brushing back some locks of his sandy brown hair that had fallen over his face.

“It seems I wasn't the only one.” Remus said as he glanced pointedly at Sirius’ dark curly hair, which now reached his shoulders.

Sirius smirked. “Chicks couldn't get enough of it before, might as well feed them more, right?”

“You know, there is such a concept as too much of a good thing.” 

Sirius snorted. “I mean, I don't disagree, Moony, I am too much for just one girl, that's why I spread the love.”

Remus shook his head as the two boys shared a hug. Remus then did the same with Peter, who was his usual nervous self.

“How was your summer, Remus?” 

“It was fine. How about yours, Peter?”

“Come on guys, we're using the code names, remember?” Sirius insisted.

“You guys aren't even fully animagi yet.” Remus said.

“Me and James have been using them all summer, I'm Padfoot for life.”

“Do I really have to be Wormtail?”

“Hey, its not my fault you're a rat animagus.”

Remus glanced around the platform, “Where is James, anyways? He's usually here before us.”

Prongs should be here any time now.”

“I hope so, the train's about to leave soon.” Peter wrung his hands worriedly.

“There he is!” Sirius barked as he pointed towards the back, where a familiar head of supremely messy hair could be seen parting the crowd.

As he drew closer, they were able to make out James’ face. A few moments later, just when his torso emerged from the crowd, they were able to see he was not alone.

Next to James was a diminutive copy of him. Same messy hair, very similar facial features, with the only big difference being a set of emerald green eyes that popped out in the crowd. 

“Oh, I forgot James’ little brother was coming to Hogwarts as well.” Remus said.

“Lucky you. The little toe rag spent the entire summer reminding me.” James said as the two boys arrived. 

“Hey there, Mini-Prongs.” Sirius ruffled Harry's hair, much to the boy's annoyance.

“Don't do that!”

“Alright now, Harry, scram! Me and the guys have grown up stuff to discuss.” James said, pushing his younger brother away.

“You guys are fifteen.” Harry said. “You're only four years older than me.”

“Four years makes all the difference, Prongslet. You'll realize that when you're older.” Sirius said.

“Now come on, shoo, go and find some other ickle firsties to hang out with.”

Harry huffed as he shot his older brother a glare. “Whatever.” 

Remus frowned slightly as they watched Harry storm off towards the train. “Maybe you should have helped him get settled in a bit, James?”

James shook his head. “He'll be fine. Harry's a little monster, he can take care of himself.”

“I can back that up. Kid gives as good as he gets. And he might even be better than you on a broom, Prongs.” 

James glared at Sirius. “Don't even joke around like that, Padfoot. Now come on, we have marauder business to discuss!”

As the four fifth years hopped onto the train, Harry was struggling to pull his trunk up the steps onto one of the cars. He was a big, strong boy, there was no doubt about that, but his trunk was really heavy.

“Here, let me help you.” 

Harry felt the weight lighten and he was easily able to hoist his trunk up onto the train. He lifted his head up to say thanks, but the words died in his throat as he was left stunned by the beauty before him.

The older girl gave him a kind smile that made his heart stop beating. She had the most beautiful face he had ever seen, more beautiful than any of the girls he'd seen when they'd gone on holiday to Spain that one year. She had long, luscious auburn hair and a pair of striking emerald green eyes that Harry had only ever seen in the mirror.

“H-Hi.” Harry stuttered out as he finally found the energy to resume breathing.

The redhead frowned slightly as she looked at him, putting an emphasis on her full, pouty lips that made the young boy shudder.

“I'm sorry, you wouldn't happen to be related to a James Potter, would you?”

Harry's heart fell. Of course this girl knew his brother. She was probably swooning over him and was about to ask him to help her get with James.

“Y-Yeah, he's my older brother.” Harry said in a defeated tone. 

“Oh.” She said, her voice growing a bit cold. “Well, have a good day.” She said curtly.

Harry's eyes widened in panic as the redhead made to turn around. He didn't know what his brother had done to make her so angry, but Harry did not want this absolute goddess to be upset with him for even a moment.

“Could you help me find a compartment? I mean, I'm sorry, I know you're probably busy, but my brother kind of ditched me and this is all a bit overwhelming.”

Harry felt no remorse for throwing James under the bus and playing up his wide-eyed first year act, especially when he saw her expression soften as a kind smile returned to her face.

“No worries, just give me a sec.” She disappeared from view before quickly returning with a trunk in tow. She hauled it up the steps, and Harry quickly scrambled down to help lift it up.

Lily giggled. “Thank you! You're so polite!” 

Harry grinned, greedily soaking up her praise and hoping that she took a page out of Sirius’ book and ruffled his hair.

She didn't in fact do that, but the two of them walked down the corridors as they looked around for an empty compartment, and Harry was quickly becoming intoxicated by her sweet, flowery scent.

“My name's Harry, by the way.”

Something sparked within Lily. “Funny, that's my dad's name. I'm Lily, Lily Evans.”

Harry decided then and there that Lily was the most perfect name he'd ever heard.

As they passed by one compartment, its occupants waved fervently at Lily, and one of them leapt up to slide the door open. “Lils! You're finally here!” The brunette that had peeked her head through the door raised an eyebrow when she noticed Harry. “Who's the kid? No offense, but he looks a lot like Potter.”

“Oh, Marlene, this is Harry, he's James’ younger brother, I was actually helping him find a place to sit.” Lily explained.

There was an awkward silence as Marlene processed who Harry actually was, and sensing the shift, Harry decided to put on some more of that innocent firstie charm.

He looked down at the floor bashfully and shuffled his feet, just like he'd done hundreds of times to get out of trouble with his parents. “I-I can find my own compartment, I know you want to be with your friends, Lily. Thank you for helping me.”

“Wow, I didn't know a Potter could do polite and nervous.” Marlene marveled.

Lily bit her lip as she saw the boy's downtrodden expression. “You know, Harry. You can hang with us if you want. Right, Marlene?”

Marlene looked more than a bit taken aback, but after a silent argument, she acquiesced. “Sure, come on in, kiddo.”

Harry had to suppress a grin that would have lit up the sun as he was brought into the compartment.

There were two other girls inside, a willowy brunette named Alice Fortescue and a bombastic dark-skinned girl named Dorcas Meadowes. All three girls were quite attractive, more than attractive enough to make Harry's hormone-addled body go haywire, but they weren't Lily. 

As she helped him hoist his trunk up onto an overhead compartment and Harry, with some struggle, returned the favor, he settled into the seat next to her, feeling positively euphoric as just her body heat was enough to soothe him. 

“No, no, that'll definitely require a lot of rune work.” Remus said.

Sirius groaned, with Peter mimicking him after a slight delay. James snorted. “I told you runes was worth it, Pads. Definitely way better than muggle studies.”

Sirius crossed his arm. “You literally swapped into it when you saw Evans had taken it, Prongs. Besides, I wouldn't have found out about motorcycles if it wasn't for muggle studies!”

Remus shook his head. “I still can't believe you stole some poor muggle's vehicle, Sirius.”

“Eeh, I'm sure he won't miss it, Moony. If muggles lose stuff their government just gives them a new one. Isn't that right, Padfoot?”

“Yep!” Sirius nodded along sagely as Peter looked at him as if he were some sort of genius.

“How'd you hide it from your folks?” Peter asked.

“He rode it to my place. I'm hiding it in my broomshed. Dad never goes there anymore.” James said before taking a glance out the window. “Huh, suppose its been an hour now, time to pay Lils a visit, let her know I didn't transfer schools. Wanna come with?”

Sirius shrugged as he pulled his feet off the bench they'd been resting on. “Sure.”

Remus shook his head, never eager to see his friend embarrass himself. Peter made to stand up, but James put a hand up to stop him. “No, it's fine, Wormy. Three might come off a bit aggressive.”

“Right. Right.” Peter said as he scooted back down.

“We'l be back, boys. Unless I find myself snogging the lovely miss Evans senseless, in which case, see you at the opening feast.” James offered them a salute before he and Sirius left the compartment.

Potter and Black. The fearsome duo strolled through the train carriages as if they owned the place. 

“Hope we don't run into Snivellus, that would really ruin my mood.” James said.

“Thankfully, we'll be able to smell him from a ways away.” Sirius said.

They peeked in on every compartment they passed until they finally struck gold.

“Hah, there's even some leftover bitties for you, Padfoot.”

They could hear what was clearly a lively conversation on the other side of the door, which made Sirius grin. “They sound chatty and ready to party to me, Prongs. Let's go!”

“Oh, wow, you're so bad!” Alice said as she bent over laughing. “You're the funniest firstie I've ever met.”

“Handsomest too, I hope.”

Lily gasped. “Harry!” She smacked his arm lightly. “Don't tell me you've been hanging around your brother and his friends.”

“That was way smoother than anything James has ever said.” Marlene said. “You'll be a certified heartbreaker, Harry.”

“I bet you're packing a lot of muscle under there too. How about you give us a little flex, Harry?” Dorcas teased as the other girls giggled.

Lily frowned at her friends as she put a protective arm around Harry. “Stop teasing him, girls.”

Harry leaned into her embrace, relishing the feeling of his shoulder brushing up against the swell of her breasts. “Its alright, I'm used to it.”

“I bet. Living with the class clown can't be easy.” Dorcas said.

Harry shrugged, secretly glad that Lily had not relinquished her hold on him. “I give as good as I get, you know?”

“Oooh, spicy boy, huh?” Marlene said before something caught her eye. “Do you mind me asking where you got that scar?”

The other girls blinked as Lily glanced down at Harry. His fringe had been hiding it before, but smack dab in the middle of his forehead was a thin line of a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt.

“Oh, this thing?” Harry's hand reflexively went up to trace the faded outline. “I almost forget I have it. It used to get really red sometimes when I was little. I don't know how I got it.”

“You don't know?” Lily asked with some concern.

“My parents say they don't know, or they don't wanna say, at least. They always say a lot of weird stuff. Like, they keep saying that they just found me in a random room crying one day.”

Alice snorted. “Why'd they come up with that story?”

Harry shrugged. “I don't know. But they've never told me anything else, no matter how many times I've asked.”

“Mysterious too. You're going to give Black a run for his money.” Dorcas said.

“I see you can't keep my name off your mouths, ladies. It's understandable.” Sirius said as he slid the compartment door open. He'd only been able to hear part of what Dorcas had said, but all that mattered was that he was the topic of conversation.

Lily sighed in irritation as James and Sirius walked into the compartment.

“Hey there, Lilyflower, how was your summer? Me, I had all ki-” James stopped in his tracks when he saw a familiar face snuggled up on Lily's side. “Harry?! What the fuck are you doing here?”

Lily's eyes narrowed as she pulled Harry closer. “Language, Potter!”

“Damn, you really are a little demon, Prongslet. How'd you snake your way in here?” Sirius asked as he casually took a seat next to Marlene, who glared at the handsome young Gryffindor.

“Lily helped me get my trunk onto the train.” Harry said.

James kept glancing between his brother and his crush, rapidly assessing the situation before he plastered on a grin. “You met my baby bro, then, Lils? I taught him all he knows, you know?”

“I highly doubt it.” Lily said.

“Want to go find the trolley lady?” Dorcas asked Alice, who was more than eager to skip the next half hour of James trying and failing to earn Lily's affections.

“Sure.” Both girls stood up and left. Sirius was flirting with Marlene, who much to her own chagrin was finding herself wooed by the dark-haired teen's charms, which left Lily and the Potter boys in their own isolated island.

“How bout you make some room for me on your right, Lils?” James wriggled his eyebrows, and even the inexperienced Harry could tell what a disaster his older brother was being at flirting.

“I'd rather not. We're actually quite full.” Lily said.

“Actually, the compartment's pretty empty right now.” James pointed out just as Sirius walked out with his arm draped around Marlene, shooting James a wink before the two left.

Lily just then realized that her friends had all left, only intensifying the glare she sent the older Potter boy.

“Oh, we can tell Lily about when we went on holiday to Seville! And the time at aunt Mildre-” 

James’ face paled, “No! I mean… that's a story for another time, little bro. I actually need to go back to the boys.”

Lily looked shocked, and quite pleased, that Harry had managed to shut his older brother down so easily. “Harry, can I have a quick word?”

Harry was remiss to leave Lily's embrace, but he didn't want to start an argument just when his brother had agreed to leave. “allright.” 

The two boys walked out of the compartment, and James cast a quick privacy charm just to be safe. “I really appreciate what you're doing, bro.” James said.

“You do?” Harry asked, trying to mask his surprise.

“Yeah, you're getting me into Lilyflower's good graces. I know we've had our differences, but we're bros in the end, right?” 

Harry gulped. “Right.”

“Anyways, just keep talking me up.”

“I will.” Harry got a sudden bout of inspiration. “Actually, I think the best strategy right now is for you to stay away from her for a while. Let me soften her up for you, and then when she's ready, you can just swoop in.”

James grinned as he offered Harry a fist bump. “You are a gentleman and a scholar. I'm glad mum and dad pulled you out of that dumpster.”

Harry's face reddened. “That's not what happened!”

James patted him on the arm. “Keep up the good work, bro.”

Harry returned to the compartment and sat down next to Lily with a new sense of determination. Brother or not, Harry would not give Lily up. As he glanced up at the gorgeous redhead, whom he felt an almost spiritual connection to, he knew there was no way he could step aside. He would endear himself to her, he would use every inch of Potter charm he had to make sure she was his.

“Gryffindor!” Harry hopped off the stool with confidence as he made a beeline for the Gryffindor table. While he had to sit with the other firsties, Lily had been made prefect, so he would get another great opportunity to talk to her soon. 

Harry went through the feast, making small talk with his yearmates as he slowly began to feel comfortable in the castle. As much as he tried to act cool, this was his first time truly away from home and his parents, and he'd been feeling some nerves build up once he'd not had the distraction of Lily.

When the feast ended, the first years were lined up in two neat files with Lily and Remus leading them. Harry stood at the front of one line next to Lily, though he resisted the urge to hold her hand, knowing that in this context it would make him look very childish. The entire way through, as Remus explained small quirks and details about the castle to the other firsties, Harry and Lily continued their conversation from the train. 

“Morning, sparky!” Dorcas said as Harry slid into the seat next to Lily.

Harry made a face as the girl laughed. “Don't like that one either? I'll keep trying.”

“You can just call me Harry.” He said.

“Too boring for such a cool little firstie.” Harry stuck his tongue out at her as he began filling his plate with food.

“How are you settling in, Harry? Need any more help with classes?” Lily asked.

Harry swallowed his food as he received a knowing look from the other girls. At some point, Lily's friends had figured out that Harry's intentions were not those of a boy looking for a platonic older sister. But, surprisingly, they hadn't said anything to Lily about it, and they had continued to be friendly with him. He wasn't sure if it was approval or if they thought he had no chance, but he didn't care, he wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

“Yeah. Just a little bit with charms and potions.” He said.

“You know, Slughorn brought you up recently, told your brother you're practically a prodigy. I'm surprised you need my help.”

Harry smiled. “There's just some ingredient interactions I'm having trouble with.”

Before Hogwarts, Harry hadn't been particularly studious. But when he'd discovered how willing Lily was to tutor him, he'd latched onto it like a drowning man would a life raft. In his first few weeks at Hogwarts, he'd found himself hailed as a prodigy, all because he'd taken to studying ahead so he wouldn't run out of questions to ask Lily.

“Ok. Same time after dinner then.” Lily said before she and her friends gathered their things in preparation for class.

When Harry began walking to his own class, he was pulled aside by his older brother. “Any progress?” James asked.

“It's slow work, but we're getting there. I don't know what you did to her before, but she's got her walls way up about you.” Harry lied easily.

James frowned. “Really? Hmmm, maybe I should just go back to what I was doing before, if you're not having any luck.”

Harry waved his hands frantically. “No, no! I told you, bro, we're getting there. Its not gonna happen overnight, but I'm working the charm. Heck, she just brought you up at breakfast.”

That seemed to brighten James’ mood all the way up. “Really?”

“Yep.” Harry said. James ruffled his hair, forcing Harry to duck under and swat his hand away. 

“You're doing Merlin's work, little bro. Here,” James reached into his pocket and handed Harry a galleon, which left the boy flabbergasted.

“There's more where than came from, just keep it up.”

Harry nodded absently as James left. Part of him felt bad for doing this to his brother, but then, he thought of Lily, and he knew he'd happily live with a spot of guilt. Besides, Lily was her own person, if she chose the better looking, more interesting brother, James couldn't blame him.

It was later that same day that Harry left History of Magic. He felt refreshed after having taken a nice nap, though his evening study session with Lily couldn't arrive soon enough.

He'd had to return to the classroom to grab his bag, which meant that he was all alone as he made his way down to the Great Hall. He'd been at the school long enough now to no longer feel lost, at least in these well-traversed parts of the castle. 

The eerie feeling settled in when he went down a set of stairs and found himself in a hallway he didn't recall ever having passed through. He walked over to the window to try and re-orient himself, but he'd never been in the courtyard he saw either.

A little jolt of panic flared up for a moment before he suppressed it. He was fine, he'd gotten lost before. Never by himself, but it shouldn't be that big of an issue. He just needed to keep going downstairs until he ended up outside and then he'd have an easier time of it.

“I've finally for you, you little brat.”

The hairs on the back of Harry's neck stood on end as he spun around.

He was a sallow skinned, greasy haired boy with a large, hooked nose. If his venomous tone hadn't already set Harry on edge, then his silver and green trimmed robes would have done the job.

“Umm, sorry, do you know the way to the Great Hall?” Harry asked as he tried to inch away from him while pulling out his wand. He had no chance against an older boy, but maybe if he tried catching him with a stinging hex-

“Don't play coy with me, brat! You're worse than your imbecilic brother. Did you think it would escape my notice?” The older boy took a menacing step forward and Harry knew his black beady eyes promised nothing good for the youngest Potter.

“W-What do you mean?” 

“Don't play me for a fool. Lily! You think I can't see through your childish act? You dare try and take what is mine?”

Harry decided it was now or never. He brandished his wand and cast a jelly-leg jynx.

He only had a moment to feel proud that he'd managed to cast the spell correctly under duress when he was thrown back by a jet of white light from the older boy. 

He crashed against the wall and had the air knocked out of his lungs, the back of his head bouncing off the hard stone.

Harry fought against the pinpricks of pain running from his hips to his skull as he struggled to get up. The older boy had a wild look on his face as he held his wand out like a rapier.

“I'll show you, Potter. I'll make you regret ever daring to be in her presence.”

For the first time, Harry felt true fear. This went beyond a schoolyard scrape. This other boy was deranged, and Harry had a feeling the boy was well acquainted with dark magic.

All he could hope for now was that he'd survive this ordeal. And as Harry braced himself for the worst, the boy's face curled up into the most hate filled sneer he had ever seen as he reared his wand back. “Sectu-”

“I can't believe this!” 

The boy's head snapped to the left just in time for a pair of spells to crash into him, his wand flying from his hand just as he was slammed against the wall, the impact so hard Harry could hear the crunch of his scapula cracking.

Lily and Dorcas looked like nothing more than angels descending from heaven as they drew closer. Well, the fierce look on Lily's face might have more closely fit a wrathful goddess. She snapped her wand and thin ropes leapt from its tip to wrap tightly around the sallow skinned boy.

Lily ran over to Harry, pulling him up into her embrace. “Are you ok?” She whispered, and while his body ached as she wrapped her arms around him, Harry only nodded as he nuzzled into her warm embrace.


“I can't believe you would do this, Sev!” Lily snapped, her voice full of fire and brimstone, and Harry saw the greasy haired boy's face pale completely. “When Dorcas told me what you might be up to, I didn't want to believe it! But she was right, they were all right, you're nothing but an evil, greasy little worm!”

Snape looked as if his entire world was crashing down around him. “Lily, you don't understand, he was-”

“I've put up with all your attitude towards my friends, with the types of people you're mixing with-”

“They're jus-”

“They call me a mudblood, Sev! And I didn't want to believe it, before, but now I believe Alice when she told me she's heard you saying it too. I see you for what you are now. Don't even think of coming near me again.”

With a nod toward Dorcas, the two girls left with Harry in tow, Dorcas tossing Snape's wand out the window.

Harry was feeling a lot better, the dull ache from the impact having mostly faded away, but he was fine with playing it up if it meant Lily kept holding him close.

He glanced over at Dorcas, who seemed to surmise his unanswered question in a minute.

“Snape's been looking at you weird for a while now, and when he slinked off after potions without even trying to talk to Lily like he usually does, I knew something was off.”

“I'm so glad I listened to you.” Lily said, shaking her head. “I can't believe I've been so blind this entire time.”

“Hey, at least you finally saw the light, Lils.”

“Thank you.” Harry said, genuinely grateful that he'd been saved for whatever retribution Snape had planned for him. 

Lily ran her soft hand through his hair, and Harry had to stop himself from kicking his leg like a dog. “Come on, lets take you to the hospital wing.”

Harry's eyes widened. “But I'm fine, really, I swear!” 

“You're not fine, you can't even stand up straight.” Lily pointed out.

Dorcas laughed, “I don't think this is something we need to bother Pomfrey with, Lily. How about you let Harry recover for a little bit over there-” She nodded towards an empty classroom with a half-open door. “And I can go down and bring you guys some lunch.”

Harry could not believe what was happening, especially as Dorcas shot him a saucy wink while Lily wasn't looking. 

“Well, alright. But if you start feeling any more woozy we're going straight to the hospital wing.” Lily warned.

“Y-y-yeah, of course.” Harry agreed, still looking at Dorcas in disbelief as Lily led him into the classroom. The classroom was set up with three different rows of benches, and with a wave of her wand, Lily turned the hard wood into soft cushion as they settled into their seats.

“I'm so, so sorry, Harry. If it wasn't for me-”

“None of this was your fault, Lily. Thank you for saving me.”

Lily smiled at him as she unconsciously rubbed his arm. “Are you sure you're not older? You're so mature.”

Harry laughed, his cheeks reddening involuntarily as he shifted nervously. “That's just how I am.”

Lily shook her head. “You're going to make some girl really happy someday, Harry.”

It was like a lead weight had dropped into the pit of his stomach. Was Lily basically saying that she saw him as a kid? Had he fallen into the little brother zone, even after all his hard work trying to avoid it?

“Is everything alright?” His sudden shift in mood must have been obvious enough for Lily to pick up on.

Harry was at a bit of a loss. The logical thing to do was to pretend like everything was fine and just move on, but the more he left things unresolved, the more risk there was for Lily to see him as a little brother. Dorcas had winked at him, she clearly knew what his intentions were and she supported it, that must mean that she thought Lily was also into him, right?

It was a stretch, but he was a Potter and a Gryffindor, he was born to be bold.

“Harry? Oh god, maybe we should go to the hospital wing after all…”

Harry looked up at Lily. Their height difference had never felt so vast as it did now, when he felt like a child in the presence of a young woman. Harry screwed his face up in determination, tamping down all his doubts, and he reached up and pecked her on the lips.

It was like a bomb had dropped. His ears began to ring, his lips tingled from when they'd brushed against her soft lips for a fraction of a second, but more than anything, all Harry could feel was fear. 

He'd just done it. There was no turning back now. 

Lily offered him no clues. She was obviously stunned. Everything in Harry's being told him to look away, but he'd gotten this far, now wasn't the time to become a coward. He stared right back at those gorgeous green eyes that sometimes made him feel like he was staring into a mirror.

Lily bit her lip, her brows furrowing for a moment before she leaned forward. Harry let out a short gasp, which was snuffed out by Lily's lips closing in on his own. 

Harry was in heaven as Lily's auburn hair fanned over him and she pressed her lips harder against his own. He was completely inexperienced, of course, but he just went with the flow, matching her pressure as his hands cradled the back of her neck.

What Lily did next startled him a bit. She let out a little growl as her hands jumped to his hair and gripped hard. Harry gasped at the sudden pain, and Lily took that opportunity to slide her tongue into his mouth.

Harry was overwhelmed, feeling a bit lightheaded as Lily's tongue explored his mouth, brushing against his with a fervent desperation that was matched by the way her hands were roughly massaging his scalp. Lily pushed her body up against his, and Harry now felt the full swell of her breasts as they mashed up against his chest.

It was all so much, all so intense, and only becoming more so. The girl that he had known to be so straight laced had turned feral as she captured his tongue between her lips and began to suckle on it.

Harry was struggling, trying to figure out how to breathe amongst all this sensation that was flooding him. When he finally managed to inhale through his nose and take in some much needed oxygen, Lily finally pulled back, breaking their embrace as she let out long, deep pants.

She was a mess now, her auburn hair looking as windswept as his own, her lips bruised. But more important than all of that were her eyes, those kind emerald orbs that now took on a brighter, almost manic tint.

“Wow!” Harry managed to gasp out after catching his breath. 

“Oh, Harry.” Lily whispered. “Why did you do that?” 

“I don't regret it.” 

Lily shook her head. “I'm not like this. Why do you make me like this?” She quirked her head to the side with a questioning look, as if Harry was supposed know the answer.

Before he could say anything, she was on him again, kissing and biting at his face as her hands roamed his body and she forced him flat against the bench. Her full weight was on him as she found his mouth and snogged the life out of him.

When she next broke away, she bit her bottom lip before looking down at him lovingly. “Are you ok? Does your head still hurt?”

“I'm fine.” Harry said, feeling delirious, but definitely not because of Snape's attack.

“You really couldn't control yourself.”

Lily and Harry scrambled up to their feet as Dorcas leaned against the doorframe with her arms crossed.

“Dorcas… oh god…”

“Please, Lily, you don't have to be embarrassed. It's not like we haven't been hearing the name you gasp out when you touch yourself every night.”

Lily's face went beet red as Dorcas smiled at Harry. “We used to think Lily was asexual. She never even talked about boys, but ever since you've been around, Harry… anyways, please, don't stop on my accord.”

Dorcas closed the door behind her as she stepped further into the room.

“Dorcas, what are you doing?” Lily asked.

“Just pretend I'm not even here.” She took a seat on top of a table, feet on a bench as she smiled at them. “I know you can barely hold yourself back. Come on, Lils, let go.”

Her words seemed to trigger something within Lily, because the next thing Harry knew, the redhead had fallen to her knees next to him, roughly grabbing at his trousers and tugging them down.

“Wait, hold on!” Harry said as Lily pulled down his underwear. His young cock bobbed up in the air. Reflexively, Harry brought his hands down to cover himself, but Lily slapped them away and grasped his shaft.

Harry's knees buckled. He'd barely started masturbating a few months prior, so all this was a bit more than he could handle. 

“I'm sorry, Harry, I just can't help myself.” Lily said as she stroked his rapidly hardening cock. “You don't know how much I've been fighting these urges around you.”

“No need to fight them anymore.” Dorcas said.

Lily wrapped her lips around his head and Harry swore his soul would leave his body. He stared fixedly down at that gorgeous face as she sucked his young, eleven year old cock, her emerald green eyes staring right back at him as she bobbed her head bacl and forth.

Harry laced his hands through her red hair as Lily massaged his head with her throat. Her tongue licked along his shaft and one of her hands caressed his balls. It was sensory overload, and Harry found himself fighting a losing battle against his orgasm, not even able to warn Lily before blowing his load down her throat.

Harry gasped out in release as Lily greedily drained his balls, drinking down the sticky fluid as she continued to pleasure him.

It all felt so surreal, almost like a dream. Lily got up to her feet, not before pulling Harry's pants back up, and hugged the boy close, resting her chin on the top of his head.

“That was amazing.”

Harry had forgotten that Dorcas was there, and now the dark-skinned girl was next to them, rubbing Lily's back. “How did it feel, Lily?”

Lily smiled up at her friend. “He's mine. I want him to be mine forever.”

“Oooh, and Black knocks a bludger right into Avery! Gryffindor recovers, and we've got Longbottom passing it to Potter, Potter to Finn, Finn back to Potter, who performs an amazing roll to avoid a bludger and… HE SCORES! The score is now 60-30 in favor of Gryffindor!”

“Nice going Prongs!” Sirius waved his beaters bat in the air as his best mate celebrated his goal, ignoring the Slytherin counterattack that was currently building up. 

“What can I say, Padfoot? I'm in the zone.” 

“Definitely got to be some wet knickers in the stands.” Sirius said.

James looked towards the Gryffindor section, ignoring the people that were wildly gesturing for him to get back on defense as he searched for one particular redhead.

Lily wasn't there. She'd been there five minutes ago when he'd last had time to check. She must have gone off for the loo. He couldn't find Harry anywhere either, which was a bit-

“Potter! Black! Get your head in the goddamn game! Get back and fucking defend!” 

The shout from Robertson, their team captain, was enough to snap James back into gear. He could wonder about that later, right now, he had to go out there and keep looking good.

The students were cheering and clapping loudly, especially the rowdy ones in the Gryffindor stands. It was a struggle sometimes to be heard above the constant roar.

And so, Lily could be as loud as she wanted as she slurped on Harry's cock under the bleachers.

Lily popped his head out of her mouth and rubbed her cheek and nose on it, letting the spittle and precum coat her face. In the months since they'd been doing this, Lily had gotten really good at sucking Harry's cock, and after his initial shock, Harry had become a more than willing participant in the redhead's debauchery. 

Lily ran her nose down his shaft, gazing up at him the entire time while behind Harry's head, she could see shoes and even faces of her peers.

If only her housemates knew the things Lily Evans was doing with her young, first year lover.

Lily spit on his cockhead before taking it back in her mouth, her throat letting off loud, sloppy glurks that made Harry paranoid that they'd actually get caught. 

Harry held on as long as he could, but Lily had gotten way too good at this, and soon he was grunting out. “I'm coming!”

Lily pulled back. She'd already swallowed twice this morning and she knew how Harry loved to see her face coated in his seed.

Harry's cock twitched and ropes of hot cum shot across Lily's face, some hitting her hair. The last few spurts dribbled out from his cock onto Lily's hand.

The redhead brought her hand to her mouth and licked it clean before she took his head in her mouth and sucked the last few droplets down. Harry knew better than to push her away, even as he felt overly sensitive.

Lily got back on her feet. She was wearing a short skirt and a tight blouse that showed off just how erect her nipples were. 

“Harry, I need you.” She begged as she put her hands against the wooden beams and bent over, enticingly wriggling her pert bum for him.

It didn't matter how many times Harry had cum, all it took was a gesture from Lily for him to be back at full mast. “Gods, Lily, you're gonna kill me.” 

The redhead mewled pleadingly as Harry walked up behind her. He'd not had much of a growth spurt in his few months at Hogwarts, so he had to get up on his tiptoes to line his crotch up with hers.

“Fuck me, Harry. Fuck me hard.” Lily rubbed her ass against his naked cock, and Harry held onto her hips for dear life. His cock felt a bit raw, but goddamn it if he couldn't help himself.

He pulled her knickers down to her knees and placed himself at her entrance, Lily bounced it back, and Harry's cock pushed into her cunt. 

He grunted. Steadying his footing as Lily's ass slammed against his pelvis. She was bigger, older, she was practically a woman while he was still just a boy.

And yet she moaned wantonly for him, she threw her head back, looking lovingly over her shoulder as the lewd, rhythmic slapping of their flesh filled the air.

The cum on Lily's face and hair had dried, giving it a perverted glaze that drove Harry even wilder. Lily reached down to pull her tits out from under her blouse and Harry in turn reached out to give one a squeeze.

They were so large and so perky, so perfect, pink nipples feeling exquisitely soft as Harry rolled them between his fingers.

Harry was slamming home now, and Lily was pushing back with just as much force. If it wasn't for experience, Harry would have been thrown off balance, having to stand on his tip-toes while a sexy fifteen year old witch slammed her fat pussy back against his cock, his balls slapping hard against her clit.

Lily's cunt was juicy and tight, and she squeezed her thighs together as she tried to grip him as tightly as possible, wishing to milk him dry.

“God, yes! Harry, squeeze my tits!” 

Harry did just that, his other hand jumping from her hips to her breasts as he gave them both a big, hard squeeze. He used them for leverage, balancing himself on his aching toes as Lily continued fucking herself on his cock.

“Harry! Harry! Coming!”


Lily came around his cock just as the roar of the crowd reached a crescendo.


The shouts and screams were deafening. Harry could no longer hear Lily moan, but he could feel her pussy grip around him, he could feel her juices as they dripped down onto his hairless balls, he could feel her wet heat turning into a furnace as it spasmed around him. He let himself go just as his toes gave out on him and his feet fell flat. Lily let go of the beams and pushed her ass against him, ensuring they remained sealed together as Harry blew his load inside of her.

They stumbled backward but stayed on their feet, and they ended up upright, Harry's cock slipping out of Lily's cunt as he hugged her close from behind.

“So good.” Lily sighed as the crowd finally calmed down. She turned around and gave him a deep kiss. Harry couldn't help but dip down and take one of her tits in his mouth.

Lily giggled as she rubbed his head. “Everyone's about to start leaving the stands, Harry.”

And they were. The bleachers echoed with the sounds of hundreds of feet moving down onto the pitch or returning back towards the castle.

Harry gave her tit one last hard suck before he pulled back and Lily was able to cover herself with her blouse and lift her knickers back up, the thin material scooping up a trail of slime that had been leaking out of her cunt and sealing it back inside, though Harry could still see plenty of his seed on Lily's inner thighs.

Beating their eternal rivals called for a party unlike any other, and the firewhisky flowed freely in the Gryffindor common room as people celebrated.

Sirius was snuggled up in a corner with Marlene. James was standing with Remus and Peter, his fourth drink of the night in hand as he glanced over at Lily.

“She's really gotten a shine for Harry, hasn't she?” Remus said as they watched the two together in a loveseat.

It was becoming an open secret in Gryffindor house that Lily Evans and James Potter's younger brother were more than just friends. Really, the only reason it wasn't openly talked about was because no one wanted to witness James’ reaction.

James shrugged, staring down into his half-empty red cup. “You know he's putting in a good word for me.”

Remus and Peter looked at him oddly. “Right.”

“Oh James, you were brilliant out there!” Alice said. Her words were a little slurred, and she was swaying. To the point where she began falling over when she reached the marauders, and James had to reach out and hold her.

“My hero!” She said dreamily as she smiled up at him.

James laughed nervously. He looked over towards Frank Longbottom, who everyone knew had a thing for Alice. The boy looked more defeated than anything, clearly not willing to put up a fight for Alice's affection.

The alcohol and the frustration and the view Alice was giving him down her blouse all mixed together into what he did next. James kissed Alice, who wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed back.

The entire common room began to woop and cheer. 

“Nice going, Prongs!” Sirius said from his seat.

“Good for James.” Lily said as she pulled Harry closer to her, feeling emboldened now to be more brazen in her affections.

“Did you know Alice has had a thing for him for years?” Dorcas said. She was sitting next to them, legs crossed as she nursed her own drink. “I just had to give her a little push.”

In the blink of an eye, the waning days of the school year had arrived. The Gryffindor fifth years had just wrapped up their final O.W.L, the culmination of months of intense study.

“I hope I did ok, my vanishing spell took a bit too long to take effect.” Alice said in a worried tone.

James gave her shoulder a squeeze, “I'm sure you did great, babe, after all, you had the best tutor.” 

“Most humble one as well.” Alice quipped as the others laughed. Everyone was there, except for Lily Evans, who had received special dispensation to sit her O.W.L.s early for some reason.

James grinned before someone caught his eye. “I'll be right back.” He gave Alice a peck on the lips before heading off to catch up with the small first year going the opposite way.

“Bro, hey bro!”

Harry turned around and stopped in his tracks once he realized that it was his older brother that was calling. “Finished your owls, big bro?”

James smirked confidently. “I aced them, is what I did. How about your exams?”

“I think I did ok.”

“Yeah right. After all the praise the professors kept shoving down my throat, you better do a little bit better than that.”

Harry smiled. “I'm sure mum will be over the moon if you bring in a bunch of O's.”

James shrugged. “Who knows, maybe I'm on my redemption tour. Still have a shot at making head boy. Anyways, Har, I know we haven't hung out much this year-”

Harry shook his head. “I'm a firstie and you're a fifth year, I wasn't expecting us to.”

“I know, I know, but still, this summer will be all about brother bonding. Besides, we're going to need a new seeker next year, so I gotta whip you into shape.”

Harry smiled up at James. “Or maybe I'll be the one that turns you into a decent chaser.”

“You little shit.” The two boys shared a laugh before James reached out and grabbed Harry's shoulder. “Listen, Har, I should have told you this months ago, but about Lily… you don't have to talk me up to her anymore.”

Harry raised an eyebrow. “I wasn't. At least, not since you've been dating Alice.”

“Oh, really?” James’ expression turned mischievous. “Does ickle little Prongslet have a crush, perchance? Can't say I blame you, Evans is a babe. Hey, who knows, maybe in a few years, she'll give you a shot.”


Jame ruffled Harry's hair, and Harry begrudgingly took it. “I gotta run, bro, see you around.”

“See you.”

Harry watched James run off for a bit before turning around and resuming course. He reached the portrait of a witch feeding a carnivorous plant and looked both ways before whispering the password.

It was strange how no one had speculated as to why Lily Evans had been moved to her own quarters halfway through second term. The official story, that her exemplary grades and heavy extracurricular workload had merited special accommodations, was paper thin and flimsy. Yet, no one had really questioned it. Not only that, but the Hogwarts staff had been surprisingly accepting of the situation. 

It had come as a shock to them, yes, but there had been no discipline handed down, not even a token docking of house points. They hadn't even pressed her about who the father was, even though the answer should have been obvious.

“Harry?” A soft voice called from the bed. “You finished your exams?”

“Yep,” Harry said as he kicked off his shoes.

Lily threw off the covers, and the sight of her took Harry's breath away. She was completely nude, radiant auburn locks falling over supple, porcelain skin. Her tits had ballooned to proportions that looked positively sinful on her still slim teenaged frame, her pink nipples hard and puffy. Most egregious of all was her gravid, distended belly, fully swollen with the child she was carrying.

Swollen with their child.

“How has she been?” Harry asked as he shed his clothing. His cock was painfully hard. It was rarely anything else nowadays.

“She's been behaving.” Lily rubbed her stomach before her hands moved south, spreading her soaked lips wide as she began to rub her clit. “But her mommy's been a naughty girl.”

Harry climbed onto the bed, lifted Lily's leg up onto his shoulder and pushed his cock into her pregnant pussy.

“Oh, Harry!” Lily moaned as she rubbed circles around her clit, her other hand kneading at her swollen tits. Not yet having hit a growth spurt, it was impossible for Harry to lean over Lily's belly to suck on one of her milk-filled tits, at least not in this position.

It was a small inconvenience, and soon Harry was slamming his cock in and out of Lily's heavily pregnant pussy as the older girl brought a tit to her mouth and sucked, drinking her own milk as her cunt squelched and farted with each thrust.

Harry and Lily had their eyes closed, completely enraptured in their pleasure, lost in their passion.

“What a lovely scene.”

Their eyes snapped open, heads turning towards the door as Harry stopped balls deep in Lily's pussy, cock pushing against her cervix.

“Dorcas?!” The two exclaimed.

Dorcas Meadowes was standing before them, naked as the day she was born, her voluptuous, chocolate body completely exposed to them, heavy tits and wide hips jiggling with each step she took.

“D-Dorcas, what are you doing here?” Lily asked, legs wrapping tightly around Harry's waist, pushing him deeper against her cervix, the barest tip of his cock popping into her womb.

“I am here to enjoy the fruits of my labor, of course.”

The shadows in the room shifted, and suddenly they were able to fully see Dorcas.

A long, spaded tail suddenly emerged from behind the sexy teenaged witch, along with two massive, leathery wings that seemed to sprout from pure shadows.

“What are you? What have you done with Dorcas?!” Harry screamed, still trapped in Lily's embrace.

“What have I done with Dorcas? My dear boy, neither of you have known another Dorcas but me. As for what I am? I think you likely know the answer.”

“You're a demon.” Lily stated plainly. “What do you want?”

“Merely what is already mine.” Dorcas explained. She reached the bed, and neither Harry nor Lily could find the will to move. Harry's cock throbbed inside of Lily, and despite the situation, the two let out twin moans of lewd pleasure.

“Wha-aaah!-what are you talking about?” Lily gasped out.

“Let me jog your memory.”

Dorcas snapped her fingers, and Harry and Lily both inhaled deeply.

The two suddenly gazed at each other, two pairs of emerald eyes widened in absolute shock.


“M-My baby boy!”

At that exact moment, Harry's balls could hold no longer, and he shot his seed deep inside of Lily, flooding her with his milk.

His incestuous seed.

“Two separate wishes, at two separate times.” Dorcas was on the bed now, stroking Harry's back as his hips jerked and spasmed and he continued to flood Lily's pussy. “One, a mother desperately wishing to protect her son. The other, a young man facing death, wishing for nothing more than a mother's love. They were sixteen years apart, and yet they fit so well together. I have fulfilled your wishes, granted you your love.”

“Oh god!” Lily was cumming, she was cumming around her son's cock. “H-Harry I'm sorry, this is all my fault!”

“No, mum, don't be sorry!” Harry cried as he did the only thing he could think of to make his mother feel better, he began fucking her again.

“Ah, ah!” Dorcas gripped Harry's hips, stopping him from thrusting any further. “Mistress Dorcas deserves a little fun too, doesn't she?”

“Mistress?” Harry asked.

“Of course. Wishes aren't free, after all. Your souls are mine, they have been mine since I granted your wish. Your baby is mine as well. All of your children will be mine. And you will have more, many many more.”

Harry's slimy cock had just popped out of Lily's pussy, and it twitched upon hearing Dorcas’ words. The demon giggled as she knelt down and took Harry's cock into her mouth, slurping up their combined juices as she fondled his little balls.

Dorcas sucked him hard and fast, and when she pulled her head up, her jaw was covered in cum, slick and slobber. 

“Yes, you'll be my baby factory, but not just with her.” Dorcas pushed Harry onto his back and straddled his waist. Before he knew it, Harry's cock was pushing into her demonic pussy, the weight of her curvy body pushing him down onto the mattress. “You'll breed me too, Harry. You'll bring my little succubi daughters to life, and we will take over this realm.”

Dorcas rolled her hips, riding Harry violently, her pussy twisting and wrenching around his cock as the demoness moaned and grunted.

Lily crawled up to Harry's side, cradling his head as Dorcas fucked him raw. 

“There, there, baby.” Lily placed Harry's head against her nipple, and Harry latched on, sucking hard on his teenaged mother's milk-filled breast. “Its going to be allright. As long as we're together, we're going to be fine.”

Harry drank and drank from his mother, losing himself as Dorcas continued to buck against him, even as his cock spewed its seed inside her pussy.


Jonas Kairiūkštis

Hot as heck. But! I reject your ending and I substitute it with my own.


Not a huge fan of the ending, but pretty good nonetheless!