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The Company We Keep

The Fraser company is running more unexpected obstacles. Grab a dram and sync up your copy of the episode and watch along.


Outlander 5x4 | Full Length Watch Along

Thank you Patrons!


Terry Yelmene

"You make choices.... foolish ones... or ones that save yourself or someone else." "All you can hope for... is that the good, will outweigh the harm, that will come of it." ~ Clare Fraser Anna’s closing comments were even better… “What comes back to bite them latter…" "What comes back to save them latter." "This is one of those episodes you have to see how the rest of the season plays out... to determine how... wakadoo (influential) this episode was." Little does Anna know exactly HOW RIGHT her comments will become... (this episode's events will be directly effecting the future). AND at the same time... HOW WRONG her thinking likely was at this moment of wondering... (I can pretty much guarantee what comes will be much different - much, much worse than Anna can even imagine!)


Oh.... that's...great...😬 🤣😂🤣😬😬😬