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I haven’t seen Shin Godzilla yet, but Godzilla minus one is one of my favorite movies ever! I went to see King of the monsters in 2021 on a whim and I’ve been a kaiju fan ever since.


I wasn't a fan of the storyline with the teenagers and the shorting the computers with the alcohol. Cut all that and I would've been a lot happier with the movie. Not that I hated it, but don't rewatch it much because of it. Much love for Kong, but Godzilla is such a bad ass. Had to root for him.


Agreed! Denise and I have been going over how we'd fix this script. We think that keeping Godzilla's behavior a mystery worked in a few ways but it hindered the film in others. We would've straight up focused on Serizawa's quest for revenge and how he's blinded by it. Open up act 1 with a Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla fight in the style of the first fight we got in "King of the Monsters" Obviously Godzilla would win this fight forcing Mechagodzilla to retreat and it's pilot Serizawa to now develop a solution (He needs more energy). That way right off the bat you set up Serizawa as a character with motivations and the true villain of this film. It doesn't take anything away from the film and gives us an interesting human to focus on. By the time we catch up with Kong we understand why Godzilla is visible irritable and now having to deal with Kong on top of everything makes his behavior have a bit more sense. By act 3 Serizawa gets the energy he needed and deploys Mechagodzilla to defeat Godzilla once and for all only to get hijacked mid fight by Ghidora's consciousness. Anyways just a slight adjustment that would've given one of these characters some depth and motivation!


To be fair.. The Best Godzilla movies are him as a villain imo


P.S. Godzilla was not attracted to MechaGodzilla but rather the Ghidorah ghost head used. This idea takes homage for when toho had mechagodzilla used with the old 1954 Godzilla bones that took control with his ghost like ghidorah did