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Fury (2014) Movie Reaction EARLY ACCESS (YouTube)



Fury is a masterful exploration of what war does to a person. Wardaddy realizes he has to force Norm to start the journey when he makes him kill the German soldier. But he doesn’t know what Norm will become afterwards. Bible becomes or remains pious. Grady devolves into animalistic cruelty. Gordo is the most well adjusted, but he’s a follower. As a platoon sergeant, Wardaddy is also charged with developing leadership potential in the subordinates who have any. I think he sees that in Norm, which is why he separates him from the other crew mates during their down time in the town. The others seem to sense this and resent it. But Wardaddy’s intuition was proven right at the crossroads when Norm volunteered to stay with him. The others followed his lead.

Jimmy Smith

I imagine the girl was scared when she saw those tiger tanks in action