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I LOVE both of your reactions to this movie. It felt like you guys completely forgot that it was a Cloverfield movie. And that’s definitely the best way to experience it. The title can feel like a spoiler, and it can take away from the tension when you go in expecting a monster to show up. (The original title was ‘The Cellar’, it was much later into production that they decided to change the title and connect it to Cloverfield.) But I agree 100% with what you said about how engaging the story was, you end up forgetting about any Clover connections. I was so captivated by the simple story and the mysterious situation. So the sudden sci-fi shift at the end still caught me off guard.


I agree John Goodman’s acting is so phenomenal here. The tension he created left me so uncomfortable at times. Love your point about his character being the true monster of this movie. How GREAT was that scene when they are playing taboo and he’s supposedly describing Santa Clause! “I’m always watching. I know what you’re doing! I see you when you sleep!” By the end of the scene we’re still not sure if it was part of the game or if he was really accusing them. Such brilliant writing and acting.

James Forrest

Really enjoyed this guys, thanks for watching it. It's been AGES since I saw this. It's not really got much to do with Cloverfield; when I watched it I watched it knowing that it had no real connection except in marketing ... and I really loved it as a standalone piece of paranoia inducing brilliance. Highly original, with Goodman doing an absolute star turn.


The concept is great! It's actually an exercise we both do. We must've written at least 9 scenarios that take place with minimal cast and one location so this film was so inspiring and such a cool experience.

Michael Szlezak

sweeet, i hoped you guys will watch it. cant wait to rewatch :D