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Gray probably just took like 30 pills that say not to consume with alcohol to keep his brain from melting out his eye sockets and the first thing they do is grab him a beer.



Some Ed

Drug interactions are complicated. Stuff that interacts with the same stuff tends to also interact with each other, so if you have 30 things that interact with alcohol, you have a very complex interaction going on. That said, I'd guess at least half of those pills are duplicates, because pharmacies don't make every conceivable dosage of pills. Even so, a dozen different medications that all have interactions with alcohol such that it's contraindicated is still going to be a really complicated situation. To be clear, I'm not saying the beer isn't a problem. I think I'm more saying this is actually less clearly bad than if it was just one drug like morphine that's known to have bad interactions with alcohol. It could, of course, be much worse than if it was just morphine as well. Except in this case, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that since this is a flashback, more than likely everything's going to be fine.


Haha I mean, he’s not getting this at a pharmacy any, he’s taking whatever ribofunk cyborg chow cocktail the spider robot mob doctor cooked up for him. I just think the idea that these are the kind of guys who wheel someone out of brain surgery and immediately put a beer in his hands is kind of funny.