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Gray has *definitely* been to the Stag Lounge in his spunkier days



Georges Fecteau

Great read. Nice tips for bareknuckled boxing. So Frenchy's name is Jean-François? Plenty of those in my generation. You've put more time in researching Québec culture than the writers of Brooklyn 99! ;)... Not that it excuses what happened to the french canadian remake.


Manitoba has its own pretty healthy French population! St Boniface is Canada’s largest Francophone community West of Quebec, it actually used to be a predominantly Francophone and Metis province before Canada annexed it, they fought a whole Red River Rebellion to try to stop Anglo Canada from taking over and putting a bunch of white Anglo guys in charge of the government.


If you print or sell this as a PDF, Panel 5 is missing the layer(s) of tone on Gray & Jericho's skin and their jackets. Possibly the BG as well


That’s an intentional stylistic choice to make them stand out against the background. Putting a tone touching another tone makes the whole thing look muddy