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I didn’t think about it when I was writing the comic, but Giovanni sure spends the majority of his screen time in this thing with his nose bleeding, huh?



what's for dinner

The way Giovanni so unflinchingly puts his nose back into place is such a nice touch. It's beyond the usual "tough guy who doesn't mind the pain" level and into being a well-practiced motion where familiarity with how it feels has meant there's no flinch response. It's one of those mannerisms that tells you a whoooooole lot about someone.


Originally I was gonna have him do the thing people do in martial arts tournaments sometimes where they stick a pen up their nose and use it to crack the bridge back into alignment (Ray Stevenson does it in the Punisher War Zone movie) but that was going to take a whole bunch of extra panels and I realized it would look really weird to anyone who hasn’t seen that happen before if this really posh guy suddenly stuck a pencil up his nose haha