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Surge’s ptsd nightmare seems to mostly be about Giovanni’s trauma, but I figure watching shit like this happen to people for 20 years is gonna do things to a guy. Giovanni probably decided that he had enough of feeling emotions in this moment and made up his mind that he’d rather not experience them again.



Some Ed

lol. As if making that decision had any impact on whether you're going to relive that moment over and over again for the rest of your life. Stress moments like that stick with you. If reincarnation is a thing, I wouldn't be surprised to find that PTSD can last millennia.


I’m mostly just joking about how Giovanni is so blunt and emotionally reserved while Surge has been on the verge of falling apart this whole time


he's still out there i have to get the pieces :(((((((( Poor Giovanni, he's worked so hard to be cold and strong and untouchable but Surge has this extreme memory of him all hurt and scared and small and vulnerable, not even dressed in a proper uniform. Though I don't think that Surge actually thinks of him as weak in any way. If anything, it seems like Surge is the one who feels helpless. He's barely present in his own nightmare, mostly just watching things happen, reaching out at the last moment. Even though this was a trauma that happened to Giovanni, it seems like Surge has fixated on it as a representation of his own failure and brokenness.


Yeah, I was definitely going for “Surge is a helpless passive observer in his own nightmare” vibe, like, you don’t know for sure that this is Surge’s nightmare and not Gio’s or even just another flashback until Surge’s hand comes into frame. I tried to tip people off that this was not quite like Surge’s earlier flashback memories, because it has a different panel style with no gutter or right angles and thick scribbly frames, whereas the memories had faint, overlapping square edged panels and the “present day” panels are crisp, clean black edges and never overlap