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This one is kind of a redo of one of the original pages I did like four years ago, recalibrated for the context of the story that now exists around it.

I kind of love the tacky opulence of dudes who wear way too many rings. I had ambitions of being a way-too-many-rings person a few years back, but it was too much of a hassle to take them all off every time I lifted weights and I kept having terrible intrusive thoughts of breaking my finger in a motorcycle accident or something and having complications related to all the rings cutting off the blood supply.



Duth Olec

I like the use of empty space in the last panel, he's a big guy but having nothing to compare his size to while he's kind of small in the panel gives him a vibe of vulnerability


I’m glad that came across! He’s supposed to be this huge like six and a half foot dude (I think they called him “the height of a Tyranitar” in the anime or comics or something) but I’ve been trying to keep him mostly feeling small and diminutive in the framing. Like, you don’t even get a clear sense of scale between him and the goons until six pages in.


I like tacky rings too, and i still collect them despite rarely wearing them, but it is very satisfying to have them there ready when i REALLY feel like having fists full of bling