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These goons probably thought they were being sent to retrieve some fuckup the boss felt obligated to, but now that they know Giovanni actually likes him they’re mentally running through every rude thing they might have done or said in their heads.

I’m trying to resist the urge to over-explain things going on in the framework of the comic and just leave body language and dialogue hang for people to interpret, but I do want to point out that Giovanni didn’t stop smiling politely until they got behind closed doors because he knows his underlings are looking to his reactions to make up their minds about Surge.




I could never date Giovanni. I'd take one step in his office, and I would immediately start trying to play with his cat. Cool gang bro, but there's a big kitty here, and I need to pet it.


There's really not a BIG difference in Giovanni's face between the first and last panels but whew, it's still a totally different energy. Also the mutual anxiety between Surge and the Rocket members, oh noo.


There was this one time when I was a little kid we were at a restaurant with this huge parrot statue and I touched it and it fell over into a glass room divider. My parents were terrified they were going to get sued for their kid trashing the restaurant and the restaurant was terrified they were going to get sued for not securing their giant parrot statue, so that was kind of the energy I was aiming for.