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Hey folks, 

so here is a status update on the game and the next patch.

I'm almost finished with the Splatter Combat. 

Now that you actually have to get past her, her encounter will now be much more nuanced and complex. It might take you a few tries to figure out what to priorities and when. Figuring out what to do to get past her should be rather fun. Or at least I hope it will be.

Also, there will be the matter of how you start the encounter when you talk to her which will have consequences how she behaves during combat.  Let's just say that its best to fight her on her good side if you want to have any chance.

The fight also introduces new mechanics:

1) Having to deal with more than one target. This will be especially important when we get to Madame Bijoux and her dolls. But in regards to Splatter, when she gets the bag out, you ll have the choice of targeting either her, or the bag. Which one is the target to aim for first? You'll have to figure it out. This will also allow Splatter to perform actions independently from the bag.

2) Heavy armor. Some enemies will be heavily armored. And thus be resistant to both Physical and Elemental damage. To deal with these, you'll need a new type of attack that won't hit super hard, but will ignore all heavy armor mitigation, which will be introduced in the story as you fight splatter.

3) IRONSKIN is also a  new defense ability. Against regular attacks it offers normal mitigation, but it will be most effective against undodgeable ONE shot abilities from bosses. However, It only will last for a turn, and costs energy. So timing and ressource management is key when using it.

The game over and win events will also be added in this next patch.

The "win scenario" as a slut, should also be added in order to gain access to the lower level as slut on the following patch. But this isn't top priority. So if I have to move a feature to the next patch, it's this one. Not missing a lot though, as this is just adding the winning condition to the Mini game you already experienced. As long as this is added with the Patch opening up the next level, it's all good.

Winning/loosing against Splatter will not grant new loot, but will drop the + augmented loot at a higher drop rate if you want to complete the set before the next new bosses. The point of Splatter is to put your loot back up to speed for the rest of the encounters while teaching your new abilities and mechanics.

NO specific ETA right now, as if there is a bug or quality issue, I may need to take a few more days to iron things out as usual. However, expect this patch to release between end of July and early August.

Take care.



Awesome can't wait till the patch is up so I can ay the story and experience the game over as Warior


Thanks !