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Hello everyone,

the next patch will be uploaded this Monday.

Here are the new features:

     - New abilities have been added to make the combat more engaging.

     - The Gear upgrade system has been added, this will be the main progression system

     - The Item shop through MAG has been added

     - Extra scenes and events after the first defeat (Where the demo ended) has been added

     - The "respawn" system after a defeat has been added

     - After a short tutorial showing you how upgrade works you will be able to fight D-TOX again and interact with her with the option to replay defeat scenes without combat for convenience.

      - There is an after battle reward system granting you loot, Credits, and item rewards. Some drops only happen if you actually win the encounter however.

      - D-TOX has special higher quality upgrade drops (only if you win) that you can farm (Preparing you for the next boss)

      - New icons, sounds effect and visual effect have been added.

      - D-TOX has been tuned to make the fight properly challenging (May still be fine tuned, it's not perfect yet)

And this is it for the new features in the next update this sunday.

Unfortunately the SLUT gameplay and slut option are being postponed to the next update. As the Upgrade system took much longer to program (There was a very annoying bug that deleted equipment rather then upgrading them). 

I did start working on the slut gameplay system. But right now it's way too buggy and broken to add on this coming patch. So I ll add it on the next update.

The December Update will be focusing on finishing and adding the SLUT gameplay, Opening the SLUT path, and adding the first Game over scene with D-Tox (Slut Path).

After that, the core systems for the game will be done and finished and I can focus on just making new maps, characters, and of course the Fail or Game over scenes.




Hell yeah! Take your time when it comes to the bug fixes and programming, I'm sure everyone would agree waiting a little bit longer is preferable to getting a quick but buggy game, so take your time, can't wait for the next update!


Yeay ! I'm so hype !