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Here is an update on the current progress for the next upcoming patch:

            - Reported bugs have been fixed

            - Performance upgrade:  shifting away from the usage of bitmap functions to WebGL and PIXI for better performance. This should significantly improve performance for everyone. But keep in mind that effects may vary depending on your PC's GPU.

            - Map revamps: Most maps have been modified to feel more "Tight" and require less walking to get from point A to point B. This should make exploration a bit less tedious.

            - Battle lag fix:  A modified version of the lab map, the performance upgrade and battle initiation changes combined should drastically reduce the chance of encountering the battle lag issue. Have tested the game multiple times with these changes and so far, it seems that the issue is now resolved.

            - The After battle reward system has been added. Regardless if you win or loose, you will earn Scrap credits, consumable items (Med pends, batteries, etc...) or special loots. However, winning will obviously earn you better rewards and special loots can only drop after a win.

           - Fast forward option for Dialog.

Now working on: 

           - The event after the first loss where the last demo ended (Ash stuck in the cell for some time and eventually getting out.)

          - The Weapon/armor upgrade system through MAG to add progression the game and actually giving you a path to "beat" D-tox eventually. Beating her means you gain access to the next level and boss, but until these are done at a later the time, the elevator down will remain close.

          - Preparing Dialog options with D-Tox to initiate battle, Learn more about her, Opening up to the SLUT path. This will also serve as an easy way to replay kinky scenes with Bosses without having to fight them.

What I'm still hoping to get done before releasing this patch:

          - Adding the SLUT mini-game that will replace the combat gameplay should you choose this path.

         - Adding the slut path (requires the mini game to be done first). But Image assets for this are ready.

What is VERY unlikely to make this month, but who knows, maybe it will:

         - The first REAL game over scene with D-Tox (Will require that you take the SLUT path to unlock with her. While Splatter, the next boss, will require the WARRIOR path to get her game over scene unlocked)

Remember that items on this list may be pushed back depending on potential bugs and issues I may encounter while adding them. Having a playable game takes priority over delivering an unplayable mess with more content. 

That is all for now. I will keep you updates as things progress. Patch is still schedules for end of the month.





Looks good. Just a question, how will the player be able to choose which path Ash takes through the story? Is it a clear choice (like a dialog option) or does it depend on how the player loses the first fight with D.Tox (getting masqued and put in an armbinder vs. succumbing to the gas)?


It's a clear choice you make through talking to D.Tox. I won't spoil it, but she will give you an alternative to complete your journey. If you refuse, you can always go back to her later and take that route. However if you take the SLUT path, there will be no going back to the Warrior path (So it's best to have two saves (one for each path)


Hey quick question about the demo, how do you get D-Tox to attack Ash differently in the battle? There is a message towards the end of the demo that says it's possible, sorry for being late or if this was answered already, I only just got around to playing it and it is AWESOME so far x3