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  • Splatter (Red side)

Uses brutal force to take down her enemies and bind them. Enjoys making others suffer!

Sexual orientation Straight!

  • D. Tox (Blue side)

Unlike splatter, Doctor Toxin relies on a very potent Gas to neutralize her prey and bind them.

Sexual orientation: Lesbian

Note: This poll is just to determine which boss is done first. Both boss are part of the game. You just vote for which one you want to see added first and the other second.  

Also, D. Tox is required to unlock the optional "Slut" route.  A totally optional path that may lead Ash into becoming a slutty willing bondage slut.

I already did the lines for the extra side characters and the vendor in the game. So now you guys have to choose which boss I ll be working on first.


Mikael Call

Ngl, voted tox cause lesbo.


Emmm....why I have a distinct feeling that you purposely gave that note to influence our choice. Like you were working much more on D.Tox and neglected Splatter. But it's probably only my paranoid mind, is it ?


Yes, you're paranoid. The reason I made this note is to make it clear that D.Tox Would have to be the boss to unlock this route as story wise it can't be Splatter (You ll understand as you play the story). I just wanted to make that clear so that people don't expect Splatter to open up the Slut option. Given that most here prefer unwilling victims, I am rather surprised this got the most votes. As for the "neglect" of splatter. Not the case, both Bosses are exactly at the same level of production. I already had ideas with splatter (Like she would teach you a new combat technique that would improve your way on the warrior path). So not there was no neglect on her. I did make that note on D.Tox however because well, It's true. To unlock the Slut path, you have to go through her first.