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Suggestion thread on how to properly silence and isolat Carmilla for the next game. What inventive measures should be taken.

As usual I may mix bits of mult ideas, but the more interesting and creative your idea is. The better.

So share...


Anya Rose

mouth glued shut, rubber patches glued over her eyes, and rubber plugs glued into her ear and then entire head (painted, sprayed, or dipped) into quick drying rubber to seal everything in.


An inflated bulb silencing her completely, magic fusing her mouth and eyes shut, resin poured over tomb, her tomb placed on the moon, under a lake, a special collar, Inflated collar, padlocks, glue paste painted on her face, a tube shoved down her throat teleported to a phantom zone and that’s all I got

Rob the Hungry

have you seen notashiny work i recommend something like this <a href="https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&amp;illust_id=63855803" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&amp;illust_id=63855803</a> but put your own spin on it


How about a mask whispering things in your ear? such as "Your only 2 tits attached on a body" or "Your only porpoise is to suck cock ..."


if you use the next time a rubber mask, what if the glass would be semi-transparent? so mirrored on the side of the "victim" and transparent on "our side", she sees nothing except her own fear and we see her scared look!:3


Some kind of happy sack mask, who keep her smile even in despair and let her eyes always open to see what happen to her


Sanctified metal mask, not painful but just irritating, yet she can never remove it. Comes with a plate with a sponge soaked in holy water held inside her mouth, albeit by an unfaithful priest so the effect only causes her eternal thirst rather than slow death.

lee jones

Huge gag that molds to her gangs or a huge pump gag filled with resin or something that turns rock hard and can never be removed, ears plugged up so she can never hear anything, head encased in something or maybe multiple hoods normal and inflated keeping pressure on her forever


Gag her by putting her head in a harness that forces her mouth shut (biting down on a small hose), then pump a rubbery glue through that hose, filling her mouth and keeping it closed. The hose could be attached to the panel of a panel gag that the harness is a part of. After, her ears are plugged with rubber (maybe the earplugs could be magic and they torment Carmilla by rarely whispering things to her) and a hood with two lenses over the eyes is pulled over her face and sealed to the rest of her bondage. The lenses are opaque for her, but we can see through them, so we can watch Carmilla's fear as she's sealed away forever.


Yep, love that Idea. I think I will go with that. A gag that can be filled with resin so that it can't be removed from the mouth once filled