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Ok before anyone starts to freak out. Yes, I am creating a new patreon page exclusively focused on femdom and Femboy prisoners/traps. I talked about it a week or so ago here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/thinking-about-23183175

Now calm down. This doesn't mean less for you here. If anything, if sexy traps in rubber bondage are of any interest for you. It will mean more.

Here are the details:

                        - This patreon will mainly focus on role play. No games, no big image sets. So I won't split time drawing between the two. Also in the discussion threat I made a week ago I talked about making more hardcore content there. It will be much more sexual, but it won't have any guro, amputee, death or other extreme stuff. I made this decision because Patreon is really cracking down on the more extreme content. What I do here is already on the edge of that and I don't want to to cross that line and have my patreon pages frozen or worse yet, shut down. 

                        - However. I will create images based on presets templates to create many OC's  VERY FAST for those who become patreon to this page. You will find in attached bellow an visual example of how I can quickly make a "Nurse OC" based on the same base template. The point is not to make new arts on this patreon page but to give images that will serve to help people role play either a female Nurse or a femboy/trap patient.  Once I have the template done for Nurses and Patients all I need to create a new OC for patreons there is their choice of skin color, hair style/color and facial expression. I can also change boob sizes (as you can see, the nurse is already done. So I only need to finish the one for Patients now).

                      - Each update on this new patreon page will take the form new  image assets that the nurses can use to role play with patients. For example one update there can simply be a new straitjacket asset and a new ballgag asset that can be used on the already existing patient assets (Can be applied to all OC's dosen't matter). So as you can see these are SMALL micro updates that will take very little time but over time will give a LOT of toll for people there to role play with their OC visually. A micro like update like that will only take me Half a day to a day of work to create. So that's all the time it will take away from this current site.

                    - The role play between patients and  Nurses will take place an discord channel I will set up when the new patreon page goes live.

                    - I will create "Cell blocks" "Rooms" and "cells" on the new patreon page that will be links to images of each location with the patients and/or nurse images reflecting that. For example. If after a role play, a nurse puts patient 008 locate in Cell Block B, Cell 03 in a bondage inflatable bag. Then if you click on the Link "Cell 03". You should see Patient 008 in his bondage bag.

                   - There will be Admins. Special nurses that have photoshop. Who will be assigned to cell blocks. They will be given updated .PSD folders for each patient and nurses so that  THEY themselves can change the images accordingly. I don't have to manage anything. The Admin nurses will do that for me. I will actually not even role play much if at all myself. I just occasionally come by the patreon page. Check if there are new patrons that subscribed who I need to create an OC for. Add a new asset for the nurses to use against patients. And leave. So I will in fact spend very little time on it. Most of the content, will be created by patreons themselves who will be given the tools to role play and make custom images and update them without me.

                 - So this will not affect my workflow here. Once I made the two basic assets (The nurse asset and the Trap patient asset). With a few starting toys (Ball gags, armbinder, and a straitjacket). The role playing patrons and the admin there can take care of the rest on their own. 

                 - However, if you are not interested in role playing as a nurse (No! Nurses cannot become patients. Only Femboys can be patients.) or a trap patient, but would like to see be able to see the patients in their cell blocks. The good new is: You can do that from here. You don't have to go to that other patreon page if all you want to see are those images. This is because I will create a "Asylum visitor" tier at 2$ on the patreon here. On it I will post updates to links to each cell. You are free to check "inside cell" images that update over time. so if you are a tier 2$, 5$, or 10$ patron here. Good news, you don't have to split to subscribe to my other patreon page just to see these pictures. How the update of images will actually work without me through admins, I will cover some other time. Again, if you already are a patron here for a a value of more then 2$ (The price to the other patreon page), you won't have to do anything.

             - But that tier here on your current patreon page will only give access to those images. Yes you can watch the patients in their cells. But you can't role play with the nurses or the patients. So if you want to have your own OC over there as a Nurse or patient and role play with the rest of them. Then yes, you will need to subscribe to that new patreon page. But frankly. It's only 2$ and you get your own OC over there. Trap patient or Nurse.

Ok that's it about the new patreon page. It's not live yet and will let you know when it is. I just need to finish the Trap patient asset and I can launch and quickly, and finish what I have to do here.

I hope you guys understand why I do this. I  love drawing girls in bondage but I absolutely love traps in bondage too. And I have been wanting to do more of that without really putting the current patreon stuff aside.

Been thinking about a solution this past couple of months and this is what I came up with.  It's fun. Different. Doesn't require a lot of interventions from me to keep running. If you want to know more about the details check this post I made on my deviant art page: https://www.deviantart.com/jacketfreak/art/New-cheap-patreon-page-focused-on-TRAP-characters-776716671

Alright on to current content. 

  1) I finished inking most of the dialog/intro assets of the Carmilla game. I will get more soon and will update that for Tier 4 "rubber devotee" patreons by the end of december.

  2) the VN femdom game. I have a big bug with a "Curse" variable that I added for this game. The idea is that if you the boy give in to the Mistress you gain "Pervert" points. The Pervert rank will range from 1 to 3. Each level will influence little things like some dialog options and even open a secret ending when all chapters are released. However I have a bug where the events that should add "perv" points don't add the correct value and fucks everything up. I am trying to fix that. If I can't manage to fix it before end of the December I will release a version of Chapter without this feature just yet so you can still play it this month. And will hot fix that later.

That is all. Sorry for the long post. Have a great day/evening. 

See ya. 




What do people do if they want to roleplay, but have the artistic skill of a half-drunk monkey, i.e barely any?


No you don't get it lol, that's not it at all. They don't draw anything. I still draw all the assets. The admin just switch things around in .PSD file I send to them. So for example, if a Nurse role plays that she plays with patient 03B. The patient is currently in his cell with an armbinder (It the PSD file for that patient which as all the assets in layer folder. Armbinder variation? In a the PSD file. Gag variation? .Psd file.) So the image of the patient in his cell currently has an armbinder. But in the role play, the nurse changes that to a straitjacket. Ok. So that changed. So you have to change the image of the cell of that patient to one where he has a straitjacket not an armbinder. What the nurse, report to one my admin nurse. The admin nurse as ALL my .PSD file, will all the ASSETS that I personally drawn. So all that admin as to do is, Open the .PSD (Photoshop file) of that patient. Hide the layer "armbinder." and show the layer "straitjacket". Export the image as .PNG. and update that image on the link. And voila, I did nothing and the admin updated the image to reflect the changes that happened in the role play.


Can't wait join as patient :) It sounds interesting and fun :)