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Final part of her demise.

So Rinko becomes a sexual doll to an enemy ship. But how does being a doll for the crew works? 

Rinko isn't the only doll on the ship. Dolls, like the crew have different ranks and values. 

Low rank dolls: Anyone on the ship can use them. But they are not very desired for most. Hence their low rank status. If someone gets promoted and gets access to higher rank dolls, they will usually not even consider a lower rank doll.

High rank dolls: The most desired dolls. Only a few higher ranks have access to them. High rank dolls have better health and life expectancy due to no being used that often. 

 Where does she stand in the beginning and after a few years? 



Inspiration regarding "sex doll":3 <a href="http://www.bilder-upload.eu/upload/995b9a-1530672018.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.bilder-upload.eu/upload/995b9a-1530672018.jpg</a>


Hey Ben. Unfortunately I already finished lining it and coloring it. Although her role is being a sex doll, It was never the intent to actually turn her into a typical blowup doll like in this picture. I am open to do something similar to what you just posted at some point in the future. But that is not the case here. I have my own original view on it, for better of for worse. Hope you still like it though.