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Hey folks,

so with the name of the winning character drawing near, I decided that now is a good time to introduce the lottery system with will pick a random name from the list of Tier 10$ patrons.

Note: if your last payment did not go through, your name will not be on the list. You get what you pay for.

The name will be picked using this random name picker: https://www.miniwebtool.com/random-name-picker/

Once a name is picked, I will take a screenshot and post it here to announce the winner.

So what do you get if your name is picked?

Essentially: You get to chat with me on discord or skype. And you get to brainstorm with me on what the actual content of the next picture will (Type of bondage, context, type of scenario, sexual/non sexual, theme, etc...)

But let me be clear, this does not give you the right to order me around, and decide everything about the picture. I still maintain creative freedom and the right to put some boundaries if I feel it's required.

Don't think of this as you commissioning me on what to do. But rather, be part of the creative process. Share your ideas and give your opinion. I will listen, I will keep some ideas and reject some. You will have influence on the final outcome of the picture set. But not total control.

Still here? Good.

I hope that this will work out as I hope. As I do want to give you all a chance to participate a bit more in the creative process. Which I hope will help creating new ideas and themes for variations. As a simple vote system for that will only end up with the majority always asking for the same things. I don't want to be stuck doing the same things. I want to explore different ideas and this is your chance to help with that. Hence, why a single vision is preferred for that part. 

But again, this does not give you total control. I just want to make that very clear. 

With all of that being said, I will proceed with the first lottery pick tomorrow.


Rob the Hungry

i see a problem with this system namely some of your patreons such as myself are not very creative and would not be very helpful in the brainstorming process especially if the character chosen is one we know nothing about. might i suggest you make a simple poll for $10 patreons to volunteer their names for the poll so people like me don't get randomly chosen.


A fair point. I might have an other solution for that. I could make the lottery limited to those who voted for the winning character. I will put up a poll to see if they would prefer this way.