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One of the things I hated about Sims 4 was the collecting experience. Waiting on plants to grow in zones you visit is a very poorly thought out mechanic. This is especially bad in areas you don't visit frequently, like Outdoor Retreat or Jungle Adventure. In fact, every new zone you go to, you'll have to wait on plants to be harvestable.

What is more, collectibles are not there when you first visit a zone. They come in slowly over the course of an hour or two. This means you will be roaming with the camera, see nothing. Go to another area, nothing. Go back where you started, and one object spawned. It makes collecting a massive headache.

For now this Mod is in Early Access for $1 tier Patrons and can be downloaded here

This mod seeks to alleviate this huge problem with the Collecting system in The Sims 4. What it does is make all plants instantly grow to blossoming (the stage where fruit spawns) they are first created by the game. This means that when you visit a new area the plants will be ripe for the picking. When you revisit a lot, if it's been at least 24h, the wild plants will spawn their fruit as well.

In addition, with the mod installed Collectibles spawn instantly when the zone loads and only take a single minute to get going. This means when you visit a lot you can scan for collectibles right away, pick up your loot, and head to another area to repeat the process. This is a much smoother experience IMO and is something many players will want. This is why I made it a stand-alone mod that you can put in your mods folder and forget. It should be fairly future proof based on how I've designed it.

Collectibles in Outdoor Retreat are further improved, as insects can have a 50/50 spawn chance. This means they may be ready to spawn, but fail to. Insects already have a check that makes them difficult to collect, so cutting down spawn chance doesn't help. It just leaves you frustrated scanning the forest for bugs and hardly playing the game. With the mod, insects will always spawn if they are able.

Thanks you for your support. It allows me to spend a lot of time making Sims 4 mods that I could not otherwise, and this was a suggestion from a Patron. I want you to know that I do read your ideas and want to approach those that are sorely needed. 

For now this Mod is in Early Access for $1 tier Patrons and can be downloaded here



How practical and just so wonderful how you're somehow able to find such intuitive solutions to issues we've experienced for years now - amazing work Carl

Notre Limas

Thank you for your continued work making the Sims 4 better!


Very helpful! Thank you!


Hey, thanks. Honestly, it was pretty obvious once I focused on the problem but I'm happy with the result. it just FEELS so much more right!


I am absolutely loving this! Thank you so much for this and for all you do for the players.

Laura Martinez Barca

me encanta este mod además te he dicho muchas veces y se que estás muy ocupado sería genial que encontrses un remedio a los reseteos de las plantas seguro que tu puedes eres un genio


I put this in my game mods folder in a separate folder, but it doesn't seem to be loading in my game. Does it need to be just in the mod's folder and not in a sub-folder?


I should be fine one folder deep. ie Mods - Carl's Collectibles Ready - Files in folder. Script files can't be more than one folder deep inside Mods. Is that how you have it set up?


Sorry for missing Shannon's question but no, I don't think that sub-folders matter on this one. Ill make sure to note it if they do!