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I forgot to put this in my update notes, but Patreon has messed up several downloads and included multiple attachments on emails when I do updates. Please grab your updates from the posts themselves.

I'm working on an important fix for players if they should want to remove my real estate mod, as we will need to clear lot ownership and refund all your money. The 2nd factor would be important, regardless but we just got a report of some strange behavior when you remove it. I'm working on a sell button and a mailbox interaction to sell all properties and remove the lot owner trait from your Sims. 



Hey, love this mod, its amazing :) having a problem when my sim moves house or if theres a household “change”, it seems to remove the properties my sim owned without money coming back. Is this a possible mod conflict or other?


I'm not sure what might be going on here. The game saves the business trackers to your household, so any changes to it shouldn't impact it. I'll try to do some testing to see if I can reproduce it.


So, I did some testing. I cannot replicate just moving household causing a problem, or moving someone in causing a problem.. but moving the household TO another household not only removes my real estate properties, it also removes the vet clinic my Sims owned. So in terms of merging households, the one that owns properties should be the one getting new Sims and not hte other way around -- as a workaround. I'm really unsure why they didn't think of this as a potential problem and transfer ownership, but I don't believe it's something I can fix right away


I ended up figuring out my own question, thank goodness.