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This mod started as "Carl's Difficulty Mod" but its functions have changed. It started a means to add some challenge to the game but has since expanded to improve many areas of gameplay. Difficulty is just an option now, even if the default is hard mode. This new update features the following changes plus everything in the original:

V1.48 - Dine Out Reloaded V2:

Quick Fixes in V1.481:

  • Waiters will be a bit less obsessive about the waiter station
  • Found a bug that could cause significant lag
  • Fixed a bug when the game will not spawn hosts. I force them to spawn, and they will go directly to the host station.
  • Overall stability improvements, thanks to testers on our Discord!

About Dine Out Reloaded V2

Several aspects of waiters have been redesigned in this new version. If you would like to learn about my thought process and how I went about fixing them, see here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/redesigning-sims-62226808 

To me, this makes Dine Out feel like an actually decent Game Pack instead of a buggy mess! In Summary:

  • Waiters will no longer be assigned meals. Any waiter can pick up a meal. This improves the restaurants efficiency.
  • Waiters will attempt to 'rescue' meals that were never delivered, often times saving a table from never being serviced.
  • Waiters are allowed potty breaks late in a shift.
  • Waiters will almost always avoid putting dish stacks on tables. They now have a brain, and will first attempt to put them in a waiter station. This helps a LOT with efficiency.
  • Customer obnoxious behavior has been further toned down. Children drawing on floors should be fully eliminated. I'm sorry Alexander, do that crap at home.
  • Some traits are blacklisted for waiters. Like Knox can no longer be one, and slobs cannot be waiters due to how they handle dishes.
  • Waiters are further less likely to drop food on player visits, and are super happy to be serving you. Angry stomp waiters should not be a thing very often.
  • Sometimes employees wouldn't spawn. This is a base game bug that my mod kind of made worse. It was due to hosts. If a host can't be found, someone will replace them.
  • New options are available on the mailbox. Relationship difficulty is now a thing, and will control how fast Sims make friends.
  • Tooltips are available on mailbox items, briefly explaining what the setting does. Even the obvious ones.
  • There is a new cheat: Carl.Fixfriends - if you type this, it will remove all friends under 15 relationship who are not family or not in a club. If you use a number like Carl.FixFriends 5, it would only prune those under 5. The relationships are fully removed.
  • Along with the above, you can turn on AutoClean Friends on the mailbox (default: off). This will prune Sims with exactly 0 friendship and romance each day as a means of keeping the relationship panel tidy.
  • If menu items didn't appear for you, I'm hoping this will actually FIX THAT.

Quick Update - New Cheats: There are now a Carl.FixInventory and Carl.SellInventory cheat available with the mod. These are used in live mode, even if they are used to help manage the household inventory. Carl.FixInventory will transfer all obects that can be in a Sim's inventory to the currently active Sim. Carl.SellInventory will sell everything from the household inventory, no matter what. Use this one with care. I expect the first to be most useful to players.

Quick Fix: Wild Foxes will once again appear as a lot challenge. Sorry about that!

v1.47 - burglars Improved, Part 2:

  • Burglars should no longer go looking for objects on the third floor.
  • Sims awake when the burglar enters, giving you a better chance of reacting.
  • Large dogs have a 35% chance of attacking and thwarting a burglar for you. More is planned in this area.
  • Small dogs can sometimes attack burglars, but not nearly as often. They can still stress the burglar out and make them give up.
  • Burglar Alarms - You will find the Stop! Thief Burglar Alarm Model X in build mode for $1500. This will help to summon...
  • Detectives - For now these crime fighters will always thwart burglars, given your amazing burglar alarm you paid a ton of money for. However, in the future, a new type of burglar awaits that may be much more slippery!
  • If you don't own Get to Work the Burglar Alarm offers the possibility of scaring them off.
  • Bugfixes and improvements to burglars and their uniform in particular. It was not always sticking around. It should be fixed now.

v1.46 - Burglars Improved, Part 1:

  • First off, burglars can no longer swipe through walls.
  • Burglars can now be stopped in over 20 different ways, from sorcery to mermaid powers and vampire abilities. Most afflicting buffs that are negative will work.
  • There is a new cheat. Carl.Burglar - type it past 10PM when Sims are asleep to insta-spawn a burglar.
  • A Good Neighborhood Lot Trait has been added, which will cut down burglar appearances drastically.
  • A Bad Neighborhood Lot Challenge has also been added, and will double the frequency with which you're invaded.

I'll begin work on an alarm system soon for Burglars and come up with other little ways to optimize their behavior and means of combatting them.

V1.45 - Burglars Feature!:

This release features a new Burglar situation that can occur at night from 10PM to 4AM while Sims are sleeping. The Burglar is very efficient and will go for several objects, assuming they don't get something really valuable. You have the option to click them and "Fight for Stuff" to try to get your belongings back. Should you lose, you might take a hefty penalty! The Burglar's outfit was created by Ravasheen (https://ravasheen.com/)

This is phase 1 of my burglars. Next, we ill have an alarm and I will tune it based on your feedback. I also plan to make other ways to make the Burglar go away, and also create a lot challenge called 'Bad Neighborhood' that will make Burglars appear more often. There will also be a lot trait that makes burglars very uncommon.

Other improvements in this patch:

  • Gravestones - Head to a cemetery (any lot with tombs) and you'll find a new 'Inter at Cemetery' button on the tomb in your inventory. This will conveniently transfer the Sim to one of the slots in the pre-made graveyard. You can find one searching for #GameplayOverhaul on the gallery or use those made by other players that have blank tombstones.
  • Tips for Guitar and Other Instruments are greatly improved. Can be from 10 to 90 at level 10. 
  • Less Autonomous Chatting - Sims are less likely to cluster up in groups talking away.
  • No View Art - this interaction causes immersion issues in a lot of situations. I've taken the ability away form the AI, unless they are at a museum or art gallery.
  • Children Make Messes less often and no longer need 90 responsibility to stop. They'll stop this at 35, instead.
  • Celebs perform "Hype" less often.
  • A CRITICAL bug fix for the new fishing update that prevented some lots from loading.

V1.44 - Fishing Reloaded:

Fishing in the Sims 4 has taken serious hits by EA changes over the years. It became unprofitable and even more random than it was. I've taken the bait and tackled the problem, bringing more sensibility to the skill and made it profitable once more:

  • All Fish require some type of bait -  if a fish had no bait, I've given it a logical choice such as little fish liking plants, big fish liking medium fish etc. Little fish won't enjoy those larger than them. All other fish bait preferences remain unchanged.
  • Bait is much more powerful, taking randomness out of fishing.
  • Bait is now listed for all catches in the top-right notification panel. If listed, it means that bait had a very strong effect and the fish likes it.
  • If a fish hates a bait, it's unlikely to be caught
  • Rares require bait to catch but are worth much more.
  • Both Uncommon and Rare Fish had their price to weight value brought back to what they were before EA nuked them.
  • Fish remain fresh much longer! 3x as long, actually. To give Sims on long fishing trips the opportunity to get to a fridge.
  • The notebook for fishing is garbage. Don't look at it, I couldn't un-screw this horrible decision they made to list baits regardless of their impact.

V1.43 New Option - Disable Relationship Caps!

People requested it, and I want to provide you with options. You will now find an option on the mailbox that will instantly disable the daily relationship gains for both friendship and romance in one go. DELETE YOUR DIFFICULTY SETTINGS.INI FILE to update!

V1.422 Less Annoying Conversations & Quick Fix Jan 3, 2021:

I just fixed a big related to some foods that have decorations not being edible. Additionally, I changed the way NPCs can converse with others. They must be MUCH closer to initiate a conversation and can no longer do so across the neighborhood, making your Sim sit there and wait for ages for them to arrive.


Quick Fixes: Fixed an issue where a lastexception might come up entering build mode.

V1.42 - Dine Out RELOADED (January 1, 2022)

This update improves Dine Out but does not explicitly require you to have Dine Out. Its changes will take effect if the pack is installed.

  • Chef Bug Fixed
  • More Sitting!
  • Faster Cooking
  • Paparazzi NOT Allowed
  • No Singing Autonomously
  • No Viewing Paintings
  • No Celebrity Hype
  • Kids Cannot Make Messes
  • More Customers
  • Less Dropped Food

V1.41 - LEAVE and Dating (December 16, 2021)

  • Dating: Sims interrupt others who are dating less often
  • Dating is about how Sims FEEL not Goals
  • Good Date: If both Sims are happy, you get a good date.
  • Benefits: A good date will help for 3 days! The two Sims will have an easier time with romance interactions during this time.
  • Good Date is a fine buff that will not impact your Sims' emotions.
  • LEAVE Function: Sims can be told to LEAVE immediately. This does not work only on dates, but everywhere on any NPC. You might be careful with it in some scenarios where an NPC is essential!
  • Goals can still be pursued on dates, but they will not be a factor on whether the date was good or not. The Mod's Satisfaction System must be enabled to use these new features.
  • Bugfixes and Improvements: The Satisfaction Daily reward is now more reliably calculated based on total positive and negative moods.

Enjoy and email carl@carlsguides.com with LastException from your Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4 folder if you have one related to my mod.

V1.40 - Gardening and Foods:

  • All foods have calories. This evens things out. Many had 0.
  • Fitness: Sims now have a basal metabolic rate, meaning they burn calories every day.
  • These two combined mean Sims can lose weight through both exercise AND DIET. 
  • Elders who have average fitness are able to work out longer
  • Elders are able to swim more now, despite EA seemingly thinking swimming is more dangerous for Elders. IRL it's a great activity for them. Easy on the joints eh.
  • The New Potion of Youth will restore Sims to the youth, but also reduce their body fat if it's high, making them a fit young adult.
  • Gardening: Plants need watered a bit more often, rolling back a change EA made
  • Gardening: Plants can spawn Rares much more often with grafting, giving you a reason to use what was a great feature of the base game before EA changed it.
  • Gardening: Sprinklers have increased range and can do about twice as many plants.
  • Gardening: Robots from Discover University are much more capable helpers, not taking hours to water a large garden.

The mod includes the above, but also everything available in the free version:

  • Important things like Go Here and Open Fridge are always in the #1 spot.
  • The Social Menu is reorganized and greatly improved.
  • Emotion: Bad moods hit harder and last longer. Difficulty settings are available on the mailbox. Default hard, medium in between and easy = base game. Of course.
  • Financial: Gains of money are halved, but this can be disabled on the mailbox.
  • Financial: Bills are increased substantially, to force your Sims to budget. Set this to easy on the mailbox to disable it.
  • Satisfaction: is tied to happiness. Having a really good or bad day can add or subtract from a Sim's current satisfaction. Satisfaction is given at 7am each day.
  • Satisfaction: gains from Aspirations are reduced a bit to reflect their low difficulty.
  • Relationships: It takes time to build friendships. Sims can only gain so much each day.
  • Relationships: Having matching or opposite traits helps determine compatibility between Sims.
  • Relationships: Friends and family are more forgiving of failure in socials than strangers.
  • Relationships: Friends and family are the best way to gain social.
  • Relationships: Less calls from Sims who are not friends. It's required to invite you out.
  • Relationships: There is a new Hang Out party type with no goals. It eases bad moods to be with your friends and helps slow social decay.
  • Relationships: Hang Out will give Sims satisfaction the following day.
  • Relationships: Charisma increases the amount of friendship a Sim can gain in a single day.
  • Careers: These now have a difficulty setting. Defaults to hard, but can be set to medium or easy (base game level). Hard slows gains but friends and logic can help.
  • Careers: Logic helps with all careers, giving this skill a purpose.
  • Careers: Meeting coworkers is more reliable.
  • Careers: Having friends actually boosts your career gains, especially with Coworkers.
  • Fitness is now a useful skill, and provides Sims daily satisfaction gains when they've "had a good workout" and not gotten too fatigued.
  • Fitness:  Failing to level it will lead to aging a bit faster after adulthood. However...
  • Charisma and Logic: are both improved. Logic helps with career gains, charisma helps with friendships much more.
  • Potion of Youth: Greatly improved and now takes a Sim back to Young Adult at a higher price tag.
  • Be Careful: Fires are a bit more likely to spread to objects if not extinguished quickly.
  • Naps: Naps did little, so now freeze your energy decay for a couple hours after taking one. This helps you get a bit more oomph out of using them.
  • Less Sniffing: Sniffing the air (Bust the Dust) and other repetitive routing events happen 75% less often.

I've made this post Patron-only so as to encourage more people to support the project. I'm working on it very heavily, so it's difficult to continue without that. I'm an adult with responsibilities like many of you. The original is still available to all as a bit of a "taste", though it's a fully fleshed out mod with good changes such as all of the difficulty settings and updates before v1.4. 


Make sure script mods are enabled in your Game Options > Other > Script Mods Allowed. This is a fix if the mod does not appear on your mailbox.

If you already have the mod, delete all files related to it - the config, log, package and ts4script files from your mods folder. Four files. Download both the ts4script and package files and place them in your Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods folder. If asked, choose yes to overwrite/replace existing files if you are updating without following instructions lol.



Hi just joined as I seen your tweet about this and was wondering if I just need this version or do I also need the difficulty mod further down to get all of those aspects too? Like the better friendships and career stuff thank you :)


Hey, sorry for being slow. This is the latest build with everything in both. I'll be working on this post eventually to clear up that confusion. I need to make another for the public version too.


If I download this mod will it automatically work in the game? I haven't done this before.


Hi Shannon! Yes, it will work straight away. You can use the mailbox to change the difficulty settings on 4 categories, should you wish to customize the experience. Hard mode is default BUT when you change it and reload the game the settings will stay :)


Would you be able to make the friendship/romance difficulty and daily gain cap a setting even just on or off?


Hi! I am loving this mod and all that it brings to the game. I am getting an error when a sim tries to eat any baked goods. It happened at home and at a cafe venue. The sim picks up the portion, sits down and then resets. I have a LE if that would help? When I remove GO it works fine. It may conflict with something but I tried it is a fresh save with no other mods and the same happened. Hope I can help!


Would you consider nuking relationship gains from introductions? it should give barely anything like 5 points its particularly bad if your sims have a good reputation!


I am loving what this mod does for the game, it's such an improvement. I was wondering if maybe in the future if there was anything that could be done with the sickness system? I've always thought it's bad in the Sims 4. Sims just sick with those annoying skin details which can be instantly fixed with medicine, it's such a boring easy system.


This is my first Patreon! I think your guide and this mod are amazing. Thank you for your work.


Great mod, it makes Sims 4 intresting again.


Has anyone else had issues downloading? When I click on the link it just downloads instructions on where/how to store the file, but no actual file folder. I am new to using mods so it's possible I'm doing something wrong I just can't figure out what. It only happens when I try to download through Patreon.


You could try right-clicking and save link as or save as on the actual download links. I'm not sure why this is happening to you but I did confirm the downloads are working for me. It may be a browser thing...


You sir, are a genius


It didn't download for me when I left clicked but with a right click and open in new tab, it downloaded. I'm on a pc using chrome


Can you disable burglars?


the carl menu doesn't show up on my mailbox


So hey Amari. Do you have script mods turned on? This usually happens when you have both the package and ts4script installed but have not let the ts4script work by enabling it in options.


Thank you so much for this! I haven't seen anything about conflicts, am I missing anything?


Heya I'm having issues getting this mod to work in my game. I have mods enabled but it is still not showing up on the mail box - are there any conflicts that i am missing in terms of other mods? I keep getting a script error when i load my game


Wow I love this


Thank you! This mod is so awesome!


This is amazing, thank you!! Would I be right to assume this will clash with roBurky's Meaningful Stories mod and MCCC's mod (for example, friendship increase/decrease settings)? Thank you again for your hard work, I can't wait to play :)

tammy dancer

Hi Again... Sorry for bothering you. Just wanted to say i upgraded to the patreon version. And now i get a LE error message. And the waiters dont pick up all the dishes. They just stand there ignoring the plates. And my sim was singing and getting tips. I also wanted to ask is there a way to get more than one hostess? Now that there are more simmies the place gets crowded and they just stand there idle. But still love this mod. Is there anything in game I can do to tweak it? Are there any mods that conflict?

Breoni Hester

I love this, and I'm so excited to put it in my game! I have an idea that might fit well into this mod - LIGHTS!! it makes no sense that 1) pets can control the lights and 2) sims turn on lights when they enter a room where someone is sleeping. I'm not sure how hard this would be to fix but it seems like something that would go well in an overhaul mod.


It's OK tammy, but something is wrong here... singing isn't allowed so I wonder if the LastException is that you might not have script mods turned on in your Game Options > Other area? Check the mailbox as well to make sure it's working. Without the script the mod breaks.


THIS IS ON MY MIND! I want Burglars to not trigger auto lights! I will investigate this, no guarantees, but I'd love to make this happen and 100% agree.

tammy dancer

THANKS for responding back. I do have my script mods turned on... I'll check the mail box though. But what waiters not picking up all the dishes? They leave some of them on the table. I mean they just stand there next to the table but do nothing?


My mod doesn't fix every issue with Dine Out, the GP is buggy -- it improves the work flow of NPCs and diner Sims. I will be looking at dishes though. I'm never done. Can you email me at carl@carlsguides.com so it can help me give better support, once you confirm that things are working with the mailbox get back to me.

Mindy Cope

I just joined and put this in my game, I followed the directions, I do use other mods, But this is not doing anything in my game.


Can you check the mailbox to make sure difficulty settings are present? This is the way to know it's installed correctly.

Mindy Cope

I removed all of my mods, and put in just this one, scriptmods is on but it does not come up on the mailbox.

Mindy Cope

I do not have that in my folder...I also just noticed when I login to the game, the script mod box is empty. I have put both of the above downloads in my folder.


So, I've been YouTube stalking you for some time now. I wanted to say that this mod is *the* reason I decided to become a patron. Super stoked!


joined for this mod....excited


how do I install this on my Macbook?


is this working with the new update?


Is this mod compatible with other mods? I'm specifically worried about MCCC because it seems to effect a lot of the same things.


I'm also wondering about compatibility :) Are there any mods that come to mind that it is/may be incompatible with?


Sorry I missed this, I've been spammed heavily lately in my inbox so need to check manually. Lots of mods should be compatible. I think the majority will be compatible but a few that do very very similar things may cause issues. I'm interested in making it more compatible over time so if people run into incompatibilities I'd like to try to fix them. You can report these to carl@carlsguides.com - I'd ask for people to use Sims 4 in the title though.


Finally, a fix for Dine Out 😍 Thank you for all the amazing work you did on this. I love your channel!

Notre Limas

OMG-the sniffing the air is SO ANNOYING! And unrealistic. I never go around sniffing the air. Thanks for this!


Some players have reported corruption whenever downloading the ts4 script file or the other so it would be best to right click them and save as on the file they both definitely work but sometimes the files get broken if this doesn't fix the problem you can see another post on how to reach out to me I would reference it but I am on mobile


Im loving how much faster the food is coming out with this mod but my sims are still Singing Autonomously


Hey! Is there anything in this mod that raises the percentage of fires? I've had like 4 sim fires in one week.


It actually just increases the chance they can spread by a little, but shouldn't be making them more likely to start in the first place. It's a carry over from when this was just "difficulty mod". I'll have a look to see if it is a setting I messed up back then and might even remove it, because the identity of the mod is much different now.


Are script mods enabled? Sims should have lost the ability to sing autonomously when the script runs on startup. I always have people check the mailbox to see if difficulty settings are visible. IF not, the mod might not be actually working in full.


So we delete the previous four files and now just need the two?


This is awesome! TBH I'm super excited for the calorie system too. Quick question though: does this effect the "health food nut" lifestyle? Currently the only things that unlock it are salads (any kind). It would be great if you could tune this to include foods below certain calorie amounts (ex: sugar free carob coconut cake, pan fried tilapia, breakfast scramble, etc.) I think the same should be done for the "junk food fiend" lifestyle. eating cereal for breakfast every day doesn't make you a junk food fiend, but eating chips, cake/cupcakes, and cookies might. Just food (haha) for thought. You've already done so much and it's incredible! Thanks for all your hard work!


I think ive done something wrong with installing this, ive stuck both the downloads in my mod folder and nothing happens when i click on the mail box. Ive got the burglar alarm though


Has anyone had trouble with Carol's Game Overhaul and UI Cheats? I've been having issues after going into build mode from the Map. I think that UI Cheats and this one *might* be the problem. I'm not sure. I am also using MCCC.


Been a fan of Carl's since the dawn of time! :) ......Anyways....Does anyone know if this mod conflicts with MC Command?


Hey thanks. And no it does not conflict because I develop it with that mod installed at all times


I have the same mods as you, and not having an issue here. Are all your mods up to date? Are you getting a last exception?


This mod is becoming a essential mod for me, but I do have compatibility questions for anyone who is willing to answer. Does Personality Please, Meaningful Stories, or Fitness Controls conflict or compliment this amazing mod? Also, I found this mod and Sim Spawn Overhaul conflicts in the Tray Importer tool so I was wondering are the sims picked to be host/waiter/chef local npc's or randomly assigned npc's from all worlds?

Sumire AO

Hi, how do I know if the mod works? I made the "bills easy" and "money hard" and I dont notice any changes, I get the same amount of bills and same amount of payouts


Is this mod unaffected from yesterdays patch?


Yes, mod works well after the patch 02/15/2022 PC: / Mac:


So I keep getting negative friendship when I take pictures with someone. I set the friendship to easy thinking that was the cause but it still keeps happening. Does anyone know what setting fixes this or is it intentional? Cause I don't want to lose friendship when I take pictures with other sims.


I'm new to mods and playing the PC sims . I downloaded the mod but I am not sure how to get it working? I've put it in my mods folder. Is that all I need to do? I have all my settings on as well


i love this mod but i am having some trouble in my not so berry save with the scientist career! now that it is not goal based my sim can’t get promoted no matter how many things she does around the lab. it doesn’t even give me the option for goals, just a corrupted looking event header…


Hello, I just had Better Exceptions flag this mod, is it up to date/compatible with current/recent patches? Thank you so much for your hard work


the bad neighborhood lot trait does no appear for me but good neighborhood does


So I noticed you said the spawning for Dine Out is still bugged and that's one of the main reasons I wanted this. I was thinking, the Acting career seems to always spawn everyone who is needed, maybe you could look into using that for the restaurant staff? Idk, just thought I'd say that cause its something I'd try to do if I could


Carl, you have spent many MANY years covering Sims, and I have been there for all of it. I am delighted to be able to buy you a beer every month from here on out with my support! .


Do the skill multipliers for Tiny home still work with this mod? I haven't tested this properly, but my Sim's skills are going up suspiciously slowly given that they live in a Tiny home residential (Micro home)


Carl. . .You Go Boy!!

Random Onlooker

Carl thank you so much for all your hard work! I joined after seeing how marvelous your Wedding stories patches helped the game! I would love the Dine Out Reloaded and Burglar changes here -- any chance we can get those split out into just those modules?

ChaseT Moon

wow this is AMAZING!!!


I love your mods, but the burglar alarm starts screeching when you click, "turn on" and the burglar was not wearing the striped outfit. Mind you, this is not a game breaker. Your mods have made it possible to play the game again and I thank you tons for that. Just thought I would let you know. Thanks again, your awesome.


I wish I could use it. I tried enabling it and it kept throwing autonomy errors, canceling actions and whatnot. I pulled all other mods out to make sure it was this one. Just curious, is it current to the recent updates?


Does this affect a teen's ability to quit school? I had my teen sim quit school using MCCCommand and they keep being auto enrolled immediately after. They were even booted from another career and reenrolled in school. I didn't remember seeing anything about school in the mod overview but this is the only new mod I installed so I'm not sure what else could be causing this problem.


Hi Carl, does the filtering of world sim spawn works for you well? It worked really great for me in previous versions, but with the newest one even if I restrict sims from specific worlds I still see them. I restarted the game after reseting it. Thanks.


Is the 'leave' feature not in this version of the Gameplay Overhaul?


It is! You shift-click. It was too prominent for how often it's used. It is a high priority cheat so should appear on the first page of your cheats.


Is the aging bug the reason why you didn't release any early access videos?


where can i find the options in game?


Hi Carl is this okay to use with the newest update? :)


I can't believe you updated it with fire difficulty!!! You're the best Carl


Does gameplay overhaul lite work with the new High School patch?


This is working flawlessly for me, even with high school expansion pack. Thank you for making a solid MOD! Can't imagine playing without it anymore.

Chelsea Derieux

Does this work with the new whim system?


is this still working? Love ur mods btw!