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Another year comes to a close! (or already has, depending on timezones and all.) I haven't really done one of these "year in review" things, at least not in a long while, but I felt like trying it this year.

It's nice to look back at what I've finished; besides the big pieces, there have been characters and profile updates and doodles, lots of fun things!

I won't lie, 2022 also kinda sucked for me. The rough patches were some of the roughest I've had, and there were months I struggled to get anything done, months that came dangerously close to not having an image on this board here. I won't go into detail on everything bad that happened, just that it wasn't great.

But I got through it. Thanks in no small part to the people who have supported me throughout, positive thoughts and comments on my work, little nudges to keep going. Seriously, I appreciate each and every one of you, the simple fact of having an audience is what keeps me wanting to provide more content. Yes, I make my art for myself first and foremost, I feel that it's important that any artist has an interest in what they do. But I don't think I'd be trying nearly as hard if it wasn't for wanting to share with others and make them happy.

And all things told... 2022 worked out. I achieved a lot! The rough stuff helped me move along, in its own rough way. Lots of new experiences, lots of new directions. (November is a great example of that, the lone non-Paeratopa piece in the mix showcasing some of that branching out!)

So... I appreciate you all, and I hope 2023 will be amazing for everyone! I'll be doing my best to contribute towards that, and I can't wait to see what else it will bring.



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