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Hello all! Figured it might be a good time to follow up last week's archival/organizational post with some actual updates :D

The month has been feeling very slow for me lately, definitely finding it harder to just sit down and work on a single project to completion. But I've been chipping away at a few different, smaller (and some bigger) projects on the sides, and while none of them quite warrant posts of their own, a compilation post is perhaps in order!


Speaking of in order...

- Starting with the first three images, this is something I've been working at off and on (and I believe something I've showed a peek at in the past as well). Something non-humanoid for a change! Now, cute girls are most definitely my main interest when it comes to this sort of content, but I also do enjoy just fantasy in general, and what says "fantasy" more than giant dragons?
This is actually two separate projects in these three images, the first is a specific dragon I'm working on (she'll eventually have a humanoid form too), and experimenting with replacing the default tongue that the base dragon model comes with. It's not a perfect fit, but it blends pretty well, I think.
The second and third images are more for the dragon model as a whole, a bit more experimenting with a feature in newer DAZ models (including this dragon) called "geografting". As you can probably see in the first image, there isn't much of a throat in that mouth; geografting allows you to "graft" new geometry onto a model, so what you're seeing is my initial testing and modeling to create a proper throat in there! Sadly this won't work on my humanoid figures (they're an older type), but it's practice all the same for modeling this kinds of features in Blender.

- After that... just a simple updated WIP for Ase, a character currently stuck in design limbo. I'll finish her sometime still! Just hasn't been a focus for me as of late. But she's still getting worked on, as you can see; working on adding color and detail with her little hair bow and probably some other details down the line, something I should do more often for my characters in general.

- Next up, a new character! I haven't 100% figured out how she'll be, but most of the design is already there, as you can see. Pinkish red hair and horns was the initial inspiration (from I think a few video game characters I liked the look of), and... maybe some other bits of experimentation with preferences and such, but I'll hold back the spoilers until she's finished, which should be soon!

- And finally, something extra-small, but another example of my modeling practice in Blender; low-res for now, just a little heart tag for a collar/bracelet I wanted to make. In the end I'm not sure if it'll get used, the design I was going for changed while I was working on it. But it's something I've wanted to do more of in general, making more use of Blender to model my own props and other items rather than being wholly reliant on what's available within DAZ.


And what else? Oh right! I was working on a 'simple' animation while back, wasn't I.
That's still getting worked on! Well, not actively, in all honesty I haven't touched it for the past couple months. But it's still there, waiting for when time and inspiration return; I figure it's better to take that sort of thing slowly, the point is to see if I can not to just suddenly rush and force out something because the idea struck. Hopefully it'll work out, because I'm already pleasantly surprised with how it's gone.

There's also a 'small' project getting caught up in design limbo, one which I already posted some WIPs for... but on Twitter! Not my normal place, but only because the project in question is/was intended to be a celebration piece for my reaching 2k followers there. It's going more slowly than I'd like, but that too should be getting finished soon-ish.


So... Yeah! I'm honestly still struggling with stress and now some health issues as well, but I wanted to share some of what I'm still trying to work on that isn't the usual big monthly projects. I'll still have one of those to share hopefully very shortly too, it's just been slow to start this month. But with any luck, you'll also start to see bits of progress on all of the above items and more, just sprinkled in amidst my "normal" work going forward!


