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Hello everyone! I hope you've all been having a good month so far; it's been hectic and at times stressful for me, but it's also been a good time for organization and productivity, which is what today's update is about!

First off: Discord!
As you might know, I have a small Discord server that patrons can join from here, which gives you a bit more access to just ask me questions or chat with other patrons and friends. As it's been growing lately, I've been trying to keep it updated to match; a new rules channel, channel guide, and now also an artwork channel that serves as just another way to browse my art right there in Discord, in addition to the normal Patreon/DeviantArt/Pixiv/etc posts!
I'd like to encourage more chats and stuff there, a more casual setting for people to talk about Paeratopa with me, see peeks at what I'm working on, that sort of stuff. I know Discord's not for everyone but if you can make an account, do pop in to have a look around, there's no obligation to actually chat in there and you don't need to be an active patron either if you do want to stay. ^^

And then secondly, and tied to the above: I've had people ask me about having an archive of my old and current work, so I finally managed to scrounge up all of the old scattered stuff I could find and uploaded all of it to a shared MEGA folder. Includes some things that I'd only ever posted on Tumblr, like the old "askblog" content I had once worked on! Plus just old stuff that's still on various sites but a pain to dig up, old character renders, etc.
You can view the archive here: https://mega.nz/folder/wr4xjQyY#A9WGR-h-2O0TmJ1PEwI6UA

Of course, there's more to come this month in terms of just art and the usual, I'm just moving a bit slow right now. In the meantime I hope you'll all be able to check out the above stuffs! And most importantly, I hope that life is treating you all well. <3



take ur time b tysm for the archive mega post !!! Glad to hear from u :D