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"'Appy blurth'ay~!"
"K-Kuchi, wait- eehp! Kuchi I'm slipping, and it's not my birthday..."

Kuchi's affections are a difficult thing to escape from, especially once she's decided she wants to give you some of her love! Even for friends she is inclined to keep around instead of treating them to her usual swallow into an 'exaggerated hug', sometimes she just can't resist, or just gets a little carried away... Of course it's hard for her to exercise self control when she knows those friends she gulps will just come back a little later anyway!


Not belated this year! A "quick" birthday project for myself, finished in... more or less one day. (I had posed Kuchi like this a couple months ago and ended up not using it, so part of the work was done for me when I decided to pick it up again today.)
I've been doing a lot of Kuchi pictures lately, but I can't help it, she's one of my favorites and was just a perfect fit for a self-indulgent project like this. As is her lil' prey for today, May, a permanently tiny character who's probably due for a proper introduction soon! Sometime after Kuchi's done with her, of course...

update: slight color corrections and cleanup



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