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One of two projects I'm working on this month! If I seem like I'm going a bit slow lately... Well I am, but also because of me trying to do two things at once, whoops. (The other one isn't quite ready to show yet, but I'll have a WIP dump probably in a couple of days for it; a belated celebration piece with Emma for reaching 2k followers on Twitter!)

As for this one though, it's a scene concept I've had for a while, but kept getting stuck trying to figure out who do to it with and how to do it. Still working on that last bit, but it's getting there! A bit hacky, I did try to make an actual mirror to reflect off of but that immediately didn't work how I wanted, so the second option is simply... two mirrored cameras and two renders stuck together. :D But hey, it works! Sometimes it's not about being perfectly accurate, it's about getting the final image to look like it's accurate.

There's more fun stuff to come on this too; a bit of pose tweaking, some lighting tweaks to better suit the implied scene, and most importantly, a hapless prey-friend for us to be viewing from the perspective of. Nearly there already though, even if that last bit is going to be kinda tricky to pose and everything!



Anna Kathryn

Like the mirror idea! Would love to see Elie or Emma or someone else with a long tongue licking a mirror :P