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At long, long last, this one's finished! As usual, the public post (with accompanying story/blurb) will go up later on my other sites, but for the moment it's a Patreon exclusive piece. The public posting will probably come either tomorrow or Tuesday.

Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys this piece! A fine view from the perspective of one of Momiji's many meals, as Yuumi oh-so-kindly readies another tiny treat to be dropped in. Just as soon as the first one's been gulped down, of course.

For a bit of a personal note, I'd like to apologize for how long this took to come out. I'd had all the hope in the world that I would have this done at the very start of the month, but personal issues - stress, depression, and all the lack of energy that comes with them - well, it hit me hard. Not quite out of the woods yet either, I'm playing catch-up on a few other things still, and there's still family obligations to attend to, but I can't tell you how happy I am to have this piece finished and where I want it.

Cheers, here's hoping the future holds a lot of positive energy for everyone!




Looks fantastic! really love how it turned out and can't wait for the story. were you going to do another angle for this scene?


I haven't got any plans for extra angles, but maybe it'd be something to come back to if I'm ever at a loss for ideas!