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Starting off 2022 by finishing a new character! Welcome to Ueru, another non-Paeran inhabitant of Paeratopa, though one could easily be fooled into thinking she's one of the natives. And for a bit of introduction...

With her very soft and gentle personality and a decidedly easygoing approach to sating her enormous appetite, Ueru fits right in to the strange world she's ended up in. Even though she doesn't possess any magic of her own, she can still occasionally cause people to shrink; an ability she's quite unaware of, basically just building up ambient magic like a static charge, and over time, charging it up until one accidental touch causes someone near her to just... poof! tiny. She'll be the first to insist it wasn't her that caused it, though she does find it odd that people randomly shrink near her every so often. She'll also be the first to gently gather them up for safekeeping and... maybe some casual snacking...

Ultimately, she is an exceedingly sweet, kind, and gentle character, contrasted by her lack of discernment between friend and food (when someone is tiny) and her often overwhelming urges to gobble up such tinies, driven to particularly powerful heights when a tiny prey might look especially pitiful and helpless. She can’t quite explain why she feels these urges, nor does she question them; that inexplicable odd arousal, a not sexual but a very much pleasant sensation to her, and one she is happy to blindly indulge. Quite comfortable with letting tinies stay with her, but still very much considers them to be food even when she doesn’t feel like eating them; tiny ‘friends’ can find themselves given a bit of shock in instances where she has no visible inclination to eat them but finds them in her food by accident, and would quite simply rather consume them than rescue them even when it might only take her but a moment to do so.

Not being a Paeran does have some effect on her habits too; she doesn't have any real need to eat tinies, and certainly doesn't mind letting them go if they ask, either! (Providing they realize they should ask while they still have the chance.) Conveniently, she can also ruminate, an ability she uses somewhat sparingly, though not for any particular reasons besides casual lack of urge. Sometimes she’ll ruminate a tiny because she particularly enjoys their company; the ones she devours due to that sudden onset of predatory urge are ruminated with some frequency as well, a sheepish apology of sorts for letting herself get carried away, though she’s rarely concerned about having eaten them so much as having eaten them too quickly.

Ueru (who, admittedly, may still get a name change in the future; I never quite settled on whether I like this name for her or not) is a character I've had the urge to make for a little while, a bit non-standard in terms of her 'lore' and yet her design is just a bunch of my usual favorite traits. :D It seemed only fitting to prioritize her for the start of the new year!

