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A whole bunch of unposted "doodles" from this year! One of the big benefits unlocked by my switch to a new computer and new render engine is this, the ability to do preview-mode renders that take about a minute and are already nearly on-par with the full renders. Not only is it great for mock-ups and previews, but also for just small scenes like these, where I maybe don't have the time or motivation to go through with fully finishing them, but I still want to make something from it!

From first to last, in reverse chronological order (first is the newest)...

1 - Mabel toy tease. A little description to go with this one... "PoV: Mabel asked if she could play with your Hot Wheels and now you regret it" This was a little scenario that came up while chatting with friends about Hot Wheels and Mabel. And what she'd likely do as a tease if she saw you playing with one! Don't worry, she'd give it back, just probably very slimy...
Might turn this into a full scene (or even a sequence!) in the future, we'll see! I'm pretty happy with how the car looks like a toy, but maybe I could find a proper Hot Wheels model to use there instead.
2 - Eloise mawshot. Pretty self-explanatory! Might also turn this into a proper render later, a PoV of cow-girl Eloise showing you in. (More on her later, too! I'm nearly finished with her model.)
3 - whale-dragon and Caitlin. The results of messing around with odd dragon designs! Something for Paeratopa maybe? Also Miri's character Caitlin couldn't resist getting gobbled up along the way.
4 - cow-dragon maw. As above, more messing about with odd dragon designs! Maybe not for Paeratopa this time, but it is tempting, hmm...
5 - cow-dragon scenery. Also as above, but with additional experimenting with various jungle scenery props I have! Still not quite as "lush" as I want to make things, but it's fun to arrange props like this.
6 - Uie and Lalasa tongue comparison. As says on the tin, and I'm surprised I didn't post this with either of their introductions! I might have rendered it separately though. They're both friends and both have quite large tongues, so I wanted to see how they compared.
7 - Mara and Sofie. This one might also need further explanations, but that might wait until I've actually finished with both of these characters! The TL;DR is that Mara and Sofie are friends, although Mara may not be aware of just what is in her mouth. Or why Katrina (at the bottom) is looking a little concerned about what's happening with her currently shrunken girlfriend...
8 - Mara and Sofie close-up. Do you need me to explain what this one is? And pardon the surprise nudity, I don't often do it but nipples are fine I think. :D
9 - Lissa showoff. And "finally", this piece from back in March! I forget the specifics of this one, aside from it being a pose I had saved and I wanted to see how Lissa would look with it. Which I think turned out well, perhaps another one to finish up later (sometimes simple is good!)

This year was... slow, but I had a fair bit of dabbling here and there in new things, a bunch of experimenting, so I suppose that plays into some of the slowness a bit. It's been harder to actually finish some pieces, not really helped by the events of the past two years or my own perfectionism. But I'm happy to at least have a fair bit of content to show at the end of it all; some projects big and small, new and old, and more to come in the coming year.

Thank you all for joining me this year, or for sticking around this far! I promise there's plenty more to come, even with my slowness leaving gaps in the content. One of my big goals moving forward is to once again settle into making sure there's at least one project for every month, and I'd love to make it more than that. I'm trying not to rush things, but this is something I need to do for myself as well as for all of you. And I'm going to try my best! <3



Anna Kathryn (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-24 23:34:39 &lt;3
2021-12-31 19:15:42 <3
