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Just another quick progress shot! This is the view from the main camera, now that everything has been tweaked to fit. Her mouth might need to open a little wider still, just so there's more than a sliver of the outside scene visible. (Momiji's tongue takes up a great deal of space!)

I'm still a little stuck on who's going to be in that outside scene, on that note. Yuumi is probably the best choice - it's something that would be in-character for her, perhaps visiting Momiji to "borrow" a few prey for herself, and sticking around to feed a few to Momiji - but there's other options too. Momoe, Yayoi, perhaps even Sari would all be good choices, helpfully obliging Momiji's request to be fed another little treat and watching them slip down that throat. (links lead to their respective tags on my Tumblr, in case anyone needs a refresher on who each of them are.) There's also an option of a character I've been working on, though I'm a little hesitant to throw them into a scene so quickly when I haven't quite decided on their details, yet.

Of course, I'm open to hearing your thoughts on the subject! I already have a plan for what that outside scene will look like, but I can be influenced by a good idea or two.




I'm actually curious as to how much control you have over coloring when it comes to interior shots like this - whether that's something you can easily alter within the renderer, or if you would have to do some extensive PS work afterward to change things.


There's a good amount of control available within the renderer; the color of each of the lights can be altered, or the color of individual materials, so I could - for example - make the main fill light a little pinkish and give all of the fleshy parts a bit of a pink ambient setting, and that would give the impression of light being filtered through the flesh. A spotlight outside could then have a plain white or slight blue tint to show daylight perhaps, that sort of thing. But, that all can be tricky to get right! It doesn't always show in the preview window, so that means there needs to be lots of little test renders to see how the colors will look, which is time-consuming. More often than not, I keep a very neutral white for the main renders, do a second render with a different set of lights (which have a warmer tint), and then make final adjustments with Photoshop's adjustment layers. The last picture of Neema, for example, is those two renders combined, plus a levels adjustment to make it all more vibrant, because it was looking a bit dull.


Hmmm, I like Momoe and Sari a lot. Wasn't the main idea having the second girl winking at the camera? You mention the second one being there to help Momiji? Maybe have the second girl holding and dangling another little prey while winking? Seems to fit the scene you were describing.


Yeah, that's what I have in mind. :) The scene would be seen from the perspective of one prey, while there's a second one being held above, most likely by the observing pred. I'll probably take some liberties with the original suggestion, having the observer grinning down at the viewer instead of winking, or maybe looking curious... just sticking with the spirit of the scenario, that being that the observer is happy to watch the prey disappear down there.