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Communications to and from Paeratopa have been a little stuffed-up lately, so that's why this piece is… *checks calendar* T-Two months late. ^^; Look there's no internet there, okay?! It's a miracle this level of communication is even possible!

I am super-happy just to have managed to get this done before the end of the month, I can chalk that up as a win at least! I'm pretty happy with how the picture came out, too. What a fun time in there, from the looks of it! Sari's real bad at holding still, as her tiny playmates are all finding out for themselves, but they did all volunteer for this, I'll have you know. Vore Day tradition. Some are a little more shy/hesitant than others, but I'm sure they'll warm up...




Very cutes

Saftkeur (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-24 23:56:21 Glad you like it! <3
2019-10-01 14:57:29 Glad you like it! <3

Glad you like it! <3


Best kind of party! And, welcome back!


Thank you! You know I haven't gone anywhere though, right? I just don't make my posts here public often, haha. I've been putting up WIPs and stuff all month ^^