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Half-update, half-rework, I suppose? Besides the usual standardization tweaking and fixing of little niggles, Wendy's also had a hair color change, from blonde to brunette. Actually, brown hair was her original incarnation, but I did a more dramatic re-do of that before she was ever posted online; in a way this is more just a return to how she was, minus all the stuff I didn't like about her design at the time.

I... don't think I've ever posted her here, for that matter! At least I never tagged her properly if I did, and Patreon's post search is kinda sluggish and all, so might as well intro her a bit more properly now.

Wendy is, of course, a Paeran, of a tsubashii variety. She's more calm and quiet than some of her peers, though don't take that wrong, she's no less ravenous or outgoing than anyone else, she's just not so noisy about it. :D She may not have any magical senses or other such traits, but she's quite good at noticing tinies scampering by, and always quick to scoop 'em up for later. Or for a bit of indulgence right then and there, warm and friendly and oh-so-irrepressible as she smushes them to her tongue and slurps them in before they can so much as gather their senses. She's the sort who's not terribly difficult to convince to not eat her prey, providing it's a reasonable argument beyond just "I don't want to be eaten", the issue being that she just... doesn't often give a lot of opportunities for conversations, not when she's always so eager to either indulge or to play the role of a generous hostess to the friends she so loves to have visit and share meals with her.

As a positive, she's less keen on actually shrinking and eating people when already-shrunken prey are often readily available, so she can be a bit safer to be around if you've got your full size about you still. She's just a bit extra-friendly with licking and she quite likes going after ears and noses for a bit of amusement. :P



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