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I haven't had the opportunity to go sorting through my projects and grabbing progress screenshots just yet, but this one was laying around already! You may recognize the scene this is from (it was posted here earlier); what you see here is the process of rendering the background, while the "blank" Teena figure is invisible to the render and only casts a shadow.
Final result of this is an unobstructed view of the ground and background, but with a properly-positioned shadow for when I add Teena as an additional layer!

This post also a bit of a test and a preview of the sort of early peeks I might start to post here as Patreon-exclusives. Just one of the ideas floating around right now; we'll have to see what works out best, but if this sort of stuff seems interesting to everyone, then that's what we'll do! I'm posting this one publicly to serve as a teaser as well, but the majority of these posts will be patron-only.




Oh wow! I always thought you worked in a programme with pretenders models that handled shading and lighting automatically. It's cool to see why this is such a labour-intense job; I'd love to see more of these


Thankfully, once all of the lights are set up, they can be saved as a preset and just dropped into other scenes! In this particular case though, because I wanted the background and the figure on separate layers (the program can do its own focal blurs, but they look grainy so I prefer to do them in Photoshop), I had to go through this process to make sure the background still had a shadow cast on it. :) For simplier stuff, like some of the (kinda clunky-looking) 3D vore animations you'll find on YouTube, a lot of those are using the same program and just using the basic, default light setup, so it doesn't HAVE to be a lot of work. It doesn't look nearly as good as having your own lights set up though, and you miss out on a lot of things like cast shadows and reflections and stuff. I'll probably upload the individual layers for this later to show the process a bit more, so you can look forward to that! ^^