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Oof, it's been a challenging month for me. Sorry for the lack of updates in a while, I've been making progress on projects but it's been super slow and overwhelming!

For a personal update... go figure, I got a bit sick a second time, though not as bad and recovered more quickly on this one. Adjusting to new jobs and schedules has been the trickiest bit, sore muscles, bit of allergies coming and going as the weather and season shifts. Basically still a lot of the same from my April update tbh.

Art-wise though! Admittedly that's also continued to be slow, but I do have some stuff about to show up, so keep your eyes open ^^ Another doodle dump is in order, mostly some small gifts for friends this time around, though there's one more character concept in there too still...

From first to last:
1-4 - A spontaneous sequence of Kuchi playing with her friend Bellatrix, who is definitely getting what she signed up for when she agreed to letting Kuchi give her a hug~
5 - Technically I've shared this one already, but I decided to update it! Mostly just making her hotdogs bigger, because the previous render felt like it wasn't giving her appetite justice :P
6 - And finally, another as-of-yet-unnamed character, just happily showing off ^^ I have further detail to flesh out on this one, and I'll have to do a proper write-up once I have enough of it cleaned up and shareable, but there's no context needed to just enjoy the view here! She's a Thera character, that's pretty much the only other bit that's possibly relevant (and honestly not that much so, both Paeratopa and Thera are there to push the same buttons, just the fact that Thera is more modern and all).

The Nancy and Momoe project has continued to take a lot of work to make progress on, but I'm actually about to start the rendering after I finish writing this post, so it's soon! Definitely before the end of the month. And I've got a couple other projects to show as well; one that'll go up shortly (not sure if I can get it out today, but potentially so), and a commissioned project that I can't share until mid-June, but I'm excited to show what I've been working on there.

Thank you all for continuing to be patient with my slowness lately, I really appreciate all of your support and kind comments! Slow and steady, for as tiring as having multiple jobs is now, it's also a relief, and slowly giving me more inspiration and ideas as to where I want to go moving forward.

edit: changed out some of the doodles!



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